Mouse Slow And Unresponsive

Apr 17, 2009

I have a new computer with vista and I have just installed Medal of Honor Airbourne. The game installed fine and I had not error messages. However the mouse is slow and unresponsive.

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Blackscreen Unresponsive Mouse And Keyboard

Mar 8, 2009

I have been trouble shooting an issue since the purchase of my new pc. In a nutshell my pc locks up (defined as still on but a black screen and unresponsive to mouse or keyboard forcing a hard boot) quite often especially when doing the following: attempting to launch Windows Media Center. This action most consistently creates the lock up (virtually every time) switching users installing a program or really doing anything that would require admin permission shutting down launching some other programs It is not unusual to have to hard boot a dozen or more times a day. I have hit the boards, googled the issue etc and found numerours others that have experienced the same problem. I had a thread on this board in which I had been attributing it to my ATI 4870 begin video card drivers as the problems did not begin until the drivers were installed. That thread ended with indication that it likely was not those drivers.

I just finished reseating the memory (again), swapping the memory slots etc to no avail. I then removed one of the two OCZ Gold 2GB 1600 DDR3 sticks and booted with only one. Lo and behold - the issues disappear. Thinking it might be a bad memory stick (one that slipped past the dozen or so times I ran memtest86+) I swapped in the other to confirm. Well - turns out it ran fine with the other alone as well. Guess it is not a bad memory stick. Now thinking it is a bad slot on the mobo I tried swapping each into other slots but all continue work correctly.Bottom line, I am baffled. How is it that one 2GB memory stick will be fine in any slot but two will begin to create the issues?

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Slow Reaction From Mouse Movement

Aug 14, 2008

I just bought a new laptop HP Pavilion dv9925nr 4gb ram, athlon AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-60 / 2 GHz with NVIDIA GeForce 7150M Shared video memory (UMA) 1071 MB. My problem is that theres a little late reaction from the point that I move the pointer of the mouse to actually seeing it move. Dont know if its the graphics or what...

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How To End Unresponsive Application

Oct 8, 2008

i'm using vista x64 ultimate and having this issue for a long time, couldn't find a solution to fix it clearly.

Sometimes when i start Winamp, it just stops responding for few minutes and a message appears'' The program is not responding, if you wait for longer, it may respond etc..'' But even i'm not able to close it via Taskbar by Ending process or processes tree. Cannot get rid of it without changing the user or restarting the pc.

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Machine Becomes Unresponsive

Oct 12, 2009

HP Pavillion DV7 Notebook PC

Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9000 at 2GHz (64-bit)

6.00 GB RAM

64-bit Vista Home Premium SP1

I am a computer application programmer and have a lot of experience with XP, but mostly as a user. This is my first Vista machine and I have little experience with Vista, but I can find my way around it...eventually. (I'm used to finding configuration options in XP and have to search a little to find the equivalent option in Vista.) Quite frequently, when I am using my machine, it goes into an "unresponsive" or "thrashing" state. By this I mean the hard drive light goes on continuously, and some or all all runnin applications become unresponsive (they don't respond to clicks and keypresses,eventually showing "Not Responding" in the title bar). Usually Explorer and the task bar and start menu remain functional but sometimes I get the spinning ring of death. Control-Alt-Delete causes the screen to go black for a few minutes before the prompt comes up.Sometimes this happens with the Task Manager open. Sometimes Task Manager becomes unresponsive too, but when it doesn't it appears to show only 30% processor usage, and only about 2Gb of RAM are in use.The most frequent program I use when not programming is Windows Live Mail, and the problem seems to crop up when I'm reading and browsing e-mails, and Windows Live Mail seems to be the first to exhibit the problems, but that's probably coincidence.No error messages. Is there a system log that I should be looking at? Sometimes in Task Manager I've seen WERfault.exe running - does this mean a background process is crashing? How can I get more info on that?

The problem started soon after I got the machine. The first time it cropped up, I turned off SuperFetch and the problem seemed to disappear for a few days, but after a windows update, the problem returned just as bad as before.

The machine never totally hangs -- if I wait around for a few minutes, eventually it finishes whatever was tying it up and all applications become responsive again. But this occurs quite frequently, 5-10 times per hour, and thus it is very hard to get work done.

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Sidebar Works, But Unresponsive

Dec 29, 2008

I'm running Home Premium x64. The build is only ~1month old and previously the sidebar was working fine. Apparently I've fouled something up. The sidebar loads fine, runs fine, looks fine. Here is the problem; Gadgets like Pro Weather, or Hermes, where the user has the option of opening up a larger screen to the left of the gadget.. those screens are unresponsive.

