Playing Half Life 2 Engine Failure

May 24, 2008

I have been having a problem with "Half Life 2 Engine" When ever I try to play CS:S (Why is this crashing because of HL2 Engine?) I start playing for awile everything is perfect and then a random crash. Vista tries to find the problem and comes up with this: Problem caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine This problem was caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine, which was created by Valve Corporation. Microsoft has been unable to contact the manufacturer and has no further information available at this time. How can I fix this? It's very annoying to randomly crash every little bit.

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Half Life: GOTY Edition

Apr 20, 2009

I bought the Half Life: Game of the Year Edition off of Amazon a few days ago. I didn't go the Steam or Source route, because I need a game I can play via LAN and not have to be connnected to the internet. I'm not 100% on how either of those work, but after talking to a few guys, I decided to go with what I know.

So I got the game today, and installed it without issue. I was excited and went to open the game to give it a run through. Then. it happened. The first error said something to the affect "you only have -6242.00K of physical memory, Half Life requires 16MB to run." Now I have 4GB of RAM. and wasn't running anything else, so I didn't know what was going on. I looked around and found out that if you have over 2GB it rolls over or something. Solution? Either run it in XP Compatibility mode or shut off the DPE off for Half Life.

After trying both seperatley and even at the same time, nothing works. I don't get the error message any more, but the screen flashes like it's going to start running, then the screen goes black. and that's it. CTRL+ALT+DEL, hl.exe is "Not Responding". That's all that happens.

I've tried restarting the computer, I've tried uninstalling it, then putting the setup.exe in compatibility mode then running it (also stops responding) and nothing works. Can anyone offer up another course of action or help me out?

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Half-Life 2: Freezes, Black Screen

Dec 28, 2009

I recently received The Orange Box, and wish to play Half-Life 2. I am running a Vista Home Premium x64 machine updated to SP1. However, whenever I run Half-Life 2, either from within Steam or from a shortcut, Half-Life 2 starts, adjusts the screen resolution, and freezes on a black screen with a frozen Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. I have added "-32bit" to the shortcut line and have set the program to run in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. This fix has made Portal run fine, so I don't know why it won't work for Half-Life 2.

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Half-Life 2 Failed To Load And Crashing Once Loaded [RE]

Feb 6, 2009

I built a new system, installing Vista Business 64bit to take full advantage of DX10 and large amounts of memory. Not having many games lying around, I decided to download steam and install Half Life 2. If you are reading this, and using a 64bit edition of windows, then my guess is you are having problems with Half Life 2. I encountered two problems, and after a few hours was able to solve both of them.

"64-bit" message was at top of screen game never loaded Potential cause: It seems that while steam intended HL2 to have a 64bit edition, with an update along the line (maybe with the release of Left4Dead according to others) the support was broken and the game doesn't load.

Fix:Unfortunately, the fix removes the 64bit potential. In steam, right click half life 2, and select. From the dialogue box, click Enter "-32bit" and select This got HL2 to load, where upon playing I encountered problem number 2.GAMEPLAY CAUSES FULL SYSTEM HANG- Symptoms: After playing for less than 5 minutes, the game would crash and the three fingered salute (ctrl+alt+del) couldn't get me out of it......................

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XP Search Engine By Date

Apr 17, 2009

I want to do is search by date or type of software. Actually I am searching for a recently created word file. All any search engine does now is find a program when you know its name. If you know a programs name you generally know were it is so Vista's search engine is useless. Lets make it clear it doesn't even do that. On my H drive I have a file named Zahainya when I asked Vista to search my H drive for a file named Zahainya it comes up empty. Moreover Vista admits it searches slowly because it asked if it can index my files every time and I say yes and still the search is at least 5X slower then XP and it can't find anything anyway.

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Half Blue Monitor?

Jul 25, 2009

Alright short story I was just sitting here then all of a sudden my monitor just shot half the screen blue one side was normal the other half was blue and I was so scared that my color tube in my tv was shot, but oddly Nvidia panel was still natural color so then I changed the refresh rate from 60 to 59 hertz and the screen went back to its normal state. Now do remember I am using my 27" tv as my monitor and I am using a HDMI to DVI cable. All I want to know is what caused this why did it do this and if my Tv is in danger of being fried at all?

