Maximising From Shortcut, No Option Found

Sep 2, 2009

When I open the BBC site from its shortcut on my desktop, generally I need to maximise it to fill the screen. I have looked in the shortcut's properties and there is no option I can see to maximise it as a setting so that it will be full-size each time I use it.

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Webcam Voice Installed Properly But Shortcut Not Found

Nov 11, 2008

Iv'e just installed my webcam voice it's definately installed properly on my pc, but I can't find any shortcut to it, & I don't know how to make one,Iv'e got the same problem with my scanner also, I can use it by going to picture gallery & importing photo etc but neither of them have shortcuts or are on the start menu under programs.

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Adjusting The Window(includes Maximising And Minimising) The Cpu Usuage Just Bursts Up To Roughly 45%

Apr 19, 2009

i've been trying the windows 7 (x32/x64) and other flavours of vista (x32/x64) for the last 6 months while gaming at HD res all the time and there was never an issue. So the problem is that anytime i open up windows task manager or any other adjustable window and i try adjusting the window(includes maximising and minimising) the Cpu usuage just bursts up to roughly 45%. Like in many previous threads i'm already familiar with the red line showing kernel times in task manager and i did notice that 3/4 of the cpu usage bar (when it rises is red: meaning more kernel usage). Also i hear a funny noise near the cpu area. It is definitely the CPU. For some it might be that i'm too fussy or something but this did catch my attention specially while playing games like Racedriver GRID for example where it started to run slower specially at HD resolutions when it wasn't few months ago.

Here's what i've been trying:

1)I've re-installed windows(tried XP Pro x32,Vista Ultimate x32/64, 7 x32/64) and after each installation even before installing any drivers whatso ever the problem was there by going to task manager and trying the thing(ie holding corner of task manager and scrolling and seeing cpu/kernel usage go upto 40 % for nothing)

2)Reformatted and doing the above.
3) Used another power supply in case mine went wrong or something( Used HIPERPOWER | Type M | HPU-4M880)
4)Took all hardware out one by one in order of less importance and booting up to see if problem was still there. (took out DVD DRIVE since there were threads reporting it as the culprit, did also remove sound card etc..)...........

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Shortcut Shortcut.Ink Refers To Is Unavailable, Viewed The Pictures Again

Aug 16, 2009

I downloaded some pictures from digital camera this morning and saved them on my desktop as I always do. Viewed the pictures & all was ok. Just gone to view the pics again and says the following: The drive or network connection that the shortcut (then the image number) - Shortcut.Ink refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disc is properly inserted or the network resource is available and then try again. I have no idea what this means but deleted the pictures of the camera as I viewed them and they were fine.

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Shortcut On Desktop - Deleting The Word "shortcut"

Mar 29, 2009

how not to display the word "shortcut" when I create a shortcut on my desktop?

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Shortcut Arrows

Jul 30, 2009

On my x64 box, TFS power tools was conflicting with Office Communicator. So I blocked Office Communictor from the startup sequence. As I expected, at startup I would get a message "Blocked startup programs" with the option to "run blocked program" if I want to launch Office Communicator explicitly. Good.

Then I uninstalled TFS power tools, and decided to unblock Office Communicator, so it can run at startup again. Unfortunately, the Office Communicator app shows as "Permitted," but is still being blocked at startup.

In other words, I can't unblock Office Communicator. Vista says it is "permitted", but it is not permitted at startup. I tried disabling and re-enabling it, to see if it would clear up, but no good.

How do I force it to be unblocked so that it will run at startup?

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Want To Get Rid Of Shortcut Arrows

Feb 6, 2009

I detest those shortcut arrows that get put on all the desktop icons. I used Tweak UI in XP to get rid of them but can't find anything that works in Vista. I tried Frameworkx that did absolutely nothing.

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Cannot Create Shortcut

Apr 10, 2008

I am trying to create a shortcut to c:Program FilesMozilla KompozerKompoZer 0.7.10kompozer.exe The window within which you create shortcuts says that this file does not exist! I am looking at that file! I have opened "command prompt" and cd to that subdirectory. question: Am I trying to fight UAC? I am *certain* that my spelling is correct.

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Shortcut Not Work

Jan 9, 2010

ive started to get an error message after i download a program and install it everytime i reboot it says problem with shortcut then the item and whatever the filename is that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved so this shortcut will no longer work properly do you want to delete this shortcut y or n.ive run malware software and avg but no threats found anyone got any ideas because im missing having pokerstars etc.

