Life Cam VX 1000: APP Crash

Jun 24, 2008

I recently updated my XP to Vista and bought a new webcam Lifecam VX 1000, after downloading the Cd, when i connect through USB and try opening the camera, it shows a msg saying that APP Crash and hence check online solutions.

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Fatal1ty USB Gaming Headset HS-1000

Jul 3, 2009

So I followed the instructions and had uninstalled everything i installed with the disc it came with. I then downloaded the drivers from the creative website for windows 32bit and restarted. Still no mic i checked the settings in the sound and nothing is muted and all bars are at high. I can hear everyone but no one can hear me.

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Mar 23, 2008

I have managed to get my HP Photosmart 1000 printer to work with my new Vista-running PC thanks to help from online users. Using the built-in HP DeskJet 930c/932c/935c Driver did the trick. Unfortunately, this driver does not seem to have the the two-sided- printing option which was available with the Millennium driver for this printer.

Does anyone know of a driver which will let me use my HP Photosmart 1000 printer plus the Duplex (=double-sided printing) attachment with Vista? I really don't want to have to scrap a perfectly serviceable printer - despite HP's deplorable lack of support.

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Cant Install HP LaserJet 1000 For Vista

Feb 6, 2009

If Vista no longer or hasn't been able to install your trusty Laser Jet 1000 printer driver, then you are not alone. The solution is to connect a slower 1.0 USB Hub in between the LaserJet 1000 and Vista. For my particular resolution a Belkin F5U021 USB Hub was the key to success. Once the hub was connected, Vista expeditiously recognized and automatically installed the HP Laser Jet 1000 driver, created for WinXP.....

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Battery Life: CD Vs. HD Vs. External HD

Apr 1, 2009

I'm going to be sitting on an airplane for too many hours. I'd like to watch some videos on the laptop and am wondering the best way to maximize battery life. Which uses the least power?

- Playing the DVD in the DVD drive
- Ripping the DVD to the hard drive and playing it from there (if I have enough free disk space)
- Ripping the DVD to an external hard drive and playing it from there
- Ripping the DVD to a big memory key and playing it from there

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Consider Life Without The Power Of Speech

May 19, 2009

Mankind uses speech extensively to communicate. Imagine how your life would be affected if you did not have the power of speech. You would carry your handy dandy keyboard and instant printer around with you daily. If a friend were about to step off the curb and get run over by traffic, you would frantically whip out your keyboard, type WATCH OUT! in big bold letters, and wave it in front of his face. Imagine your frustration at the local grocery store, as you and the checker exchange notes about the on-special price of an item, while the line builds up
behind you..............

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Circles Of Life And Death

Jun 13, 2009

Is anyone as tired as I am of staring at the Vista Spinning Circle of Microsoft Incompetence? From boot-up to shut-down and everything in between I am utterly tired of staring at this spinning circle. Vista, SP1, SP2: nothing changes. The best anyone can say about Vista is that at least it works, sort of. The computer I write this on boots to XP, Vista and Win 7: only the middle OS spins and spins and spins waiting to do anything while the hard drive thrashes like a an out of balance clothes dryer.

Vista apologists need not respond. If you only run Vista on a machine you cannot see how utterly lousy it really is and what you are missing in performance from your hardware. Linux propeller heads can sit in a corner and spin their beanies. Some of us have to accomplish real work instead of endless futzing with an OS. On this machine Win7 has become my default OS and I will gladly pay for the final version when it goes on sale so I can recover the hard drive space wasted on Vista. The performance of the XP virtualized OS in Win7 is nearly as fast as Vista on its own.

If Microsoft had any honor (or business acumen) they would offer Win7 for a limited time as the free service pack it should be for users stuck with the utter kludge that is Vista. However Microsoft has demonstrated it would prefer to pay billions to the EU in fines rather than treat its customers fairly. It is indisputable that dead and buried General Motors executives from the 60s and 70s psychically control Steve Balmer. There is no other rational explanation for the performance of Microsoft under his direction.

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Loosing Battery Life?

Apr 19, 2008

I've baught a notebook pc. It has T8300 CPU, and Intel GMA 3100 Graphics. The battery has for cells and it says its capacity is 2400mAh. With Windows Vista x64, I did some normal tasks such as surfing the internet a little and some file copying, application installing. But the big problem is the battery life. After fully charged the battery, I could only use about 1 hour and half. I've searched the internet and found that the main culprit is the Aero interface. So, I guess, using Vista Basic when in battery mode, and Aero when in A.C. mode would be more reasonable. Manually changing between them in "Personalization -> Show classic..." is quite a task. Is there any easier way? How do you save battery?

