Installed Multiple Game Windows Close Program

May 5, 2010

I have installed multiple games on my Vista, like Assassin's Creed, and when I try to play them, the intro plays, and then a message pops up that says that my game has stopped working and Windows is searching for a solution. Then this message pops up, Assasin's Creed Game has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is abailable. I have tried restarting the game, reinstalling it, everything I can think of.

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Windows Game Folde Aren't Installed

Jan 2, 2009

I just installed a version of windows vista ultimate lite......and i was wodering if there is a way i could get the games that come with vista when you first install it back. They currently aren't installed on the computer.

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Game Play Cs Close With Error Message

Aug 4, 2008

I'm having trouble with my beloved Counter-Strike! In the middle of game play CS will just close on me, BAM! with no error messages or notifications; almost as if I ended the task. I'm new to the tech side of computers.

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Ie8 Not Work: "close The Program Or Check Windows"

Aug 23, 2009

one of my client's have a problem with his IE8 he is running Vista Business SP2 and has IE8 on his computer. his problem is that everytime he opens IE8 a message comes up saying "close the program or check windows for a solution to the problem and then close the program" I am running adaware on his PC (one of my coworkers has done this before and removed some spyware,trojans etc.) I have reset IE8 in the tools/internet options/advanced and then reset, didnt do anything. The problem is when the error message pops up and you press on either option, it doesnt close IE8. and when you are on the desktop and IE8 is closed the message still pops up. I will run an antivirus soon too and I have also checked netstat. I fear a new hardcore virus for vista.

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Multiple Users One Game File

Oct 26, 2008

I recently bough a computer with Vista preloaded. I created a Parent user and a Kids user login. I installed Spore and it works fine on both. The problem is that I would like the kids to be able to use the same game file as the adults, but when you open the game on the Kids side the saved games are not there. Any ideas on how to make the game files available on both users or transfer to the Kids side? I don't want to have to log the kids onto my side very time they want to play Spore.

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Windows Pop-up When L "x" To Close A Program

Sep 28, 2008

When happens most on MS Office programs but have had it happen on others. When I "x" to close, for example PowerPoint, I get a pop-up message that reads: "Microsoft Windows" "Microsoft Office PowerPoint has stopped working"
"Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." Sometimes it will automatically restart.

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Doubleclicking A File, Crash The Program When Close

Feb 19, 2009

When I doubleclick a file it opens the associated program but does not load the file and will crash the program when I close it. Other file types work fine (*.xls, *.doc) when I doubleclick them. Any ideas what to look for here?

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Task Manager Doesn't Close A Program

Apr 21, 2009

it appears as though my webcam (a Logitech QuickCam Communications Deluxe) is crashing my MSN whenever I try to use it. I'm unsure why, honestly, and it's incredibly annoying.

As a sort of aside: how come the Task Manager doesn't actually close a program / process / task when I tell it to? It seems like it thinks about it for a while then decides it knows more than I do.

Second, my machine hangs on restarts and shutdowns for some reason. I don't know why it does it because it seems to happen at random intervals. Is there some reason why this would be happening? XP was able to shut down without a problem so it stands to reason that Vista would be able to do that, too.

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Installed SP1 Multiple Crashes

May 26, 2008

In the last few weeks, my Vista pc has been crashing an average of 3-5 times a day. No apparent cause - it just up and reboots. It doesn't matter what software I am using at the time, or even if the computer is in standby mode. It just restarts itself with increasing frequency. Is there a way to figure out what the heck is causing the crash? I have updated every driver I know of, and keep Vista updated (yes, I have installed SP1 - maybe that's the problem).

By way of additional information, I have had this pc for a little over a year. It worked fine for most of that time, with only the usual intermittent windows crash. But over the last few weeks (maybe a month or so), it has just started crashing like crazy. I'm at a loss of what to do other than scrap Vista and go back to XP, or try one of the linux variants. I would rather get Vista working, since I paid for the piece of junk. But I am about ready to try something else - it couldn't possibly be any worse.

