Multiple Users One Game File

Oct 26, 2008

I recently bough a computer with Vista preloaded. I created a Parent user and a Kids user login. I installed Spore and it works fine on both. The problem is that I would like the kids to be able to use the same game file as the adults, but when you open the game on the Kids side the saved games are not there. Any ideas on how to make the game files available on both users or transfer to the Kids side? I don't want to have to log the kids onto my side very time they want to play Spore.

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Multiple Email Users, Merged Together

May 28, 2008

I just got off the phone with and got my account and my wife's account for email...the problem is that they are merged together. I am trying to figure out how to seperate them so we have individual accounts. HP wants to charge me for technical assistance which is silly.

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Shared Folder By Multiple Users In VISTA?

Apr 5, 2008

I want to set up shared folders for documents (excel, word, music, pictures, pdf, powerpoint, etc) in Vista without having to switch back & forth between users Also is there a function like Windows Explorer in VISTA? New User used to W98

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Installed Multiple Game Windows Close Program

May 5, 2010

I have installed multiple games on my Vista, like Assassin's Creed, and when I try to play them, the intro plays, and then a message pops up that says that my game has stopped working and Windows is searching for a solution. Then this message pops up, Assasin's Creed Game has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is abailable. I have tried restarting the game, reinstalling it, everything I can think of.

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Desktop File Are No Longer Located In C:Users

Sep 20, 2009

I booted up my computer to find that all my desktop files and bookmarks etc were gone. But All my files are still under C:Users. But now the desktop is refering to C:Windowssystem32configsystemprofileDesktop.

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Create Batch File For Multiple Sites To Start

Feb 27, 2010

I'm trying to create a batch file so that I can bring up 2 sites at one time when I open my browser. I use Firefox & IE8. What I have done so far to no avail is created a file as follows and sent to desktop from notepad named test.bat:

without parenthesis in the above. I can get these to open consecutively, same browser window if I have a browser already open. But, not without browser open. How do I connect the 2 sites to open in 2 tabs, same window? I also added them as multi home pages, then sent shortcut to browser to desktop. This does work, but, not what I want.

Is there anyway to create a batch file and have these 2 sites open at start up, by-passing the desktop without clicking to open the browser? Also, I know that clicking on the shortcut to the browser that's on the desktop does slow down the launching process. If there is another way upon start up, will it be slower as well?

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Open A Zip File? Ex. A Game Downloaded Off Limewire

Mar 23, 2008

How do I open a zip file? ex. a game downloaded off limewire

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Game DirectX 9 Install: Unble To Execute File

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a download of this game from The Adventure Company website. All went well with the install until asked if I wanted to install DirectX 9.0. I chose to knowing that I have DirectX 10 on this system but had the following error message:

"Unble to execute File: C:programflile?can'treadmyownwriting?dreamfalldirectx dxsetup.exe Create process failed; code 740. The requested operation requires elevation." Then, when attempting to run the game, I get a message saying that D3DX9_27.DLL can't be found. The DX9 folder located in the Dreamfall folder is empty.

I uninstalled and reinstalled during which I snooped in the DirectX 9 folder (Dreamfall program files, directx folder) and found the missing .dll file and copied it to an empty folder in my documents prior to asking it to install DX9 of which the install again failed (and the DX folder emptied). I tried pasting the missing .dll into the Dreamfall folder and up came another error message when trying to run the game. I read that one could either paste d3dx9_27.dll into the sys32 folder or download & install DX9 from the Microsoft website but I'm scared to do so in case either of these solutions screws up DX 10.

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Windbg Messing Game File Receive Bad Opcode Error

Mar 28, 2009

I'm having a spot of bother with Windbg. I've been messing with a game and found whenever I try to assemble any instruction containing 'xmm0' I would recieve an 'Bad opcode error' warning. I've even tried copying an existing instruction ie, movaps [ecx],xmm0 and still get the same warning. If there are any Windbg users on this board can you please tell me the correct way to write 'xmm0' or any of the 8 xmm registers, to work with Windbg.

