The InstallShield Script Engine Is Older Than The Version Required

Jan 6, 2008

I'm trying to install Maya 8.5, it refuses to continue and pops up a dialog reads: "The InstallShield Script Engine is older than the version required. The installation couldn't be completed... please install the latest isscript.msi.

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Dual Boot Install Older Version Of Os

Mar 24, 2008

I am planning to have a dual-boot but I want to install an older version of OS. I purchased the notebook with Windows Vista HomeBasic installed and I want to install Windows XP for some compatibility reasons. Would it just be OK if I'll do it that way?

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CD Installshield Wizzard Software Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have vista home premium. Upon placing a CD (game) into the drive the installshield wizzard starts up. HOWEVER, as soon as it starts to transfer the game onto hard drive (C) it stops abruptly telling me the the setup has been interrupted and after which it closes. This has never happened before no matter how old the game.

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Uninstall Option And The Installshield Wizard Box Usual

Mar 24, 2009

I seem to have lost some programs. It's all rather baffling as this has never happened to me before. I installed all the software that came with my shiny new (well it was when I bought it!) JVC Everio hard drive camcorder.No problems there as it all worked fine. The only thing was that I didn't really like using it. I found d/l'ing my recordings through windows and using windows Movie Maker to be a lot less bothersome and easier than the JVC stuff. I've been doing that for a while now so I thought I'd uninstall all the JVC stuff.Went to do this and I just can't uninstall it.

There's two ways to do this.The first way I tried was to go into my start menu, where you can hover over the program which brings up a box with different options to do with the program, like run it, read the help stuff and all the other things you can do. At the bottom of this is the 'uninstall this program option. (I've used this method to uninstall lots of other programs in the past with no bother at all)....................

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To OEM Version Or Not To OEM Version: Restriction In The License Means It Cannot Be Transferred To Another Computer

Jun 4, 2008

If I get the OEM version, I know that a restriction in the license means it cannot be transferred to another computer. I need to get clarification on the following:

1) What happens if my computer crashes and I am told I have to reformat the hard drive and re-install Windows? Am I forced to buy a new license?

2) What if I want to have a backup hard drive, or upgrade my existing hard drive to a bigger one? If it's the same computer and only the hard drive is upgraded or a second one added, does that mandate a new license?

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XP Search Engine By Date

Apr 17, 2009

I want to do is search by date or type of software. Actually I am searching for a recently created word file. All any search engine does now is find a program when you know its name. If you know a programs name you generally know were it is so Vista's search engine is useless. Lets make it clear it doesn't even do that. On my H drive I have a file named Zahainya when I asked Vista to search my H drive for a file named Zahainya it comes up empty. Moreover Vista admits it searches slowly because it asked if it can index my files every time and I say yes and still the search is at least 5X slower then XP and it can't find anything anyway.

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Want To Trade My 32bit Version For Your 64bit Version

Mar 23, 2008

If there is anyone out there willing to trade their 64bit version of Vista Home Premium for my OEM 32bit version of Vista Home Premium, e-mail me at 'I need the 64bit version because my system has 8GB RAM.

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Install Business Version With Ultimate Version Dvd?

Jul 5, 2007

I upgraded my pc and bought Windows Vista ultimate 64bit, and i would like to install Windows vista Business 64bit. How can i do it? I took ultimate because it was the only version i could find (in my area anyway) that had a 64bit version in the box. But i don't want the media center, the high definition, and all the multimedia stuff. All of these ultimate "extras" are of no use whatsover to me. So my question is basically can i install the Business version with my ultimate key ? (is it "downwards" compatible in a way ?). I don't understand why ultimate is the only one with 64bit in the box. It doesn't make sense to me. It would have been much more logical for the Business version to be the one with 64bit in the box.

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Jet Database Engine On Vista And Visio 2007

May 10, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit.

From the original DVD, I created a smaller DVD image by using vLite,
removing some of the features I do not need, in order to have a
smaller Vista. Then I installed.

