UAC Taking Too Long System Unresponsive

Nov 21, 2009

Whenever I download a huge setup file (such as a game or game demo 500MB or more) UAC takes a long time and the system becomes unresponsive. How can I fix this?

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System Restore - Taking Too Long?

Sep 13, 2008

I was trying to do a system restore – I went through the normal steps, (may be that was a mistake to start with) clicked on “restore to an earlier date" and selected 24 Aug. 30 hours later the restore is still running –the green line is still going across the bottom of the screen. Not sure what to do now – If I pull the plug on the PC what will or might happen? I have a HP Pavillion Elite M9351 with Vista Ultimate 64

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ASUS Recovery DVD:taking A Long Time To Install

Aug 31, 2009

So basically it takes 4 hours to install it completely. It used to take 45 minutes to install. I've install it maybe 10 times as I have been switching to Windows and Linux back and forth on the same computer. Is there a way to get another one or fix it? I don't know if anyone can help me with this but I thought I could try.

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Very Long Response Of System After Rightclick

Nov 3, 2009

This problem have been bugging me for about a year now. Whenever I bring up a new window (where you can browse for files), when opening, saving or importing something into the applications, so when I rightclick anywhere (the space, the folders or files), it just hangs for a minute (sometimes longer), while I see an hourglass-mouse-cursor, and I can't do anything about that window. I can tab to other programs, though. Sometimes there is also the same delay, when I right-click an icon (of an application that does not exist) on my Quick Launch bar. I have tried different applications, like ShellX, ShellMenuView and ProcMon. I've also tried removing some keys in regedit, to get rid of the extra rightclick options (like Winrar).

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System Crashes During Long Video

Feb 20, 2009

i seem to be having a buffer overflow problem. whenever i view a video, Internet, wmv, etc., after several minutes, the system hangs and must be power cycled. this is not a virus problem, nor is it a memory limitation, as i have 4gb ram installed.

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System Restore Doesn`t Keep Store Points For Long

Jul 1, 2009

My ASUS laptop is nearly a year old & running Vista home premium, but it`s never kept restore points for longer than two or three days.

I recently started the Volulme Shadow copy, which was stopped, & set it to manual; later I tried automatic, but none of that seems to work. Still no restore points kept for longer than three days.

I`m not dual booting with windows XP, & this is the amount of space allocated to restore points:

Used shadow copy storage space: 924.293 MB

Allocated shadow copy storage space: 1.172 GB

Maximum shadow copy storage space: 4.434 GB

I don`t use diskeeper defragmenting tool at all, I use the disk clean up & defragmenter that came with windows vista. I do have Ccleaner, which has a disk cleaner & registry cleaner. I practically don`t use the registry cleaner, & sometimes I use the disk cleaner, but I haven`t used it at all for the last couple of months, & the problem persists. I use as well: Spybot-search & destroy; Ad-aware & my antivirus, which is Mc Afee, does defragment & clean up on a schedule.

I used to have the Norton Antivirus for three months last year, but not anymore, but I realized yesterday that I still haven`t uninstall the Symantec liveUpdate. I don`t have any other Symantec products running on my laptop.

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How To End Unresponsive Application

Oct 8, 2008

i'm using vista x64 ultimate and having this issue for a long time, couldn't find a solution to fix it clearly.

Sometimes when i start Winamp, it just stops responding for few minutes and a message appears'' The program is not responding, if you wait for longer, it may respond etc..'' But even i'm not able to close it via Taskbar by Ending process or processes tree. Cannot get rid of it without changing the user or restarting the pc.