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Shortcut Image Can't Appear

Jul 30, 2008

Just recently my shortcuts all have a broken link image where the little shortcut arrow would appear.

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How To Change A Shortcut

Dec 17, 2008

Every time I create a shortcut, usually by right-clicking on an executable and then choosing Create Shortcut from the context menu, the default path is always set to, for example, C:Program Files (x86)My Applicationmyapplication.exe. However, I already set my default Program Files and Program Files (x86) location to be in the D: drive. Nature of the Problem After installing Vista Ultimate x64, I installed TuneUp Utilities 2009 and from there, I set the default Program Files location to my second partition which is D:. I expected TuneUp Utilities to make the necessary changes to the registry. To make sure that no programs were left out in C:Program Files and C:Program Files (x86), I manually re-created the 2 folders in D: and then copied all the files and folders inside. I rebooted afterwards. Upon boot, my expectations toward TuneUp Utilities 2009 seemed to be correct because the default now points to D: (whenever I install 64-bit or 32-bit programs). I had no problems running the applications as well.

But a problem arises whenever a shortcut is made. It doesn't matter whether it was created by the installer itself or created manually. The target path always points to C: while the Start In path points to the correct one, which is D:. Whether it be in the Start Menu, on the Desktop, or in the Quick Launch menu, the same behavior happens. It's often a pain to edit the shortcuts manually- doing a right-click > Properties > change C to D > Change Icon > Apply > OK every time I install a new application or decide to create a shortcut for a certain portable app. I believe there's a registry entry that I can change so that the default Shortcut path now defaults to D: instead of C:.

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Keyboard Shortcut (not Save)?

May 12, 2008

What is the keyboard shortcut for save as (not save)?

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Get Rid Of The Desktop Shortcut Arrows

Apr 2, 2008

How do I get rid of the desktop shortcut arrows

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Desktop Shortcut Icon

Mar 20, 2009

Since installing IE8 RTM in Vista SP1 x86 I've been having some problems with internet shortcut icons not displaying correctly on my desktop. I've tried deleting and redoing them, tried using AM Deadlink to refresh my Favourites icons to no avail. They show normally in Favourites but show as a smaller version within a white frame on the desktop. This doesn't seem to effect all of them, just some.

I've attached two thumbnails to illustrate what I mean. The first one is the Canada Post item in Favourites and the second one is the same shortcut on the desktop. As you can see there there's another one doing the same thing for I think I am right in saying that it's not a case of rebuilding the system icon cache as that only effects system icons, am I right? FYI desktop resolution is 1680 x 1050 and I have the desktop icon size set to Classic.

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Cannot Delete Shortcut File

Mar 23, 2008

I am having a problem deleting shortcut files as when i attempt to delete them it says that it could not find this item, they are also unable to be dragged into the recycle bin, nor are they able to be moved anywhere else. when i right click on them it says on the security tab after properties that it is unavailable or cant be displayed. This isnt happening with all the shortcuts but it is wasting space

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Shortcut For Mail On Desktop

May 2, 2009

How do I create a shortcut for mail on my deasktop?

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Deleting A Desktop Shortcut

Apr 1, 2008

How do I delete a desktop icon. Windows says that it can not find the file and will not delete it. I removed the program the way I should but it left the shortcut on the desktop and will not let me delete or move it. I've tried to change the properties , added sharing, and everything I can think of to remove the shortcut with no luck.

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Create Shortcut Icon

Nov 26, 2007

How do i remove the white space on the start menu?. Everytime i add a shortcut to the start menu it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and it wont file up the empty space.I've tried everythiing in the customize settings and it still wont fix it.

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Shortcut For Switching Accts?

Dec 24, 2008

Because of an ongoing problem (SQL error prevents my posting to Thunderbird Forums) with one of my regular Vista accts, I ahve to use another acct to post to TB. I have to switch back and forth between the two accts whenever I access TB forums. So, is there any shortcut that I can use instead of having to go to Start>switch accts, logoff, etc menu?

