System Restores - Lose Files Or Just Updates?

Mar 30, 2008

It was suggested to do a system restore to correct the problem of my computer restarting itself, which started after an update. I'm concerned if I will lose my files since that time if I do a system restore. Or what does it restore? Can someone explain it a little more to me....

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Updates: Lost WORD Files

Dec 27, 2007

At first I had an apparent common problem: my user profile, which happened to be the admin profile, stopped working and would show error your user profile was not loaded correctly. You have been logged on with a temporary profile yada yada yada yada. Main problem besides the annoyance was I could obviously not find my documents. I called Dell tech support. They found all my valuable WORD documents. We then created a new folder and moved all the valuable files to it. So far so good. Now......Dell tech decides he wants to check for any MS updates. There were 14 updates needed. Downloaded and installed. Same problem with the user profile - but now the WORD documents are GONE. Nowhere. Folder everything gone after the MS updates. Plenty of free C drive space (like only 30% full) and plenty or RAM, so it should not have needed the disk space. Problem is after 4 hours the Dell tech could not recover the files. He found some *.temp files but when machine was shut down those disappeared, too.

Machine is running Vista and has been flawless for 7 months until the problem with the user profile. BTW System Restore will not work. We tried that first thing to try and fix the user profile issue. It returns the message it did not work completly once it brings the desktop back up. It did not work before the Windows update nor after the Windows update. Where did the WORD doc files go after the MS updates? Am I screwed? Any software available or ways to recover these very valuable lost files? I know I know shoulda woulda backed them up. That's fine -

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Windows Updates After System Restore

Jun 12, 2009

I did a Windows Update for 12 Important and Recommended Updates on 6/1/2009. Ten days later I had to do a System Restore to a date before those updates. What is the status of those 12 updates? Are they still there? Do I have to install them again? If so, how do I do that?

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System Restore And Windows Updates

Jul 29, 2009

I ran Windows Update on my Windows Vista Home Premium. Now I want to use System Restore to a time before I ran the update. What happens to the updates that were installed? Am I supposed to reinstall the updates? How?

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Installing Updates Slow System

Sep 15, 2009

After installing these two updates: .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update (KB959209) x64 Update to .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 for the .NET Framework Assistant x64 (KB963707), The performance of my PC drastically slowed down during start-up and running of other processes and programs. I decided to uninstall them; and the performance seemed to be back to normal. My question is: Are these updates really necessary for my PC; do I absolutely need them?

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Delete Files Located On Desktop When Doing Updates

Sep 9, 2009

I have a new laptop with installed vista. I noticed twice that vista deliberately deleted files on the desktop. I tried to do system restore. It took its time to start and then failed.

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IE8: Remove Updates, No System Restore Point

Jan 25, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:8.0.6001.18241
Application Timestamp:48ae8fee
Fault Module Name:kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp:4791a76d
Exception Code:c06d007e
Exception Offset:000442eb
OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:2057
Additional Information 1:5e45
Additional Information 2:a2fdfe7c86f01abc55834702e464686d
Additional Information 3:84fc
Additional Information 4:b9417b166caabe190aef712546e2a930

Ive Tried the remove updates thing and it isn't their. I have no system restore point. And I've tried running itin no addons mode. All I want is to roll back to IE7

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System Lost Sound After Installing Updates

May 3, 2010

Sometimes, after installing MS updates or other apps, I lose my sound. The only way I get it back is to use System Restore to a point where the sound worked. However, then I don't have the updates or apps. This tells me that it's a software problem with Vista - not a hardware problem. Now, I am about 11 MS updates behind - and no sound. Also, the System Restore doesn't work anymore (I no longer have a Restore point where the sound worked). I've Googled and have found that many people have similar problems with their HP laptops. I am using Vista, SP-2. I am now going to ionstall the updates since I can't go back to get the sound. I've checked in Device Manager (no problem) and made sure I'm using the most recent signed driver. I can't find any text indication that I have a problem but when I go to Playback Options and try the sound Test, I get a message which says the sound didn't play. Hope I included all the relevant information. If not, please tell me. I've tried everything I know of. I have a full backup of my hard drive

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Windows Updates Blue Screen And Reboot System

Jun 10, 2009

After today's windows update I've been experiencing many blue screen, especially after the reboot. I don;t get any in safe mode so I guess it's a driver problem. This is the minidump created on my system. I have 7 of them and they all seem to be the same.

