Power Point

Apr 19, 2008

Can't find Power point application in vista on my laptop "Compact" does it
have one?

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Power Point Viewer

Jun 18, 2008

Not sure if this is the correct place to post, but I can not get PP viewer to work. New computer running Vista, I downloaded the viewer and when I click on a link it comes up with the message to make sure it is linked to the correct program. I have gone into default assoc and PPS is connected to Power Point Viewer. It worked on XP Pro computer, what do I need to do? Have restarted after downloading thinking maybe that would work.

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Power Point Presentation

Mar 23, 2008

My brother runs Vista and is using Windows mail. He can't view ..pps files. I got him to download the microsoft Power Point Viewer. This program does work on his computer and he can view them now, however, when he clicks on a .pps file from windows mail it tells him he needs to associate the file. So, we did that thru the control panel and it says the Microsoft viewer is the default program. So what do we do now? How can we get it so that he just clicks on the .pps attachment from his windows mail and have it automatically run?

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Power Point Viewer: Reverts Back

Apr 4, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium 32-Bit. I have installed Microsoft 2007 Power Point Viewer. When I select it in File Association to open .pps files and then try to open a .pps file the association reverts back to the Microsoft Office Power Point Point selection. I have uninstalled the Microsoft Office Group to get away from the on screen nagging to purchase it so now I am unable to select any Power Point program that works. The system always reverts to an association that no longer exists.

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Window Mail Deos Not Open Power Point

Mar 28, 2010

My windows mail does not open power point viewer can anyone tell me why

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Running Power Point 2003 In Windows Premium Home

Mar 27, 2008

I have been using this set up for almost a year. Today Power Point 2003 started closeing constantly! It says check for updates I did that installed them and rebooted no change. Then I ran error checking with repair on the hard drive no change. Then I did a repair on Power Point thru the Control Panel, still no change.

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Power Option: Can Show The Power Plan In Tray

Mar 15, 2008

is there any way to show the power plan in tray like in winxp so i can change between plans (balanced, power saver...)

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Restoring XP Restore Point From ?

Jul 4, 2008

I hope this is the correct group. I've been running XP Pro for quie some time and recently installed Vista using Partition Magic and have also installed Vista BootPro. I planned a full migration of all of my data from XP today but cannot boot into XP for some reason. I was going to export or save vital data from XP, so this is quite a bummer. I cannot enter Safe Mode nor use Last Known Good Config options for XP. My box makes it up to the "Starting Windows" screen and hangs there. After exporting the data I require from XP and saving to disk I was going to manually install all of my progs into Vista (Quite a plan for the 4th, huh?)Is there a method to utilize an XP Restore Point from Vista to enable me to boot into XP?

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Reduce Restore Point To Last One

Apr 23, 2008

I can see all the restores but no button to get rid of them. how do you reduce to the last restore point?

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Cant Create A Restore Point

Oct 6, 2009

i am running widdows vista ultimate and i cant create a restore point, i have never been able to create a point. all attempts to switch on fail..error messages are :- the shadow copy provider had an unexpected error whilst trying to process the specified operation 0x8004230F

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Undo Restore Point Failed

May 18, 2008

When I try to undo a restore point, a get an error message that the operation has failed because of an unknown error. Then none of my other restore points will work, either.

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No Restore Point Created At Startup

Feb 3, 2010

In the Triggers tab for Task Scheduler for System Restore it shows a trigger at system startup but there is no system restore point that was created this morning when I started my system. I fact I so none after 1/31 except for an uninstall I did. I have plenty of free disk space (100 gb free of 149 gb). How can I set this so that every day when I start my system System Restore creates a restore point?

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LoginUI.exe - Entry Point Not Found

Jul 29, 2009

I HAD JUST RECOVERD FROM A VISTA ERROR WITH NEW VISTA INSTALLED (myuncle re-installed) AND HE LEFT AND I MESSED UP MY PC AGAIN ALL I HAVEIS A VISTA REOVERY CD NO re-install POSSIBLE. I PUT IN WINDOWS 7 THEME PLUS EXTRAS AND I RESTART AND SAYS "LoginUI.exe - Entry Point Not Found,The procedure entry point GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll."


