Partition: Allocate About 100GB For System Drive

Mar 31, 2008

i just install vista x64 on RAID 0 (2 X 250 Gb) volume. Volume space is 465 GB (instead of 500 GB! that?s alright), free space 451 GB, so it took 14GB on OS and Page File. Now i want to partition it and want to allocate about 100GB for system drive i think which is more then enough.::

::But the problem is, on Disk Management when i select the volume and click shrink Volume i get followings::

::Total size before shrink in MB: 476943::
::size of available shrink space in MB: 235606::
::Enter the amount of space to shrink in MB: (235606)::
::Total size after shrink in MB: 241337::

::so i can't shrink the volume less then 241337. that means it forcing me to keep the system drive about 235.68 GB! which is about the size of one of the hard drive (232.8 GB). So... what is going on? why its forcing me to keep the volume that large??::

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How To Allocate More Space To Backup Drive D?

Jul 7, 2008

My backup drive D in Windows Vista is full up and I can't seem to be able to empty it or allocate more space to it. It only has 9.99GB of space allocated to it and my computer is now complaining that it can't backup. Does anyone know how to allocate more space to it, or should I just delete everything on it?

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Extend C: Partition Drive, NTFS System Boot

May 2, 2010

I am runnig out of space in the C drive, but have plenty of space in D drive. How do I allocate more space from the D drive to the C drive? As you can see I have no memory in C:. What can I do to increase it? Do not want to purchase additional programs, not enough space to install them.

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Virtual Drives - Could Allocate 'temp' Forlders

Mar 30, 2008

I have Vist 64 bit, 4gig mem, E6850, 500gig HD SATA II, What would be the gains, if indeed there are any, if I installed a E-IDE 160 gig drive - slave to my DVD writer, THEN used it as Vitual memory for the OS. Could also allocate 'temp' forlders, Nero's caching, and so on. Anybody have a clue OR am I talking a load of c&*$. ?

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Cloning A Drive: Tranfer Entire Drive Incuding All Files And The Operating System From Current IDE HDD To A New SATA Drive

May 2, 2008

I am Using Vista Ultimate 64. I would like to tranfer my entire drive incuding all files and the Operating system From my current IDE HDD to a new SATA Drive of the sames size (500 Gig) I need the IDE Drive for an older computer ( The 40 Gig IBM Deathstar still functions great, but all programs seem more bloated these Days)

Anyway I went to Administrative Tools and Formated the New Drive NFTS with no Drive Letter. But I cannot get it recognized as a transfer device when I go to system backup. Can I use 'C' on the second and soon to be only drive? If I have to use E or F for now can I change it back later. would that affect the file system? I intend to Low level Format the IDE and try cloning the old machine's XP Drive (32 bit) to it in the second place.

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Partition Is Not System Partition

Mar 26, 2008

I've got a really weird scenario: I've installed Vista on one of my partitions, after a few days it got corrupted, so i've installed another version on a different partition (different disk as well). I've since deleted the first vista installation. Now vista works perfectly on my other partition, no problems. However, when looking at the disk management I can see that the old vista partition's status is:" Healthy (System, Active, Primary Partition)" whereas my working vista partition is: "Healthy (Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition)" My vista partition is not a system partition. This causes some problems, as I can't format the old vista partition. Trying to disable the disk at startup and booting with the Vista DVD doesn't help (it recognizes some problem but when rebooting, nothing happens, no loading of anything).Is there a way to assign the 'System' attribute to another partition and/or to remove the 'System' attribute from a partition?

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Removing Old System Partition

Jun 2, 2009

I had to replace my system drive with a newer one because it was first gen SATA and didn't boot every time. Stupidly, I did it in a brutal manner and now I have the current system on C: and an older installation on D: The bizarre thing is that according to Disk Manager, the partition on D is labelled as "System, Active, Primary Partition", while C: is "Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition". This means I am worried about simply using Linux to reformat the D drive in case it kills the working partition on C:. C works perfectly well and there's been no activity on D: since November last year when in a panic I reinstalled Vista onto C:. Is there anything I can do to remove D, reformat the drive and reuse it for something else *without* also destroying my C: partition?

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How To Extend The System Partition?

Mar 26, 2008

I'll be glad if you could help me. I bought a new PC with a 500Go HD. I installed Vista Home Premium on a partition of 100Go (C. I have therefore another partition for the remaining (D:, 400Go). I'd like to avoid using third party software ; is it possible trough Windows Vista ? I read things on Microsoft website regarding the deletion and creation of partition, but never managed to find out an answer for my particular question.

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Hard Drive Partition

Apr 9, 2009

want install Vista Home premium on notebook with 320GB hard drive(comes with Linux by default). What size partition should I set for operating system?