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Half Life: GOTY Edition

Apr 20, 2009

I bought the Half Life: Game of the Year Edition off of Amazon a few days ago. I didn't go the Steam or Source route, because I need a game I can play via LAN and not have to be connnected to the internet. I'm not 100% on how either of those work, but after talking to a few guys, I decided to go with what I know.

So I got the game today, and installed it without issue. I was excited and went to open the game to give it a run through. Then. it happened. The first error said something to the affect "you only have -6242.00K of physical memory, Half Life requires 16MB to run." Now I have 4GB of RAM. and wasn't running anything else, so I didn't know what was going on. I looked around and found out that if you have over 2GB it rolls over or something. Solution? Either run it in XP Compatibility mode or shut off the DPE off for Half Life.

After trying both seperatley and even at the same time, nothing works. I don't get the error message any more, but the screen flashes like it's going to start running, then the screen goes black. and that's it. CTRL+ALT+DEL, hl.exe is "Not Responding". That's all that happens.

I've tried restarting the computer, I've tried uninstalling it, then putting the setup.exe in compatibility mode then running it (also stops responding) and nothing works. Can anyone offer up another course of action or help me out?

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Life Messenger Cannot Detect Front Mic ?

May 7, 2009

My msn messenger or windows life messenger cannot detect my front mic in a voice call i.e. the caller cannot hear my voice although i can hear his. In my windows Sound Recording properties, the status of front mic button is Working. Besides, i also can record sound using Sound Recorder with my front mic. Anything to do with the setting in MSN/Live messenger?

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Second Life And Graphics Card Problem & COD4

Mar 23, 2008

Have just discovered that my new laptop, an Advent 9315 2GB mem, Vista Home etc, contains a SiS graphics system which is not supported by Second Life. What can I do? Also I have loaded Call of Duty 4 but it too won't run.

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Playing Half Life 2 Engine Failure

May 24, 2008

I have been having a problem with "Half Life 2 Engine" When ever I try to play CS:S (Why is this crashing because of HL2 Engine?) I start playing for awile everything is perfect and then a random crash. Vista tries to find the problem and comes up with this: Problem caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine This problem was caused by Half-Life 2 Game Engine, which was created by Valve Corporation. Microsoft has been unable to contact the manufacturer and has no further information available at this time. How can I fix this? It's very annoying to randomly crash every little bit.

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Half-Life 2: Freezes, Black Screen

Dec 28, 2009

I recently received The Orange Box, and wish to play Half-Life 2. I am running a Vista Home Premium x64 machine updated to SP1. However, whenever I run Half-Life 2, either from within Steam or from a shortcut, Half-Life 2 starts, adjusts the screen resolution, and freezes on a black screen with a frozen Taskbar at the bottom of the screen. I have added "-32bit" to the shortcut line and have set the program to run in Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode. This fix has made Portal run fine, so I don't know why it won't work for Half-Life 2.

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Battery Life: Wont Charge Via The Mains Charger

Apr 29, 2008

I've had my laptop for 3months and now, although the laptop is running off the mains fine, it wont charge via the mains charger. the small battery symbol is indicating that my laptop is plugged in, but is at 0% battery and is not charging. would this be a problem with the battery or with the charger?

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Half-Life 2 Failed To Load And Crashing Once Loaded [RE]

Feb 6, 2009

I built a new system, installing Vista Business 64bit to take full advantage of DX10 and large amounts of memory. Not having many games lying around, I decided to download steam and install Half Life 2. If you are reading this, and using a 64bit edition of windows, then my guess is you are having problems with Half Life 2. I encountered two problems, and after a few hours was able to solve both of them.

"64-bit" message was at top of screen game never loaded Potential cause: It seems that while steam intended HL2 to have a 64bit edition, with an update along the line (maybe with the release of Left4Dead according to others) the support was broken and the game doesn't load.

Fix:Unfortunately, the fix removes the 64bit potential. In steam, right click half life 2, and select. From the dialogue box, click Enter "-32bit" and select This got HL2 to load, where upon playing I encountered problem number 2.GAMEPLAY CAUSES FULL SYSTEM HANG- Symptoms: After playing for less than 5 minutes, the game would crash and the three fingered salute (ctrl+alt+del) couldn't get me out of it......................

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Processor State; Lower Restrict CPU And Gain Battery Life?

Jul 18, 2009

I understand the point of a "maximum processor state." You can lower it to restrict the CPU and gain battery life. The CPU consumes less energy and the fans consume less energy from a cooler thermal load. I've never really understood the need for a "minimum processor state" though or what it even does for that matter.

