The Cryptographic Services Will Not Start.

Apr 2, 2008

I have Vista with SP1 installed and have an error log filling with messages that say: The Cryptographic Services service terminated with the following error: The specified module could not be found. with the following details..........

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Key Services Can't Start

Mar 23, 2008

key services I wouldn't touch myself aren't running and I can't start them - it's not just the iSCSI service that I spotted first, it is also the Event Log, Task
Scheduler... god knows that else! Decided I would do a System Restore but the only restore point available is this morning (9 Feb) and no further back I can't retore to a known good point before the issue occurred. There's 20GB free on the System disk (System Restore is enabled - there is ONE restore point!), so why only one restore point available?.......

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Services Not Start

Mar 26, 2009

I've been going crazy on this machine. It was brought to me by someone who thought they had some "RedDwarf" virus. So I took a look at the machine. Could not find any bugs spyware, virus or worms on the machine. I was able to locate in the event log, that when they were trying to use thier 2wire installation disk because they could not get online, a RedDwarf program listed as being part of Motive Software... I belive they do the programming for 2Wire. Anyway.... it was installed in compatiblity mode... after rebooting the machine.. this is what happens...

When booting normally to the desktop.. desktop loads, AIM loads, no network of any kind. Only a handfull of services start RPC, COM+, DCOM, SENS, GroupPolicy, User Profile, Software Licensing, and a few more... and I mean a few. No other services will start on the computer. I have used system restore going back almost 2 months with the same effect. I can only get........

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WMPNetworkSvc & WinDefend Services Fail To Start

Apr 17, 2008

I get an error when I boot saying that WinDefend won't load. I checked the logs and found that both WinDefend and WMPNetworkSvc both fail to start, errors below:

WinDefend won't start: Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified WMPNetworkSvc: Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified

Not sure if it's related, but my Security log has several Event 5038 errors: File Name: DeviceHarddiskVolume2WindowsSystem32drivercpip.sys.

Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error. I'm NOT using OneCare.

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Services That Are Not Needed?

Jul 7, 2009

Can someone please guide me as to what services are really not needed in vista services?

I am unsure what to set as manual, disable, or, automatic?

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More Background Services Than XP

Dec 14, 2008

I've noticed that Vista has a lot more background services running than XP does and one of my pet peeves is to see a crap load of services running and knowing I don't need all of them but not knowing which one's I don't need.

Could anyone tell me if there are some common services that I can stop from loading up that will not affect Vista?

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Media Management Services

Jan 1, 2009

Does anybody know how I can set a scheduled restart to occur regularly overnight.

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Starting Stopped Services

May 2, 2008

When I attempt to start stopped services, ThinkVantage task scheduler, in the Task Manager on a Thinkpad R61i with Vista, an error message says "Access Denied". If I try to start the services from Control Panel > Administrative
Tools > Services, the PC hangs.

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Important Services Have Stopped.

Aug 29, 2009

I am running Vista Home, 32 bit, with SP2.

I turned on my laptop, and there was no wireless internet. Turns out a lot of important services have stopped and I cant turn them on.

They include:

DHCP Client
Diagnostic Policy Service
IPsec Policy Agent
Network List Service
Network Location Awareness
Office Source Engine
Windows Firewall
Windows Time

I managed a workaround by defining an IP manually to my wireless card, and at least it connected to the internet, but DHCP is still stopped. So is the Diagnostic service, so the "repair button" wont work either.

When I go to services and try to start them, I get the error, "Access is denied", or "The dependency service or group failed to start".

My Network sharing centre is saying the same thing. Firewall is also disabled, error is "Security centre cant turn on windows firewall"...

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Windows Services Not Starting

Jul 29, 2009

The Windows Event Log service does not start even though it is set for AUtomatic load. It will not even start when I go into Services and try to start it manually. The error message is: Windows could not start the Windows Event Log Service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process. The Network connection the Internet does not start at boot time. Instead I have to click Diagnose & Repair and then click Restart the DHCP client service. Then it works.................

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Which Services Can Safely Disable?

Nov 30, 2008

I used to use this site when I had XP to know which services I could turn off safely, and I wondered whether this is still a good site to go to for such things (ie Vista), I only ever used it to try to get that extra bit of oomph out of the PC and by and large it helped a fair bit. I still have loads listed in the Task Manager Processes, and am unsure what I can stop and what I should leave well alone Or is there a guide here for such things? has anyone else used Black Vipers site? or should I keep my distance? Black Viper's Web Site

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Network Services Stops

Jan 14, 2008

Vista Enterprise x86 - installed - running on a Windows 2000 AD domain... runs fine for about 30-45 days then just stops working on the network. Diagnostic Policy Service just fails-the associated DLL service fails and won't start for lack of "sufficient rights/access denied". Anyone have any insight other than rebuild the box? I am going to ensure to place it in a container that doesn't receive any GPO policies, but how do I know/find out what is causing this to occur?

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Interactive Services Dialog Detection

Jul 30, 2008

A program can't display a message on your desktop

this comes up when i click on: show me the message:

Runtime error

This program has requested the runtime to end in an unusal way.


how can I get this annoying persistent nuisance to stop coming up?

