Removing "system" File

Aug 28, 2009

A boot manager I installed under Vista x64, and subsequently removed, has left some hidden files and folders on my system. I want to get rid of them. Attempts to delete them, even as Administrator, are blocked with a message of "You need permission to perform this action." Is there a way to remove these folders and files from my system.

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Removing A Boot File From A Partition That Is NOT Being Used

Aug 24, 2009

I was having problems with VistaHP and thought that I could kill 2 birds with one stone by adding a new Hard Drive and reinstalling Windows VistaHP. For information purposes, the original HD was Partitioned into "C" (OS), "D" data files, "E" (Photos) and "F" Extra storage (for future use). In any event, I did not have the proper cables available so I REMOVED the original HD and placed the new HD in my system and installed VistaHP and Partitioned the new HD in to 4 Partitions also and installed all my software programs, data files, apps, ...... on the new HD.

Everything appeared to be fine and a couple of weeks later, I placed the orginal HD back in the system with the intentions of Re-Formatting the drive for additional stirage (and using the new HD as the Primary Drive). This went "semi-OK", I was able to reform and re-label most of the Partitions on the original HD except for the Partition that contained Vista and at the moment, when I go to My Computer I have Local Disk "C" (39.8GB free of 82.7GB), Old C Drive "D" (13.4MB free of 125MB), "G" Data Files (29.8GB free of 36.8GB), "H" Photos (181GB free of 194GB), "I" BU (82.5GB of 151GB), "P" Extra Space (352GB free of 352GB) and "Q" More Extra Space (45.4GB free of 95.3GB).

My objective / what I would like to do, is DELETE and / or Re-Format the "D" (Old C Drive) which I was able to get down to 125MB but as best as I can tell, the Drive contains the following file 125.5MB with 107.8MB Used and 17.7MB Free and the following folders:

$RECYCLE.BIN, BOOT, System Volume.

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Can't Removing Unwanted Picture File

May 20, 2008

how to remove some unwanted jpg from my hard dirve? They reside at ; c:UsersWhoeverAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows (3)alt.binaries.Whatever My probelm is that I can't find the AppData, or any of the subsequent files. In any case, the option to delete these files after I've done a search for jpg is not available.

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Removing Old System Partition

Jun 2, 2009

I had to replace my system drive with a newer one because it was first gen SATA and didn't boot every time. Stupidly, I did it in a brutal manner and now I have the current system on C: and an older installation on D: The bizarre thing is that according to Disk Manager, the partition on D is labelled as "System, Active, Primary Partition", while C: is "Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition". This means I am worried about simply using Linux to reformat the D drive in case it kills the working partition on C:. C works perfectly well and there's been no activity on D: since November last year when in a panic I reinstalled Vista onto C:. Is there anything I can do to remove D, reformat the drive and reuse it for something else *without* also destroying my C: partition?

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Removing From System

Mar 23, 2008

My boyfriend installed a 3D falling leaves screensaver from, and then decided he didn't want it. I tried uninstalling it, but I still see references to it. And when I try to uninstall it now, I get the message "INSTALL.LOG does not exist". What can I do?

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Removing Vista Proper Way The System

May 8, 2008

I'm currently dual booting Vista and WinXP. I would like to delete Vista and keep XP. What is the proper way to remove Vista from the system?

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Slow File Access After Removing Junction Point

Mar 25, 2008

running Vista Ultimate 64bit. I created a junction point which mapped to my User folder on external hard drive. Then removed this junction point and pointed it back to the default C:Users... location but ever since the file system is terrible slow even on basic operations such as rename file. So it's NOT a slow copy/move file issue, just that all basic file functions are terrible slow. It doesn't matter if it's in my Users folder or elsewhere. As you can imagine this is making my Vista installation completely useless as software such as Visual Studio is hanging on basic operations. I've done everything I can think of - defragging, turning off Search/Indexing service... still the same

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System Fat16 File System Recovery Won't Work

Jun 4, 2008

I have a system that has FAT16 file system on it. I have that file system on that for some reason so I don’t need to upgrade on that….but recently I had some files deleted and now I need to get them back. They are important for my official use and hold great importance. I know that there is software for recovery but since I have a FAT16 file system I guess that all won’t work on that.

