Stat Up Repair With Vista

Jan 10, 2008

Is it possible to run a Start up Repair on a Vista Home premium laptop (32 bit) using a 32 bit Vista Ultimate DVD?

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Reinstall ? Repair Vista Dvd

Jun 21, 2009

How do I *repair* Vista from the DVD -*without*- hosing my installed programs? Please note; I do not want to use System Restore.

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Install A New Motherboard, Repair Vista?

Mar 22, 2009

I had to install a new Motherboard. The CPU, Hard drive and all the other
hardware are the same. Is there a way to get Vista working again without doing a totally new installation of Vista and all other programs?

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Vista Repair Disk Not Working

May 14, 2008

I have lots of bad sectors and not even able to do a restore to a previous restore point. I tried chkdsk/f but on restart it doesn't do the chkdsk. I have a Vista repair disk and I ran the repair but I still have the sector errors that prevent going to the previous restore point.

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How Can Vista X64 Auto Repair Work

Apr 20, 2009

I should probably know the answer to this one, but I periodically run scannow on vista x64, vista x86, and xp mce 2005 computers.Usually auto repair works. Recently, on the mce 2005 computer I have begun to get requests to insert the XP Professional SP3 cd's. Can I get around this? If not, can I get cd's from MS for free or a nominal cost?

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Repair/reinstall Vista 64, Computer Freezes

Aug 3, 2009

My computer freezes from time to time and I think I tried everything to locate what the problem could be. The event logs show nothing, I ran a memory test with no problem, (I have 4Gb), I checked my drive and had no problems. All my drivers are up to date and I have all the latest updates/service packs. So my last hope is to re-install Vista. Are there any easy steps to re-install Vista? Or do I have to format my machine and start from scratch? I don't want to re-install office and so on.

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Repair: Reintall Vista Computer Slow

Jul 19, 2009

I would like to re-install my version of Windows Vista Home Premuim, and i have the installation disc and everything, because my computer is so slow. I am making a back-up disc of everything i would want on the computer, including program files, Can i still install over my computer and the drivers for my modem and everything would be on the disc, or not?

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Warranty Repair And Backup For Vista Home Premium (VHP)

Jan 18, 2009

Notebook going in for warranty servicing, replacement of fan.

I wish to store VHP system and Vista setup information on an external HDD.

Has anyone found a freeware or workaround to allow me to save and then restore my Vista settings and programs to a new default install of Vista?

I understand when my notebook is returned with a new fan, VHP will be at factory default status.

Files, documents and the like will already be on a backup HDD via Sync Toy 2.0.

Am more concerned about the Vista setup and other aspects such as Windows Mail. Contacts, Windows Calendar, etc.

Will I have to reinstall all my programs and the like?

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Repair XP Installation An Dual Boot Machine (with Vista).

Apr 10, 2008

I have a PC that had XP pro installed 1st. Then I installed Vista using the dual boot option on the vista DVD. Everything went well and it all worked fine. I've been happily using Vista for months now, and I've not used XP for some time. But now I need to use it, and it won't boot up.

It gets as far as the log in screen. But the keyboard and mouse don't work. (they do during boot up as I can use the keyboard to choose the OS). Same thing in safe mode. How can I repair the XP installation (or do a new one from scratch), with out messing up the Vista installation and keeping the dual boot option.

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Not Booting, Startup Repair Cannot Repair Automatically

Feb 1, 2010

Vista isn't booting on a friends laptop. I'm trying to fix it but have tried everything I can think of. See below

Startup Repair cannot repair automatically (lists the following details)

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: StartupRepairV2
Problem Signature 01: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 02: 6.0.6001.18000.6.0.6001.18000
Problem Signature 03: 6
Problem Signature 04: 1310740
Problem Signature 05: 0xf4
Problem Signature 06: 0xf4
Problem Signature 07: 0
Problem Signature 08: 2
Problem Signature 09: WrpRepair
Problem Signature 10: 267
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Local ID: 1033

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Tried To Do A Vista Repair Install - Lost User Settings, Installed Programs Etc.