For example in the weather app, I click the little arrow to expand the gadget, it brings up the larger window with options to view the radar, or nightly forecasts, or moon phases etc, but my clicking ANYWHERE on that screen is unresponsive.. it just doesn't work. I thought maybe it was the weather app, but then noticed the same thing on Hermes. Hermes is a news ticker. When you hover over a story it brings up the full story in a pane to the left, with clickable links for the actual web story. Again, all mouse input in this pane seems to be restricted, and the links do not work.

I don't recall the exact moment when I lost control of this. Over the past few weeks I have installed / uninstalled Norton AV, and used a utility called 'Vista Manager'. Currently I am running no AV. The Vista Manager program is pretty neat actually. I didn't make any kind of drastic changes with it, but thats not to say it isn't someone related. Maybe it stopped a required service or something? Who Knows.

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Screen Dies Computer Unresponsive

Sep 1, 2008

firstly sorry if this is placed in the wrong area of the forum but i didnt know where to post, secondly ive read other posts which share similar symptoms to my problem but not all the same.

ill start my computer and everything seems fine, then all of a sudden at random moments (whilst playing games, whilst surfing the net, whilst booting up, whilst not doing anything) completly random at any time, my pc will seem to crash, the screen goes blank and says 'no input' the computer is on but the little orange flickering light stops..........

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UAC Taking Too Long System Unresponsive

Nov 21, 2009

Whenever I download a huge setup file (such as a game or game demo 500MB or more) UAC takes a long time and the system becomes unresponsive. How can I fix this?

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Tilde Key Unresponsive: If I Press The Tild Key Quickly As If I Were Typing Normaly, It Dose Not Register

Feb 6, 2009

ive been having problems with the tilde key on my Asus laptop. at first it was that it didint work at all, in games, in microsoft works, or notepad. i went searching online and disabled the driver for the eHome ir receiver (even though i dont own an ir receivers). after that i was able to use the tild key only outside of games. but heres the strange part, if i press the tild key quickly as if i were typing normaly, it dose not register. in order to use it i have to hold down the tilde key for about 1-2 seconds before it would spit out a stream of "````````````". then i could delete up to the first one. this is true for the laptops keyboard, and a wired dell keyboard i connected using usb.........

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Logitech Mouse :: Double-click With Middle Mouse Button?

May 28, 2009

I have an old Logitech but fully functional mouse (cordless optical).

When I ran Vista x86 Ultimate, I installed a small program that allowed me to double-click with middle mouse button. Now, with Vista x64 Ultimate, it doesn't work anymore.

Do someone know another small program to allow me that?

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Screen Saver To Black Unresponsive Screen

May 2, 2009

I am having a very wierd issue with vista's screen saver. So basically when I leave the comp idle it goes into screen saver then turns off the monitor after 15 mins. Sometimes, more often than not, I come back and move the mouse and hit a few keys on the keyboard and nothing. The monitor wont come out of standby I try turning it off and back on, and nothing. I have the latest drivers for everything in my system and I checked the power management settings and they both are able to wake the computer up. I have a G15 keyboard and I keep the leds on and when this happens the leds are off and the lazer for the mouse is off too.

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Slow Shared Printer - Extrememly Slow Shared Printer

Jul 29, 2009


1) Extremely slow shared printer response
2) application nonresponsive while printing

Network Topography:

1 Vista Home Premium 32 PC
1 Vista Home Premium 64 PC

Cisco SD2008 Switch

1 HP 4050 Laserjet (Parallel connected to Vista 32 Machine above)

Configuration of Printer:
Connected via parallel to Vista 32 machine
Printer is configured for sharing and is installed on both machines
test pages print successfully from both machines

Additional notes:
During printer setup on the Vista 32 machine, I attempted to install
additional 64x drivers, but could not locate them, so I skipped this step.

During printer setup on the Vista 64 machine, the shared printers were
identified successfully, and I added the network printer. I was not asked to
install drivers the way I have in the past when adding a local printer.

Printing using the shared printer on the local machine Vista 32 performs
with normal speeds. Printing from the network computer Vista 64 using the
shared printer installed on Vista 32 is extremely slow. Even typing in print
job changes in the print dialog window takes 30 seconds or so for each key
stroke to register a response onscreen.