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Bypassing The UAC For Certain Programs Shortcut

Aug 3, 2008

I have several programs that the UAC need my approval for. I have setup tasks for each with all the correct settings (Run with Highest Privileges Checked, etc.). After creating a shortcut to the link, I attempt to click it. For a few brief seconds, a CMD prompt screen comes up and says something about the file wasn't found. I checked your article to see if I could find a mistake. There wasn't one. I even created a new task using your tutorial, and still it doesn't work. I am wonder if this is a fix with SP1 (I have SP1 by the way)? Is there another alternative?

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Add Shortcut, Hang Computer

Oct 14, 2009

if you add a shortcut (to a networked computer, so you can copy files),if its off, it'll hang computer. I thought the prob was because I've got an internal card reader. So, I put an entry in the registry to hide them. BUT this didnt fix the hanging (thats how I found out having the computer off (the one I added under sendto as a shortcut, causes it). So, how would you fix this, without removuing the shortcut to the networked computer?

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Click Shortcut: X64 Freezing?

Apr 30, 2009

I'm new to this forum so please bear with me.. I recently went to Vista x64 and bought a new computer... Everything was fine till about 3 weeks ago... While I work on the computer, nothing out of the ordinary happens... (No problems)... when I walk away for awhile and come back, I click on a shortcut and the computer Freezes... I have to shut down the system to get out of it... Simply put; Vista Randomly Freezes... I've checked the logs to no Avail... I'm getting real irritated by this and I was hoping that someone might have a clue to what is happening.

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Shortcut Does Not Work On Desktop

May 18, 2009

I right click on the desktop, open the menu and pick new then folder and it works fine. I right click on the desktop, open the menu and pick new then shortcut and nothing happens. I restarted the computer but it is still the same.

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Documents Shortcut Renamed

Oct 15, 2009

I was trying to save a file in Adobe Reader, but typed the filename too fast before the "save as" dialogue box was fully loaded. As you can see below, my stupid document folder got renamed instead to "A". I've been searching and searching, but can't find a way to rename it back to my original username. Clicking on it still gets me to c:usersayzone which is good.

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Documents And Setting Shortcut In C

Feb 14, 2009

What's the point of the Documents & Settings shortcut in C:? I cannot open it. All I get is a msg saying it's unaccessable. Is there anything there, or is it just there to look familiar?

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Shortcut Icons Changed

Jun 13, 2009

Program icons are ok, but shortcut icons changed to smaller white background with a much smaller icon in the center. What gives?

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Deleting Some Shortcut Icons?

Feb 17, 2009

I want to clean up my desktop by deleting some shortcut icons. Each of the icons contains the directional arrow in the lower left corner. However, when I "right click, delete" on any Shortcut Icon, I am prompted: Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin? I actually deleted several programs before realizing what I was doing. :mad: The wording I was accustomed to in WinXP: Are you sure you want to remove this shortcut ...* isn't offered to me. I'm running Vista Home Premium 64-bit SP1

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Invalid Pathway From Shortcut

Nov 20, 2007

new to Vista and ignorant to most things about it. I just bought a new hp laptop and had Camedia master 1.2 installed on my old desktop,it uploaded my photos from my Olympus camera and let me manage them. When I put the software disc in the laptop and installed the program,it looked like Vista was going to accept it, it installed in programsprogram files and when I clicked on the shortcut it opened. Then I got the red x box,saying invalid pathway.

Since I believe it installed right why the problem? is there any way I can correct this,without spending up to a 150 for new software? I opened the program right from program files and still got the same invalid pathway answer and it had to close the program. I have Vista home premium.

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Booted Up Shortcut Tick Box

May 7, 2008

recently my computer crashed, and the next time i booted up, every file, folder, icon and shortcut now has a small tick box (check box) in the upper left corner. it doesn't make a lot of difference, however it is annoying and i dont know how to change it. also, when i click on the start menu, the are that usually shows all my recently used programmes is now a white blank box. whats happened? how do i fix this?

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Shortcut Bar In Windows Mail

Apr 12, 2008

In Outlook, there was an option for displaying the "Outlook Bar" which contained a list of customizable shortcuts to various folders. Is there a way to set this up in Windows Mail also?

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Create A Shortcut For Flip 3D

May 14, 2006

Would you like to add a shortcut to your desktop or quick launch bar that launches the new Flip 3D tab replacement? 

1. Right click on your desktop and select New and then Shortcut.

2. Copy and paste RunDll32 DwmApi #105 into the location box and hit Next....

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