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Cant Partition A WD Hard Drive.

Apr 27, 2008

Recently installed Vista Ultimate x64. Immediately updated with Windows update including SP1. Went to partition a WD 3200AAKS which was to be used for storage and backups. Drive is shown in Bios, Device manager, and Disk manager and drivers installed. Connected by Sata to the board. Started partitoning by shrinking the volume, and then choosing New Simple volume in the unalloacted space. It hangs at this point but a new "Other Device" is shown in device manager. Checked and it is identified as generic Volume, so I attempted to install drivers with no success.

Went through all the steps including the Microsoft fix which of course failed for this. Also used browse to point to inf and driverstore. Nothing worked. Initially got the message "The system cant find the file specified" and followed all the driver install procedure from there. Almost sounds like a problem similar to the USB problems. Any suggestions. After all this I have to delete both to get the entire drive back.

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Partition (Adding X64 To X32 1TB Drive)

Jun 2, 2009

Partition Issue (Adding Vista x64 to Vista x32 1TB Drive) My 1TB drive is set up as follows:

C: Vista x32 IE7 + VMwares 300GB (Primary)
D: Vista x32 IE8 50GB (Primary)
E: XP IE6 50GB (Primary)
F: XP IE7 50GB (Extended)
G: XP IE8 50GB (Extended)
H: Win7 IE8 50GB (Extended)
Unallocated 60GB

I need to put a new Vista x64 in 50GB of the remaining Unallocated space but keep getting this error when trying to partition/format it: "Disk Management: You cannot create a volume in this unallocated space because the disk already contains the maximum number of partitions." I understand that we only get 4 primary partitions. How can i add this unallocated space to the Extended Partition, and thereby make a partition within it to load Vista x64 to boot up like all the others?

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Can Not Open Partition Drive

May 15, 2010

Everytime i tried to open my partition drive (Drive D) where all my work files are located. message will keep popping up and prevent me from accessing my file.

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Recovery Partition And Instead Reinstalling System

May 28, 2009

Does anyone know if there is a downloadable version of Vista? I have a gateway laptop and had a crash. I tried to use the recovery partition and instead of reinstalling my system, it wiped it and then said something to the effect of insert you recovery cd. Well I bought my computer at Best Buy and of course they don't provide the discs with the computer!! Ahhhhh!!!! My computer came with Vista installed and I have a valid CD Key, but no disk now. I have ordered a recovery disk, but it will take up to 8 business days to get here. Does anyone know if you can download an evaluation copy of Vista or any copy of Vista for that mater??? I figure all I need to do is get it installed and I can use my CD Key.

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System Partition Destroyed Networking

Feb 21, 2009

I had a Vista Install with A "System" partition and a "Data" partition. Installing a VPN Package by Sonicwall completely destroyed networking. Under the properties of any network card the only Service, Client, or Protocol was "Client For Microsoft Networks" and clicking "Install" to get IPV4 and the like put on gave an error. DHCP was also broken. Time to start over. Unfortunately, I am going to need a new laptop soon because my laptop turns itself off when in the BIOS Screen, When trying to boot from CD, or any time before Windows starts to load. It is stable once it gets up and running. Because of this, I could not boot from a CD to install Vista...I had to boot to my damaged installation and install it to my old Data Drive (After backing everything up). Now, it boots to a clean install of Vista. This install is on the "F" drive. The old install resides on the "C" drive. By default, it boots to the proper installation (without me having modified any boot information.)

I would like to recover the space taken up by the old "C Drive" installation but I am not sure if the bootloader actually resides on that partition yet. I would be rather unhappy if I blew away that partition and ended up unable to boot. I safe to blow away the C partition? Is there any way I can check to make sure that the installation on the F drive is handling the boot loading?

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Should I Partition? (new To Vista With New 750 Gig Hard Drive)

Mar 21, 2009

I am getting a new HP today with a 750gig hard drive. Vista Home Premium. 64 bit SP1. I've never used Vista. I seem to recall hearing in the past that partitioning a drive so large is better than having it be just one 750 gig unit. If so, I want to partition it optimally from the outset. So:

1) SHOULD I partition my 750 gig C drive?
2) If so, how is it done? Do I go to Computer > Manage > Disk Management like in XP? (I've never used Vista.)

If I should do it, will I need to reformat to NTFS or will it already be NTFS? And should I use the "Quick format" option or the slow version? (Never did know the difference when I reformatted external drives, but I used the fast version.)

On my external drives I erased everything and then reformatted. Obviously I won't want to do that here, as it comes loaded with the operating system and MS Works, etc. So how do I partition without erasing files?