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Is It The Mouse, Or The OS

Mar 28, 2009

I've been getting increasingly annoyed with my mouse as of late. I've always noticed that while I've been in World of Warcraft, the mouse just doesn't seem precise. You can move the mouse, and sometimes it stops prematurely, sometimes it goes past where you want it to go, you move right and it moves up a bit, it really just isn't seeming that great.

I'm using a Logitech MX400. I've tried both with, and without the Logitech Drivers / Software. I've enabled, and disabled precision on the mouse, and have also tweaked the sensitivity. Something just doesn't seem right. I'm also using a regular mouse pad that has absolutely no reflective capabilites on it... so I'm really at a loss.

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Nov 29, 2008

I start vista up and sometimes i cant select anything on start menu/taskbars altho i can interact with anything on the desktop. A temp fix seems to be if i ctrl+alt+delete then esc but it happens again soon after.

Also when i am in iexplorer/firefox the mouse starts auto scrolling when i move it quickly, when this happens the mouse wont respond to anything outside the main window of explorer. If i then open my Bookmarks or run a mouse over a link they all open in new windows.

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Better Mouse?

Jul 29, 2009

my Trust mouse wheel has just broken, i took a look at it and it seem like it is unfixable. So im looking for a new mouse, as i were looking around i saw a Microsoft mouse which offered 1000 PPI DCS (Doncaster) Ltd. Online Store and a SAITEK mouse which offers 3200 DPI DCS (Doncaster) Ltd. Online Store But i have no idea whether or not 1000 PPI is better then 3200 DPI. I did some Google searching and didnt find anything, so what is ppi? Does it even exist? Is it better? And Which mouse is better?

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No Mouse Or Other Devices

Apr 16, 2008

I am having a problem with Vista. Last time I shut my computer down, my mouse worked fine. Now it is gone. I normally use a regular Dell USB mouse. I tried a PS2 mouse that that isn't recognized at all. So, I plugged the USB mouse back in. The computer recognized that I plugged something but claimed it couldn't find a driver for it. I read that Windows Update KB938371 but I am unable to uninstall it and a system restore doesn't fix the problem.

As an additional note to this problem: for the past couple of days ANY USB or firewire drive that I plug in (even ones that I have used before) will not work. As with the mouse, the computer recognizes that I plugged something in but it can't find a driver for it. Anybody have a solution for this other than reinstalling Vista? Having no mouse and no connection to a external hard drive is quite an inconvenience. Even if I DID want to back my stuff up and reformat my computer, I don't dare do that because I have nothing to back it up on besides a bunch of DVD's.

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Mouse Lag In Games But Not Xp

Jan 23, 2009

i have mouse lag problem but ONLY when i'm playing games and ONLY when i'm using Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Under windows xp i have no mouse lag at all :
Now i have installed windows xp sp3, vista ultimate x64 and seven, all the 3 OS with latest driver for mouse and VGA.
My mouse is a logitech G5, my video card ati 4850 and my motherboard abit ip35.

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Mouse Speed

Oct 3, 2009

Ever since installing Vista I seem to have lost control of the mouse speed. Even changing it in Vista does not fix it. The double click is so fast, that 95% of the time is performs a double click when I did not want it to. This is SO damn annoying. It is an older Microsoft mouse with the light and wheel and buttons on the side for going back and forth in Explorer and on the Internet. I think it was called Intellipoint, or something like that. Anyhow, does anyone know if this is a bug?

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Usb Mouse Disconnects

Jun 2, 2008

i have an acer aspire 9410 intel core 2 duo t2500 windows vista home premium 32bit (i think >.>) SP1 nvidia geforce GO 7300 128mb(yaya it sucks) and i have no discs for vista what so ever the only thing i got was the laptop and a box for it and im not sure if this will help me but ever sence a recent download (think it was one for media player or that) vista takes me 30 minutes before i can run an application and now my usb mouse will some times disconnect for no reason at all. i really need help im losing my mind im starting to consider a mac

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PS/2 Mouse Refuses To Work Under

Sep 22, 2008

Like the title says, my PS/2 mouse refuses to work under Vista Home Premium 32bit. The same mouse works fine under Windows 2000 and Windows XP, but under Vista the mouse gets detected but I get the "Code 10", "This device cannot start." in the device manager.

I checked and there are no resource conflicts, or any other outstanding driver or hardware issues in the system. Also, the proper IRQ is assigned and everything looks fine, except for the fact that it does NOT work and I get the Code 10 code.