Sep 26, 2008

yesterday i created a new vista dvd with vLite, because my windows folder was too big. after that i tried to do a "repair/upgrade install", like explained in this tutorial - Repair Install For Vista

as it turned out, it went completly wrong. i reinstalled vista on C: and the old version was moved to the folder Windows.old. obviously not that, what i want to accomplish. so now im online with a new user account - "lost" the user settings from my old user account, the programs are not "installed" anymore.

here is a small comparison of my situation:

- on C: i got now a new fresh windows and the old version in the folder in Windows.old

- Windows.old contains:

-- my old user settings

-- my old programms installed on C: (not a big deal, because i installed almost all programms on E: ---> other problem, see below)

-- the old windows folder himself

- as mentioned above i installed almost all programms on E: - obviously they are still there, but they are not "installed" anymore

so here are my key questions:

1. is there an easy was to transfer my old user settings to the new one?

2. is there an easy was to "install" all the programms on E:, without reinstall all per hand? eg. about registry import or something like that...

i hope it is clear, what my problems are - english is not my native language...

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Diagnose And Repair Network Can't Repair

Mar 23, 2008

each time I boot my Vista PC the system is very slow to establish a connection to the network. How do I go about troubleshooting this problem? I have a SOHO network config. One Vista PC, one W2K3 server on the network. Verizon supplied FIOS router gets me on the internet. The network runs great once it is connected. When I click diagnose and repair on the network icon the result is a "cant repair the problem" answer.

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Vista "repair/install" And How Long This Takes?

Mar 23, 2008

I may have to run a Vista "repair/install" and I wonder how long this takes? Soon seems best before SP1 is released.

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Start Up Repair

Nov 21, 2009

Windows wont start and is asks for the installation disc to fix vista however, my PC did not come with an installation disc, just recovery options (which no longer appear). I've run windows start up repair and get the following message:

Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically

Problem event name: Startup repair v2

Problem signature 01: External Media

Problem signature 02: 6.0.6000.16386.6.0.6000.16386

Problem signature 03: 0

Problem signature 04: 65537

Problem signature 05: unknown

Problem signature 06: FailureDuringSetup

Problem signature 07: 0

Problem signature 08: 0

Problem signature 09: unknown

Problem signature 10: 1168

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033

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Startup Repair

Oct 9, 2009

Hi, i am trying to use the startup repair function booting from my vista disc. I have set it in BIOS so that it boots from the cd/dvd drive first. I put the disc in and restart and when it comes up saying boot from cd/dvd press any key i do so. The problem is everytime i do that my pc just starts up normally and doesn't load the vista disc so i cannot get on the options and run startup repair.

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Repair Without Install DVD?

Mar 26, 2008

I have an HP notebook with Vista Home Premium and after running SFC I have a few corrupted files.

Question is there a way to bring in the original files when the OEM didn't send an install DVD or will offer one at all?

All I have is the recovery partition with the option to "repair to original factory condition" which from what I gather means erasing all my settings and personal files.

I have made a recovery disc (from the partition) and I have the "Anytime Upgrade DVD," and I'm curious is there any way to access the upgrade DVD to get to those files or even do a real repair of Vista without losing settings and personal files?

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How To Repair Registry

May 25, 2008

I installed a new registry cleaner, RegCure I think, ran it, cleaned like 12k errors, more than I thought I should have, turned off my computer and went to bed. I come back and its acting like windows 2000!

None of the services are working, I can't access the backups I made, and I can't use the system restore because the host program wont respond, or something I ran safe mode and got SOME of the drivers working again, as I thought I would, so it sort of seems my computer has amnesia Does anyone know how I can get more services to work without
reformatting my computer?

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Crashed, Cannot Repair

Apr 24, 2008

Hello, my son's pc crashed and will only boot to the black screen with green loading bar, then quits. Monitor keeps going to sleep.