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Unable To Shrink C Drive For New Partition

Feb 5, 2008

See attached. Cannot shrink the C: drive to create a new partition. using Vista Ultimate 64bit with SP1 refresh 2

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Remove Vista On Drive 1 , Partition C:

Nov 17, 2009

I have two hard drives ,each hard drive is partitioned into 2.

Drive 1
Partition C:
Partition D:

Drive 2
Partition E:
Partition F:

I have Vista Home Premium on C: Drive. Have Windows 7 on E: Drive. My Boot File is on the C : Drive for both Operating Systems. If I want to remove Vista on Drive 1 , Partition C: First of all what would be the easiest way of removing Vista? Reformat the drive or can you uninstall it with the programs?? If I do Format the C: Drive,I would loose the Boot Manager File. I would probably not be able to even boot into Win 7. If I can not boot into 7 Can I insert the DVD do a repair to bring back the Boot file to C:? Or can I just use a second party Boot Manager like Easy BCD to configure Boot manager??

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Installing Win64 On A Partition Drive

May 25, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium x64. and I am trying to boot up my computer with an XP64 CD. it goes into the Windows Setup blue screen and runs all of that, after it is finished it gives me the blue screen of death saying that an error occured and has prevented me from continuing. I don't understand why?? I tried to do stuff in BIOS settings in order to have it work right but my computer is dumb.

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Mystery File Eating By System Partition

Jun 25, 2009

Severl weeks ago, I got a warning that there was no more space on C:,my system partition. Properties showed 0 free space. I tracked down the problem to a file named mnc82DB.tmp, which was about 50GB. It was in the folder usersownerappdatalocal emp. I have no idea where it came from and Google has no entries if I search on that file name.

Trying to delete it fails, saying that it is open in another program.

It's very annoying sice if I try to print something I will lose if I reboot, it won't do
it (0 free space). Another weirdness is that if I try to type something into the Firefox Goggle engine, the letters are entered in reverse order.

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Cannot Expand System Partition, Partitioning Software

Mar 11, 2009

Before you flame the thread saying partitioning capabilities are already included in x64, they are bad and limited. I cannot expand my system partition even with unallocated space on the drive sitting there unused. For example, i have a 750gb sata system drive which is partitioned into 3 spaces, my system partitionn, my media partition and unallocated space partition, i wanted to add this 100gb of unallocated space to my system partition so that it will have some headroom and space for further programs if need be. However vista ultimate's disk management does not allow this like partition magic used to. Of course partition magic is not compatible with vista[hurray] so i need compatible software to do so

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When Doing An Install Of Win 7, Does The Entire Drive Get Wiped, Or Just The C Partition

Aug 23, 2009

When doing an install of Win 7, Does the entire drive get wiped, or just the C partition? I'm thinking of course of maintaining the recovery partition.

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Messed Up Hard Drive From Using Partition Magic

Dec 23, 2009

I wanted to use Partition Magic to partition my hard drive, so I used the boot CD. When I loaded it up, it said that there were 2 errors in my hard drive and it could fix them, so I pressed fix. Unfortunately, I was running Vista and I only know now that they're incompatible. However, now my hard drive is completely screwed! If I plug my hard drive into my computer, my computer refuses to do anything after POST, it doesn't boot a CD or run anything from the hard drive. I unplugged my hard drive and it's booting CDs now, even though my CD was the primary boot device anyway. All I want to do now is just get my hard drive fixed, I have all my data backed up, so I don't care if I lose everything on it!

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Drive Letters & Partition Contents Swapped

Jan 3, 2009

after shrinking the D: partition, the drive letters and actual partition sequence on the drive changed - the C: (Vista) partition has switched places with the D: (Recovery) partition in Disk Management (D: is now in front of C I first defragged the D: drive using JKDefrag and used its built in feature to move all the files to the end of that partition, so that after splitting D:, the blank portion would be next to the C: partition (so I could have it merge with C: ) how do I get the partitions back to their normal positions (in Disk Mgmt)? and if I delete the D: partition, will it merges with C: and keep my Vista install harmed?

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Weird Hard Drive Partition Can't View

Apr 8, 2010

I have this weird primary partition on my hard drive. It use to be my D: volume but something happened causing it to lose its drive letter and NTFS file structure. Whenever I right click it to view properties or format it the only option I have that isn't grayed out is "Delete Volume". I would like to know if there is a way to view the volume before I delete something that my be important for my system. The first attachment is a screen shot of Disk Management. The second attachment is a screen shot of my options after a right click. If I can't view it I will consider deleting it due to the fact it takes up have my drive. BTW, the third attachment is the model specs of my HDD. I'm just going to delete the partion and reformat it.