Like I said, the mouse works fine in Windows 2000/XP. Right now I'm using a spare wireless USB mouse under Vista until I get this figured out. There are no special drivers or software for this mouse since it's just a simple PS/2 mouse.

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Mouse Pointer Jumps Away

Jun 26, 2008

This does not necessarily always happen but some times the mouse pointer jumps away to the top left corner area from where I click. Is there a remedy to stop this from happening?

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Mouse Acceleration Could Not Be Removed

Dec 3, 2008

I have a Toshiba X505-Q830 and it came with Windows 7-64 bit, I play Counter-Strike competitively and the mouse acceleration could not be removed which completely ruined my ability to play the game. So I popped in my copy of Windows Vista-64 bit and formatted and installed. Now my laptop is without the proper drivers for the internet and I have searched high and low for them but nothing is working.

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Mouse And Keyboard Not Working

May 11, 2010

I have a Dell 9400 series with Vista Home Premium Edition, and the mouse and keyboard are not working. I tried to change ports, wait until the system is up to plug them in, but nothing. I can not use F8, because the keyboard is not working. What can I do , please suggest, I do not know what to do.

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Jumping Mouse Pointer

Jul 8, 2008

I have just bought a new laptop with Windows Vista Home installed. I've noticed that my mouse pointer sometimes jumps around the screen by itself whilst I am on the internet. What could be causing this problem and how do I rectify it?

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Mouse Cursor Not Working

Jun 19, 2008

I am having some problems with my mouse cursor, at first I thought it was my logitech wireless mouse and I got a different wireless microsoft mouse, and still have the problem. When I go to click on something, sometimes I have to click above it because it seems as if the mouse is not actually clicking where the cursor is.

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Mouse And Window Positions

Mar 23, 2008

If I have a window open and move my mouse over to the left or top edge to resize the window, the cursor changes to the double arrow not on the border but inside the window a bit. On the other two sides the cursor changes outside the window a bit. If I click on the mouse, the cursor edges over to the correct position on the appropriate border.

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Mouse Stopped Working

Apr 17, 2009

Today suddenly my mouse stopped working properly. The mouse cursor stops moving then I hear the sound that hardware is removed from the system and immediately after the sound that hardware is added and then the mouse works again for a little while. This happens all the time. Mouse stops..hardware removed..hardware added..mouse works.

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64 Bit Keeps Freezing, Mouse Won't Move

Aug 24, 2008

I seem to have a problem. Vista HP 64 bit keeps freezing on me after just a few minutes, the mouse won't move and there is no keyboard response so I have to reboot. Everything is fine for a few minutes and then it happens again. I've been trying all sorts for the last two hours but have got nowhere. Luckily I dual boot Ubuntu so I'm writing this from it. When I tried to post in Vista I never got to finish my post before it froze. Yesterday I got a new monitor (Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP) and it set up fine. I used it for about ten hours yesterday without a problem- both gaming and general use. So I don't think it's that.

Today I installed and purchased 3Dmark06 and ran that. I also ran Ntune. Therefore I suspect these programs are the problem. I have used System Restore. I took it back a couple of days but the problem remained even though 3Dmark06 seems to have disappeared from Programs. I have then taken the restore point back a week but still no luck. I tried to uninstall Ntune in Safe Mode but I can't, I get a message saying that Windows Installer must have not installed properly(?)......

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Turn Off Touchpad Mouse?

Sep 22, 2009

Can anyone help me turn it off? Or, at least the function that simply reads me tapping it accidentally as a request to move the mouse? When I type - it's annoying.

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USB Mouse Not Working After Goes To Sleep

Jan 12, 2009

Running Vista Home Ult 64. I have a USB mouse, which is listed in the DMgr as "HID compliant device". There are no drivers for the mouse, which is by Kingwin.

If I wake the computer with the keybaord, the mouse functions fine. If I wake the computer with the keyboard, the mouse no longer functions. Doesn't even function after a reboot. The only way to get it to function is to unplug it from it's USB port, and then back in again. Called ASUS, and they said I do have the right amperage coming from the PSU.

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Mouse Pointer Can't Response

Jul 20, 2009

I recently had a power failure whilst working on my PC - I restarted it - but started getting problems - I have put both C and D drives through the Check Disk Utility. To all intends iand purposes the Pc appears to be workin, except:

1. The Mouse pointer has the `working in the background`i.e.the revolving circle which goes on for 5 secs then off for 1 sec and back to 5 secs etc.I have tried changing the pointer but to no avail.

2. I can not delete anything in the C/ directorory Program Files.

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