I tried everything: system repair (which says it can't do - corrupt registry). Restore (can't - no restore point was set.) Go back to last known good config - won't work it crashes.

I ran a memory test and all was good.

So, I saw on this site where it was advised to do an upgrade/repair, but I can't because the option is grayed out and disabled. I tried starting with the disc in, and also by starting and then putting the disk in. If I wait until the machine starts and put the disk in, it will not work. It crashes. If I put the disk in and then start the machine is when I get to the install screen and eventually the 'update is disabled' screen.

I'm really trying to avoid a new install. I wonder if there is a way to get around the disabled thing in my case?

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Repair Does Not Work

Jul 27, 2009

I have a Hp Pavilion notebook with Vista Home Premium. The PC boots fine, but when I log in to the user account with the password the screen turns all white.

I also tried in safe mode and in safe mode as soon as I put in the password in the screen turns all black. It says "safe mode" in the corners and the top of the screen says:

"Microsoft® Windows® (Build 6001:Service Pack1)"
You can move the mouse pointer around but there is nothing to click on and the screen remains black.

I came across this forum and I followed the instructions in the tutorials on fixing Vista.

First I tried How to Do a Startup Repair in Vista and it said it was unsuccessful.

Next, I followed the directions from "How to Do a System Restore in Vista" and it said " no restore point have been created on this computer's system disk"

Now I am trying "How To Perform a Repair Installation For Vista"

but when I get to "step 10. Click on the Upgrade option" the upgrade option is greyed out.

Why am I not given the "upgrade option" and what should I do now?

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Repair Install

Jul 6, 2008

In wanting to do a repair install (keeping existing programs etc), on running Recovery CD, I get the message.

"Upgrade has been disabled vand cannot be started. To upgrade, cancel the installation and then choose to upgrade to a version of windows that is more recent than the versiopn you are currently running"

I'm running Vista Home Premium (fully updated) but suspecting that I may have a problem, I thought I could do a repair install but it seems all I can do is either a clean install and thus lose everything or upgrade to I assume Business or Ultimate Editions of Vista. Why can't I do a repair install from Vista Recovery CD?

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Mar 5, 2010

I originally sought help for a problem with a hotfix, KB978251, which my machine would not accept. Over in the Updates thread, here, kb978251 cannot install: why? Flavius was gracious enough to respond. After running the diagnostics and posting the results he'd requested, the end result seems to be that my installation of Vista is corrupted.

His advice was to reinstall vista or upgrade to Windows 7. I am loathe to accept either course of action. The reinstall directions by Brink, here, Repair Install For Vista states explicity,

IF YOU HAVE THE VISTA SP2 INSTALLED: This will not work if you have SP1 and SP2 installed unless your Vista installation DVD includes SP2. I, of course, have SP2 installed. My Vista installation DVD did NOT include SP2; I patched my install to SP1, then later, to SP2.

To confirm, is it impossible to repair Vista if SP2 is installed and my DVD did NOT contain SP2?

Without reformatting my computer and starting from scratch, a course of action which seems quite drastic and perhaps not what Microsoft designed their OS to be known for, how can I repair my Vista installation?

My sfc files are attached. My understanding is that I have a lot of corrupt files. I am willing to replace them, but I need more information to interpret the results of the sfc output.

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Unable To Repair

May 12, 2010

I have been trying for ever to do an upgrade install, vista home premium 64 over vista home premium 64 to solve some WU problems but haven’t had any luck. I have no service packs installed, and are trying to upgrade from a non service pack vista disk. It seems to skip asking me if I want to upgrade at all. It goes like this

Insert vista DVD
Click install now
Product key screen (i don't put it in right now)
Choose version (home premium 64)
Agree to license
>>This is where it gets different<<
It asks to select partition (I dual boot xp)

After I choose the partition that contains my vista installation it gives me a warning that files may already be there and they will be moved to windows.old I went ahead and agreed once and it went to the screen that said copying files 0%... at which point I clicked cancel. I was afraid to leave it to see if it would..............