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Cannot Install XP 32 On Partition In VISTA 64 - UNABLE TO FIND DRIVE

Dec 27, 2008

I have -Dell XPS 730x with 6 GIG DDR3 RAM, Intel i7 64 bit Processor, 500 GIG disk,

I am running -Windows Vista Home Premium 64 which was preinstalled on the cpu

I want to -Dual boot between Vista64 and Windows XP32

So far -I have done everything to this machine from creating a virtual window in Vista64, to going into the command prompt from vista boot disk and running diskpart to clear hard drive.

I currently have -Two partitions on one disk. Primary 200GIG and Healthy 265GIG -Windows Vista Home Premium64 installed and running

The problems im having -every time try to boot from CD and run the windows xp setup, it is UNABLE to find ANY HARD DRIVES!

I have researched that
- I must have the disk partitioned
- Windows XP must be installed first
- I have to play with the boot.ini
- If i install vista32 it will be more successful

The errors I have gotten -STOP: 0x0000008E - i researched this and it said one option is to take out the excess RAM

I will be happy if - By the end of this weekend I can successfully run XP or both OS's in dual boot.

I need to go through all this trouble because - Digidesign has not written software for 64 bit proccessing yet. I need to make music.

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Windows & XP Multi Boot System> New Partition Wizard Not Found

Mar 26, 2008

I bought a new laptop with Vista already installed on it. I want to install XP in a multi boot configuration but get stuck in Disk Management and am unable to proceed from there. I'd like to keep Vista on my laptop, but if it comes down to it I'll need to take it off and put on XP because our work computers run with XP and we do a lot of work on reports and presentations from home and network from home. I can't find the New Partition Wizard to make a space for XP.

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Moving Userprofile Out From System Partition, Redirected By Junction/symlinkd

May 9, 2010

I have an idea to copy my c:usersuser profile out of system partiton (logged from account with admin rights) and create redirecting junction/symlinkd to the new location. Do you think it is save/good solution?

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Xp Install: Cannot Choose A Drive Or Partition As Box Remains Empty And Nothing Shows

Mar 29, 2009

Am trying to install xp on a new laptop that already has vista. Have made another partition using vista disc management. I boot to xp disc and go to install but cannot choose a drive or partition as box remains empty and nothing shows.

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Recommendations On Relative Partition Sizes On 500GB Hard Drive?

May 12, 2008

I'm going to get a new desktop with XP installed. I have a copy here of Vista Home Premium and I'd like to set up a dual boot. From reviewing everything I can find online, I think I can handle that. Eventually, I expect I'll migrate over to Vista most of the time. When I partition to install Vista, I understand I'll be creating a new drive letter. Any recommendations on relative partition sizes on a 500GB hard drive? But ... something I've not been able to locate is whether, once I install Vista and then install Office 2007, presumably under Vista, whether I'll be able to access Outlook, Excel, etc. from either OS - will I be able to open my Outlook 2007 if I boot into XP? Will one version of my browser run from either OS?

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Drive Boot And Showing As "foreign" A 479mb Partition That I Don't Recognize

Mar 23, 2008

Somehow I managed to mess up my boot disk by converting it to dynamic. Now whenever I boot, I need to: This will now let that drive boot. I'm running Vista Ultimate with several SATA and USB drives attached - the boot drive is SATA. I also see a strange drive in disk manager (once it's booted) showing as "foreign" a 479mb partition that I don't recognize. I'm tempted to delete it, but won't until I know that it wouldn't hurt anything. Is there anything that I can do to avoid this process every time I reboot?

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Disk Management: Remove The Recovery Partition And Then Extend The C: Partition

Oct 5, 2009

I recently acquired a Dell Studio XPS 435 desktop with Vista Ultimate as the OS. My plan is to upgrade to Windows 7 in the next couple of months or so. Therefore I won't need the Vista recovery partition on the hard drive. I am trying to eliminate it and add to the C: drive partition. Looking at my drive 0 in disk management I have from Right to left a C: partition 683Gb NTFS with the usual Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition). Directly to the left is the Recovery or D: drive which is 15Gb NTFS marked Healthy (Primary Partition) and finally to the left is the last partition of 71Mb marked Healthy (EISA Configuration). No idea what that is. Right clicking in the Recovery partition gives several options including: format, shrink volume, extend volume, delete volume, mark volume as active, change drive letter and paths, as well as help.

My question is how to remove the recovery partition and then extend the C: partition. My first thought is to format the recovery partition, delete the volume and then right click the C: drive partition and extend it but I really need some advice so I don't screw up the whole disk. For instance I have no idea what if anything hapens to the drive letters.I think maybe what I am calling partitions are really volumes so you can see I am over my head here.

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