Windbg Messing Game File Receive Bad Opcode Error

Mar 28, 2009

I'm having a spot of bother with Windbg. I've been messing with a game and found whenever I try to assemble any instruction containing 'xmm0' I would recieve an 'Bad opcode error' warning. I've even tried copying an existing instruction ie, movaps [ecx],xmm0 and still get the same warning. If there are any Windbg users on this board can you please tell me the correct way to write 'xmm0' or any of the 8 xmm registers, to work with Windbg.

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Run Game: Error .NET Framework

Jun 30, 2009

Everytime I try to open a game or something requiring .NET Framework I get this error message:

To run this application you need to install one of the following applications: .NET Framework v2.0.50727

I already installed this, and it errored, and it did not appear on my add/remove so I couldn't uninstall it. So I tried deleting it manually through the Framework folder, which Vista won't allow me permission to do. So i did the next best thing and ripped it out onto my desktop. I tried to reinstall and the installer claims that 2.0.5 is already installed, and I can't even reinstall 1.0 or 1.1 because it errors, and I can't install 3.5 because it thinks there's a prior version. So now i'm stuck with three folders on my desktop I can't delete, no .NET Framework and seemingly no way of getting it.

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Installing Old Game : But Error Message

Nov 13, 2008

recently got vista 32bit so now installing my old games on this comp though when i got to installing bladerunner an error message comes up saying c:windowssystem32config.nt is missing.

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Installing On Game Error About ISKernels

Apr 28, 2008

Heres the story...I recently purchased a new PC running Vista Home Premium and when I got it home, I wanted to test its graphics, so I downloaded the free PC game, America's Army. When I tried to install, I received an error about ISKernels. When I searched this error, I found that I needed to download some service packs for Invest Sign. When I downloaded these and attempt to install them, I am prompted by Vista to "Enter the Password." Now, when I created my Admin account, I did not enter a password, so I have no clue what password they may mean. While investigating this problem, I have attempted to right-click the files and select "Run As Administrator," as well as creating a password and then trying ot use that during installation. Unfortunately, neither of these things work. Is there a default Vista password or is this a bug?

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Call Of Duty Don't Work: Game Error

Nov 3, 2009

i have a problem my call of duty dont work i can start i but i first 2 sreens thet i am week not have reset then i clik yes and agian yes en then i i can not to the game i error make me the problem who know my problem

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Game Play Cs Close With Error Message

Aug 4, 2008

I'm having trouble with my beloved Counter-Strike! In the middle of game play CS will just close on me, BAM! with no error messages or notifications; almost as if I ended the task. I'm new to the tech side of computers.

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Vista 6.0 Install Lunch Game Error Message

Sep 7, 2008

I have installed civ 4 with the warlords expansion pack on my vista home edition premium 6.0. Install went smoothly. When trying to launch the game i get this error message: This application has failed to start because D3DX9_32.DLL was not found. Re-installing the applicatio n may fix the problem. I have tried re-installing with no luck.

Microsoft then tells me that the problem is with directx 9 and gives me a link to update the end user run-time installer. Which sounds like a perfect and easy fix.Turns out that no matter what version or update i try to install I am screwed. I get this error message upon the initializing phase of the install: An internal system error occured: Please refer to the dx.error log or the Dx.log in your windows folder.

As i said it does not matter what version of directx i try to update i get the same message. Can I not play Civ 4 on vista? I have heard maybe the compatibility mode might fix but I am unsure how exactly to do that right. I have tried a few times...Also spent hours on the phone with game support

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Microsoft VPC 2007 Installed :play The Game Error Pops Up

Aug 10, 2009

while back I had a Windows XP PC but it got dumb and crashed. So I just got my new Tower Which is Windows Vista-x64(Home Premium.) On my old machine I had a game I new and loved called Rayman 2 that isn't compatible to Vista. So my only option was to install it under Microsoft VPC 2007. It did Install but It wouldn't play. Here is the issue: I go To play the game and an error pops up that said I need to install DirectX 6.0 so I did. It didnt matter tho cuz I still had the error. So then I realized the error as telling me to configure the Graphics so It had another error when I Opened The "GXSetup."

Which was this: error1.jpg It Didn't Really matter because it still let me open the exe. But HERE IS WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM STARTED. The program successfully opened! But This is what it contained: MajorError.jpg My only thought was what the f*ck I am going to scream. Because from what it looks like Virtual PC Wasn't Detecting Much or anything at all to do with Graphics (the dropdown arrows contain absolutely nothing).

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Receive Error 8007000b

Mar 23, 2008

I need to do the instructions below for an error I am getting on updating. however, when I type CMD in search box I don't get any options to run as administrator and if i just type the command it states I have to be the admnistrator - how do I get around this..I am infact the only account user on my lap top, and performall tasks so why does it think I am not the administrator?

