Vista Repair Disk Not Working

May 14, 2008

I have lots of bad sectors and not even able to do a restore to a previous restore point. I tried chkdsk/f but on restart it doesn't do the chkdsk. I have a Vista repair disk and I ran the repair but I still have the sector errors that prevent going to the previous restore point.

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Cannot Do A Repair Install With OEM Disk

May 22, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium and want to do a "repair install." I have an OEM DVD with Vista. I have performed the repair process in the past (I think it was called Upgrade), but now that I have installed SP1, it won't work. I slipstreamed a DVD with SP1 according to the tutorial, but it still indicates that the existing version of Vista is newer than the one on the slipstreamed DVD and says that the upgrade functionality is disabled.

I noticed on the tutorial that you need a Retail version of Vista to slipstream with SP1. Is the OEM version different than the Retail version? Is that why I cannot do a Repair Install?

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How To Repair Disk Permissions

Sep 10, 2008

I removed all permissions of Authenticated Users for my C: drive (entire permissions). What I did is as follows:

. Right click C:
. Properties
. Security
. Deny all permissions for Authenticated Users

Now I can not reach my drive, can not change permissions again, and can not restore permissions etc. Even Admin account can not do anything.

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Start Up Repair Disk Corrupt

Jun 15, 2008

have got the following message after system repair system volume on disk is corrupt is there any solution to this

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Computer Off Normal Repair/assesment Of Disk Error

Apr 25, 2008

I'm using Vista Home premium on an HP laptop. Yesterday the screen became stuck and unresponsive, I switched the computer off then on and after the normal repair / assessment of disk errors etc tried to log-on, the screen got to welcome with active cursor but got no further. I entered safe start-up to try to restore system to a point in time, but the Help system instructions to manually set up the restore point didn't correlate to any of the available options on the system, I'm not sure if an Windows automatic update has caused this.

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Re-partition Disk: Disk Is Split Into 2 Partitions, Vista (C:)

Mar 29, 2008

My Disk is split into 2 partitions, Vista (C: ) and Data (E, each is about 70 Gb. I do not use the Data partition. I want to delete it and allow Vista(C to use all 140 Gb. The Help pages suggest that if I delete (or reduce the size of) "Data", the free space becomes unallocated? Can I repartition the disk to allow Vista C: to acces all 140 Gb?

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Stata Disk And Installed Vista Upgrade Top Xp Disk

Mar 13, 2009

I need to replace my wife's motherboard, and I am trying to minimize the amount of change. She is currently running XP, but the hardware is old enough that I cannot simply swap the MBs, because a new board will need a different HAL. I was thinking about installing XP and migrating applications. I was wondering what would happen if I cloned her disk to a SATA disk and installed a Vista upgrade on top of the XP disk. I would run setup and provide the appropriate drivers at the F6 prompt. She has used Vista on occasion when we are out-of-town. I have a separate userID on my laptop that is configured to look as much as possible like XP. The question is whether a Vista upgrade would work on top of an XP image that used a lot of older hardware.

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Reinstall ? Repair Vista Dvd

Jun 21, 2009

How do I *repair* Vista from the DVD -*without*- hosing my installed programs? Please note; I do not want to use System Restore.

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Stat Up Repair With Vista

Jan 10, 2008

Is it possible to run a Start up Repair on a Vista Home premium laptop (32 bit) using a 32 bit Vista Ultimate DVD?

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Install A New Motherboard, Repair Vista?

Mar 22, 2009

I had to install a new Motherboard. The CPU, Hard drive and all the other
hardware are the same. Is there a way to get Vista working again without doing a totally new installation of Vista and all other programs?

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How Can Vista X64 Auto Repair Work

Apr 20, 2009

I should probably know the answer to this one, but I periodically run scannow on vista x64, vista x86, and xp mce 2005 computers.Usually auto repair works. Recently, on the mce 2005 computer I have begun to get requests to insert the XP Professional SP3 cd's. Can I get around this? If not, can I get cd's from MS for free or a nominal cost?

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Repair/reinstall Vista 64, Computer Freezes

Aug 3, 2009

My computer freezes from time to time and I think I tried everything to locate what the problem could be. The event logs show nothing, I ran a memory test with no problem, (I have 4Gb), I checked my drive and had no problems. All my drivers are up to date and I have all the latest updates/service packs. So my last hope is to re-install Vista. Are there any easy steps to re-install Vista? Or do I have to format my machine and start from scratch? I don't want to re-install office and so on.