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Does SP1 For Create A Restore Point Automatically

Mar 23, 2008

Does SP1 for create a Restore Point automatically?

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Wireless Access Point, Can Add Second Router?

Dec 14, 2008

I have a small home network, wired right now. I would like to add a wireless access point for near future laptops. Can I add a second router that is wireless to my wired network with having to load router software on a second computer. Is this even possible. My network consists of my PC, HP M8300f desktop PC as home base/client and cable modem with linksys wired router, BEFSR41 connected to a dell 2400 desktop. I am wanting to add a linksys wireless router WRT54G some where in the living room for and access point. Do I have to load the software on the Dell PC or can I just plug in router to wall socket and connect wirelessly that way.

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Mac OS: Not Change The CurrentJDK Link To Point

Mar 13, 2009

The (A, Current symbolic-linked to A) is part of the structure of a Mac OS X framework, which JavaVM.framework is. This framework may have C or Objective-C code in it, in addition to the actual JVM installations. Thus it could potentially be linked against from some C or Objective-C code in addition to containing the JVM alongside that.

Note that you should not change the CurrentJDK link to point at anything but what it is set to by Mac OS X. Unlike on other platforms, the Java virtual machine is an operating system service on Mac OS X, and changing it in this way would put you in an unsupported (and potentially untested, unstable, etc.) configuration.

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Unable To Create Restore Point

Jul 31, 2009

Vista 64bit has been running really well on my desktop after a clean install in March. Suddenly, Windows update is failing to install, because it can't create a systen restore point. When I try to create one in System Restore, manually, it fails also, citing the shadow file timeout, or some such.....I am worried, because I can't use backup, either! Anyone know what's going on?

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Restore Point Automatic Does Not Work

May 16, 2008

I have task scheduler set up to create a restore point once a day. The history panel shows that the restore point is created on schedule, yet it does not show up in the system restore panel under system properties/system protection. Nor does the free space on the hard drive shrink by a gig or so, as I'd expect. All the settings in task scheduler seem to be correct, and I can create restore points manually. It's just that the automatic feature does not work. Has anyone experienced a problem like this? I'm using Vista Home Premium. Oodles of space allocated for restore points.

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Procedure Entry Point Not Located

Jun 1, 2009

When I start my laptop, I am getting the message "The procedure entry point GetShortPathName coulkd not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll" for Internet browser exe, yahoo messengar exe and many other programs. My laptop was working fine till yesterday night. I have no idea what is the cause of this problem and how could I resolve it.

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How Do Back Previous Restore Point

Jun 16, 2009

How do I go back to a previous restore point ?

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System Restore Point Not Automatically

Mar 20, 2009

In the "task scheduler" the default setting is for "12:00am each day" and the second "trigger" is "upon comuter startup".These are in place and marked as "enabled" yet a "system restore point"is not automatically being created.The event log reads as follows:

Log Name: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational
Source: Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler
Date: 3/19/2009 5:39:56 AM
Event ID: 114
Task Category: Missed task started.....

Task Scheduler could not launch task "MicrosoftWindowsSystemRestoreSR" as scheduled. Instance "{a1868f64-ed08-49a9-9f86-f62ed855affd}" is started now as required by the configuration option to start the task when available

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System Restore Point Being Created At Every Bootup

Feb 12, 2009

I am running Vista Home Premium x64. Everytime I bootup, the Language Pack removal service runs (as it is supposed to, apparently).

However, Vista seems to treat this as a significant system event, which triggers a restore point to be created. The restore point creation is slowing down access to my hard disk everytime I reboot.

When I look at the list of restore points that Vista has created, a restore point is created at every bootup due to the event “Uninstall: Language Pack Removal”. I can see the list by running “System Restore”, then selecting “choose another restore point” and clicking Next.

Any idea how to stop the restore point being created at every bootup? I assume there’s a good reason Vista runs the Language Pack removal service at every bootup, so I’d rather keep that running.

I also want a restore point created when there is a software install/uninstall, so want to keep the system restore service running, too.

