Windows X64 Searches 5 Times Longer Than Windows XP!

May 10, 2008

Why does Windows Vista x64 search so long, especially when the progress in the bar is at the end and the ring is rolling (a replacement for the sand glass)? When a search is not "nearly instantaneous" it takes nearly forever. That is, when you ask for an Advanced Search of Computer, the bar first goes half-way across fairly quickly. Then it goes more slowly to about 3/4 of the way, appearing to redraw the bar every second or so, then more slowly still to 7/8, etc., getting closer to the end with each redraw - but never quite reaching the end. I watch hopefully as it gets to the little down-pointing triangle, thinking that it will give up when it gets there and report that it can't find what it's searching for. But it doesn't.

It keeps creeping further, past the vertical separator at the end of the Address Bar, and then at a maddeningly slow pace across the red "X" and... hours later, the green bar is still being redrawn and it STILL hasn't got to the end. Windows XP Pro on the same computer (but on another HDD) searches for the same files (on all HDDs) five times faster.

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Status Msi: Installation Windows Keeps Popping Million Times

Jul 28, 2009

I have just been reading previous solutions to this problem and understand it is to do with HP. Unfortunately I do not have a disc to insert as I have changed from XP to Vista and the CD I received with my HP printer is for XP, I therefore downloaded the install of the printer from the HP website for Vista. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this annoying installation window that keeps popping up a million times?

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Windows DVD Maker Will No Longer Run

Apr 26, 2008

I have used DVD Maker a few times but no for some reason it will no longer run. I have Vista Ultimate SP1. There are two different error codes:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:DVDMaker.exe
Application Version:6.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp:479193d1
Fault Module Name:kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp:4791a76d...........

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Windows Update No Longer Works

Mar 31, 2009

An earlier thread mentioned the Conficker worm, how it is affecting Vista, and that the threat has changed. I have two symptoms of the worm - Windows Update no longer works (when I load it goes to a blank windows explorer screen, which I have force quit through Task Manager), and Windows Defender no longer works. I have used multiple Conficker removal tools (BD, F Smart, MS Removal) and none of these have found anything wrong. Any ideas if this is Conficker adapting or if its something else?

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Windows Mail Can No Longer Support HTTP

Jul 29, 2009

I have read that the solution to the error message that says that Windows Mail "can no longer support HTTP" is by installing Windows Live. I did install Windows Live, however, and the error still appears. What else has to be done?

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Windows Defender And Firewall No Longer Supported

Jul 29, 2009

Everytime when I boot up my laptop, the Firewall and Malware Protection under my Windows Security Center section are constantly turned off. I can turn them on manually, but they will occasionally switch back off again. I'm assuming it's some spyware or something, but all my scans have come out clean. Aside from that, another issue in the Malware Protection area is under the Virus Protection section. It shows me the following message: "Windows Live OneCare is on but is reporting its status to Windows Security Center in a format that is no longer supported. Use the
program's automatic updating feature for an updated version."

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Windows Explorer Preview Pane No Longer Gives Previews

May 13, 2008

I don't know why this happened, but for some reason whenever I single click on a file the preview pane no longer generates a preview of the file. For files that a preview cannot be generated it still gives me the "no preview available" message, but for files that a preview should be present the preview pane just goes blank.

The most common files I use the preview pane for are .txt, .doc, .wmv, and other image files. Strangely enough, images still show in the pane, but I have had no luck with other files. My default program for videos is still Windows Media Player 11 and my default .txt program is Wordpad [I use Word for .doc]. Is there a way to simply reset this feature or could someone

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Printing: No Longer A Feature With Windows Operating System?

Jan 8, 2010

after weeks of fighting, troubleshooting, debugging, deleting, reloading, uninstalling, installing etc etc etc. I have finally come to the conclusion, that being able to print, is simply no longer a feature with windows operating system. Unless someone can tell me a fix that no one has discovered yet. I refuse to believe that the fix to our printing problems, is throw out the PC and get a new one. If thats the case i'm sure that there will be many people like myself who make the leap to MAC!