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Jet Database Engine On Vista And Visio 2007

May 10, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit.

From the original DVD, I created a smaller DVD image by using vLite,
removing some of the features I do not need, in order to have a
smaller Vista. Then I installed.

I removed the "Jet Database Engine" component also.
The problem I'm having is that by removing this component I cannot get
the setup of Visio 2007 properly complete. It stops and never

It says: (translated from Italian)
Error 1919... error during configuration of ODBC data source Visio
Database Samples. Error ODBC 13... "

I just tested on a virtual machine that if I just remove with vLite
the "Jet Database Engine" out from Vista, I get this error while
installing Visio 2007.

Is there any solution to bypass the error or to separately install the
"Jet Database Engine" withouth having to re-install all of the
operating system ?

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Start Search Internet Engine Changed

May 17, 2008

I always use Live Search. Why is EarthLink suddenly the default?

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Windows Firewall And Base Filtering Engine

Jun 30, 2009

I'm running 32 bit Vista Ultimate with Service Pack One. I have a problem that is driving me batty. When I open Windows security center and try to turn on Windows Firewall I get a message stating: "Windows Security Center can't turn on Windows Firewall."

I attempt to turn on Windows Firewall manually but get the message: "Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall service." As per advice I saw on another thread on this forum (i believe) I opened a command prompt as an administrator and ran "SFC /scannow" several times. Each time I get the message:.........

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Remove Sonic Burn Engine From Windows

Apr 3, 2009

I have had the last update to nero 9 full for 6 months. I cannot use the burn engine in it because of "track following error" at end. I have read someplace that this could be a software disagreement between nero and sonic. Does anyone have some info on how to remove sonic burn engine from windows safely?

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Battery Life: CD Vs. HD Vs. External HD

Apr 1, 2009

I'm going to be sitting on an airplane for too many hours. I'd like to watch some videos on the laptop and am wondering the best way to maximize battery life. Which uses the least power?

- Playing the DVD in the DVD drive
- Ripping the DVD to the hard drive and playing it from there (if I have enough free disk space)
- Ripping the DVD to an external hard drive and playing it from there
- Ripping the DVD to a big memory key and playing it from there

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Consider Life Without The Power Of Speech

May 19, 2009

Mankind uses speech extensively to communicate. Imagine how your life would be affected if you did not have the power of speech. You would carry your handy dandy keyboard and instant printer around with you daily. If a friend were about to step off the curb and get run over by traffic, you would frantically whip out your keyboard, type WATCH OUT! in big bold letters, and wave it in front of his face. Imagine your frustration at the local grocery store, as you and the checker exchange notes about the on-special price of an item, while the line builds up
behind you..............

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Circles Of Life And Death

Jun 13, 2009

Is anyone as tired as I am of staring at the Vista Spinning Circle of Microsoft Incompetence? From boot-up to shut-down and everything in between I am utterly tired of staring at this spinning circle. Vista, SP1, SP2: nothing changes. The best anyone can say about Vista is that at least it works, sort of. The computer I write this on boots to XP, Vista and Win 7: only the middle OS spins and spins and spins waiting to do anything while the hard drive thrashes like a an out of balance clothes dryer.

Vista apologists need not respond. If you only run Vista on a machine you cannot see how utterly lousy it really is and what you are missing in performance from your hardware. Linux propeller heads can sit in a corner and spin their beanies. Some of us have to accomplish real work instead of endless futzing with an OS. On this machine Win7 has become my default OS and I will gladly pay for the final version when it goes on sale so I can recover the hard drive space wasted on Vista. The performance of the XP virtualized OS in Win7 is nearly as fast as Vista on its own.

If Microsoft had any honor (or business acumen) they would offer Win7 for a limited time as the free service pack it should be for users stuck with the utter kludge that is Vista. However Microsoft has demonstrated it would prefer to pay billions to the EU in fines rather than treat its customers fairly. It is indisputable that dead and buried General Motors executives from the 60s and 70s psychically control Steve Balmer. There is no other rational explanation for the performance of Microsoft under his direction.

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Loosing Battery Life?