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Repair: Reintall Vista Computer Slow

Jul 19, 2009

I would like to re-install my version of Windows Vista Home Premuim, and i have the installation disc and everything, because my computer is so slow. I am making a back-up disc of everything i would want on the computer, including program files, Can i still install over my computer and the drivers for my modem and everything would be on the disc, or not?

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Warranty Repair And Backup For Vista Home Premium (VHP)

Jan 18, 2009

Notebook going in for warranty servicing, replacement of fan.

I wish to store VHP system and Vista setup information on an external HDD.

Has anyone found a freeware or workaround to allow me to save and then restore my Vista settings and programs to a new default install of Vista?

I understand when my notebook is returned with a new fan, VHP will be at factory default status.

Files, documents and the like will already be on a backup HDD via Sync Toy 2.0.

Am more concerned about the Vista setup and other aspects such as Windows Mail. Contacts, Windows Calendar, etc.

Will I have to reinstall all my programs and the like?

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Repair XP Installation An Dual Boot Machine (with Vista).

Apr 10, 2008

I have a PC that had XP pro installed 1st. Then I installed Vista using the dual boot option on the vista DVD. Everything went well and it all worked fine. I've been happily using Vista for months now, and I've not used XP for some time. But now I need to use it, and it won't boot up.

It gets as far as the log in screen. But the keyboard and mouse don't work. (they do during boot up as I can use the keyboard to choose the OS). Same thing in safe mode. How can I repair the XP installation (or do a new one from scratch), with out messing up the Vista installation and keeping the dual boot option.

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Not Booting, Startup Repair Cannot Repair Automatically

Feb 1, 2010

Vista isn't booting on a friends laptop. I'm trying to fix it but have tried everything I can think of. See below

Startup Repair cannot repair automatically (lists the following details)

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: StartupRepairV2
Problem Signature 01: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 02: 6.0.6001.18000.6.0.6001.18000
Problem Signature 03: 6
Problem Signature 04: 1310740
Problem Signature 05: 0xf4
Problem Signature 06: 0xf4
Problem Signature 07: 0
Problem Signature 08: 2
Problem Signature 09: WrpRepair
Problem Signature 10: 267
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Local ID: 1033

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Tried To Do A Vista Repair Install - Lost User Settings, Installed Programs Etc.

Sep 26, 2008

yesterday i created a new vista dvd with vLite, because my windows folder was too big. after that i tried to do a "repair/upgrade install", like explained in this tutorial - Repair Install For Vista

as it turned out, it went completly wrong. i reinstalled vista on C: and the old version was moved to the folder Windows.old. obviously not that, what i want to accomplish. so now im online with a new user account - "lost" the user settings from my old user account, the programs are not "installed" anymore.

here is a small comparison of my situation:

- on C: i got now a new fresh windows and the old version in the folder in Windows.old

- Windows.old contains:

-- my old user settings

-- my old programms installed on C: (not a big deal, because i installed almost all programms on E: ---> other problem, see below)

-- the old windows folder himself

- as mentioned above i installed almost all programms on E: - obviously they are still there, but they are not "installed" anymore

so here are my key questions:

1. is there an easy was to transfer my old user settings to the new one?

2. is there an easy was to "install" all the programms on E:, without reinstall all per hand? eg. about registry import or something like that...

i hope it is clear, what my problems are - english is not my native language...

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Diagnose And Repair Network Can't Repair

Mar 23, 2008

each time I boot my Vista PC the system is very slow to establish a connection to the network. How do I go about troubleshooting this problem? I have a SOHO network config. One Vista PC, one W2K3 server on the network. Verizon supplied FIOS router gets me on the internet. The network runs great once it is connected. When I click diagnose and repair on the network icon the result is a "cant repair the problem" answer.

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Check Disk Not Working

May 5, 2008

Check disk will not run at startup. Runs in read only mode without a problem. Have tried sfc /scannow. Have replaced autochk file. Have tried from elevated prompt, drive c: properties, as well as in safe mode. Tried Vista tutorial methods.

Lenovo R61
T8300 duo processor
2 gb ram
100 gb, 7200 rpm hard drive
4gb readyboost
Windows Vista Business
SP 1 not installed.

