TaskManager Refuses To "kill" Or Close MozillaFF (and Other Locked Up

Feb 11, 2009

TaskManager refuses to "kill" or close MozillaFF (and other locked up programs). How can it get TM to work and kill this Browser and other locked up programs? Is there a free program out there to close programs TM cannot?

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TaskManager & Shutting Down Is Worse In Than In WinXP

Jun 10, 2009

1) TaskManager by Alt+Ctrl+Del does not start immediately as opposed to WinXP. Alt=Ctrl+Del first enters a BlueScreen menu and only then you can select TaskManager from menu - an extra click over WinXP, what's the purpose of this moronity? Starting from Command prompt by 'taskmgr" [taskmgr.exe] is not an answer as it requires even more typing.

2) Shutting down & Sleep requires an extra click (or more) over WinXP: If you're a professional, you usually use keyboard heavily rather than slow mouse: In WinXP you Winkey+U+Enter and it shutsdown (or S for sleep).

In retarded Vista you have to go thru a dropdown menu. I don't even mention breaking down good old Appearance applet in Control panel (or rightclick on emapty desktop space-->properties) from tabbed menus into separate applets. Is that designed for morons who get sacred by Tabs? Or to waste more of our time versus WinXP?

If XP wasn't broken & only requires ongoing Security updates, why was it "fixed" with Vista rubbish? Not to mention Vista isn't bulletproof either, security-wise.

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Hard To Describe; Impossible To Access It Again Without Using Taskmanager - Switch To

Apr 4, 2009

Windows won't let me interact with different windows properly. Once a window is minimized it's next to impossible to access it again without using taskmanager - switch to. If I click on the window from the taskbar (if it had been minimized of I was viewing another window) it come up fullscreen as usual, but then I can't click on anything on the window, it's as if I'm clicking "behind" the window, no matter what I try.

Maybe a clearer way of describing it is that the only way I can change the active window is with task manager, items in the task bar can be switched in and out of view but not activated. Also occasionally icons on the desktop are unresponsive. And I also forgot to say that sometimes the task bar is sometimes completely unresponsive.

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PS/2 Mouse Refuses To Work Under

Sep 22, 2008

Like the title says, my PS/2 mouse refuses to work under Vista Home Premium 32bit. The same mouse works fine under Windows 2000 and Windows XP, but under Vista the mouse gets detected but I get the "Code 10", "This device cannot start." in the device manager.

I checked and there are no resource conflicts, or any other outstanding driver or hardware issues in the system. Also, the proper IRQ is assigned and everything looks fine, except for the fact that it does NOT work and I get the Code 10 code.

Like I said, the mouse works fine in Windows 2000/XP. Right now I'm using a spare wireless USB mouse under Vista until I get this figured out. There are no special drivers or software for this mouse since it's just a simple PS/2 mouse.

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Did X64 Ultimate Kill My Powersupply?

Nov 5, 2008

recently tried to install vista 32bit on my computer, it was successfull until i installed nvidia display drivers. The error i got was: Error: Display driver has stopped working and has recovered successfully. I even tried to get Omega drivers, and old archived nvidia drivers did not work. So i gave up, and asked my retailer if i could get the x64bit instead. they aggreed with that. So i installed that one also correctly. No problems with the GPU drivers there, however in games my computer kept restarting after playing ~20mins and two days later my Powersupply died. a 600W PSU from OCZ. I then removed vista from my computer and is now running xp x64 and i have no problems what so ever. But i want Vista! loved the functions. I want to try again soon, but im not sure if my computer will survive.

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Remove Or KILL KMS Server?

May 5, 2008

We have a vista PC that is regestered in DNS as a KMS server (nslookup -q=SRV _VLMCS._TCP shows this PC) How can we have the person who is running this PC kill the KMS service so we can create a valid KMS on a Server 2003 or 2008 box?

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Kill Vista And Go To XP Profassional

Mar 23, 2008

Is there ANY way to take my new computer, kill Vista and go to XP pro??

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Managed To Kill My Raid 0

Mar 21, 2009

Managed to kill my raid 0, 1 terabyte games drive today. Absolutely shattered. Maybe ten hours worth of installs on that drive. To say that I am upset is an understatement. You live and learn. Will be purchasing an extra backup drive exclusively for backing up this drive. Never will I feel this pain again

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Motherboard And RAM Refuses To Boot

Sep 4, 2008

I have just purchased a Gigabyte GA-G31MF-S2 motherboard along with various other components, its all setup and working with 2GB PC2-6400 ram, i did purchase 4GB ram but whenever i put the other sticks in the motherboard the screen goes fussy and refuses to boot or even leave the BIOS screen. I have run various memtests on all the sticks of ram and they have come back fine

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Games Seem To Kill Audio In X64

Sep 25, 2009

I am running into a problem with my sound when playing games. For some reason my sound stops working completely after starting a game. It happens in games like COD4, L4D, TF2, and so on. Even when I close the game, I get no sound on anything. It is as if the audio service stops completely. I am using Vista Ultimate x64 on a Intel i5 750 with a Radeon 4890 XXX 1 gig card. My audio card is an onboard Realtek HD. My mobo is an Intel DP55WB. I only notice it when I play games, and the timing varies. Last night I played L4D for 10 minutes before it happened, and today it happened 10 seconds into COD4. It feels as if it is an intermittent conflict between something. I tried reinstalling new drivers, but it doesn't work. Does anyone know what to look for in a case like this?