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Added A Second Monitor To The GeForce 7100 GS Using A DVI-VGA Adapter And For The Life Of Me Cannot Get It To Display Anything, The Monitor Is Just In Sleep Mode

Apr 23, 2010

I added a second monitor to the GeForce 7100 GS using a DVI-VGA adapter and for the life of me cannot get it to display anything, the monitor is just in sleep mode. I've got the latest driver, Windows is up to date, checked the cables, tried another adapter, tried everything but, still nothing. The second monitor shows up in the device manager and in the Nvidia control panel. It's enabled and set to extend desktops. It seems the system knows it's there because I can move the mouse over, but cannot see anything. The power light on the second monitor just flashes. I've swapped monitors over, to make sure there's not a problem with the display and it's fine. When I do that, the main monitor is then plugged in to the DVI adapter and then that one goes to sleep. Just seems whichever monitor is plugged in to the DVI-VGA adapter just doesn't want to work........

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Pc Will Crash Regardless Of What Im Doing

Sep 19, 2008

i turn on the pc and its fine, but within the first 15-20 minutes the pc will crash regardless of what im doing, i could be on a word document, a game, the internet, and it will crash. then i turn it off, then on again and its fine the rest of the time im on it could be an hour, could be all day. its always every other time it crashes, and usually within the first 15-20 minutes, but sometimes longer. the spec of my pc is: processor: Intel core 2Duo E4500, 2.2 GHz, 2047 MB of RAM, and 32-bit operating system, and i use windows vista home premium.

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Crysis Crash

Mar 23, 2008

Every time i play Crysis i crashes after i short while. I've tried to install all new drivers for motherboard, Vista, Graphic Card and sound card.

It almost always comes with the message "nvlddmkm driver" failed.

What does this mean?

How can I run Crysis without crashes?

I run
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz
4 GB RAM (3327 MB)
Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit
Gainward 8800GTX 768 MB graphic card
ASUS P5K motherboard

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Computer Crash

Feb 16, 2009

My computer crashed and I had to format and lost everything. Is there any way to retrieve my saved and unread mail and all of my contacts.

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Constantly Crash's

Jan 5, 2008

it's getting kinda boring now surely those nuggets over at microsoft are aware of all the problems with vista since i changed over i have made it a point to make sure i only use vista compatable hardware and software but that doesn't seem to help as the only stable software that runs(without crashing) was programmed for XP now that is just silly and a software company's excuse is ''we had to rush it onto the market'' so what does that mean, did they not even test their software now wishing i got a mac instead as microsoft and software company's need to pull their fingers out and start doing things properly i would rather wait 6 months for a game or app that actually works than spend the money to find out that it doesn't do what it says on the box all this due to the fact that not one app or game designed with vista in mind will run without crashing repeatedly over and over again so what does vista do other than try to look good not alot just gives you a headache as you wonder yet again why your computer has either crashed or just shut down what seemed to be an app or game that didn't seem to have a problem when it all of a sudden ends the app or game it even closed chess on me as it encountered a problem i understand that these things do happen but not on this scale this is just to often and microsoft really need a shoe put up there rear for not addressing these issue's sooner.

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Syncing Causes WMP To Crash

Mar 23, 2008

I have been trying to sync media onto my 2 gb Patriot miniSD card. However, every time I build up my list of media I want to add onto it and I click the "Sync Now" button, WMP crashes. It begins to sync the first few songs, however after 4 songs I get an error message that states that "WMP is not responding". I have tried to do this same thing with different media, but I still have my WMP crashing. I have checked Microsoft for any updates, but it seems that I have kept my computer in good condition (I've only had this computer for about 1 month now). The WMP crashing issue is a recurring problem for me so now I'm at my last resort. What do I do?

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IE And Firefox Crash

Apr 11, 2009

The other night I come home from work late. I go to check my email and non-sense...but can't. Internet Explorer starts to crash..a lot. So, I found someone to send me Firefox the next day (I couldn't keep IE open long enough to do anything, half the time it didn't even open before the crash msg came up.) Still FF crashes. I don't know what the problem is..or was, it seems to be doing ok right now, first time I've actually been able to keep my browser open long enough to do something..I'm afraid to close it in case it doesn't work again. are the
reports, first the IE and then the FF.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:7.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp:47918f11
Fault Module Name:StackHash_40d4................

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Winamp Crash

May 17, 2009

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: winamp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4896392e
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp: 4791a783
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0002f217
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

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Hdd Partition Crash

Jun 8, 2008

Factory re-installation from hidden hdd partition after crash complete reformat of C: PLUS installation of all updates incl SP1. AVG fully updated and scanned daily, ditto Ad-Aware and Spybot. IE7 is apparently corrupt, certainly giving major problems. The "quick-start" icon, when right-clicked to "run as Administrator" yields the message "This program is unsigned, do you really want to run" (starts normally when run as "user"). Plus (just one of many problems both as User or Administrator) click a "print" link on a website, IE7 greys out, looks for a "solution on the web", then restarts ...and yes, I have both Java and Activex latest versions, loaded).