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Multiple Security Are Not Installed

Aug 28, 2008

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and I am having several security problems:

1) Many updates are not being installed. There are two recurring error code numbers: 80242016 and 800F0816.
2) I've had my computer set for automatic updates and always after "Configuring Updates" I get the "Startup Repair" screen. It does its thing for about five minutes and I am able to successfully log in.
3) I instructed Windows not to automatically install updates but to download and notify me before installing. However it keeps trying to install and going through a "Configuring Updates" loop (at seemingly random times) followed always by the "Startup Repair" problem.
4) Security Center now tells me that Windows Defender is out-of-date (anti-spyware) but when I try to update it tells me it "can't update definitions".
5) Beside the "Updates were installed" line on the main updates screen I have the word "Never".
6) Once this morning after going through "Startup Repair" and logging in I was presented with a blank light blue screen! That freaked me out. I feared a total crash. However I was able to manually shut down and successfully log in.
7) Security Center is prompting me to turn automatic updates back on and update my alware protection (i.e. Windows Defender).

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Adobe Photoshop CS3, 64-bit: Stopped Working And Then Sadly Asks To Close The Program

Jul 28, 2008

I've got an Adobe Master Suite Collection CS3 Extended (AMSC CS3 Ext) installed on my computer. I have windows vista ultimate 64-bit OS. Now i very new to this blog so bare with me. If this problem has a solution. Anyways all of the programs (within AMSC CS3 Ext) run fine on my computer except (cue dramatic music) Photoshop CS3! Now i dont get an error or any kind of error when i installed the program but when i start the program it does like its going to start up and its loading the tools and stuff but when it gets to "Building TWAIN menu items" it turns a transparent white and says there is a problem and Photoshop cs3 has stopped working and then sadly asks to close the program. See images attached.

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Multiple Antivirus Programs Are Installed

May 6, 2008

I've seen posts describing the /verifyreposition /salvagerepository switches for winmgmt. Verify has always show the repository is consistent. Using the netstop, rename repository, net start approach initially works, but within a day Security Center is reporting multiple antivirus programs again.

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Wow6432Node :: Registry Multiple Program Entries

May 1, 2009


I've noticed in running my registry cleaner that there are many megabytes of multiple program entries under Wow6432Node. Is it possible to disable this in the registry through i.e. using autorun from sysinternals:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun] ?

I remember reading somewhere this was important for the operation of Vista but in another post from Woody Leonhard in his column, "Windows Secrets", as stated below it can be disabled as it's unneeded: ...

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Installed Hitman Game Than Pc Crashed

Feb 25, 2008

Here is the chronology as I remember it... Had new PC with Vista for the first time for a month problems. Installed Hitman game. When I attempted to start game, receieved error that a file was missing. From my memory, it was something like MSVLL771.dll (not accurate, but close). Vista prompted me that it could find the problem and then recommended a download. It was an update in the realm of Framework 1.1- something or other. After downloading and attempted implementation, Vista let me know this program was already on my PC. I did an internet search for the "missing" file and downloaded it specificly and placed in the game's file. The game now ran with no problem.

Yet, at the next boot up of PC it crashed to the "problem" screen. At this point I was able to use safe mode and attempt a recovery by going back to an earlier save point. Did this and reboot. Now PC crashes again and now will not start in any mode (safe, normal, safe with networking, etc) By not start, I mean I get past the prompt asking which mode to start, screen goes blank, no Vista load, just a cursor. The LED light seems to be processing, yet nothing happens from here.I placed Vista disk in to boot from it to Fix and Re-install, but this does not help. After a few steps it goes to a driver selection screen with no drivers available. Lets me browse, but I have no clue where to look for these??

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Installed Game Can't Mouse Working

Feb 6, 2009

I just installed this game but it stutters heavily and in the main menu i can't see the mouse. It isn't my system I have a AMD HD4850 an E8400 , even FarCry2 works perfectly. Can it be that this game isn't vista x64 proof??