I removed the "Jet Database Engine" component also.
The problem I'm having is that by removing this component I cannot get
the setup of Visio 2007 properly complete. It stops and never

It says: (translated from Italian)
Error 1919... error during configuration of ODBC data source Visio
Database Samples. Error ODBC 13... "

I just tested on a virtual machine that if I just remove with vLite
the "Jet Database Engine" out from Vista, I get this error while
installing Visio 2007.

Is there any solution to bypass the error or to separately install the
"Jet Database Engine" withouth having to re-install all of the
operating system ?

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Start Search Internet Engine Changed

May 17, 2008

I always use Live Search. Why is EarthLink suddenly the default?

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Windows Firewall And Base Filtering Engine

Jun 30, 2009

I'm running 32 bit Vista Ultimate with Service Pack One. I have a problem that is driving me batty. When I open Windows security center and try to turn on Windows Firewall I get a message stating: "Windows Security Center can't turn on Windows Firewall."

I attempt to turn on Windows Firewall manually but get the message: "Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall service." As per advice I saw on another thread on this forum (i believe) I opened a command prompt as an administrator and ran "SFC /scannow" several times. Each time I get the message:.........

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Remove Sonic Burn Engine From Windows

Apr 3, 2009

I have had the last update to nero 9 full for 6 months. I cannot use the burn engine in it because of "track following error" at end. I have read someplace that this could be a software disagreement between nero and sonic. Does anyone have some info on how to remove sonic burn engine from windows safely?

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Playing Half Life 2 Engine Failure

May 24, 2008

I have been having a problem with "Half Life 2 Engine" When ever I try to play CS:S (Why is this crashing because of HL2 Engine?) I start playing for awile everything is perfect and then a random crash. Vista tries to find the problem and comes up with this: Problem caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine This problem was caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine, which was created by Valve Corporation. Microsoft has been unable to contact the manufacturer and has no further information available at this time. How can I fix this? It's very annoying to randomly crash every little bit.

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Confession For My Nasty Abuse Of The Dragon Speech Engine

Nov 25, 2009

I am ashamed of myself, for what I did recently to my loyal Dragon Naturally Speaking speech engine. To properly suffer penitence, I feel I must offer myself up to one of andy t's long tirades. ....y'know, where he interminably carries on about the really important things in life, such as minor spelling errors.

Confession is good for the soul, so here is the shameful description of what I did to the loyal Dragon engine. I dictated my speech into the $200 version of the Dragon engine, but not just any speech. Complex medical terminology, such as: "perioperative transesophageal echocardiography"

Shameful, because the $200 version of the Dragon speech recognition software was never designed to handle such complex jargon. My dictation was roughly 600 words, roughly 1,479 syllables, which took me 7 minutes to dictate. If all the words were one-syllable words, that would be a dictation speed of 211 words per minute!

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Deleted The Older Recovery Files

Dec 15, 2009

I wanted to deleted the older recovery files, but found that I could delete all or nothing. ?Q: Is there a way to selectively delete recovery points files?

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How To Make Play Older Videos From XP?

Jun 11, 2009

I need to make videos from XP play, and I think I need CODECS, but I downloaded the vista service codec pack, and it didn't help. I am pretty much not very good at computers, but I just want to be able to play my old video files from XP, and I need to know what to do.

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Not Connecting To Older Linksys Router

Mar 23, 2008

i have a new vista hp laptop and itis not connecting to my older linksys router. i have other wireless computers in my house that work just find. but my laptop the only vista computer in my house will not connect. i can find my router though "Connect to a network" but every time it says failed due to a unknown reson. my father tied to connect to and he is a computer specails. and on websites it said its a problem with vista sso can someone work me around it.

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Missing Older Restore Points

Apr 12, 2010

My restore point function seems to be working fine however I have only a few dates. In reading about this issue I find mention of some box to click to show restore points older than five days. I'm running Vista Business and do not see that selection. I have verified and set 20 gig of 160 gig HD for restore point storage. How do I see or get restore points older than a few days?

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Automatic Deletion/archiving Of Older Emails

Sep 11, 2009

Any emails in my inbox that reach 1 month old are being automatically deleted or archived. Is there any way I can turn this off? I have looked everywhere and cannot find an option to do this.