Use '!findthebuild' command to search for the target build information.
If the build information is available, run '!findthebuild -s ; .reload' to set symbol path and load symbols.
FAULTING_MODULE: fffff80001c1b000 nt......

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After Downloading Automatic Updates The System Started Working Very Slow

Nov 15, 2008

I'm using vista 64 for the last 2 months and it worked quite good in general. Yesterday after downloading some automatic updates (and i don't think this was the cause for what i specify next...) the system started working very slow, with sudden freezes, slow reaction to clicks on icons, starting programs etc. Another annoying issue that the system started booting very slow: after the green marker which shows after booting, there's a very long stop before i get the log on window. What's really strange is that i don't see the harddrive working in this seems like freeze, like the one happens when the windows is up and running.

My system is intel quad q6600 cpu, 4gb 800 mhz memory,gigabye dq6 680i motherboard,and new hitachi sata2 hardrives. Does it sounds more like hardware problem? (till yesterday all was good!)or more like windows problem? (i have a backup of the system from 2 months ago,right after i installed the system, but no more backups and restore points....)

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System Files, Remaining Windows Files

Mar 23, 2008

Because of a mistake I made while installing Vista, I wound up with the system files (about 1.6 Gig) on one small D: drive while all of the remaining Windows files (over 50 Gig) on the large C: drive. I now want to remove the D: drive and replace it with a large one. How do I move the system files to the C: drive?

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System Restore Applet Fails To Open / Windows Updates Download But Fail To Install

Jul 29, 2009

A friend's Vista SP1 PC is failing to install Windows Updates and also some other updates such as those for Itunes. The symptom is that the updates get downloaded but the installation phase never finishes (he's left it for 12 hours!). In the case of the Windows Updates, there are several updates that try to install themselves as the PC is shutdown or even restarted, but the message "Installing 1 of 6" never advances: the only recourse is to switch the PC off.

As I was looking at the PC, I noticed one thing which may have a bearing on this and may even be the cause: the System Restore applet (windowssystem32 strui.exe) fails to run. It displays an initial User Account Control window but the "Restore System Files and Settings - choose a restore point" window never appears. No error message is displayed and there are no entries in any of the Event Log logs.

It occurred to me that if System Restore is buggered, this might prevent any updates working if the first thing they try to do is to create a restore point before installation begins. I can't find any reference to System Restore failing to open its initial Window - I've looked on and done a general Google search for "Vista System Restore fails". All the info seems to describe possible problems if you get slightly further and select a restore point which then fails to install properly.

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Lose IP After Shutdown

Jul 29, 2009

Brother purchased new laptop. Vista Home Basic 32 bit SP1. Turned on machine and connected fine via ethernet cable to home network. I logged in remotely and watched and acted when required as both Vista and McAfee downloaded and installed numerous updates. On one occassion when asked to restart now or later after McAfee finished updating, I chose later. I then installed LogMeIn on this computer so that upon reboot I would have more control.

That may or may have nothing to do with issue now but ever since then, when warm or cold re-start of computer is done, computer does not obtain an IP. Have to go to CPanel/Network/Diagnose and choose automatic rediscovery of IP which works just fine.

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Recovering Files:, "Configuring Updates"

Apr 12, 2008

when I just turned on the computer the message "Configuring updates" and "Please wait" appeared. Afterwards, when it was completed, all the programs previously open (I kept my session in memory) were closed! When I opened IE, all the tabs were there, but other files I were working on were gone.

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Startup Repair, What Will I Lose?

Jun 30, 2009

When I do a startup repair, what will I lose?

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VPN : Lose All Internet Access

Mar 5, 2009

I have a Vista Business laptop which I connect to the internet via wireless, and need to VPN to my company. I have created a VPN connection and it works until I'm connected to my company server. I then , and the Network and Sharing Center shows both connections as Local Only. If I disconnect the VPN, internet access is restored.It seems Vista cannot cope with two connections to different networks!