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Machine Becomes Unresponsive

Oct 12, 2009

HP Pavillion DV7 Notebook PC

Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9000 at 2GHz (64-bit)

6.00 GB RAM

64-bit Vista Home Premium SP1

I am a computer application programmer and have a lot of experience with XP, but mostly as a user. This is my first Vista machine and I have little experience with Vista, but I can find my way around it...eventually. (I'm used to finding configuration options in XP and have to search a little to find the equivalent option in Vista.) Quite frequently, when I am using my machine, it goes into an "unresponsive" or "thrashing" state. By this I mean the hard drive light goes on continuously, and some or all all runnin applications become unresponsive (they don't respond to clicks and keypresses,eventually showing "Not Responding" in the title bar). Usually Explorer and the task bar and start menu remain functional but sometimes I get the spinning ring of death. Control-Alt-Delete causes the screen to go black for a few minutes before the prompt comes up.Sometimes this happens with the Task Manager open. Sometimes Task Manager becomes unresponsive too, but when it doesn't it appears to show only 30% processor usage, and only about 2Gb of RAM are in use.The most frequent program I use when not programming is Windows Live Mail, and the problem seems to crop up when I'm reading and browsing e-mails, and Windows Live Mail seems to be the first to exhibit the problems, but that's probably coincidence.No error messages. Is there a system log that I should be looking at? Sometimes in Task Manager I've seen WERfault.exe running - does this mean a background process is crashing? How can I get more info on that?

The problem started soon after I got the machine. The first time it cropped up, I turned off SuperFetch and the problem seemed to disappear for a few days, but after a windows update, the problem returned just as bad as before.

The machine never totally hangs -- if I wait around for a few minutes, eventually it finishes whatever was tying it up and all applications become responsive again. But this occurs quite frequently, 5-10 times per hour, and thus it is very hard to get work done.

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Boot Up: System Takes Too Long To Boot

Jul 29, 2009

i am new to this forum but i have problem with my system bootup. my system takes too long to boot and it started 3days ago. it takes about 120secs at bootscreen alone. i believe it is not my start up programs as it takes about 3 secs to start up from login page. i donot use any third party bootscreen. normally, my system boots in 30 secs but now i am facing a lot of problem which i do not understand. i have tried all the tutorials in this forum relating to bootup problems but found no luck.

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Sidebar Works, But Unresponsive

Dec 29, 2008

I'm running Home Premium x64. The build is only ~1month old and previously the sidebar was working fine. Apparently I've fouled something up. The sidebar loads fine, runs fine, looks fine. Here is the problem; Gadgets like Pro Weather, or Hermes, where the user has the option of opening up a larger screen to the left of the gadget.. those screens are unresponsive.

For example in the weather app, I click the little arrow to expand the gadget, it brings up the larger window with options to view the radar, or nightly forecasts, or moon phases etc, but my clicking ANYWHERE on that screen is unresponsive.. it just doesn't work. I thought maybe it was the weather app, but then noticed the same thing on Hermes. Hermes is a news ticker. When you hover over a story it brings up the full story in a pane to the left, with clickable links for the actual web story. Again, all mouse input in this pane seems to be restricted, and the links do not work.

I don't recall the exact moment when I lost control of this. Over the past few weeks I have installed / uninstalled Norton AV, and used a utility called 'Vista Manager'. Currently I am running no AV. The Vista Manager program is pretty neat actually. I didn't make any kind of drastic changes with it, but thats not to say it isn't someone related. Maybe it stopped a required service or something? Who Knows.

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Mouse Slow And Unresponsive

Apr 17, 2009

I have a new computer with vista and I have just installed Medal of Honor Airbourne. The game installed fine and I had not error messages. However the mouse is slow and unresponsive.

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Screen Dies Computer Unresponsive

Sep 1, 2008

firstly sorry if this is placed in the wrong area of the forum but i didnt know where to post, secondly ive read other posts which share similar symptoms to my problem but not all the same.

ill start my computer and everything seems fine, then all of a sudden at random moments (whilst playing games, whilst surfing the net, whilst booting up, whilst not doing anything) completly random at any time, my pc will seem to crash, the screen goes blank and says 'no input' the computer is on but the little orange flickering light stops..........