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Fax Modem Refuses To Install Properly

Mar 23, 2008

upgraded HP dv5000 vista capable laptop from XPsp2 to vista64U.

Its a AC97 Soft Data Fax Modem with Smart CP

I have tried around 8 to 10 different drivers so far and the Fax modem receives either code 10 or incompatible modem codec. I'm using driveragent.com and have tried all their drivers but no help.

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Computer Refuses To Go Into Sleep Mode

Mar 8, 2009

Computer refuses to go into sleep mode. When I force sleep by clicking the power button on the task bar the computer goes to sleep for about 5 - 20 seconds and then wakes up and stays awake. The cause; Installation of a gateway router from AT&T to provide TV and internet service. AT&T tech support claims no known issues with this router, yet the computer slept just fine prior to installation of this router, and if I power down the router the computer sleeps with no problem. This is not a solution since the router must remain powered up to provide TV service to my home. I have searched the internet for a solution, and have performed all the steps in the tutorial authored by Brink to no avail.

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Kill File In Windows Mail

Apr 14, 2008

I'm using Windows mail on Vista enterprise 32 bit. I can see there's a few posters in this group I've no interest in reading (I couldn't care less about some posters opinions of Windows contra Linux, I use both happily) and I'd like to skip over them. What's the best way to set up a kill file in Windows mail?

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Windows Email Refuses To Work At All

Apr 14, 2008

TIME WARNER, my cable isp.but nomatter what, they did not fix it they gave up, told me to call microsoft...well, then I typed in the problem, got softie instructions online....they say download this new easy windows email program...I did...still will not work this is Vista Home Premium on a 9 month old Dell, in fact, all I get is a full
blue screen noting errors but it vanishes too fast to print or copyanything then the machine goes into safe mode then it rebootsitself by majic and it signs on again I have AVG and spysweeper zonealarall I wanted to do it email a scanned photo I can scan machine accepts it but forget about emailing it anywhere windows email is dead on my Vista.

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Kill Off Windows Live OneCare

Nov 18, 2008

In a very surprising move, Microsoft has announced today that Windows Live OneCare customers will be getting the shaft next year. The software giant has decided to replace OneCare with a free security solution (codenamed "Morro") to be released in the second half of next year. The yet-to-be-announced product will be a realtime anti-malware protection solution, whereas OneCare offered that plus backup and management features. Sales of the Windows Live OneCare subscription service as well as Windows Live OneCare for Server on SBS 2008 will end on June 30, 2009.

If your subscription is about to run out, I'd suggest looking for an alternative instead of renewing a product that is on its way out the door. Sure, OneCare will continue to be available online until Morro is available and your subscription will still work until it ends, but Microsoft's decision makes the company look unreliable. Full Story: Microsoft to kill off Windows Live OneCare next year (Updated)

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Kill Security Center Notifications

Jun 28, 2006

The new Windows Security Center in Windows Vista can be just as annoying as the security centers in previous versions of Windows. I am an advanced of a computer user to know that I do not have anti-virus software installed. I don't need the Windows Security Center to remind me that all the time.

Thankfully there is a new easy way to disable the security center messages.

Click on the Security Center/Windows Security Alerts logo in the system tray.

Click Change the way Security Center alerts me.

Select I do not want notification messages from Security Center.

It is now that easy.

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Kill Processes From Command Prompt

May 16, 2009

I'm sure you are familiar with the traditional way to kill or end a process in Windows using Task Manager.  This method is effective but not nearly as fun as killing a process in Command Prompt.  Additionally, killing processes in Command Prompt provides much more control and the ability to end multiple processes at once....

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DVD RW Refuses To Recognize Rewritable Discs Once They Have Been Written

Oct 3, 2008

My LG H55N firmware 1.05 refuses to recognize Rewritable discs once they have been written to ie I can't erase them on my computer and must use another computer to do it.

(Very irritating because it has to be a full erase not a quick one and on the computer I have to use it takes about an hour) ...