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Mar 23, 2008

disk defragmenter not running has been told it actually is running in the background, well mine isn't! I open disk defragmenter from the options menu and get the screen and it tells me that performance could be improved by defragmenting, so I click the defragment now button, select the drive I want defragmented and then okay. The screen says defragmenting for about 3 seconds (with the spinning wheel going) and then the prompt returns to what it originally said. I've looked in the system monitor and defrag is not running! What can I do to get disk defragmenter to run? I know I can install a third party defragmenter but that is only a way around the problem, not a solution for the problem.

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Disk Management Not Working?

Jul 29, 2009

when I go into Disk Management, my interal hard drive, external USB harddrive (Western Digital) and Disk Drive are all unreadable. I am certain it was fine when I first installed Vista as I formatted and partitioned both the internal and external HD. I have tried rescanning and resetting my computer, both to no avail. It is interesting to note that Memory Diagnostic Tool doesn't seem to want to work either...Microsoft only suggested rescanning and resetting, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

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Disk Defragmenter Not Working?

May 26, 2008

I am new to this forum, but need some advice on the disk defragmenter. I tried to defragment the disk last night and left it on all night. In the morning, the disk defragmenter 'still' says... this may take a few minutes to a few hours. The disk defragmenter is ususally on a schedule which is every wednesday, but I am beginning to think it has never been defragmented. How do I defragement the disk in this situation... and hopefully rectify the automatic scheduled defragementation.

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Disk Drive Wont Working

Mar 23, 2008

I can't play any games on my laptop, because for some reason my drive isn't working. I have Windows Vista but I don't have a disk because it was already on my laptop when I got it. I went to my drives to view what was going on and I get this message: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) I don't know what this is and I have never seen it before. The drive Optiarc CD-RW CRX880A ATA Device it has the picture of the drive and for some odd reason there's a caution sign on it.

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System Freezed: Disk Defraggmentor Not Working

Apr 13, 2009

When I run the windows disk defraggmentor or an independant third party version, my windows vista home premium computer keeps freezing. How can this be fixed?

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Hard Disk Drive Failure Working

Nov 7, 2008

I have 2 hard disk drives: Seagate 1000GB 7200.11 32MB Western Digital 150GB 10KRPM 16MB and two days ago, the Seagate hard drive isnt being recognized/seen by the computer. I have an Asus P5Q3 Deluxe mother board. A week before this problem I was getting alot of BSOD's and freezes, turned out to be faulty RAM, but added this in case it might help. I have never had this problem before... I unplugged and replugged the hard drive, and switched a cord that links it to the motherboard. I have also tried putting the cord into a different SATA port but it didnt work, I didnt try a diff power cord yet, but I will see if it works or not and post it PS - I'm not very computer technical or w/e, but

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Vista "repair/install" And How Long This Takes?

Mar 23, 2008

I may have to run a Vista "repair/install" and I wonder how long this takes? Soon seems best before SP1 is released.

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Reinstall Vista Without The Disk?

Jul 29, 2009

Some trouble with IE & FireFox yesterday & I've
come to the conclusion it's probably best if I reinstall windows.

I don't care about losing everything & starting from scratch as
everything important I have on a seperate hard drive anyway.

The only problem is, I was never given a Windows Vista disk with this
laptop & don't think I have ever had one.

How would I go about either doing a repair installation or just doing a
complete Windows reinstallation without a start-up disk?

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Disk Defragmentation For VIsta

Mar 23, 2008

The disk defragmentor that came with Vista shows only a circulating icon as it progresses. Is there a defragmentor which shows a) how badly the disk looks iniitally and b) how the defragmenting is progressing (as in my old XP system?

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Vista Disk Is Removed

Apr 28, 2009

i have windows vista on my laptop but, stupidly i downloaded a mac them and iv lost my vista iv tried everything i can think off the 1 thing left to do is get my hand on the vista disk.

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Vista Disk Drives

Mar 3, 2009

who is constantly having trouble with his Vista Laptop. His Vista 64 System details states that his 'D' drive is full, on going to the System properties through the system protection HIS 'D' drive it has been ticked, and it appears that any downloads that are automatic are loading onto the 'D' drive. On viewing my own Vista Basic,the same way my 'C' drive is ticked, and I do not have any problems

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Vista Disk Defrag Question

Mar 26, 2008

Does Vista (Home Premium, in my case) defrag the hard drive(s) on its
own, without being scheduled to do so? I know I can manually force a
defrag, but what about unscheduled defrags?

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