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Blackscreen Unresponsive Mouse And Keyboard

Mar 8, 2009

I have been trouble shooting an issue since the purchase of my new pc. In a nutshell my pc locks up (defined as still on but a black screen and unresponsive to mouse or keyboard forcing a hard boot) quite often especially when doing the following: attempting to launch Windows Media Center. This action most consistently creates the lock up (virtually every time) switching users installing a program or really doing anything that would require admin permission shutting down launching some other programs It is not unusual to have to hard boot a dozen or more times a day. I have hit the boards, googled the issue etc and found numerours others that have experienced the same problem. I had a thread on this board in which I had been attributing it to my ATI 4870 begin video card drivers as the problems did not begin until the drivers were installed. That thread ended with indication that it likely was not those drivers.

I just finished reseating the memory (again), swapping the memory slots etc to no avail. I then removed one of the two OCZ Gold 2GB 1600 DDR3 sticks and booted with only one. Lo and behold - the issues disappear. Thinking it might be a bad memory stick (one that slipped past the dozen or so times I ran memtest86+) I swapped in the other to confirm. Well - turns out it ran fine with the other alone as well. Guess it is not a bad memory stick. Now thinking it is a bad slot on the mobo I tried swapping each into other slots but all continue work correctly.Bottom line, I am baffled. How is it that one 2GB memory stick will be fine in any slot but two will begin to create the issues?

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Svchost.exe Taking Up Most Of The Memory?

May 10, 2010

I started noticing about just 2 days ago. whenever i am playing a movie or any audio file, its not clear because the cpu is being used completely 100% most of the time. I checked the task manager and found out that svchost.exe is taking up most of the memory and cpu! any solutions so that i can fix this, i dont think i can end process svchost since it runs some important applications on windows.

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Taking Up Lots Of Space

Jul 4, 2009

Does anyone know what these files are? I had to unhide system files to view them

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Updates Taking Too Much Space

Apr 11, 2009

I regularly install windows vista updates. It is taking too much space. Installing 400MB of updates wiped off 3GB from my C drive. let me know about the resolution for the same.

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Ram Taking Extra Space

Aug 22, 2008

I have just set up my two Vista systems and would like to know what the rest of you get as far as your CPU and RAM% are concerned. On my small Benq joybook it hovers at 55%cpu and 50%ram. On my Dragon it hovers at 2%cpu and 55% ram at idle.

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Tilde Key Unresponsive: If I Press The Tild Key Quickly As If I Were Typing Normaly, It Dose Not Register

Feb 6, 2009

ive been having problems with the tilde key on my Asus laptop. at first it was that it didint work at all, in games, in microsoft works, or notepad. i went searching online and disabled the driver for the eHome ir receiver (even though i dont own an ir receivers). after that i was able to use the tild key only outside of games. but heres the strange part, if i press the tild key quickly as if i were typing normaly, it dose not register. in order to use it i have to hold down the tilde key for about 1-2 seconds before it would spit out a stream of "````````````". then i could delete up to the first one. this is true for the laptops keyboard, and a wired dell keyboard i connected using usb.........

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Failed ZIPs Taking Up Space

Dec 2, 2008

So, I just tried using the Windows-native compression to zip a VIDEO_TS folder 4.35GB in size. The first attempt stalled on the last file with "10 Seconds" remaining, so I canceled it. After a system restart I tried again, this time receiving a "Low Disk Space" error. I found this odd since at my last check the system disk had over 8GB free and a zipped 4.35GB folder can't possibly exceed that. So I did a Disk Cleanup, which freed roughly 2.5GB of space, including temp files; this left 5.8GB free, still down from my initial free space. I tried once more, and received the same "Low Disk Space" error. Now the system disk shows 3.23GB free, yet there is nothing I can eliminate with Disk Cleanup.

