Mail Getting Stuck On Recieving, Freezes

Nov 22, 2009

incoming mail freezes and I have to log out and then end to get new email. just started happening since last microsoft vista update

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Recieving Mail: Not Sending

May 1, 2009

after reading the many threads already with this problem. I have realized that this problem is kind of pervasive. My problem is this just happened after several weeks of no problems I havent even changed any settings or anything, went to send an email to a friend and it gave me this error code: The host '' could not be found. verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Subject 'Fw: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Account: 'yahoo mail', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Windows Mail Not Sending And Recieving E-mail

Jun 23, 2008

windows mail has trouble sending and recieving e-mail, it will download 4 or 5 messages and then lock up on one for hours till we have to cnacel and re-recieve the mail then we get duplicates of everything and then it will lock up on a different message. most messages have to be sent twice to go through mainly sending quickbooks stuff, invoices etc.. I have read a few posts so far about this we have norton antivirus. Norton says windows mail problem or isp problem. isp says norton problem email scanning is off.

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Recieving E-mail In Windows Mail (again)

Jul 29, 2009

I can send but not recieve AAARGGHHH. Error messae is: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 550, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Sent Mail Stuck In Outbox

Feb 12, 2010

I can't send mail from Windows Mail. When I send a message it get stuckin the outbox.

An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Re: Y&R', Account:

'', Server: '', Protocol:
SMTP, Server Response: '554 Message refused.', Port: 80, Secure(SSL):
No, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC6F.

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Mail Stuck In Outbox

Apr 9, 2008

I can't download the updates that you say will fix the problem.

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Receiving Mail Is Stuck

May 20, 2008

Windows Mail has worked fine since purchased computer in February 2008. Today, 5/20/08 one incoming message stuck in "receiving". No error message. If I try to shut down the computer, it tells me that a program is still running and I must "abort" the download to shut down the computer. Outgoing mail will not send unless I shut down and restart the computer. I'm basically computer illiterate.

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Mail Stuck In InBox

May 3, 2010

Have Win Vista and Windows Mail. Have messgae stuck in Inbox. Deleted InBox folder in User/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsMail. Reopen Mail and message are still there. Look in InBox folder and all message are now gone, however. Where is Mail really getting it's messages from?

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Mail Stuck In Outbox?

Feb 18, 2009

just set up windows mail with account, but can't seem to get mail out of outbox

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Windows Mail, Msg Stuck In Outbox

May 23, 2008

I have a msg stuck in my outbox, it never sent for some reason and i cant delete, move or do anything with it. i have recently changed service providers. so evertime i now go into windows mail it comes up saying... one or more messages in your Outbox does not have a valid account specified. Would you like to use your defult account to send this message? even if i hit yes..or even does nothing ad keeps poping up with that when i get into windows mail or try to send a message.

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Windows Mail Account Stuck In Outbox

May 12, 2008

i have an email stuck in my outbox, I can't remove it, I can't send it, my other gmail accounts work fine. Now i cannot send any mail from that specif account, but I can receive. I tried changing the "from" address to another gmail account listed on my Windows Mail send that email but it does not want to send it

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Email Hang Up, Mail Stuck In Outbox

Oct 14, 2009

I have a email that is stuck in my outbox and will not let me delete message/ When I try delete "unknown error has occurred"

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Sent Email Stuck In Outbox & Unsent, Windows Mail,

Jun 11, 2008

When I am away from my cable provider's broadband, I cannot send email from windows mail in vista. It remains unsent in the outbox. But I can receive mail in the inbox. Below is the error when I click on the send all button: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Re: Tonights Game VS Cheshire CANCELLED-Please Respond', Account: 'cbutwill', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket
Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Windows Mail:Email Messages Stuck In Outbox

Apr 19, 2008

Email messages have been stuck in my Outbox since Thursday morning. When I try to send/receive messages, new emails come to my inbox but no messages ever get sent. I've tried moving them to drafts, then reopening them and sending, but nothing has been successful.

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Not Recieving An Upgrade DVD

Mar 23, 2008

Can anyone advise the course of action to take against not recieving an upgrade DVD supposedly sent from Arvato on behalf of Microsoft? They mailed my first one 12/28/07 and the second on 1/3/08 and I called and request another on 1/14/08. I have not recieved any of these. My address is correct. They advised they had a no refund policy.

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Not Recieving Emails

Aug 5, 2009

not recieving emails and the box it said to uncheck is already unchecked.

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Not Recieving Upgrade DVD

Mar 26, 2008

Can anyone advise the course of action to take against not recieving an upgrade DVD supposedly sent from Arvato on behalf of Microsoft? They mailed my first one 12/28/07 and the second on 1/3/08 and I called and request another on 1/14/08. I have not recieved any of these. My address is correct. They advised they had a no refund policy.

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Sending And Recieving Yet Again

May 10, 2008

I've noticed almost a dozen or so threads about this problem in the last 24 hours, this tells me something is screwed up, somewhere along the line, and Ive got similar problems, mail stuck in outbox mostly attachments of pictures, and it refuses to go, and I keep getting error messages. I've a hotmail account, and it worked with Outlook 2003 fine until a few weeks back, then slowly things started going wrong, and mail was not getting sent, I tried deleting and creating the account, but time after time, the same persistant problems arose....