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PC Repair Failure

Apr 6, 2008

I'm currently having a problem with my bosses PC. It will not boot into Vista. I have booted into safe mode and tried to rool it back to a restore point. This has not helped. I have also tried using Startup Repair on the Vista DVD which fails.....

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Mar 23, 2008

Is there a process by which I can reinstall Vista Ultimate so that it repairs an existing install? Perhaps foolishly, I installed SP1 RC. Initially it ran well. A week (or two?) my hard disk is trashing constantly (like background defrag) and everything's slow as molasses. That includes web screen flips, file reads, email, etc. I suspect it's
SP1 RC but am not certain, as I've installed other software since, that being HP Solution Center for my wireless AIO printer. I uninstalled SP1 RC but nothing improved. If I can refresh or repair the existing Vista Ultimate, I'd like to try. I've been unable to determine if there are other problems. My alternative is a full rebuild and reinstall, which I'd really rather not do.

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Cannot Do A Repair Install With OEM Disk

May 22, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium and want to do a "repair install." I have an OEM DVD with Vista. I have performed the repair process in the past (I think it was called Upgrade), but now that I have installed SP1, it won't work. I slipstreamed a DVD with SP1 according to the tutorial, but it still indicates that the existing version of Vista is newer than the one on the slipstreamed DVD and says that the upgrade functionality is disabled.

I noticed on the tutorial that you need a Retail version of Vista to slipstream with SP1. Is the OEM version different than the Retail version? Is that why I cannot do a Repair Install?

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Cannot Get Past Startup Repair

Mar 6, 2010

Starting today I tried to turn on my pc and I get the startup repair screen. It does a quick scan and says "windows cannot repair this computer automatically". It gives me the option to send the info to Microsoft or don't send, I tried both and both take to an option to finish or cancel. Finish shuts down the pc and cancel restarts. This seems like a never ending cycle, I cannot get to the desktop to use my computer.

My girlfriend said she would notice microsoft office would uninstall randomly which has never happened before, and we also keep our pc on at night and she said it recently started turning off itself. She thinks it may have started when we started putting music onto our mytouch phones with the usb wire and we charge our phones while it stays connected to the of. I'm not sure what to do. Also Im not sure of which uptdates were installed since they are automatically done.Here is a list of the problem details it gives m after the short startup repair:

Problem signature:.............

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How To Repair Disk Permissions

Sep 10, 2008

I removed all permissions of Authenticated Users for my C: drive (entire permissions). What I did is as follows:

. Right click C:
. Properties
. Security
. Deny all permissions for Authenticated Users

Now I can not reach my drive, can not change permissions again, and can not restore permissions etc. Even Admin account can not do anything.

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Startup Repair Issues

Sep 16, 2009

So my dell XPS with vista started acting up today. When I started it up it took forever then went into the startup repair tool. After repeatedly running startup repair I got the blue screen of death. Restarted and then I chose a system restore point, and ran the startup repair again.

Well after about 3 hours of the repair running and having my computer restarting about 40-50 times its still has not allowed me to actually run windows.

I should let you know that my laptop battery is completely dead and no longer works. Today I just yanked the power cord out while windows was running if that has anything to do with it.

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Startup Repair, What Will I Lose?

Jun 30, 2009

When I do a startup repair, what will I lose?

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Recovery CD Or Repair Install

Jul 6, 2008

Having found out I need to remove SP1 before I can do a repair install, is it possible to slipstream SP1 with the recovery CD to create a new one in case I need or to do a repair install in the future

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Corrupt Registry Repair

Mar 22, 2009

computer 'cannot load the hive (file systemrootsystem32configSOFTWARE...' and has been unable to repair itself. I have tried system restore and I cannot remember the exact message but basically there appear to be no restore points to go back to. Can I edit or repair or restore the registry using the command prompt?

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