Windows M.maker Freezes Half Way

May 17, 2009

I tried and tried to publish my holiday movie to DVD. It never reaches the finish on publishing and freezes around half way. I transferred it from a SD card and the file is VMP. I'm sure WMM is working ok as I have been successful at publishing a sample video that came with the PC. Really would appreciate some help as I'm getting very frustrated.

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Half-Life 2: Freezes, Black Screen

Dec 28, 2009

I recently received The Orange Box, and wish to play Half-Life 2. I am running a Vista Home Premium x64 machine updated to SP1. However, whenever I run Half-Life 2, either from within Steam or from a shortcut, Half-Life 2 starts, adjusts the screen resolution, and freezes on a black screen with a frozen Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. I have added "-32bit" to the shortcut line and have set the program to run in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. This fix has made Portal run fine, so I don't know why it won't work for Half-Life 2.

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Installed 2Gb RAM And Windows Shows Less Than Half?

Mar 23, 2008

I got 2 new 1 Gig PNY sticks of RAM, and installed them and now my comp won't show but 894 Mb of it. And to top it off I have to use more virtual memory until i can figure this out.

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Half A Picture In Windows Photo Gallery

Mar 23, 2008

What am I doing wrong ? Using Vista Home Premium on HP Pavilion a6120n Computer why does Photo Gallery and an HP Officejet5610 All-in-One print only half of an intended 8 x 10 on Soft Gloss paper but the complete picture on regular paper ? This printer has had some other peculiarities but this is the latest. Other programs do print the 8 x 10 but the quality looks poorer.

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Movie Maker / DVD Maker Keeps Crashing

Mar 23, 2008

I keep getting the "Program has stopped working" message with either of these programs. I have cleared all 3rd party drivers in the "Compatability" section. I have a recollection that Nero 7 can interfere with these programmes, but cannot find the article in the Discussion Group I cannot find any details regarding constant crashing of the program anywhere. I am running on Vista SP1

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Movie Maker/DVD Maker Hangs

Mar 23, 2008

I have premium vista and i've used movie maker to create a film containing only video. when i try and encode it to wmv (dvd quality) it starts ok then just hangs half way though encoding. So I tried to burn it to DVD instead - DVD maker opens and I made a menu then clicked burn. It starts and makes one pass of the encoding progress bar. It then returns to zero and says buring and goes to 0.6% before stopping there. Both applications are running in task manager and respond to minimize/maximise/close etc without problems. my cpu use is low and I have free ram. I have tried different media and slowing down the burn speed, all to no result.

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Half Blue Monitor?

Jul 25, 2009

Alright short story I was just sitting here then all of a sudden my monitor just shot half the screen blue one side was normal the other half was blue and I was so scared that my color tube in my tv was shot, but oddly Nvidia panel was still natural color so then I changed the refresh rate from 60 to 59 hertz and the screen went back to its normal state. Now do remember I am using my 27" tv as my monitor and I am using a HDMI to DVI cable. All I want to know is what caused this why did it do this and if my Tv is in danger of being fried at all?

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Supports Windows DVD Maker

Feb 12, 2008

Nothing special but, it's a lot better than what I have now. What I would to know is if anyone knows what bit version of Windows Vista Home Premium the HP A6300F ships with, whether it's the 32 or 64 bit??????  Also, I would like to know if it supports Windows DVD Maker? Lastly, does it's dvd drive support all types of dvd burning or do I need other software also?

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Windows Movie Maker

Jun 21, 2008

I'm working in a project and when my project is on storyline I can see the
pictures that are in the movie but when it is on timeline there are no
pictures. What is wrong with my computer

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Windows DVD Maker Will No Longer Run

Apr 26, 2008

I have used DVD Maker a few times but no for some reason it will no longer run. I have Vista Ultimate SP1. There are two different error codes:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:DVDMaker.exe
Application Version:6.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp:479193d1
Fault Module Name:kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp:4791a76d...........

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Windows DVD Maker Stops At 98.8%

Apr 20, 2009

I have an HP Pavilion Media Center m8200n PC with Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit. The problem is with publishing from WMM to DVD using Window DVD Maker. The encoding process goes fine but once it begins to finalize (98.8%) the DVD will eject and then it gives me the message that it cannot complete the burning process due to an error but it doesn?t tell me what the error is. The only thing mentioned is to check the burner and make sure it is connect properly. I should mention that I have an internal LightScribe burner (ATAPI DVD A DH16A3L SCSI cd Rom device). After spending the better part of a Sunday afternoon I tried using only a LightScribe DVD and that worked but in the past I have been able to use any brand DVD.

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Create DVD From AVI Using Windows DVD Maker

Sep 2, 2008

I’m having trouble creating a DVD from AVI files using Windows DVD Maker, When I try and Import an AVI clip into DVD Maker I get a message pop up that says file type is unsupported or corrupt, it does this for all my AVI files, My hunch is that I do not have the correct codec’s, if so does anyone know what codec’s I might need and where to get them from, DVD Maker does support AVI files right ?