So, after three failed ZIP attempts, my system disk is missing ~4.5GB of disk space. I have to assume this is due to Windows not cleaning up its temporary files after each failed attempt. Does anyone know where Windows keeps such temp files so I can purge them? Also, is there any way to change where Windows compiles ZIPs like you can with Special Folders?

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Performance Taking About 15-120 Mint Startup

Jun 12, 2008

I installed the lastest Vista Updates (8) yesterday (6/11) and I have noticed a significant performance degradation including it now taking about 15-120 minutes for my computer to start up. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Reply Button Taking 60 Seconds

May 15, 2010

When I want to reply to an email and it is the first email of the day that I reply to , I hit the reply button and it taking over 60 seconds for the cursor to appear in the memo area.

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Microsoft Taking Official Petitions To Keep XP Alive

May 30, 2008

If you can remember back a few weeks, Steve Ballmer went on record saying that Microsoft would consider extending the life of Windows XP if enough people asked for it. Afterall, many people don't want to upgrade to Windows Vista because they are perfectly content with XP. The problem was there was no way to ask for it. Sure, you could sign one of the many online petitions, but Microsoft considers those "non-official complaints" and the rest of us simply consider them silly.

Well, word has been passed down to the tech support teams (and then on to Neowin) that they are to begin logging any calls that come in for the sole purpose of requesting an extension to the retail life of Windows XP. The calls will be logged and, if enough complaints are filed, Microsoft will consider giving XP some more time (no pinky promises, though). If you wish to file an official petition yourself, you can simply call the Windows XP Home Edition support numbers for your country and let the operator know that you wish to file an official complaint. Because we're so nice and want to save you the trouble, here are the numbers for a majority of Neowin's visitors

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Folder Size Utility- What Is Taking Up So Much Space?

Feb 19, 2009

I'm looking for a free utility that will show me at a quick glance which folders are taking up most of the room on my hard drive. I have a 146gb hard drive almost full and I can't tell for the life of me what is taking up so much space. Can anyone recommend something that works for both Vista and XP?

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Program Files Folder Inaccessible, Taking Ownership Does Nothing

May 11, 2010

This all started when I recently had some malwares/viruses roaming around my laptop one day. I had managed to get rid of it all but it left my Direct Console 2.0 useless (I have an ASUS G-50V, Vista Premium 64-bit). I've tried reinstalling it and it just wouldn't load, no error message or anything (it did show up on taskmanager but no window appeared).

So trying to find a solution on google I ended up installing .net Framework 4.0. However, after restarting i started getting a ton of error messages about files in the Program Files folder, and then I realized it had just completely disappeared (rather, all the files inside disappeared). First the error messages said the folder was "corrupt and unreadable."

I navigated to the folder and tried clicking it, which then another error message popped up saying "Access is denied." I tried almost every solution I found on google, changing ownership and such, but I still cannot open the folder. Moreover, I cannot repair or uninstall any program that is or has been in the Program Files which I'm assuming has to do with the permission issues. I noticed this when I ran the setup for Direct Console 2.0 and tried to repair it, only giving me an error saying "The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: C:Program Files (x86)ASUSOvClk.dll." But this also makes no sense to me as this is the x86 program files folder, which I can access.

I checked both of the folders and TrustedInstaller has ownership to both of them.

*Edit - I just checked the ASUS folder inside my Program Files (x86) where the only group assigned to it for security is "Everyone" and it had no access whatsoever.

I would like to know if there is any possible way to fix this and if the files inside the folder are still there as this is very frustrating to deal with. Most of my ASUS programs were in the Program Files, including the hotkey manager is really useful to me. Thanks a lot.

In case you need to know:

As for the what I did to deal with malwares and viruses I mentioned before, I did install Malwarebytes on another computer with updated definitions and loaded it on a flash drive here, removing whatever malwares it found. Even after this though (and this has been a consistent problem), mbam.exe would disappear after installing Malwarebytes regularly on my own laptop.