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Change System File 'hosts', "Cannot Save File, Check Path.."

Apr 1, 2008

I really need to change a system file called 'hosts'. I've changed it many times before, but today I'm not allowed. I access the file, make a very small change, then try to save it just by leaving the path as is. Then I get a message that says "Cannot save file, check path.." But I haven't changed the path.

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How To Repair System File?

Jan 31, 2009

My Laptop is a Toshiba P200 satelite it came with a OEM Recory DVD is one of those DVD that you supose to run automatic and it then Wipe out everything and clean install it acording to Toshiba thats the best way of doing it.

But what if i just want to repair some System file I have a Corrupt Msdos when i acess it by running "Command" in start/run and Msdos open I can only navigate the drives by typing Cd c:/ cd... etc. But as soon i try to run something else lets say Type DIR in C:/ it Freezes as soon i press Enter (i see a cursor blinking up and down and dont let me do anything)

I am sure some Msdos files must be corrupted or missing and the solution is to restore those files repair vista. Do i realy have to Clean install Vista everytime because Toshiba havent included any repair disc only a Full clean installation DVD?......

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SFC , System File Checker

Mar 9, 2010

how to Disable SFC from "start-up?" Home Premium 32bit, robert, from S.F.

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System Can Not Find The File

Nov 9, 2009

Vista Home Premium 2. New system board and processor. Won't boot. An i7 950 and gigabyte board with high speed 1600 memory. Doing repair doesn't work. Reports something wron with system timings/speed etc. as well could be. Memory folks (OCR) ask me to run memtest400 (it passed all the vista diagnostics).

In install I go to command prompt and try to run mt400.exe. It says, "The system can not find the file." If I do dir e:mt400.exe it fins it just dandy. I tried copying it to a number of other places but get the same response. Even copied it to the loading directory under a number of folders. Now what? Is it impossible to run exe files in vista installer?

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System File Checker, Restore

Jul 5, 2008

I can not find system file checker, after messing up my files in a partitioned desktop Dell XPS 420 . I want to do a restore to yesterday, but can't find system file checker first. I ran an advanced search and it gave me links that would not open. When I followed the directions for sfc to dos. I couldn't get in as administrator. (I am). Search also gave me links to windows 98 links from 2000 from my old machine. do system file checker and restore to yesterday.

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64-bit File System Immune To Viruses?

May 26, 2008

I just have to ask this, since I think I've read somewhere that 64-bit windows is immune to viruses. Is this true? I mean also I read that this is the reason why Macintoshes haven't been plagued by this through the years (and that the Mac file system was somewhere between 32 and 64 bit) Anyone with lots of knowledge on the field?

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The Volume Does Not Contain A Recognized File System

Jun 12, 2009

I am running Vista Ultimate running under VMWare 2.0.2 on a MacPro 10.5.7. I had to recover my c: drive due to some VMWare corruption issues. We can now see the drive, but when I try to boot from it I get "Missing Operating System". If I boot from the Vista Ultimate CD to do a repair, it does not see the OS and so won't do a repair.

Running a command prompt chkdsk c: says "The type of the file system is RAW" and it fails. dir c: gtives "The volume does not contain a recognized file system". Diskpart list partition shows "Partition 1 Primary 40 GB 1024 KB". Filesystem shows "UDF Allocation Unit size 2048". I tried booting from the Norton SystemWorks CD for their disk utility, but evidently the CD is not bootable.

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HDD - Disk Management And File System

May 15, 2010

I just installed a new Hitachi HDD and restored my disc image to it. My original disk had three partitions, the pqservice partition, the active OS partition (C drive) and a data partition (D drive). But I only chose to restore the OS and the data partitions. Now when I view the new disk via disk management, the labeling of the active partition is unusual; there is no volume name listed nor file system, and the free space is shown as 100%. Also, the status shows an EISA configuration. However, under explorer properties for the drive, things look a bit different, with the label and system type correct. What is causing the discrepancy and how to remedy it?I just now also noticed that I no longer have 4gb of ram... I haven't removed anything, but only 2gb are showing in system properties and in the BIOS???