Windows Update error 8007000b: if you receive error 8007000b when you try to install Windows Vista updates, the Windows file system transaction log has become corrupted. The transaction log is used by the Windows file system to recover when a file error occurs. To correct this update error, you need to clear the log. Here's how: To clear the file system transaction log

1.Click the Start button. In the Search box, type Command Prompt, and then, in the list of results, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as Administrator.

2.In the command prompt window, type fsutil resource setautoreset true C: (This assumes that C: is the drive in which Windows Vista is installed. If Windows is installed on another drive, change the drive letter accordingly.)

3.Restart your computer.

4.Download and install the update again.

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Email Receive Error

Mar 23, 2008

receive errors after sending messages saying error with pops 3 hoe do I fix this

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Messing Around With Overclocking

Mar 17, 2009

I just got done messing around with overclocking a little, and I'm afraid I might have be heading into trouble. How hot is too hot for a cpu to be running? Right now I'm at about an average of 53C idle And the hottest I've gotten is 57C. I just did a quick 10-min stability test from my nvidia software, and the max/min temps are 66/53C, reported on the motherboard. CPUID actually measured core#0 at 43/63C and core#1 at 43/60C.

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Windows Mail: Receive Error

Mar 23, 2009

Recently swithched using Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 with 4gb memory. As was told that MSoft Outllook not working with it? and was forced use Windows Mail intead. Basically the same as Outlook-06,07 version, but improved. Can send-receive emails, when browsing in the internet or working with word program and reach any contact "email address link" after cliking receive an error it should open new email window? Does anyone know what might be the problem on why there is an error, can fixed it or should I use with Vista, or use latest version of Outlook Express 7? (However WIndows Mail looks not bad)

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Multiple Users One Game File

Oct 26, 2008

I recently bough a computer with Vista preloaded. I created a Parent user and a Kids user login. I installed Spore and it works fine on both. The problem is that I would like the kids to be able to use the same game file as the adults, but when you open the game on the Kids side the saved games are not there. Any ideas on how to make the game files available on both users or transfer to the Kids side? I don't want to have to log the kids onto my side very time they want to play Spore.

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Can't Receive Email :: Error Number: 0x800CCC19

Jun 29, 2008

I've been using Windows email for a month with no problem, until today when i can not receive any email. It says receiving 1 of 12 messages, but then I get the following error message: Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC19

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Receive Blue Screen Error Messages

Apr 10, 2008

I recently bought a computer which I built by myself with some friends, and I have had some problems. Upon installation of Windows Home Premium 64 bit, I receive blue screen error messages. Usually they happen when I am trying to open a file, or if I am installing updates for anything. It either goes to a blue screen, or it will completely freeze, and I'll have to reboot. Sometimes upon rebooting, my computer will get stuck in between the loading screens for Vista, it will get past the Microsoft Corporation loading bar, but get stuck on a black screen before the vista symbol shows up. I have some friends that think its my RAM, because I have had 2 sticks of ram in, totaling 4gb, and others think its the Video card. below is a list of all my components.

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Cannot Receive Emails Error Number: 0x800CCC90

Jan 25, 2010

I cannot receive email. I get the following error message: Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR Cannot connect to POP server (, connect error 10060', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90

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Cannot Send Or Receive Mail: Error 0x80004005

May 14, 2008

I can no longer receive or send e-mail in vista with windows mail. I am getting 'an unknown error has occured' and the code for this 0x80004005.

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Open A Zip File? Ex. A Game Downloaded Off Limewire

Mar 23, 2008

How do I open a zip file? ex. a game downloaded off limewire

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Service Pack 2 Install Is Messing

Sep 22, 2009

Since i installed vista service pack 2 i have been having allot of problems, When i boot up my machine i get this error Windowssystem32*_config_*system, Status 0*_xc_*00000*_eq_* Windows can not start blah blahregistry*__registry_* file missing or*__corrupt_*.

All my web browsers seem to freeze (no respond every so*__often_*) I have run the repair option from the Cd many times and it dose nothing, I managed to boot up tonight by first entermoboard *_moboard_* options and forcing it to boot up with latest working configuration, some times this dose not work.

I can not do a system restore as this update wiped all the restore points. One of my friends had her GFX die due to this updpce, My*__pc_* cost allot oandtryingnd*__trying_* to avoid this happening, as you have guessed i am novice at these things.

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Update Adobe Reader To 9.1 I Receive This Error: 1402

Sep 15, 2009

This is anonther problem that I have with windows vista 64bit. When trying to update Adobe reader to 9.1 i receive this error: Error 1402. Could not open key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32softwareclassesCLSID{D38406DA-E8AA-484b-B80D-3D3DBDCC2FB2}versionindependentprogID Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact support.

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Can't Send Or Receive E-mails: Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

May 17, 2008

I was able to fix one part with help from here but now I have another error message: Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): Yes, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F.