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Windows Media Player No Longer Playing DVDs

Mar 23, 2008

My machine is running Vista Ultimate, and I discovered the other day that Windows Media Player no longer plays DVDs. It used to, but it doesn't now. (Because I don't play DVDs on my computer very often, I have no way of knowing exactly how long this has been going on.) When I try to play a DVD in Media Player, I get the message that "Windows Media Player has stopped working," with the explanation that "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." (It perhaps goes without saying that I have yet to receive any such notification.) I'm provided with no other information about the problem; only a Close Program button that shuts down Media Player. I still seem to be able to play MP3s with Media Player, just not watch DVDs. On a whim, I decided to load up Media Center to see if maybe that would make a difference. While I still can't play DVDs, I at least get a different error message: "Application Failure: A critical Windows Media Center process has failed. Please restart the computer and try again. If the problem persists, contact your hardware manufacturer for assistance."

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Windows Mail No Longer Supports Http Servers

Feb 12, 2010

Used to access my Hotmail account using Windows Mail. After re-installing my O/S, Windows Vista Home Premium, I can no longer set this up. When I get to the point where it asks for my e-mail address I input this, click on next, and the message "Windows Mail no longer supports the http servers used by Hotmail.......". I remember this happened when I bought my computer but managed to get round it, but can't remember how. I have a paid subscription to Windows Live Onecare and believe this is something to do with the "paid " subscription referred to on other threads.

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Printing Email Not Longer Working In Windows Mail (System: 64, IE8)

Apr 29, 2009

i have Vista64 and Windows Mail. Yesterday i installed IE8 and all the office 2007 patches (don't know if relevant). Now i am having problems printing emails. I get a windows with a script error (i have a German windows, so i try to translate the error to english):

Title: Internet Explorer Scripterror

Line 291
Character ( Column ?) 1
Error: Interface not registered
Code 0

No i can stop the script or continue, but nothing happens. I don't get a print dialog nor a print out.

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Beta Version Of Windows Vista No Longer Supported By Microsoft Corporation.

Mar 29, 2008

I get this message in the Problem Reports and Solutions window: The problem was caused by Windows Vista, which was created by Microsoft Corporation. You are running a beta version of Windows Vista, which is no longer supported by Microsoft Corporation. I've clicked on the website to upgrade which is what it tells me to do but it just takes me to a page to buy an upgrade - is this right?

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Searches Can MP3 Files Via A Specific Bitrate?

Jun 13, 2009

With Vista or Windows 7, is it possible to search for mp3 files specifically by bit rate For example, if I wanted to search my hard drive ONLY for mp3 files that have a bit rate of 320, is it possible? If so, what is the procedure?

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Documents Folder Called Searches, Can It Be Deleted Without Destroying System

Mar 23, 2008

There's a folder in the my documents folder called searches. There are numerous sub folders under it and, together, they contain 5300 items taking roughly 39 GB of space on my drive. What is the purpose of this folder? Can it be deleted without destroying my system? If so, how can I prevent this folder from filling up again?

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The Mail That I Received In Home Vista System Windows Mail Then I No Longer Can Receive In Office Mail Client

Feb 6, 2009

My main mail client is my office XP system, I also receive mail in home. So I select the 'Leave mail on Server' in my home XP system and it work fine. But after I upgrade my home PC to Vista system (I export my mail account for XP outlook express then inport it to my Vista system.) then it have problem - when the mail that I received in home Vista system Windows Mail then i no longer can receive in office mail client. Does anyone know is it the bug of Vista Windows Mail?

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Search Failing With Special/technical Searches Rather Than Simple Filename Search, 85% Of This OS Is Now Great

Jun 22, 2009

except for a few grand issues like Search failing with special/technical searches rather than simple filename search, 85% of this OS is now great. I love it now. And can you guess how many processes show up in TaskManager? 26. ONLY TWENTY SIX. My IE8 starts up lightning fast and swings by all sites except videos, for certain sites w/FlashPlayer & Videos I enable CompatibilityView which aligns those older sites to IE8.