My ultimate aim is just to get my AVI movie files onto DVD (for playback on a standalone player) so do not necessarily need to use DVD Maker just thought it would be easier using a built in Microsoft app

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Cannot Use Windows Movie And DVD Maker

May 24, 2008

We all know about the "Windows .... has stopped working" then it says something about Data Execution and there is a problem. I cannot import .avi files into movie maker nor can I save files. I can import .wmv files and a few others but I get the error whenever I try to import .avi files. For DVD Maker, everything works fine until I try to burn and encode. It'll remain on "0.0 for encoding" and then the error will come up. It's not just .avi. I can't publish any videos.

I've read everywhere that Nero can cause problems and DivX. I do not have Nero and I have the latest version of DivX which I've uninstalled before. I've also tried removing filters from movie maker's tool options. Nothing has worked.

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MP4 And Windows Movie Maker

Dec 25, 2008

I bought the wife a HD video camera for Xmas, it records in mp4 format. What do I need to convert this to a format that I can play with it in windows movie maker?

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Half Life: GOTY Edition

Apr 20, 2009

I bought the Half Life: Game of the Year Edition off of Amazon a few days ago. I didn't go the Steam or Source route, because I need a game I can play via LAN and not have to be connnected to the internet. I'm not 100% on how either of those work, but after talking to a few guys, I decided to go with what I know.

So I got the game today, and installed it without issue. I was excited and went to open the game to give it a run through. Then. it happened. The first error said something to the affect "you only have -6242.00K of physical memory, Half Life requires 16MB to run." Now I have 4GB of RAM. and wasn't running anything else, so I didn't know what was going on. I looked around and found out that if you have over 2GB it rolls over or something. Solution? Either run it in XP Compatibility mode or shut off the DPE off for Half Life.

After trying both seperatley and even at the same time, nothing works. I don't get the error message any more, but the screen flashes like it's going to start running, then the screen goes black. and that's it. CTRL+ALT+DEL, hl.exe is "Not Responding". That's all that happens.

I've tried restarting the computer, I've tried uninstalling it, then putting the setup.exe in compatibility mode then running it (also stops responding) and nothing works. Can anyone offer up another course of action or help me out?

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Starcraft: Screen Split In Half

Feb 6, 2009

im 17 and dont know much about computers. I have vista on this computer and when I play *starcraft* it comes up fine and works fine. the only problem is is that the screen is split in half and the bottom half is on the top while the top half is on the bottom!

it does this with fallout and fallout 2 in the exact same manner i can click and play on everything and it is all in working order, execpt for that one problem. Ive looked all around for something related to it online but have found nothing. the only problems im seein is color issues.

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Half Post Only Until Unplug And Replug!

Oct 6, 2009

My Intel P5 Vista 32 machine will not turn on and boot totally until I unplug it and plug it in again. The POST stops at the end of the the RAM check and freezes. When I unplug and plug it in again it boots successfully.

I had fiddled around with power options and drive SMART settings trying to get WOL (Wake on Lan) to still doesn't work at all. Foolishly I've forgotten all of the few BIOS tweakings I made. Some I've corrected like returning the Suspend mode to Auto from S3.

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Remote Desktop: Half Filled In

Dec 3, 2009

I'm trying to enable Remote Desktop in Vista. When I go to Remote Settings the window only seems to have the top half filled in. Meaning that I see only 1 checkbox "Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer". There is no radio buttons on the bottom half as there is in all the examples on the web. My windows firewall is off. I am running McAfee.

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Printer Printing Out Half Of One Page

Mar 23, 2008

My printer is printing out half of the one page. It stops prinhting in the middle of a page and goes to the next page. It stops printing after only finishing the top half of a sentence. I got it to work once. I'm also having an issue with my mouse and keyboard. The mouse will sometimes click a second time and the keyboard will get stuck on the last key for like 3 seconds.

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Windows Movie Maker Will Not Work W/64 Bit

Jun 21, 2009

anyone know why windows movie maker will not work w/64 bit?

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Windows Movie Maker, Mis-aligned

Mar 29, 2008

i have a relatively old (but working) movie recorder which records in mp4 format. it plays back fine on my pc (with the klite codec pack installed - otherwise it doesn't) but whenever i try to upload any video to Internet or edit it in movie maker, the picture is mis-aligned. i seem to only get the top left-hand section of the original video. it's like the recording has zoomed to the top left-hand quarter/third - which obviously ruins the recording. the original if fine (i see the whole picture) but whenever i try to do anything with the video, i get this weaird effect.

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Windows Movie Maker Publishing

Jul 4, 2008

I have this promblem with one of my projet on Windows Movies Maker. After I am finished with my editing I go to publish my movie. It starts going through the process but on the Publishing progress window, it stops at 98% and just stais there and it never finishes the publishing. Has anyone ever had this problem? Why does it do it? and how can i fix it?

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Windows DVD Maker Writing Quality

Apr 20, 2008

I tried several searches but am unable to find out if you can adjust the DVD writing quality in Windows DVD Maker. I would like to have the best video reproduction quality as possible on the DVD.