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IE8: Remove Updates, No System Restore Point

Jan 25, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:8.0.6001.18241
Application Timestamp:48ae8fee
Fault Module Name:kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp:4791a76d
Exception Code:c06d007e
Exception Offset:000442eb
OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:2057
Additional Information 1:5e45
Additional Information 2:a2fdfe7c86f01abc55834702e464686d
Additional Information 3:84fc
Additional Information 4:b9417b166caabe190aef712546e2a930

Ive Tried the remove updates thing and it isn't their. I have no system restore point. And I've tried running itin no addons mode. All I want is to roll back to IE7

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Wireless Router Configuration As A Access Point

Jan 24, 2010

Some of us don't use just a wireless router, but a combination of wireless and wired routers. In such cases the configuration of the devices can be a little tricky. But this thread it will be explained in depth, each step how to set up a wireless access points for laptops. This tutorial is going to explain how to set-up wireless for people who have setups similar to this model:

Modem -> Wired Router -> Wireless Router

Modem -> Wired Router -> Switch -> Wireless Router

***Note, there are pictures at the bottom of this post, use those for reference when going through this guide***


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Running Safe Mode Going Startup Point

May 17, 2009

I keep getting this error constantly and its hard even to press F8 to get into the advanced start up options. I've tried running in safe mode and tried going to last know good startup point, but both end up giving me the bsod.

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Can Mess Your System Up Good And Proper, Point,

Sep 8, 2009

Anyone know of a good free Cloning program that is 64bit compatible? for Vista ultimate being upgraded to win7 for the specific purpose of making an exact restore-able image of the HD. That can be copied to a reformatted harddrive after a major colaps of the os or virus damage? I also want to be-able to do a periodic erasure of said hd for security and privacy purposes. which I would do before formatting the HD again. I like to download a try a lot of free stuff and as you know it can mess your system up good and proper, to the point, its better to start over from a cloned image of factory settings that are up to date .

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Unable To Create System Restore Point

May 30, 2009

when i tried to create a restore point an error message is being displayed. it says " could not create the scheduled task for the following reason task image is corrupt or has been tampered with (0x80041321)" what does it mean. i am running on vista ultimate x64

pc config
dual core 2.8(intel)
intel 965board
80gb hdd

what i did was under system properties page, i clicked system protection tab on the left side checked the boxes( all system drives ie hard disk drives) and clicked apply then the message i described was popping out and when clicked create also the same message is being displayed.

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Smudged Vista Sticker Not Sure Start Point

Apr 26, 2009

What's the quickest route to take for a smudged/blurry Vista sticker? My wife uses a stand for her laptop and the rubber pads have made the serial key unreadable. I'm just not sure if my best start point is the laptop manufacturer or Microsoft. Anybody else been through this situation that may have a few tips?

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Restore Point: Windows Explorer Hang/Not Responding

Aug 30, 2009

when I right Clicked a short cut, file or folder within Windows Explorer. It caused Windows Explorer to Hang/Not responding. Then Idecided to do an update to the Vista, so I ran the Upda5te option. My problem of right clicking appeared again? I went back into Safe Mode to find and re-do the System Restor from Sept 24th and it no longer exist? the select older than 5 days was grayed out.

I did not delete or do anything (that I'm aware of) to remove it. It was the last one on the list. Was it deleted automatically due to storage size allowed? In any case, is there a way to get it back? I need to fix this problem - of right clicking something and having Windows Explorer hang/not repond. Do I have to do a Vista Repair from my DVDs to get rid of the problem?

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Slow File Access After Removing Junction Point

Mar 25, 2008

running Vista Ultimate 64bit. I created a junction point which mapped to my User folder on external hard drive. Then removed this junction point and pointed it back to the default C:Users... location but ever since the file system is terrible slow even on basic operations such as rename file. So it's NOT a slow copy/move file issue, just that all basic file functions are terrible slow. It doesn't matter if it's in my Users folder or elsewhere. As you can imagine this is making my Vista installation completely useless as software such as Visual Studio is hanging on basic operations. I've done everything I can think of - defragging, turning off Search/Indexing service... still the same

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Windows Defender Tray Icon Just Popped Up W/ Exclamation Point And Cant Get Rid Of It

Jul 12, 2008

Its never been there before, and now it its. To make matters more interesting, it has an exclamation mark on it. When I click it, it says check for new definitions. I do, it comes up with nothing, but the exclamation point stays..

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