Applications startup as if they were already loaded into Memory, faster than in WinXP. Who knew? It feels like quad-core at 4GHz, seriously. Everything is momentary as if it were loaded from RAM This OS is still a failure, however, versus WinXP. Are you shocked to hear "failure" after my praises, do I contradict myself? No. Because most people are far from my tenacity and just by education, hobbies and profession I alway stune up things to perfection. My cheap car leaves far more expensive models wondering what rocket had just passed them on LIE Expressway. I enjoy tinkering with technology.

It took me 2 weeks (?) to tune up Vista beast to be a polished fast, bug-free beast. It's more convoluted than was tuning WindowsXP. I spent several days in Registry, GroupPolicies, SecPolicies, filesystem digging out and blatantly renaming & moving system files no one is supposed to touch.........

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Times Changed After DST

Mar 15, 2010

I have a job that runs at 3:10am every day and sends me an email with the
results. All the emails before the change to DST were timed with 3:10am.
when viewed on days b4 DST. Now after the change all of these emails are
timed at 4:10am. The job that ran on the 15th is timed at 3:10am.
All of my time related options appear to be correct.

Why did the time change on emails processed b4 DST???

This also happened to files and their 'Date Modified' as viewed in windows

It now appears if I need to prove that I created a file or sent an email at
a particular time prior to DST, it will show up as happening an hour later
that when it really happened.

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Long Log In Times

Apr 15, 2009

I have several Vista business 32bit laptops,of various makes and models, but all have the same problem. They are joined to a w2k3r2 domain, and whenever the users take them home and are not connected to the domain, they are unable to login. They can get to the welcome screen and put in their domain username and password but it will sit forever at the welcome screen with the circle spinning. I have clocked it up to an hour before shutting it down. As soon as they come in the next day and are plugged into our network they have no problems. However I have found that if I log in as the local administrator, let everything come up, I can log off and log back in with my cached domain user account. i did check to see if the user profiles were actually created ahead of time and they are. I am stumped and it is to the point where I am ready to downgrade to xp on these machines as work is being lost.

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Dvd/cd, At Times Not Working?

Jan 23, 2009

I have been having problems with vista on and off, but my main thing right now is with my dvd/cd, at times it will not work and i have to go to Regedit, and change some settings, but then i have to go to Roxio and uninstall and then recover and reinstall, well, i have tried to uninstall it and it tells me it cannot find the path so my roxio cannot uninstall, so, it will not recognize my cd/dvd player i dont know if im explaining it correctly, but it has become a very frustrating thing, i have run virus scans and i have found nothing i have no clue why this is happening, i have thought of running a recovery disc but im sort of afraid to do anything that may harm it any more than it already is.

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Window Times Out?

Mar 30, 2008

If I leave the computer for a short time, when I get back I have to sign in again. How do I lengthen the time.

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How Many Times Can Activate?

Jul 29, 2009

How many times can I install and activate Windows Vista on the *same* PC?

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Pic Bar Is Stuck Many Times

Jan 5, 2009

take a look at the pic and the bit in yellow is what i need help on. The bar is stuck on and no matter how many times i press alt it is still there,

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Speed Up Boot Times?

Mar 22, 2008

The "problem" - Vista boot times. The fastest Ive ever managed to get it was 25 seconds, thats from the moment you see the green bar, to the moment the desktop appears. Ive all features on (effects etc) along with the sidebar, resolution is 1290 (?) x 1080 on a 50" plasma TV. Now granted, 25 seconds isnt long to wait, however what I DONT understand is how my girlfriends Sony Vaio laptop (around 1.5ghz dualcore, 1GB RAM) loads Vista (all be it 32bit) in 19 seconds.

Surely having 8GB RAM means faster boot times? I originally thought that my RAM was too slow (533mhz) so upgraded to 800mhz (fastest I can go) but no effect. I then read about Raptor drives being FAST, so installed one purely for the OS, it makes marginal difference. Ive altererd the boot to show 4 processors, timeout delay 3 seconds, nothing to be started at startup.

Ive even installed a stripped down version of Vista 64 HomePremium, taking out loads of things I dont use, again doesnt make that much of a difference. Ive heard of others getting their system to load (with the same config as mine) in 12 seconds?!! Again, yes this is truly, truly picky, but hoep someone can shed some light on this forum as to why a system 4 times faster and more powerfull.. takes longer to boot up?