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Computer Not Configured For Game Installed

Mar 23, 2008

i keep getting an error message saying that my computer is not configured for the game i installed. i was conned into buying this machine because my older model died. i was told buy the sales person it would play the did noti was then told i had to purchase a new power supply and a nother video card and then it would play. it still has not your help area is a joke ive spent 7 hours trying to get this piece of expensive junk to work to no availe. there is no discussion/blog/community/or help topic.

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Microsoft VPC 2007 Installed :play The Game Error Pops Up

Aug 10, 2009

while back I had a Windows XP PC but it got dumb and crashed. So I just got my new Tower Which is Windows Vista-x64(Home Premium.) On my old machine I had a game I new and loved called Rayman 2 that isn't compatible to Vista. So my only option was to install it under Microsoft VPC 2007. It did Install but It wouldn't play. Here is the issue: I go To play the game and an error pops up that said I need to install DirectX 6.0 so I did. It didnt matter tho cuz I still had the error. So then I realized the error as telling me to configure the Graphics so It had another error when I Opened The "GXSetup."

Which was this: error1.jpg It Didn't Really matter because it still let me open the exe. But HERE IS WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM STARTED. The program successfully opened! But This is what it contained: MajorError.jpg My only thought was what the f*ck I am going to scream. Because from what it looks like Virtual PC Wasn't Detecting Much or anything at all to do with Graphics (the dropdown arrows contain absolutely nothing).

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Unable To Run Program Installed

Feb 21, 2010

Unable to run a program I installed, messages says "Startup failed because MSVBVM50.DLL not found.

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Multiple Bluetooth Devices In Device Manager, One Device Installed

Sep 30, 2008

i have installed the correct driver for this belkin bluetooth usb dongle model: F8T012XX1 but in device manager, it has the belkin device and microsoft bluetooth enumerator, which is great. but when u get further down the list. it has a tab named "other devices" and then a subtab with "bluetooth peripheral device" which has an exclemation mark on it. i have searched for driver software using the update service but it cant find no update. i have looked for the name of the manufacturer but found nothing.i then disabled the unknown device, and sent a picture to my mobile phone. which confirmed that it was not the belkin bluetooth device. so i uninstalled the unknown device, restarted the computer. then when i logged in, it said that it had found a new device and wanted me to find the CD that came with it.

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Unidentified Program Wants To Access Your Computer Installed

Mar 26, 2008

Mostly, when I install programs in Vista, there's no problem starting them. In a couple of cases, though, whenever I run the program (whether from the Start menu or by double-clicking a data file), Vista posts a message: "An unidentified program wants to access your computer." It gives the options "Cancel" and "Allow". Well, obviously I want to allow the program; I've just started it! And the programs were installed through a normal installation process. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling those specific programs, but I get the same results. How can I tell Vista to stop asking me and just allow it?

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Installed Program System Restart To Safe Mode

Sep 26, 2009

i have installed litestep, didn't like it, so i pressed uninstall. nothin happened.i decided to reboot, did so, and when i log in, it shows My Computer in explorer! i thought it was just meant to be the desktop starting, not explorer. and there wsa also no taskbar anywhere. i pressed the windows button, nothin happening. anyway i tried safe mode, in which i noticed there was an exe file starting with the core drivers. that must be what is left of litestep.

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Random Freezing: Re-installed, Windows, And It Froze After I Installed The Chipset Driver

Mar 30, 2008

My vista keeps locking up after various amounts of time, no matter whether its just idling, or im making the computer work hard. As ive read on other topics, I think its a driver issue, but I just dont know what to do. I will try another fresh vista install tomorrow and get the vista updates quickly to see whether that helps the situation. I have ensured it isnt overheating like it did initially when I bought the system, and it is now a safe and low temperature in a running state. Also, it only detects 3.5Gb of the 4Gb of RAM I have in my system. PC Spec:

Ive re-installed, windows, and it froze after I installed the chipset driver. I contiuned, and found a sound driver wasnt digitally signed. However it still crashes. I have got the latest drivers for it. For it to crash, all i did was open recycle bin, from idle state.