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Windows 7 Provides No Real Benefits: Vista / Windows 7 Are Mostly Transparent To Normal Users - Even Monster Power Users

Oct 9, 2009

I calculated that to migrate to Vista or Windows 7 will cost close to =A32000. not including my time - It will take around 100 hours. This is because many of my existing software / tools / utilities does not work on Vista and the vendors expect me to buy a new license because it is a "new product" even though it does exactly what it did before - just on a different OS. Even the products that do work have problems and glitches that have to be worked around. All this takes time MY VALUABLE time. In other words I am suffering because Microsoft want money. In the past some versions of windows were worth migrating to Windows 2000 and Windows XP were great

But most of the improvements to Vista / Windows 7 are mostly transparent to normal users - even monster power users like me. I believe Microsoft have a serious attitude problem. just wait until they take full advantage of TPM to screw even more money out of us. If I am wrong please point out a real tangible benefit that Vista or Windows 7 brings to a large percentage of users or to me. I also I can no longer buy a laptop because they only come with Vista GPU drivers (some come with buggy unsupported XP GPU drivers - great)

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I Have 14000+Mb's On My Graphics Card And I Cant Install A Game Because It Says There Is Not Enough Memory But The Game Only Needs 64mb's Help.

Aug 16, 2009

the game has installed but once tryin to load it says this


Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for ( The game) (suberror 7). Your video card must support hardware acceleration and have at least 15 megabytes of video Ram available. i fyour video card doesnt support compressed textures it must have at least 64 megabytes if video RAM available.

I have tried going into the display settings and advanced settings then troubleshooting but my computer does not allow me to change it as the icon is grayed out.

the details of my graphics card are

operating system: windows vista tm home premium (6.0, build 6001)

manufacturer: Advent

Model: QC8003

processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz (4 CPUs),


Memory : 8124MB RAM

Page file: 1996MB used, 14303MB available

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Battlefield 1942 (game Failed, Game Closing)?

Mar 23, 2008

Just got Vista (32). Battlefield 1942 expansion installed fine. runs for a second or 2 then crashes. Tried to reinstal, same thing. Came up with (game failed, game closing)?

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Join A Multiplayer Game(says "Joining Server... Then Crashes" Or Finish Loading A Single Player Game

Aug 2, 2007

I can sucessfully load up the game and all however whenever i try to join a multiplayer game(says "Joining Server... then crashes" or finish loading a single player game(after the textures are loaded or the shaders it just crashes) OR whenever i click audio in settings my game(right after i click audio it just goes boom) just crashes back to desktop with the BF2142.exe error. I've read about many different crashes with other people but this seems different, people have had crashes during map changes, splash screen, and a few secs after joining the server, havent seen anyone with my problem of crashing when i see the "joining server.." box.

I've tried
2)run the exe as admin.
3)disable UAC and reinstall/repatch after restart

Im pretty sure my computer can handle the game, my old one did fine and this one owns it. Im kind of lost, I've tried many things and this freaking game just doesnt want to work.

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Game Freezes: Game Won't Run Correctly

Jan 5, 2008

I installed SS2 on this PC (runs windows vista home premium 32bit), but sadly the game won't run correctly. I've looked around a little bit, and I see that not watching the videos is a common problem. But that's not my main problem <:/ I can run the game just fine for about 30 seconds... suddenly, it just freezes. The last sound is looped, and the mouse is frozen.

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Locking With Several Users

Nov 10, 2008

My 3 boys have a comp with Vista Home- none of their account are password protected- but have parental controls set up. Can I lock the computer from all their use using my admin passwod?

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Every Game I Play Crashes, Or Fails To Load At All, Or Gets Into The Game And Crashes During Map Load

Jan 4, 2009

I finally decided to upgrade to Vista, and since I have 4GB ram I thought I'd give 64bit a shot. Every game I play crashes, or fails to load at all, or gets into the game and crashes during map load. I have Vista Ultimate 64 installed. I have installed and re-installed the OS multiple times to no effect. I've downloaded all of the windows updates. During one of my first installs of vista, I was able to get in to games of codwaw, but then it would crash after about 5 secs.......

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Looking For A Good Users Manual

Apr 17, 2008

Can anyone recommend a worthwhile users manual for VISTA? I think the HELP facility in VISTA is worthless.

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UAC Into The () Platform Was To Annoy Users

Apr 11, 2008

"The reason we put UAC into the (Vista) platform was to annoy users--I'm serious," said Cross". I've read this article several times and I'm still not sure what Cross means by forcing independent software vendors (ISVs) to make their code more secure. Is he saying by annoying user that we are to put pressure on these vendors?

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IE 7 Users: Stop Looking At Porn Now!

Dec 16, 2008

IE 7 users: stop looking at porn now!Written by Adam O'Donnell @ 10:39 pm 12/15/2008
Source: IE 7 users: stop looking at porn now! | Zero Day | Microsoft has reported sightings of exploitation of the recent vulnerability in IE7 on various porn sites. This isn’t really bad news, since no one looks at such improper things on the Internet, right?