Thinking there was some virus or other malware laying around that it didn't pick up, I downloaded and installed AVG. I updated it and full scanned, which found more viruses and did fix the issue of mbam.exe disappearing after install. At this point I installed Malwarebytes again, updated, and scanned again, finding 1 or 2 trojans and I think at this point there shouldn't be any viruses/malwares causing issues, but of course I could be wrong.

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Microsoft And Consumers - Taking Action Against Global Software Piracy

Dec 3, 2009

Today, Microsoft announced a surge of over 150,000 voluntary reports in the past two years from people who unknowingly purchased counterfeit software that often included viruses or other malware. More than double the amount of previous records, this increase reflects growing concern for the harm caused by counterfeit software and Microsoft’s efforts to give people a voice in the fight against software counterfeiting. In addition, Microsoft highlights Consumer Action Day, a simultaneous launch of education initiatives and enforcement actions in more than 70 countries to help protect consumers and increase awareness of the risks of counterfeit software. Learn more on Microsoft’s PressPass site.

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Screen Saver To Black Unresponsive Screen

May 2, 2009

I am having a very wierd issue with vista's screen saver. So basically when I leave the comp idle it goes into screen saver then turns off the monitor after 15 mins. Sometimes, more often than not, I come back and move the mouse and hit a few keys on the keyboard and nothing. The monitor wont come out of standby I try turning it off and back on, and nothing. I have the latest drivers for everything in my system and I checked the power management settings and they both are able to wake the computer up. I have a G15 keyboard and I keep the leds on and when this happens the leds are off and the lazer for the mouse is off too.

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Long Log In Times

Apr 15, 2009

I have several Vista business 32bit laptops,of various makes and models, but all have the same problem. They are joined to a w2k3r2 domain, and whenever the users take them home and are not connected to the domain, they are unable to login. They can get to the welcome screen and put in their domain username and password but it will sit forever at the welcome screen with the circle spinning. I have clocked it up to an hour before shutting it down. As soon as they come in the next day and are plugged into our network they have no problems. However I have found that if I log in as the local administrator, let everything come up, I can log off and log back in with my cached domain user account. i did check to see if the user profiles were actually created ahead of time and they are. I am stumped and it is to the point where I am ready to downgrade to xp on these machines as work is being lost.

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LONG Boot Up

Feb 14, 2007

I'm running a clean install of Home Premium. I basically rebuilt my computer to run vista. The problem is that when I boot, it gets past my normal boot screen (where you enter your bios options) and goes to a black screen. Then after several minutes (3-5) I get the green vista progress bar and the computer boots into Vista. Once i'm in, it's a screaming machine. Works great, I've got a WEI of 4.4. Anyone know why the boot up takes SOOOO long?

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Very Long Wait

Apr 10, 2009

I have just purchase a Toshiba laptop with AMD dual core , 2 gig of ram and 250 gig hard drive. I had to complete the vista-setup myself. I started the computer and it's standing right next to me but is only displaying one strange icon for already 15 minutes now. Is it normal that it takes that long?

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How Long Does It Take To Load?

Mar 26, 2008

im getting kinda tired if not mad about having to install vista. I had XP on a system I just built for a friend but now I have been trying to install Vista 64 on his new gammin rig. Howeve Ive found that the load process seems to be locking up. The first time I tried to load it, it just sat at 0% in Expanding files, the second time at 18% and were talking 30 mins at a time. Im just about had it with messing with windows vista and doing a nice fresh XP load on it cause I know that It works already, I just wanted him to get the newer better...........

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No Long E-Mails

Jan 13, 2009

I can not send long E-Mails IE with movies or pictures. the first message I get is: your SMTP server has not responed in 60 seconds. would you like to wait another 60 seconds for the server to respond. Account: ATTnet E-Mail, erver:mailhost. then I get the error protocol: SMTP, Port: 25 secure(SSL) NO, error number: 0x800CCC19.

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