I was dragged kicking and screaming into Vista and truthfully am almost liking it (or not hating it as much as I thought I would).

HOWEVER, this is the kinda crap that will make me regret it.

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Active Directory Domain Services Currently Not Available?

May 22, 2008

I have tried just about everything to resolve this. Running Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit and this occurs anytime I try to browse for computers or printers.

Network is set to "Private"
Network discovery "On"
File Sharing "On"
Firewall "Disabled"
LLTD "Installed"

I have read that I need to setup a DNS server, however, I never did this in XP and never had a problem browsing for computers/hardware. What am I missing? What services are necessary for AD?

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Comprehensive List Of Unnecessary Services?

Mar 23, 2008

Does anyone know of a list of unnecessary services that can be turned off without harm--and speed up startup/opeation? I already have done a TrueImage restore one time and do not want to go through it again.

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Delete Services Loaded At Startup

Mar 23, 2008

I am new to Vista. How do I delete sewrvices that startup? I can delete programs but not services. I want to delete a backup program from loading at startup. It is not in the list of programs at startup as seen in Windows Defender. I miss mscongfig!!

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Portal: Disable Services, Hl2.exe Conflict

May 31, 2008

Just just got the new Portal Demo through Steam. When I launch the game it starts for a few seconds then it crashes. Windows tells me that hl2.exe has a conflict, stopped working and has to close. It goes on to say that Windows will notify me if there is a solution. But unfortunatly there is none.

Here`s what I tried----------Here are My Specs:
Updated Video drivers--------Vista Home Premium 64 Bit
Disabled UAC---------------- XFX 8800GTS 320x2 in SLI Mode
Updated Direct X-------------XFX 680i Motherboard
Disabled Virus Program--------4x1 Gigs of Crucial Dual Sided Memory
Disabled Firewall--------------PC2(6400) 800MGHZ
Updated Bios-----------------Samsung 500 Gig HDDx2

There are alot of people having trouble with this Portal game. Some say to disable Services. Some say certain virus programs have to be completely uninstalled. Has anyone else had this problem and fixed it while having similar specs as me?

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Services: Wireless Zero Config And Turned Off?

Nov 30, 2008

How do you turn off mobsync it makes my pc lose smoth performance. And tryed offline files and it still comes on. As in XP you had wireless zero config and turned it off and make my games not lag. But in vista it shuts down your internet when you shut it off. I want to stop the lag spikes while i play games.

And yes i know wireless isent for gaming but we have a dosen pc's here and dont have a finance to have cords all over the place it's a 2 story home with 8 pc's and 4 laptops so i just want a way to stop the wireless from resetting every 60 seconds. Make it every 6 hours if i can.

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Unnecessary Services Can Be Turned Off Without Operation

Mar 26, 2008

Does anyone know of a list of unnecessary services that can be turned off without harm--and speed up startup/opeation? I already have done a TrueImage restore one time and do not want to go through it again.

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Delete Services Loaded At Startup?

Mar 26, 2008

I am new to Vista. How do I delete sewrvices that startup? I can delete programs but not services. I want to delete a backup program from loading at startup. It is not in the list of programs at startup as seen in Windows Defender.

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System Config Services Audio Off

Jan 11, 2009

I'm a bit of a luddite but i've been trying to get less services to start when i start my computer and thus Vista, and have inadvertantly now turned off my audio services (remarkably, even after turning off loads of other things, this seems to be the only thing that has changed). I can't tell from my active services list (after doing msconfig) which one is affecting my audio. I've made sure the obvious ones are still ticked, of course. Is there anyone who could give me an idea of which one should be ticked in order for the audio service to come back on? I'm loathe to start them all back up again to try and find out...

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32-bit Vista Home Premium: Services.msc + OneCare

Feb 26, 2010

32-bit Vista Home Premium. Have Windows Live OneCare installed, but am getting a msg that the service is disabled. I cannot get into services either through the start search box or through the control panel. If I use the box, the service never displays and I can no longer use the start menu unless I go to task manager and log off and then log back on. If I use the control panel, it just sits there with the revolving blue circle. If I open task manager and click on the services tab there is a service listed called OcHealthMon which is described as Window Live One Care Health Monitor and it says the status is stopped. If I right click and select start service I get the msg 'The operation could not be completed. Access is denied"

If I boot in safe mode I can go into services, but it says that OneCare has an Automatic startup type and is already started. I have MalwareBytes installed on the PC and it finds no malicious items in safe mode, but in normal startup the desktop icon has a litle security center emblem in the lower right hand corner. I cannot open the security center from the control panel - blue wheel again.