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On Reboot Lose Some Presets

May 24, 2009

I have had Vista Home Edition for about half a year. About a month ago, I noticed that every time I rebooted the PC, I lost certain information. My prefered locations on Weather Underground and my site information on TV guide vanish. I have been cleaning my cookies for many months using CCleaner, but I have designated that the cookies for these two sites are not to be erased.

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The Internet Often Lose Its Connection

Dec 3, 2008

I recently bought a new desktop. Os is the vista home premium edition. The internet often lose its connection. My msn keeps on re-connecting again and again. when i checked the status of the connection, everything is perfectly fine, the signal strength is excellent. I have no problems with my previous xp desktop. Everything is excellent, well, until it crash.

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Browsers Lose The Connection, But Im Still Conected

Dec 6, 2008

recently i have been having problems with my browsers. i use both safari and firefox over a wireless network at home.

i can happily surf for around 10 mins with safari, but after that time it is as though i have lost my connection to the internet. i can then use Firefox for a short time, around 5 mins after that, then the same problem arises. in order to get back online i have to restart my laptop.

i have no idea what the problem is, its been doing it for over a week now, and i need my internet as i have university deadlines coming up.

the router/isp are fine, as my flatmates both have steady connections (ones running XP the other Leopard). avast, ad-aware, and malwarebytes all come up clean- though i had some reported malware a week or so ago which adaware dealt with

i have however been trying to make my laaptop as fast as possible without overclocking it, so have been diabling startup services and other non-essental services that eat my precious ram and cpu power.
is it a common vista problem? or have i changed a setting or something thats making it do this?
i have read other threads with simmilar issues, but have not found anything that helps.

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Product Key Lose Genuine License?

Mar 23, 2008

I bought a Vista Home Premium x64 last week-end. Today a friend, i think saw my product key for Vista. I think he note that. If he use that Product Key somewhere, I can lose my Genuine License?

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Product Key, Lose Genuine License?

Mar 26, 2008

I bought a Vista Home Premium x64 last week-end. Today a friend, i think saw my product key for Vista. I think he note that. If he use that Product Key somewhere, I can lose my Genuine License?

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Rename A File Lose Track

Mar 26, 2009

1) Rename a file and you lose track of it due to the automatic sorting feature. In XP you controlled this behavior by hitting F5. Words cannot describe my frustration over this!
2) Quite often when you Alt+Tab to an Explorer window, the focus is gone and you must click the file area to be able to navigate with the keyboard.
3) The "Burn"-button and its friends cannot be removed. This is a travesty!
4) The new column-filter thingy is cool sometimes, but it should be possible to turn it off!
5) The new remaining feature is good, but it should be easier to select the file extension if wanted. I'd suggest hitting F2 a second time should select the entire filename. Where's the creativity?
6) When you open a folder the first file should be selected. Total Commander has done this correctly for years now. They never learn at MS?
7) The path found in the address field cannot be dragged and dropped, as in XP. This feature is especially useful when copying paths to a command prompt... sigh!
8) changed behavior from "up" to "back". Annoying, but OK since "Alt+Up" does what you want.
9) This stupid "Grade" column tends to pop up everywhere I have source code files.

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How To Convert HD Video And Not Lose The Quality?

Sep 22, 2009

hd(high-definition) video refers to any video system of higher resolution than standard-definition (sd) video, and most commonly involves display resolutions of 1280=d7720 pixels (720p) or 1920=d71080 pixels (1080i/1080p). and, when you want to upload these hd videos on Internet or play them on ipod, you will come across this problem - "i need to convert hd video formats for uploading or portable players, but why the output quality often gets bad after conversion?" this article can help your resolve this issue -convert hd video and not lose the quality.

this hd video converter supports hd video output and all resolution parameter of the hd video in the settings have been changed from 1280*720 to 1920*1080. so, you just need to select the output video format from the hd video column (mp4 for ipod, wmv for uploading, etc.) and adjust the resolution to 1920*1080 and bit rate to 10000 kbps or 8000kbps.(this hd video converter also supports setting resolution parameters manually, so you can type the data by yourself). after parameter adjusting, you can edit the video effect or start to conversion directly.