Apr 19, 2008

I've baught a notebook pc. It has T8300 CPU, and Intel GMA 3100 Graphics. The battery has for cells and it says its capacity is 2400mAh. With Windows Vista x64, I did some normal tasks such as surfing the internet a little and some file copying, application installing. But the big problem is the battery life. After fully charged the battery, I could only use about 1 hour and half. I've searched the internet and found that the main culprit is the Aero interface. So, I guess, using Vista Basic when in battery mode, and Aero when in A.C. mode would be more reasonable. Manually changing between them in "Personalization -> Show classic..." is quite a task. Is there any easier way? How do you save battery?

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Life Cam VX 1000: APP Crash

Jun 24, 2008

I recently updated my XP to Vista and bought a new webcam Lifecam VX 1000, after downloading the Cd, when i connect through USB and try opening the camera, it shows a msg saying that APP Crash and hence check online solutions.

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Confession For My Nasty Abuse Of The Dragon Speech Engine

Nov 25, 2009

I am ashamed of myself, for what I did recently to my loyal Dragon Naturally Speaking speech engine. To properly suffer penitence, I feel I must offer myself up to one of andy t's long tirades. ....y'know, where he interminably carries on about the really important things in life, such as minor spelling errors.

Confession is good for the soul, so here is the shameful description of what I did to the loyal Dragon engine. I dictated my speech into the $200 version of the Dragon engine, but not just any speech. Complex medical terminology, such as: "perioperative transesophageal echocardiography"

Shameful, because the $200 version of the Dragon speech recognition software was never designed to handle such complex jargon. My dictation was roughly 600 words, roughly 1,479 syllables, which took me 7 minutes to dictate. If all the words were one-syllable words, that would be a dictation speed of 211 words per minute!

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The InstallShield Script Engine Is Older Than The Version Required

Jan 6, 2008

I'm trying to install Maya 8.5, it refuses to continue and pops up a dialog reads: "The InstallShield Script Engine is older than the version required. The installation couldn't be completed... please install the latest isscript.msi.

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Windows M.maker Freezes Half Way

May 17, 2009

I tried and tried to publish my holiday movie to DVD. It never reaches the finish on publishing and freezes around half way. I transferred it from a SD card and the file is VMP. I'm sure WMM is working ok as I have been successful at publishing a sample video that came with the PC. Really would appreciate some help as I'm getting very frustrated.

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Starcraft: Screen Split In Half

Feb 6, 2009

im 17 and dont know much about computers. I have vista on this computer and when I play *starcraft* it comes up fine and works fine. the only problem is is that the screen is split in half and the bottom half is on the top while the top half is on the bottom!

it does this with fallout and fallout 2 in the exact same manner i can click and play on everything and it is all in working order, execpt for that one problem. Ive looked all around for something related to it online but have found nothing. the only problems im seein is color issues.

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Installed 2Gb RAM And Windows Shows Less Than Half?

Mar 23, 2008

I got 2 new 1 Gig PNY sticks of RAM, and installed them and now my comp won't show but 894 Mb of it. And to top it off I have to use more virtual memory until i can figure this out.

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Half Post Only Until Unplug And Replug!

Oct 6, 2009

My Intel P5 Vista 32 machine will not turn on and boot totally until I unplug it and plug it in again. The POST stops at the end of the the RAM check and freezes. When I unplug and plug it in again it boots successfully.

I had fiddled around with power options and drive SMART settings trying to get WOL (Wake on Lan) to still doesn't work at all. Foolishly I've forgotten all of the few BIOS tweakings I made. Some I've corrected like returning the Suspend mode to Auto from S3.

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Remote Desktop: Half Filled In

Dec 3, 2009

I'm trying to enable Remote Desktop in Vista. When I go to Remote Settings the window only seems to have the top half filled in. Meaning that I see only 1 checkbox "Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer". There is no radio buttons on the bottom half as there is in all the examples on the web. My windows firewall is off. I am running McAfee.

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Printer Printing Out Half Of One Page

Mar 23, 2008

My printer is printing out half of the one page. It stops prinhting in the middle of a page and goes to the next page. It stops printing after only finishing the top half of a sentence. I got it to work once. I'm also having an issue with my mouse and keyboard. The mouse will sometimes click a second time and the keyboard will get stuck on the last key for like 3 seconds.