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How To Able To Run WinHlp32 To Make Work For Older Programs

Jun 1, 2008

I need to be able to run WinHlp32 to make Help work for older programs. Microsoft has a web site Download details: WinHlp32.exe for Windows Vista that provides a copy of WinHlp32 that is supposed to run on Vista. However, when I try to install the x86 version of it, it fails with the error message "Installer encountered an error 0x8007000d The data is invalid. Has anybody else tried to install the x86 version of WinHlp32?

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Older Windows And DOS Programs- Compatible Mode

Oct 11, 2008

Does this work for anything? I've tried setting the properties of various older Windows and DOS programs, that ran under XP, to run in compatible mode. It doesn't work no matter how I set it.

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Downloading In Newsgroups; How Download Older Headers?

May 26, 2008

I just set up newsgroups in MS mail and when I download headers it only downloads about a week. I know there is over a 60 day archive on the news server. I see no options to allow me to download the older headers.

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Did Not Find The Older Window Operating System Or Xp Installation

Mar 23, 2008

I am presently using 96SE. my ISP no longer supports this version as do some unit is not powerful enough for either xp or vista I am in my eighties and some of my colleagues tell me that vista has a pretty high learning curve, have found both windows 95 and 95se very user friendly. I can get a new unit from Dell loaded with either XP or Vista, i would like to keep current but do not want to become overwhelmed by new technology. I am not a power user but did not find the older window operating system too challenging, the tasks i presently perform are pretty basic my question is given my age and experience level could i handle Vista or should i opt for the XP version.

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Upgrade Current XP With Old CD: Date Version Of XP To A 2+ Year Old Version Of Vista Which Would Require Many Updates To Bring Up To The Current Level

Aug 26, 2009

I purchased a new PC in early 2007 that came with XP. A month or so later I received the Vista upgrade CD which I have never installed. I intend to buy Windows 7 when it becomes available and wish to minimize my system upgrade problems as much as possible. Based on my understanding I would have to do a complete harddrive erase to install Win 7 and then reinstall all my applications. If possible and practical I'd like to upgrade XP to Vista and then Vista to Windows 7. My question am I likely to have problems going from a current up to date version of XP to a 2+ year old version of Vista which would require many updates to bring up to the current level?.

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More Ram Required

Sep 7, 2009

I am thinking of increasing my RAM to 4Gb from 2Gb. According to the manual there are 2 memory slots accessible from the underside of the PC (Toshiba laptop), and 4Gb is OK (2 * 2Gb). I need to know what is already installed, ie 1 * 2Gb module, or 2 * 1Gb modules. Vista Control Panel (System) confirms that I have 2Gb, but not how it is arranged.

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Is LLTD Responder Required On XP SP3

Jun 17, 2008

Must I install the LLTD responder on XP SP3 machines to allow a Vista machine to see the XP machines on the network?

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Message Could Not Be Sent :: 530 Authentication Required

Aug 19, 2009

The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.

The rejected e-mail address was ''. Subject 'free flagstone (maplewood)', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '530 authentication required

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Backup Security Required

Jun 22, 2008

I backup my computer using vista backup. It is not an image backup since image backup is not available on OEM Vista Home Premium. I currently backup to USB hard drive. I am going to experiment with backing up to DVD RW. Is there any automatic or default security built into these backups? If someone steals my USB hard drive or DVD that contain my backups can they access all the data on them? If there is no security in vista backup, what do you recommend I do to secure my backups?

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Lost Password Can Required

Jul 29, 2008

when i press the f1 in start up i really dont remember the password any one know to recover it

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480 Authentication Required For Command

Mar 22, 2009

while i request my newsgroup, i receive an error with following contents: 480 Authentication required for command

Code: 800ccc4a
Port: 119
Protokoll: NNTP

This problem only appear for 1 newsgroup. All in the rest of the newsgroups operates perfectly.

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Open Them The Password Be Required,

May 5, 2008

I have vista home basic on my computer.I have some folder that is very private for me.I like to add a password to them so that when a person want to open them the password be required, but I couldn't find any option for adding a pass to a folder. what can I do?

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