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Lose Internet When Open Utorrent

Aug 4, 2009

I am finding my internet is slow, I open utorrent or vuse or a torrent program that uses bandwidth and I lose all internet browsing, msn messenger but skype stays online and the torrents download at a slower rate but still download.... as soon as i close any bandwidth sucking program the internet comes back but still a slower speed. i have adsl2+ so speed shouldnt be an issue

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Sata Drive Lose Space

Mar 23, 2008

ive just got a new machine running ultimate x64, the main hard drive is a sata drive no problems with this. ive also got a samsung hd400ld ata (400 gb). ive put this in the machine and reformatted it (ntfs) its done this ok but now its showing one partition and its saying that its only 31.50 gb, i would epect to lose some space but not 360gb.

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Switched To Vista Broke Lose

Jul 1, 2008

i am having this problem that i cant get any sound when i speak into my microphone. when i was running XP it worked, no problems. then i switched to Vista, and all hell broke lose.. i have been reading about this problem all over the interenet. iam not a alone. well what i came up with is this: The recording device is muted from default. well all fine. if i could go in and change it... I CANT. this is how it should look.

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Lose Wireless Internet Connection

Mar 5, 2009

I have an old cordless phone (at least I guess it is ) it's a 2.4 ghz. I just noticed when I make a call I lose wireless internet connection. has this happened 2 any1 else? ( i have made many calls and long ones at times but I just noticed it happened today and verizon said I have to get a 5.8 ghz phone.

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6 Important Updates As Of 03.12.2010, Hide The Updates

Mar 11, 2010

Desktop PC will be one year next month. I did not renew the Microsoft Office after trial period that came as a package w/ no future intention of acquiring it. I'm using the free Open Office program - word processing mostly at this time. Is there anything in the list below that is of importance? I only have a basic PC with DVD player for movies, etc. No scanner, printer or fax. Not even external hard drive or usb flash drive. Otherwise, I understand that I can just choose to hide the updates, so it will not keep reminding me. Also, I choose to keep my OS w/ Srvce pk 1 and MS IE version 7 for as long as I'll be able to. I had too many probs with Srvce pk 2 and MS IE version 8. Your opinion, if any, is welcome.......

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XP Seems To Lose Network Connectivity To The Vista Computer

Apr 20, 2010

Have a small network consisting of one Win XP Media Center Ed. and one Vista home premium (and an Internet router). The Vista crashed and was restored to factory and apps reinstalled, etc. Each computer has dedicated IP address, and each runs a version of Norton Internet Security. They are in the same workgroup. Prior to the Vista problem, all was generall well. Now, the XP seems to lose network connectivity to the Vista computer when the computers are turned on in the morning. This is important for many reasons, including that the XP uses a printer attached to the Vista for most of the XP's printing needs.

I have set up a user on Vista that matches the user on XP, and have set the NIS on Vista to allow all connections to the IP of the XP box. And all is well until that reboot. There may be more to that, but in the few days the rebuilt Vista has been up, that has been the story. I have been able to restore the connection by launching Network Places, and searching for the name of the Vista computer. It so far does not show up in the network view until I do a manual search using the computer name. Then when it comes up and I double-click on the Vista C: drive, I'm prompted for login info, which I give and then I get connected (why is this not automatically done for me?). I've also mapped a drive to the Vista and set that for "reconnect at login."

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Lose Internet Connection After Restoring From Sleep Mode

Apr 18, 2008

I wonder if anyone can help me regarding this problem. Incidentally I have read and tried the suggestions on the sticky on sleep mode problems but I feel this does not match my problem.

I have the computer booted and then I can connect to the internet OK when I leave the computer and put it into sleep mode this works OK, however when I return and wake it up I cannot get an Internet or email connection and the only way is to restart the system. Can anybody give me any ideas?

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Faulty Program Caused Computer To Lose Icons

Mar 23, 2008

i installed a faulty program and now folder icons have been lost. i know i could live with this but it is really getting on my nerves!!!

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