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Logon Process Failure, Failure - Security Options

Sep 20, 2009

i was on Internet earlier today when i noticed that the videos were already completed buferring, but the videos were lagging; and firefox was performing kind of slow. i decided to re-start my computer. after re-starting the computer the logon process took extremely long, then an error message appeared: logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. failure - security options. i waited for the desktop to appear, then re-started again. but the perofrmance of the logon is still extremely slow. any suggestions?

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Life Messenger Cannot Detect Front Mic ?

May 7, 2009

My msn messenger or windows life messenger cannot detect my front mic in a voice call i.e. the caller cannot hear my voice although i can hear his. In my windows Sound Recording properties, the status of front mic button is Working. Besides, i also can record sound using Sound Recorder with my front mic. Anything to do with the setting in MSN/Live messenger?

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Netgear WG311v3 Stops Working After Half

Jun 5, 2009

I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit and a NetGear WG311v3 wireless card installed into a PCI slot.

Whenever I start up Windows and browse the Internet, the connection seems just fine.

However, after an undetermined amount of time (or perhaps triggered by a certain amount of data I've downloaded), the connection cuts off. I then look in Device Manager and see the yellow warning symbol next to my wireless driver. When I look further, it says "This device cannot start (code 10)". Nothing I do seems to work, except restarting my computer. ANd when I do, I have to manually connect to the wireless network again.

There is no password on the router, and all the other desktops and laptops in the house connect to the router just fine without any connection problems after any amount of time or data.

I have tried re-installing the drivers (even by uninstalling, shutting down, removing hardware, booting up, installing drivers, shutting down, re-inserting hardware, booting up) but it still does the same thing.

There may be a conflict somewhere with other hardware, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it may be. I have even tried installing the Marvell chipset driver instead of the NetGear driver, but it still does the same time-out problem.

I can stay connected for hours if I don't do any heavy downloading (just surfing and reading), but once I start downloading large files, the connection drops and I have to reboot again, which is a huge pain because the files I download can be quite large and I have to start from the beginning after I reboot.

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Half A Picture In Windows Photo Gallery

Mar 23, 2008

What am I doing wrong ? Using Vista Home Premium on HP Pavilion a6120n Computer why does Photo Gallery and an HP Officejet5610 All-in-One print only half of an intended 8 x 10 on Soft Gloss paper but the complete picture on regular paper ? This printer has had some other peculiarities but this is the latest. Other programs do print the 8 x 10 but the quality looks poorer.

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Second Life And Graphics Card Problem & COD4

Mar 23, 2008

Have just discovered that my new laptop, an Advent 9315 2GB mem, Vista Home etc, contains a SiS graphics system which is not supported by Second Life. What can I do? Also I have loaded Call of Duty 4 but it too won't run.

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Battery Life: Wont Charge Via The Mains Charger

Apr 29, 2008

I've had my laptop for 3months and now, although the laptop is running off the mains fine, it wont charge via the mains charger. the small battery symbol is indicating that my laptop is plugged in, but is at 0% battery and is not charging. would this be a problem with the battery or with the charger?

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Processor State; Lower Restrict CPU And Gain Battery Life?

Jul 18, 2009

I understand the point of a "maximum processor state." You can lower it to restrict the CPU and gain battery life. The CPU consumes less energy and the fans consume less energy from a cooler thermal load. I've never really understood the need for a "minimum processor state" though or what it even does for that matter.

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Windows Ultimate X64 Search Engine - Search Fails To Index

Jun 18, 2009

I've got an apparently "broken" search installation. So that I can skip through the normal "click the folder you want to index" type of answers, it's way beyond that. Let me give some background first. This is a new installation of Vista x64 Ultimate on this machine. I just installed it a little over a week ago after I got a blue screen of death that wouldn't allow any type of system restore, etc on the prior install. My prior installation on that machine was a Vista Ultimate x32 bit. The prior installation had the OS on the C: drive and I had moved "My Documents" out of a Windows XP onto the D: drive (D:My DOcuments).

In that prior installation, I left all Music, Videos, documents etc. under the original layout and just pointed the Vista "music", "documents", etc folders to the sub folders. I had no problem indexing on my prior version. I have a Vista 64 bit Ultimate at work as well and IT has no problem indexing even under the default locations..........

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