I then removed Outlook, and Outlook connector, as all of a sudden my send and recieve tabs dissapeared, re-installed, and re created my account, and the send and recieve tabs never came back......bummer....I've searched online for soloutions, and never found one!...................

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Not Recieving Emails...

Feb 22, 2010

I have established an email account with Windows email and linked my yahoo email account. I can send messages yet I do not recieve the test messages to my Windows Mail account they do go to my Yahoo account but not to my Windows Mail inbox. I do not know what to do. Looked for answers on Windows website but did not find what I was looking for can someone please help me. Also when I click on the Send/Recieve tab it has me log in to my email account and then does not take login. Yet the account works. I do not understand.

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Not Recieving Emails In Inbox

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having a problem, and this problem just started today. I was recieving the emails yesterday to my inbox, but when I logged on the computer to check them today there was none in the inbox, and I know for a fact that there would definately be something in my inbox today because I get notification sent to my inbox when someone replys to me on other sites.

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Keep Recieving Error Messages

Apr 24, 2008

New lap top, vista home, norton anti virus. Email was working until 3 days ago. Keep recieving error messages. Telus is my provider.The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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When Try To Open An Attatchment, Mail Freezes

Apr 12, 2008

In Windows Mail, when I try to open an attatchment, mail freezes completely, and I have to run task manager to shut it down and restart.

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MS Mail Folder, Computer Freezes

Mar 23, 2008

I have tried to install and use ZoneAlarm on my 32 bit Vista. When I try to open the MS mail folder, the computer freezes.

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Cannot Send Email But Recieving Fine.

Mar 23, 2008

I get this error message The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

have tried ticking/unticking boxes but no joy. Works fine from my webmail account. This set up was working for 8 months previously.

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When Print Option Selected E Mail Freezes

Jun 30, 2008

We have a PC with two User Accounts - both use Windows mail - one A/C has suddenly stopped printing E mails - when the print option is selected the slecetd E mail "freezes" and Windows Mail shows "not responding" and has be cloed down - the other A/C continues to print received E Mails without problem -

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Microphone Not Working, Connected But Not Recieving Sound

Jul 23, 2008

I recently Got vista home premium 64 bit and my microphone is not working. It says microphone is connected and working. (not a headset), but it is not recieving any sound. My speakers do work. I have a x-48 ds4 motherboard, by the way. All drivers are updated, it just doesn't work.

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Mail Freezes Up When I Try To Attach A File To My Outgoing Email

Mar 23, 2008

My mail freezes up when I try to attach a file to my outgoing email. I click on the paper clip and all of a sudden it freezes.

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Freezes At Green Start Up Bar/freezes For A Few Seconds On Desktop

Sep 3, 2009

I've an Asus f5sl laptop with Vista Home Premium (32bit) but it's been freezing on me lately. When I boot up, it gets to the black screen with the green bar but after a few seconds, the green bar freezes and I can't log in. Occasionally it boots up after around half an hour but then Vista periodically freezes for a few seconds before resuming (which is annoying when trying to write out something etc)

I don't see any problems in Safe Mode so is possibly a driver? I've updated all my drivers, completely updated using WIndows Update, ran antispyware, used System Restore etc. Only problem is; I've moved to a new country, and like a fool, I left my Vista start up disk back home. Which I would otherwise have tried.

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Stuck Going Up Down Log Off

Nov 29, 2008

What is the truth about aol? I've had it for 5 years and I'm used to the homepage. Favorites all the features seem great. However I'll surf it and go to my regular places and some times my hour glass gets stuck going up and down, causing me to log off. It's free and I'm wondering is it sucking up my resorces? Would it be better to deep six it and stay with internet explore? What pro's and mostly cons do you folks know about aol?

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New Here And Already Stuck With Ultimate X64

Sep 1, 2008

Since my system picked up a "virus". I booted back up in safe mode and deleted all the files manually and used a program called "your uninstaller" to clean up the registry as windows uninstaller kept getting stuck on a .dll file.

ok this is what i've done so far:

1) updating the driver (no update available)
2) uninstall the driver and reboot.
3) pull my hair out

It just won't play dvd's or let me see any data on them, they appear blank even though i know they arent (after checking them on another machine). But it will play cd's fine.

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No Permission, Is Stuck!

Feb 7, 2010

Last night I was trying to get rid of some of the virtual memory on my laptop.

It has 320 Gb and 260 Gb are occupied so since I only have 80 Gb on the HD, I was trying to fix the problem.Well instead to fix the problem I made a mess somehow I changed the users and Admin' options, and I changed all the permissions to the accounts two accounts!! I was trying to get control of the system like a TrustedInstaller.instead.the laptop works but I have no access to anything!

Right now I basically have no permission only reading NO ACCESS to the hard disk access to most of the systems' folders .

In prompt I can not really do anything since it denies every my request.

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