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How To Delete A System File In Windows

Mar 26, 2008

If you need to delete or overwrite a system file in Windows Vista, you'll quickly notice that you cannot delete system files, even as administrator. This is because Windows Vista's system files are owned by the TrustedInstaller service by default, and Windows File Protection will keep them from being overwritten. You need to take ownership of the files, and then assign yourself rights to delete or modify the file. For this, we'll use the command line.

Open an administrator command prompt by typing cmd into the start menu search box, and hit the Ctrl+Shift+Enter key combination. To take ownership of the file, you'll need to use the takeown command. Here's an example: takeown /f C:WindowsSystem32en-USwinload.exe.mui That will give you ownership of the file, but you still have no rights to delete it. Now you can run the cacls command to give yourself full control rights to the file: cacls C:WindowsSystem32en-USwinload.exe.mui /G geek:F Note that my username is geek, so you will substitute your username there. At this point, you should be able to delete the file. If you still can't do so, you may need to reboot into Safe Mode and try it again. For the filename in the example, I was able to overwrite it without safe mode, but your mileage may vary.

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How To Delete / Replace A System File

Feb 11, 2007

In many of the tweaks on this site I have directed you to delete or replace a system file. In Windows Vista this is not always as easy as it sounds since the system files are protected better by the file system than in XP. There are two steps that you need to do in order to be able to replace or delete a system file:First you need to take ownership of the file. Run takeown /f  "path and file name" to take ownership from a command prompt.Next, you need to give your account full control permissions on the file. Run cacls "path and file name" /G <your username>:F to get full control from a command prompt....

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Mystery File Eating By System Partition

Jun 25, 2009

Severl weeks ago, I got a warning that there was no more space on C:,my system partition. Properties showed 0 free space. I tracked down the problem to a file named mnc82DB.tmp, which was about 50GB. It was in the folder usersownerappdatalocal emp. I have no idea where it came from and Google has no entries if I search on that file name.

Trying to delete it fails, saying that it is open in another program.

It's very annoying sice if I try to print something I will lose if I reboot, it won't do
it (0 free space). Another weirdness is that if I try to type something into the Firefox Goggle engine, the letters are entered in reverse order.

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Bad Sectors In File System After Security Update

Dec 21, 2008

I have installed the security patch for IE and I did a disc check afterwards when I noticed , on completion that Windows had made alterations to the file system and that there was 8KB of bad sectors but the disc was clean ! Is this something that I should be worried about ?

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Chips Challenge: System File Missing

May 27, 2009

I Have a DOS game 'Chips Challenge' and i want to run it on Vista x86. But, when i try to run it, it says "C:WindowsSystem32AUTOEXEC.NT. This Required system file is missing. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." I try googling it and found program called 'DOSBox'. I installed it and follow the instruction to mount, etc. When i run CHIPS.EXE (the executable file for that game) on DOSBox, it says 'This Program Requires Microsoft Windows'.

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System Paging File/Virtual Memory

Jun 7, 2008

Should there be a limit as to how much memory I should use for this? I am using 10,000 MB, but not sure if that is too much or not? What is the recomended?

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Associate .png Icons With A Program Or File The System Refuses

Nov 8, 2009

All the cool icons I find on the internet seem to be in the .png form and supposedly work with/on MS systems. But whenever I try to associate one of these .png icons with a program or file the system refuses to let me. Is there some setting in Vista that I need to set in order to use these icons?

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System Recovery Getting File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f

Sep 29, 2009

I got a brand new Hp pavillion laptop, and 4 days after i got it it gave me the : File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f. so i needed to wait 6days because i didnt burn the System recovery discs so needed to order it. In the system recovery kit it had 2 system recovery dics 1 and 2, and a application and driver disc.

Now i cant turn off and on my laptop before i get the : File: BootBCD Status: 0xc000000f and this is the 3 time i'm doing system recovery. but i think it didnt work because i didnt use both Discs of the system recovery. i just dont know what could be worng. and i dont know how to get the second disc started when it's finaly up. So if somebody could tell me how i can get my laptop started again step by step with both disc's and maybe tell me how i can make this not happen again. I'ts a windows vista home premium SP1 64bit

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Installing Windows 7 On NTFS 1.2:Does It Alter The File System

May 23, 2009

What happens when you attempt to install Windows 7 on a drive with NTFS version 1.2 (or some earlier version... like 1.3, etc)? Does it alter the file system? Any way to force Win7 to use the older file system? I'm hoping for performance improvements due to less features in older NTFS, but I know little on the topic.