As a work-around I'm using Firefox (which does EXACTLY what I expect of a browser, and I used to do in IE6). IE7 is supposedly "core" to Vista OS, can't help feeling that something is seriously wrong, and I may have OS problems as yet undiscovered. Is there a way of reloading just IE7, or are there registry tweaks to correct?

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Crash Starting DVD

Mar 23, 2008

For some reason, Vista crashes as soon as a DVD (hardware or virtual) starts to play (BCCode e3). LiveTV and AVI play without any problem.I deinstalled some programmes, one of which was Nero 6 Express.This Nero was incompatible, but wanted to try it anyway. Although i cannot pinpoint the cause of the crashes, but i suspect my Nero experiment. Anybody any 'serious' clue of how to fix this?

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Graphics Crash, Blocks

Feb 5, 2008

I reinstalled Vista fresh on the drive and now it gives me this horrible distortion in the graphics. Everything installs fine, I assume. I just can't do anything because I can't see anything. It's not black, but has tons of blocks all over it. I was thinking it was my graphics card taking a dive, but I can get OSX86/Ubuntu with Desktop effects to run fine. So, I am at a loss, as both the other systems require graphics acceleration. It's just Vista that doesn't want to work.

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Crash On Almoust Every Game

Sep 28, 2008

I bet you heard it alot, but yes it actually crashes to the desktop on almoust every game that i play. FS X, Settlers 6, Half Life 2, Bioshock, and the list goes on.. The crashes are that the game just freezes abit and it switches to the desktop and says that the app has crashed, and gives me a choise between check the net for the solution and restart it. Sometimes the errors explain the app crash with a direct x file as the "couse" of the problem. While i checked the forums i saw a few video drivers and tryed to install them. Each driver gave me diffrent "new" problems. some of them crashed the game but it took it about 10-15 more mins to do it.
The latest NVIDIA driver is the moust unstable from all the drivers that i have tryed....
Some of the drivers even crashed into the BSOD with a 101 error...
And when it showed it, the error was about some other file, somehow related to
Sometimes it crashes to the desktop with a file from the game it self as the couse of the crash, for example client.dll for Half Life EP 2.

My specs are :
AMD Athlon 2x3000+
GeForce 8800GT 512MB only 1 card
Vista Ultimate x64
should i just install XP and wait untill Vista will have a good support of drivers and fixes.

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System Crash: All Has Failed

Dec 19, 2008

When the computer starts up it gets to the loading screen and then crashes: A blue screen comes up with a load of type on it but the system does a crash dump before I can read what it says. The computer then restarts with an option to continue normally or launch startup repair. I than launch startup repair and it says it "cannot repair this computer automatically".

The diagnostics and repair details are as follows: "Number of repair attempts: 13......

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Corrupted Directx And Crash

Oct 12, 2008

My laptop (Hp Pavilion dv6500 Notebook Pc) had a crash yesterday but after shutting it down and restarting it, all seemd to be normal. But today when I wanted to play some Generals I got a nasty suprise. I started up the game and I got a message saying I didn't have the right directx version. This is weird since I've been playing the game for almost a year now on this laptop. Anyway, I thought maybe something got corrupted after the crash. I startend another game just to make sure and it too gave me an error that I didn't had a proper directx version.

So I checked dxdiag and it said I had directx 10 as my latest version, which is what I had before the crash. I've updated all my drivers, reinstalled directx and reinstalled my games but nothing seems to work. I hope someone could point me out a direction that might help me fix this problem. I'm a student I seriously need my games for some relaxation .

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Games Crash On 64 Ultimate

Jun 7, 2009

I have a problem with vista 64 ultimate. When i play a game, there is nothing, it never crash or anything. But when i restore games to minimize it half so i can do other stuff, so the game is running in the background on the desktop then it crashes. Like if someone writes a email, and i want to copy the name to a text document, then i restore the game, to get it on the backgroud so i can read the email and write it down. But after 5-10 sec if any game is restored,then my comp crashes.

Once i gotten blue screen of death but it normally goes black screen. Its like vista ultimate 64, cant handle a game running on restored mode, so i can maximize it again for full screen. And that is really annoying. It also shuts out the possibility to play games in windowed mode. If i play a game in windowed mode it dont crash but if i click on a icon like my computer then there is 5-10 sec time before it crashes unless i come fast back clicking on the game again.
Hopefully all get the point of what im saying.

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