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Cant Send Or Receive Mail: Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Mar 23, 2008

I have recently added another identity to my server and was told to put the incoming pop3 as port 995 and the outgoing SMTP as (use 554?) port 465 and enable SMTP server authentication. I put the pop3 and SMTP info in and forgot to enter the different ports, voila i got my mail but couldnt send any. So i went in and put the ports in, voila couldnt send or receive. Have put the ports back to default and now get my mail again but when i send get this message: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Re: Welcome to Snapfish', Account: ' (1)', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Can Receive But Not Send Emails Error Number: 0x800CCC67

Jun 18, 2009

I just finally set up my window email yesterday. I can receive all my emails but can not send one. It says: An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'photos',Account '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '421 Cannot connect to SMTP server (, connect error 10060', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server
Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67. Note that I don't understand technical things and I have no idea what to do.

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Folder Sharing Vista Receive Unspecified Error Box

Jul 28, 2008

I'm using Home Premium x64. I can see my XP machines on my home network and access their public folders; however, they can see my Vista machine but not the public folders (the window is blank). When I try to turn on Public Folder Sharing in Vista I receive an "Unspecified error" box. Network Discovery and File Sharing are ON.

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Game DirectX 9 Install: Unble To Execute File

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a download of this game from The Adventure Company website. All went well with the install until asked if I wanted to install DirectX 9.0. I chose to knowing that I have DirectX 10 on this system but had the following error message:

"Unble to execute File: C:programflile?can'treadmyownwriting?dreamfalldirectx dxsetup.exe Create process failed; code 740. The requested operation requires elevation." Then, when attempting to run the game, I get a message saying that D3DX9_27.DLL can't be found. The DX9 folder located in the Dreamfall folder is empty.

I uninstalled and reinstalled during which I snooped in the DirectX 9 folder (Dreamfall program files, directx folder) and found the missing .dll file and copied it to an empty folder in my documents prior to asking it to install DX9 of which the install again failed (and the DX folder emptied). I tried pasting the missing .dll into the Dreamfall folder and up came another error message when trying to run the game. I read that one could either paste d3dx9_27.dll into the sys32 folder or download & install DX9 from the Microsoft website but I'm scared to do so in case either of these solutions screws up DX 10.

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Registry Cleaners Messing Things Up On Vista

May 19, 2009

I read quite often about the possibility of "registry cleaners" messing things up on Vista. Is it recommended not to use a registry cleaner at all? Are there good/bad ones? My computer is almost brand new so I don't believe I have any problems. I used a registry cleaner on my old XP found lots of problems.....fixed them and the machine ran better than ever!

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Volsnap Event 57 Task 2: Messing Computer

Apr 29, 2008

volsnap event 57 task 2 i have just had 300 of these come up why its messing my computer around.

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Windows Failed To Start: ERROR "cannot Create A File When That File Already Exists" (0x800700b7)

Mar 23, 2008

My elderly Mother's Vista PC isn't working, and as she relies on this for shopping etc I need to get it working (I am several hundred miles from her). The PC tried to install the latest Vista updates (20/2/2008) but upon restart she gets the message "Windows failed to restart - a recent hardware/software change may be the cause - File windowssystem32winload.exe "The selected file could not be loaded". She doesn't have a start in "normal mode" option. I have walked her through trying system repair/restore using the Vista installation Cd, but after trying to restore she gets the message; "system restore failed due to an unspecified error; "cannot create a file when that file already exists" (0x800700b7) We have tried 3 different restore points with the same result.

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Sent File Emails Show Nothing And Cannot Receive Email

Sep 23, 2009

why my sent file shows nothing and some emails people are sending are not coming through?

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Connot Send Or Receive E-mail: Error Message Stating: Connection To Server Failed Account, ''

Jun 28, 2009

i have been using windows e-mail forever, since the 6/22 i have not been able to send or receive. i get error message stating: connection to server failed account, '' ," protocol; pop3, port 995, secure (ssl): yes, socket error.10060, error number: oxooocc03 i have been reading other questions and answers and have tried most, downloaded regcure, nothing has worked.

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I Have 14000+Mb's On My Graphics Card And I Cant Install A Game Because It Says There Is Not Enough Memory But The Game Only Needs 64mb's Help.

Aug 16, 2009

the game has installed but once tryin to load it says this


Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for ( The game) (suberror 7). Your video card must support hardware acceleration and have at least 15 megabytes of video Ram available. i fyour video card doesnt support compressed textures it must have at least 64 megabytes if video RAM available.

I have tried going into the display settings and advanced settings then troubleshooting but my computer does not allow me to change it as the icon is grayed out.

the details of my graphics card are

operating system: windows vista tm home premium (6.0, build 6001)

manufacturer: Advent

Model: QC8003

processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz (4 CPUs),


Memory : 8124MB RAM

Page file: 1996MB used, 14303MB available

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