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Spacebar Broken 3 Times

Nov 6, 2008

This is the 3rd spacebar I have ordered. I realize there is that metal thing and where it goes in the spacebar. I checked as before to see that the metal thing was secure in the plastic holders. It was (as I thought before), and I proceeded carefully to put the spacebar back in (with the metal thing towards the back forming an upside down U). When I did, once again, the metal piece dislodged itself from inside the keyboard and I put it back, however, it's not firmy in the grooves as it was. It works, but feels different than all my other keys and sometimes, and it is not working smoothly. So now I have 3 spacebars with the metal bar. Previously, I taped it so it would not move and it worked, just not perfectly.

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Screen Flickers At Different Times

Apr 27, 2008

I just bought a gateway with Vista. The screen flickers at different times. The picture on my desktop backround flickers and 75% of most internet sites I visit cause me the same problem. I have tried changing the resolution, changing the screen refresh rate, changing from 75 hertz all the way down to 60. I've followed all of the directions when troubleshooting.

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Expanding Boot Times

Jun 6, 2008

im currently experiencing a longer boot time for no real reason. After a fresh install i did all the usual junk. finally i decided to run a registry clean, then update my experience score. Rebooted everything was fine, then cam back after i went out & bootup took 3 times longer! I have a very powerful system & u can imagine the frustration of having to wait after it only took about 30seconds to boot b4.

I dont suspect the registry clean, all it did was remove reference to some files i had deleted hours earlier but i could be wrong. Luckily i had made a full backup before i ran the reg cleaner etc so ill have a try at restoring & see if it happens when i do nothing to it. i had disabled some services first thing but not sure that would do anything about 2 hours afterwards.

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Times New Roman Font Not Installed?

May 26, 2010

OS: Vista Home Premium 64-bit with Office 2003

When a client asked me to do a document using Times New Roman 12, I
discovered that Vista did not have that font (it didn't appear in my font
list nor was it available in Word), so I downloaded and installed it from a
file called Times32.exe. I had to manually extract the TTF files from the
archive because running the exe didn't install the font, even though the
installer said it had. When I used Vista's Add New Font and specified the
actual TTF files, Vista said they were already installed, and THEN Times
New Roman appeared in Vista's font list and in Word 2003.

Now I have Word 2003 telling me that I'm using Times New Roman, but it
doesn't look like Times New Roman on my screen nor on paper. It comes out
in both places looking like Tahoma, which is what I set up to be my default
font in Word.

At first I thought it might be a problem with the template (.dot) file I
was using for my client, so I created a blank new document using
and set the font to Times New Roman. It looked like Times New Roman on my
screen, but on paper it looked like Tahoma.

Do I need to find a special edition of Times New Roman specifically for
64-bit Vista? Why is what I see not what I get?

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Keyboard Press It Two Times Then It Comes Two ". It Also Happens To ^,

Nov 27, 2008

i have a problem that really annoys me/When i am going to write ", i have to press it two times, and then it comes two ". It also happens to ^, when i press it one time, nothing comes, when i press two times it comes, but it comes TWO. like that ^^.

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Updates And Rebooted The Computer Many Times.

Mar 26, 2008

It came installed with vista home premium but yesterday i bought the vista ultimate upgrade dvd. I inserted the dvd and upgraded as per instructions. It was completed without any problems.I've installed all important updates and rebooted the computer many times.

Now my laptop runs really slow, takes a longer time to boot up -about 3 or 4 mins now. In my sidebar i have a CPU meter and usually both cores run at less than 50 percent but now it jumps around 90-100%?? The graph looks like a lie detector when charles manson answered no to the question if he killed anyone?!

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Incorrect Summer Times In Vista Clock

Apr 13, 2008

As far as I can tell the Vista clock does not take into account that Great Britain time is UTC+1 during the summer. It is currently showing UTC and London time being the same.

Is there a setting I'm missing? I have my local time set as Pacific time and
UTC is off by one hour as it is using Great Britain time as UTC.

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Is It Illegal To Use The Same Vista Disk On The Same Computer 2 Times

Jun 19, 2009

Is it illegal to use the same Vista Disk on the same computer 2 times?

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