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Windows DVD Maker Not Burning Movies

Mar 11, 2009

I normally use Windows DVD maker to burn movies and for some unknown reason, it just won't burn :/ So, in order not to wait forever for the encoding stage AND finding out I still have a burning issue, I then founf a program called 'ConvertxToDVD' which I'm sure your familiar with. Encoded my movie perfect, but same problem, will not burn, although, it did get to something like 48% but then spat it out. I don't understand why its doing this as I have never had this problem before hand until now (my luck only) and to top things off, my DVD+RW won't erase.

I browsed the internet and came across this website to do with IDE/SATA and my properties wasn't the same as this persons. Instead of showing 'Master'and 'Primary' mine shows 'Port 0' and 'Port 1' -surely there's something wrong?

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Windows Movie Maker .avi Uncompressed

Oct 15, 2009

Is approximately 2 minutes long with audio and there are about 20 clips with effects and a few transitions. some of the original avi was uncompressed. all the clips are avi. it got to 62% pretty quick and then the timer started going up. it is now up to 583 minutes since about 4pm yesterday. I know it may take some time but it this normal. I don't want to stop it if it is just compressing. I am outputting avi to 49mb size as i did not want to loose quality. I have a deadline. I'm not getting an error message. The minutes just keep increasing and the progress bar just staying at 62 percent.

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Windows Dvd Maker Crashes Every Time!

Mar 23, 2008

I add then hit next, then crash. I send the info in but nothing. this is really aggravating.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:DVDMaker.exe
Application Version:6.0.6000.16386
Application Timestamp:4549b5b0
Fault Module Name:StackHash_1703
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:00000000
Exception Code:c0000005
Exception Offset:03e6a8ed
OS Version:6.0.6000.
Locale ID:1033
Additional Information 1:1703
Additional Information 2:2264db07e74365624c50317d7b856ae9
Additional Information 3:1344
Additional Information 4:875fa2ef9d2bdca96466e8af55d1ae6e

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID:381489676

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Windows Movie Maker Crashes!

Mar 23, 2008

Everytime I try to publice a video to my computer,the hole program crashes.Even with a video that only contains text from the program itself.

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Windows Movie Maker Can't Installed

Aug 15, 2008

Have just reloaded Windows Home Premium, but although Windows Movie Maker files were saved and reinstalled, when I open these only title cards are still there, all pictures added are shown with a red cross as is added music. Where did I go wrong, and can the situation be retreived?

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Windows Movie Maker Can't Work?

Mar 16, 2009

I have downloaded on my computer some movies that I would like to burn with WMM. The problem is the following...Some of the movies I have downloaded appear in a folder, inside the folder there is a AVI file. When I import it into WMM, the AVI Movie Logo turns into what looks like a 35mm negative. When I drag it into the video timeline, all is fine and I can burn my dvd. Other movies that I download, also appear with the AVI logo but not in a folder. When I import it into WMM, it remains as the AVI logo and does not turn into the 35mm negative. When I try to drag it into the video timeline, it will not permit me to do so but instead it will go into the Audio/Music timeline. When I do try to burn the dvd, all I get is sound and funky abstract colors on my dvd player. Yet when I open either AVI files with Windows Media Player...there is no problem viewing it from my computer. I am running Windows Vista and I am using DIVX. Can someone please help me as this is driving me crazy?

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Netgear WG311v3 Stops Working After Half

Jun 5, 2009

I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit and a NetGear WG311v3 wireless card installed into a PCI slot.

Whenever I start up Windows and browse the Internet, the connection seems just fine.

However, after an undetermined amount of time (or perhaps triggered by a certain amount of data I've downloaded), the connection cuts off. I then look in Device Manager and see the yellow warning symbol next to my wireless driver. When I look further, it says "This device cannot start (code 10)". Nothing I do seems to work, except restarting my computer. ANd when I do, I have to manually connect to the wireless network again.

There is no password on the router, and all the other desktops and laptops in the house connect to the router just fine without any connection problems after any amount of time or data.

I have tried re-installing the drivers (even by uninstalling, shutting down, removing hardware, booting up, installing drivers, shutting down, re-inserting hardware, booting up) but it still does the same thing.

There may be a conflict somewhere with other hardware, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it may be. I have even tried installing the Marvell chipset driver instead of the NetGear driver, but it still does the same time-out problem.

I can stay connected for hours if I don't do any heavy downloading (just surfing and reading), but once I start downloading large files, the connection drops and I have to reboot again, which is a huge pain because the files I download can be quite large and I have to start from the beginning after I reboot.

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Playing Half Life 2 Engine Failure

May 24, 2008

I have been having a problem with "Half Life 2 Engine" When ever I try to play CS:S (Why is this crashing because of HL2 Engine?) I start playing for awile everything is perfect and then a random crash. Vista tries to find the problem and comes up with this: Problem caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine This problem was caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine, which was created by Valve Corporation. Microsoft has been unable to contact the manufacturer and has no further information available at this time. How can I fix this? It's very annoying to randomly crash every little bit.

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