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Sleep Mode Restart Or Kill The Computer

Aug 27, 2008

whenever I put the computer to sleep mode and move the mouse while it's getting into sleep mode, it'll either restart or kill the computer. When it kills the computer, the fans still run but the lights on the front go out. There is also no picture on the monitor. To turn off the computer, I have to force a shutdown by holding the power button for around 4 seconds. Then, when I try to turn on the computer again, the fans turn on, the hard drive runs, but still no lights on the front of the case nor picutre on the screen. I fixed it by clearing the RTC RAM on the motherboard. After doing that, the computer would boot up, but if I did sleep mode and moved the mouse, then the computer would die again, and I'd have to clear the RTC RAM again. I'm wondering why this happens with sleep mode. I use Vista Home Premium 64-bit. Is there a solution to this problem or does anyone else have this problem?

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Media Center Refuses To Play Videos

Oct 21, 2007

I've been using Media Center for XP and then Vista for a few months. Due to a random pause issue that I can't track down, I've built another MCE-HTPC and installed Vista x64. The install of Vista and hardware went about as smooth as it can get. BUT... now that I've installed my codecs and such, MCE won't play any videos. These are videos that 32-bit XP MCE and Vista MCE had no issues playing before. In fact I can even load Windows Media Player and it will play the same videos with out a problem. But once I load MCE, I get the "can not locate codec" and it refuses to play. Since I've not had problems in the past... I is there a cache or database of some kind that Vista32 might have left that now Vista64 is trying to read and it's now unable to load the videos?... also, I did update my codecs to newer versions as well... is it possible that Vista32 had "named" codecs list and now Vista64 is trying to find the same codec name... only it's changed?

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What Happened To This Group: Kill File In Such A Short Time?

Apr 1, 2008

I've never seen a discussion group like this one? I know threads break down and take a turn but I've never seen so many people in my kill file in such a short time. Hardly any help is offered here just a bunch of people saying this and that about each other, or defending Ubuntu in a windows group?

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Associate .png Icons With A Program Or File The System Refuses

Nov 8, 2009

All the cool icons I find on the internet seem to be in the .png form and supposedly work with/on MS systems. But whenever I try to associate one of these .png icons with a program or file the system refuses to let me. Is there some setting in Vista that I need to set in order to use these icons?

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Antivirus Program: Internet Explorer Refuses To Work

Aug 20, 2008

So I accidentally downloaded an antivirus program that is really a virus. It really sucks. Internet explorer refuses to work. Task manager has been disabled by the administrator. Any program that operates under windows explorer fails to run properly. This makes it very difficult to use the computer. What exactly is wrong? Do I need to repair the registry? What if I did not make a backup?

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Windows Photo Gallery Refuses To Show Pictures

Mar 23, 2008

For some reason, whenever i now go to open a picture, WPG opens up, but doesnt show the picture, instead the cursor just has the spinning loading circle. Side question - In my User Folder, the Documents folder has for some reason lost its icon and its now a normal looking folder, what gives ?

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CPU Usage, Taskmanager Shows No Applications With Cpu Usage

Feb 21, 2009

since a few days my cpu has always cpu load of about 90 % at core 2. Vista is very slow. Taskmanager shows no applications with cpu usage. Now i installed process explorer and i can see that 45% cpu usage (this is 90% of core 2) is for "System / hardware interrupts". Which interrupts are the problem, what can i do to fix this?

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Nvidia Control Panel Refuses To Load Stopped Working

Oct 24, 2008

Ever since installing 178.24 driver Ive not been able to load the nvidia control panel. It just says this program has stopped working. Ive tried uninstalling it and installing it again and also trying same with the beta 180 driver.

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Locked Out

Sep 4, 2009

My gram asked me to fix her computer.... She let me little cousin try and fix it and he reset the password for whatever god forsaken reason. Now she is locked out.... I could install a second version of an os on her computer but she has almost no space left....

I have tried everything to get some sort of hint. The only thing left that i can do is reinstall everything and she said that is not an option because she has a ton of personal info on there.

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PC Locked

Jun 25, 2009

I had the surprise this morning of not being able to access my PC;When I booted it, before Windows starting I got the request to enter "system password", I had never came across before. The only password that is set up is mine for the user account but I can't even access it.I tried to enter my password but the system did not recognize it. I switched off and booted again to no avail untill it says seventh attempt.

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Computer Locked, But Not...

Jan 2, 2009

whenever i turn my computer on it starts out fine it goes strait to the desktop and

then a few seconds latere the monitor turns off and the power button starts to flash, when i push the power button it brings me to a welcome screen and the user icon says locked, when i click that it brings me to the desktop again and then everything is fine....what can i do to stop this as it does this to me everytime i turn off then turn it on the next day......

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Taskbar Locked

Apr 14, 2008

My taskbar is locked. I can't launch a quick launch item. If I minimise a window I can't get it back. I can't open any items in the systray. mI have been into control panel and unlocked and locked and unclocked the task bar to no avail.

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Password Locked

Oct 3, 2009

Vista. When pc sleeps, password is locked. I've tried to change in power options and reboot and works for a few times, then reverts back to password locked.

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