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System32 DLLs: Running System File Checker

Sep 6, 2007

It looks like my Media PC restarted while Media Centre was still running and somehow it has corrupted a couple of DLL files.


I have tried running System File Checker, while confirmed that some files were corrupted, but it couldn't fix them. Eventually I worked out how to change the permissions on those files so that I can manually replace them, but can't find a fresh file to replace them with, either on the Vista DVD or on the Net.

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File Sharing In Multi-Operating System Community

Mar 23, 2008

I recently got a new Vista machine - not because of a desire, but because of it becoming necessary. Anyhow, I have taken the steps to establish a network and have assured that the same network ID is on all computers. The several operating systems include Windows 98, XP Home Edition, and Vista Home Premium. The Vista Machine is set to private network status, set to share files and folders, set to share printers, set with Password Protection turned off, and set with Neetwork Discovery turned on. I have also gone to the folders that I have set to share on the computer (the C drive, among others) and have made sure to set the permissions so that "Everyone" has full access and control.

Lastly, I have set-up the system to disable User Account Control. Per Microsoft, everyone who has a computer associated with the network should be able to freely acces, read, and write to the files, printers, etc. that I have shared on this computer, right? On the network maps on all computers, all computers are visible. Furthermore, once a computer on the network is selected, the shared items are usually visible. But, for some reason, no computer can access the shared materials on the vista machine even though from the vista machine, I can access all shared materials on the other computers. When the shared materials on the Vista Machine are attempted to be accessed, a "Access Denied" Error/Alert is displayed. I have restarted all computer AND the router to no success.

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File Transfers To Windows 7: Update Does Not Apply To System

Sep 29, 2009

When I downloaded the Windows Easy Transfer utility for a 32 bit version of Windows Vista (Windows6.0-KB928635-x86) for file transfers to Windows 7 it will not install. I receive an error message that says, "The update does not apply to your system." But my system is a 32 bit version of Vista. I am trying to get prepared for my Windows 7 version that will arrive in October. Does anyone have any idea why I would be getting this error message?

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Live File System : DVDs Are Write Protected.

Nov 16, 2009

I can’t format and write to blank DVD+R’s with the Live File System using my VAIO internal DVD drive, Vista keeps saying the DVDs are write protected. The same problem is apparently keeping me from using Vista backup utility which also says the blank DVDs are write protected. I can still read old backup DVDs on the same DVD drive, but I can’t read the latest backup DVD I made. I can still format, write and read the blank DVD+R’s with the Mastered disc format but as far as I can tell the Vista backup utility needs the Live File System to operate. I tested the DVD drive with Sony's DriveCheck utility and it checked out good. Microsoft's Fix It utility indicated that there was a read and write probem but didn't elaborate about whether it was the drive or a configuration issue. Any ideas out there on why the Vista Live File System thinks the DVDs are write protected? Are there any inexpensive and automated backup programs that work with the Mastered disc format? It seems vaguely like I resolved this same problem a year or so ago but I can't seem to find the answer now. It also seem like the problem was a registry entry but I tried adding.

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Corrupted System File, Microsoft Frontpage 2003 Re-install

Jun 27, 2008

I had to reinstall all of my software due to a corrupted system file. After re-installing Microsoft Office, I am having difficulty with getting my Microsoft Frontpage re-installed. How do I get this program re-installed?

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PerfectDisk System File Defragmenter, Boot Screen Increased

Apr 5, 2009

I just reformated and noticed that it took Vista an average of 12 seconds for the boot screen to finish loading (I didn't count before or after that, just from when I see the green bar to when it finishes). After installing PerfectDisk 10 and doing an entire disk defragmentation, the time stayed about the same. But when I did a boot time defragment of my system files, the loading time for the boot screen actually increased to 40 seconds! I've rebooted about 5 times to measure the times and I've gotten up to 60 seconds as well!Has anyone else who uses PerfectDisk had similar experience? Did the boot time get better over time or did it stay the same? Also, in the program settings, it asks me whether I want PerfectDisk to manage my layout.ini file or if I want Windows to handle them; does anyone know which is preferred?

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