According to an article posted late saturday night on Microsoft’s Threat Research Blog, approximately .2% of all worldwide users have been exposed to exploits against the data processing vulnerability, and the exploit is now appearing on pornography sites. If Microsoft’s numbers are correct, that means millions of systems may have been freshly compromised over the past few weeks. I would be surprised if we don’t see an uptick in the knock-on effects of more compromised systems, including higher levels of spam and credit card fraud. Since there is no patch for the IE problem as of right now, your best bet is to use an alternative browser such as Firefox, Opera, or even the Windows version of Safari. Remember, when you are browsing strange websites, it is important to use protection. You don’t know what kind of diseases they may have.

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Allow To Change C:Users[xxx] Location

Apr 2, 2008

Please, add a feature, in a patch or sevice pack, to allow to change simply the location of C:Users, or C:UsersOneUser folder location. I have done many internet searches, this seems not to be possible simply. And don't tell me that I have to change each folder location (Music, Pictures, and so on). This does not fit my need.

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Can Download A Users Manual?

Dec 17, 2008

I just purchased a lap top with Vista Home Preium already installed. Is there any where that I can download a users manual?

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Move Users Folder?

Mar 31, 2009

Is it possible to move c:Users folder to another drive for backup purposes?

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Prevent Users From Disabling UAC

Feb 18, 2008

I have a domain with several Vista boxen with users who are local Admins but not Domain Admins (accomplished using Restricted Groups). I need to ensure that these users do not disable User Account Control on their machines as I am sure they will be tempted to do so. Is there a way I can do this (perhaps through Group Policy)?

I found several UAC-related settings and enforced them, but nothing stops them from disabling it entirely. Is there anything I can do besides the obvious choice of not granting them Administrative privileges?

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How Restricted Users Can Change Their IP

May 2, 2008

we are running a workgroup based network and their are two different internets are being used in the network currently all users have administrative rights so that they can easily change the IP class to shift from one internet to the other Now i want to restrict users but i still want that users change their IP by themselves

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Install AD Users And Computers?

Apr 17, 2009

I have Vista 64 and I want to install AD Users and Computers like I did in 32 bit XP. How can I do that?

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64-bit Users: How Do Browse W/x64 Without X64 Plug-in

Feb 28, 2008

Internet Explorer 7 in 64-bit mode: Awesome! Minefield, otherwise known as Firefox 3 Beta 3, the only x64 Firefox browser currently available. Incredible...BUT! There are no Flash/Shockwave, amongst others, 64-bit plug-in's available, so I am forced to use FF2 x86, as well as IE7 x86, and I don't understand how anybody browses without, at a minimum, the Adobe Flash Player plug-in.

Most sites that I frequent require the Adobe Flash player, some do the Shockwave, too. I watch a lot of CNN and NBC News, and both of those, amongst many others, require the Flash player. Is anyone aware of beta plug-in's, or an ETA as to when they'll be released? Is there any other (temporary) solution that I am unaware of.

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Users Folder With Wrong Name

Nov 13, 2009

I was currently fixing my folder i cons because they were yellow instead of green, i replaced the desktop.ini for all the folders. then i went to command prompt and typed this in attrib +r AdminDesktop and now he User is desktop: when i click it and i go to the top it says "C:UsersAdmin" : I tried viewing hidden folders but nothing.

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Moving Documents Between Users?

Sep 22, 2009

How do you move documents between users on the same computer using vista home premium?

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IE 8 Be An Update For Vista Users

Feb 4, 2009

Will the Internet Explorer 8 browser be like a normal update for Vista users? Or will it have to be downloaded/installed separately?

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Shortcuts On Desktop For Other Users

Jun 13, 2008

Is there a way to get into user's desktops to remove program shortcuts? I don't want to install programs "only for this user" however I don't want the shortcuts for my kids either.

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For Mac Users: How To Convert Video Files?

Mar 20, 2009

For a few days, I have been wondering why there are so many video formats, AVI, MP4, MOV, WMV, 3GP?? and also why not all the devices support all kinds of video formats or they just support one format. If you are confused about the different video formats, and you are a Mac user, here I will give you a satisfying answer: Aiseesoft 'Video Converter for Mac'. With it you can convert all the popular video formats easily, such as convert AVI to MP4, convert WMV to 3GP and so on for Mac users. Here I will show you How to use it: STEP 1: DOWNLOAD AISEESOFT VIDEO CONVERTER FOR....

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