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Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services - Windows

May 16, 2009

The downlevel release of 5 Troubleshooting Packs from WindowsVista are now live on the web. It is running off the Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services (MATS). These are the first to be released, there are more to be released in the coming months.
The link to these is:


Executive Summary

·5 self-help diagnostics for Windows Vista ready for release
o Sound Playback and Recording
o Printing
o Devices and Drivers
o CD/DVD Reading and Writing
o Aero Glass Desktop Effects

·Combined 44 root-cause/resolution pairs

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Control Panel Did Not Work, Windows Services

Jul 29, 2009

Ive been running my Vista hiccup free for about a year when all of the sudden a bunch of errors started appearing. In order to get to my login screen after boot took 45 minutes for some reason and was a pain I dealt with. Now I have a bigger problem

-The control panel did not work and whenever vista loaded a ton of errors arose.
-This came from windows services not being able to start and this therefore did not allow windows to check if it was genuine.
-After a week, windows went into limited mode where I only have a blackscreen and access to the internet, nothing else. Microsoft support gave me no help and the problem cannot be fixed without re-installing Vista. No problem i thought.
-Popped in the original vista dvd and changed the bios to boot from CD. This is where the problem lies.
-When I do this, it does nothing with the dvd, I wait 45 minutes until my login screen appears and I am back into limited mode. I want to re-install vista but cannot boot from cd/ dvd.

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Virus Closing Down Explorer And Other Services Upon Login

Jan 20, 2010

At first it started closing DCOM and rebooting -I had seemed to solve the DCOM problem by instructing it to restart instead of rebooting my PC- By advice I tried Malwarebytes disconnected from my modem and in safe mode. It found a bunch of trojans and a worm and it supposedly removed them. In spite of this, Google search and Yahoo search contined to redirect my queries to advertising sites, but my PC seemed to operate normally otherwise. I then ran AVG disconnected from the web -avg only does command line in safe mode so I used it in regular start up- prior to going to bed on the 3rd night, and upon waking, I noted that AVG had a list of infections it couldn't remove.

My PC was locked up so bad that I couldn't even turn it off by the on off switch, so I had to shut it down using the power source switch. After rebooting Windows issued an error message stating that explorer has stopped working and needs to shut down. When I tried to access the Task Manager, I got a similar warning for that. Now I get errors that search host process and many other processes have shut down..............

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Task Manager Checked Unwanted Services

Mar 23, 2008

i noticed a performance drop with vista 64 so i had a snoop around in task manager checked unwanted services etc only 2 notice it see's 1 cpu core for my pentium d 2.80 ? ive tried a re-installing and un-installing the cpu in device manager with only 1 core installed each time even thoe it knows what cpu model it has installed ?

I've checked the bios which has 2 cores counted, ive even updated my bios anyway and tried re-installing in device manager again, ive also updated my chipset drivers no luck there and ive googled away all day 2 find a solution but all i get is amd vista problems ? ive tried scanning for hardware changes the lot and i can not find any updates from micrsoft and asus(mobo) about this

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Win7 Services: Don't Find POP3 Service

Mar 27, 2009

I just want to install a POP3 server in Vista(Win7) -- actually I've got a Win7 machine and have, i think?, installed a POP3 server(via just not clear to me how i know whether the POP3 server is running, since in Win7 Services i don't find a POP3 service?

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Msconfig Disabled All Services And All Startup Items?

Jul 3, 2008

Every boot og Vista Home Premium PC asks for c: disk to be checked. In msconfig I disabled all services and all startup items, but 3 reboots called for disk check each time. I let the disk check run each time. However, if I start in Safe mode, the first start takes a long time (I assume it is doing the disk check) then restarts. From then on, r reboots in safe mode did not ask for a disk check. The first normal reboot after safe mode does not ask for the dsik check. What is my next step in debugging/fixing?

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Windows Media Player Services Plug-ins

Mar 23, 2008

I have just recently bought my laptop with Vista Home Premium on it. The problem occurred after I transferred all files over and tried to play my Corrinne Baley Ray audio cd. The page came up saying I needed to download a license and to press the button. After doing this I get a message saying that "my netscape browser does not have windows media services plugins installed. And thats as far as I can go.

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Host Processor For Windows Services Stoped

May 12, 2008

when i r eboot i get a message Host processor for windows services stoped

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Cannot Connect To Windows Live Services, WLM: Error 81000306

Jun 22, 2008

One day i tried logging in using windows live messenger and got an error 81000306. I've tried disabling autotuning as prescribed by some websites but it has not worked. Tried resetting winsock, forwarding ports for the .net messenger, repaired Windows live messenger, and still no go. I ran the windows live messenger tests and they all passed, so it's weird that i cannot connect.

I've also noticed that when logging on to sites that use the windows Live ID, the pages will not load. Status indicated on the browser is that it says " Connected to " but dOes nothing else. no webpage is loaded and it does this until the connection times out. This happens when signing in to or as well. I also have my xbox 360 connected to the same modem (without a router, i just take the ethernet cord and plug it to whichever i wanna use), and it can connec to Windows messenger on the dashboard ok.

Have restarted and restarted, have power cycled the modem, even reseated my D-Link ethernet pci card. I have not made any large changes, other than i am using Open DNS, and it's updater since my ISP has dynamic IP, and i have turned off UAC. I've done every troubleshooting step i can think of (I worked for tech support for a computer manufacturer, so i've pretty much used up everything that training has given me and my 2 years experience in that field). All other messenger programs work. Tried using pidgin, with the same result, i can connect with all other IMs except windows live.

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