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SP1: Installed Updates It Shows A Windows Defender Update Installed Today

Mar 23, 2008

I shouldn't be surprised but here goes....I checked today for SP1 on windows update.. According to my computer no updates available however updates were last installed on 03/13/08 and yet when you look at installed updates it shows a windows defender update installed today. I have been reading several posts on this problem and have noticed that Carey Frisch posted a link to troubleshoot and now here is a problem and that is none of these apply to me... Once again Go figure!! Running Vista Business 32bit here in the good old USA and of course the English versionVista is and has always been updated right on schedule....

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Close Down Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

when I send an e-mail it goes directly into my outbox without being sent. I click on Send/Receive but nothing happens. If I then close down windows mail, as I re-open it the mail then gets sent as normal. I have no problem receiving messages.

I have downloaded the 32-bit version update and tried the 64-bit version (says not applicable to my system) but this has made no difference. I am using PC Tools firewall plus and avast anti-virus protection.

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Windows Explorer Has To Close

Apr 16, 2008

I've just installed SP1 for my VISTA ultimate X64 version. After completing the installation, and after the autoreboot, the start menu is fully available, when I try to access My Computer, windows has to close and tries to find a solution. How do I get to use the start menu again?

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Opening Windows, Cant Close

Jun 3, 2008

my windows keeps opening a ton of windows and i cant close them unless i just log off what can i try to fix this

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Windows Mail Wont Close

Aug 9, 2009

right on im on safe mode, i had the best antivirus there is.. spyware etc.. from 1 day to another, windows mail which i had never used before started opening by itself over and over again, in the task manager, all i could see was a lott of running applications named rundll32.exe.. i deleted the file in system32 and replaced it from the one in my laptop, but it didnt fixed nothing, i FORMATTED my pc.. now its alll empty, i lost everything, and still. it just wont close, it keeps opening and opening. BTW, i scanned my pc with several antivirus, showing no results of malware at all.. and also, when i try to go to program files and check the windows mail folder.. i cant delete it bcus i dont have permissions, but im an admin in my pc, user control is off, i can do pretty mucho everything except delete it..

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Email Stays In Outbox Until I Close Windows Mail

May 26, 2008

When using Windows Mail, after I try to send an email, it remains in my outbox until I close down the Windows Mail. When I reopen Windows Mail, the message has moved to the sent folder, but is there a way I can send a mail without having to shut-down the program everytime? My status is showing as 'Working Online' and I have tried clicking the 'Send and Receive' but this doesnt resolve the problem.

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Not Able To Right Click -> Close, Or Minimize Internet Explorer Windows

Jun 9, 2008

I am facing a very minor however irritating issue with IE on my Vista. On the task bar, when I right click->Close nothing happens. "Sometimes" when I click on the IE button on the task bar, the window does not minimize.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: After Close A Folder

Mar 31, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium edition. Earlier today, a new problem started to occur. Each time I close a folder, I get a message telling me that Windows Explorer has stopped working. It then restarts and things appear fine. I can do everything as normal on the computer, but if I try to close a folder again, same error message.

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I Have 14000+Mb's On My Graphics Card And I Cant Install A Game Because It Says There Is Not Enough Memory But The Game Only Needs 64mb's Help.

Aug 16, 2009

the game has installed but once tryin to load it says this


Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for ( The game) (suberror 7). Your video card must support hardware acceleration and have at least 15 megabytes of video Ram available. i fyour video card doesnt support compressed textures it must have at least 64 megabytes if video RAM available.

I have tried going into the display settings and advanced settings then troubleshooting but my computer does not allow me to change it as the icon is grayed out.

the details of my graphics card are

operating system: windows vista tm home premium (6.0, build 6001)

manufacturer: Advent

Model: QC8003

processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz (4 CPUs),


Memory : 8124MB RAM

Page file: 1996MB used, 14303MB available

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