Links 2003 Runs Very Slow

May 28, 2008

Currently using Vista Home Prem. on Acer M1610 . Links 2003 ( golf ) runs very slow. Prev. used this software on XP , it worked great. Is there anything I can do ?

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Links 2003, Video In A Mess, Unusable

Jun 21, 2008

Purchased a new machine yesterday. Started to load some of my software, one of which is Links 2003. I play this a lot. It will not run in Vista Home Prem. Video in a mess. Unusable. I have 1.05 patch installed but need something to support Vista.

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System Runs Slow When Not At Home

Dec 18, 2009

For some reason when I run my computer from work it runs extremely slow. The the only difference I can see that could be affecting it is that at home I use wifi to connect to the internet. I'm always connected to the internet. At work there is no wifi, and not connected to the internet. Could it be trying to do something online, but since it cant connect, keep trying and trying and trying slowing everything down? To fix it I have to restart it. This seems to do the job, however I'd rather not have to do this every time. At home this never happens. I never have to restart it to get it to move faster. And this happens EVERY TIME at work.

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Create Symbolic Links & Directory Junctions (hard & Soft File System Links)

Feb 14, 2007

Windows Vista includes a great little utility that allows users to finally make soft and hard file system links in the file system.  This can be very useful from a software compatibility standpoint as well as a great way to organize your computer.  Unlike a shortcut, a link is at the file system level and can be used to create an alias for a file or folder that is in a different location.  For example, you can create a hard link (Directory junction) called c:win that points to c:windowssystem32. After the link is created, you can open up command prompt or explorer and browse to c:win and you will see the contents of c:windowssystem32. This is not a new technology, it has actually been a core Linux and Unix feature for as far as I can remember but it is nice to finally have it in Windows Vista....

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Links Button Looks Like Chain Links

Apr 15, 2008

my friend's email is thru gmail. she has a links button (looks like chain links) that she uses to provide links to websites *without* showing the website address. it simply highlights a word she has typed and the mail recipient clicks on that word to go to the website. i think several words (a phrase) can be highlighted as well as just one word. so she might say, 'click here for more info' and the word *here* will be highlighted and contains the link. does windows vista mail have this feature? i cannot find it.

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Micorosoft Exchange 2003 & Outlook 2003

Mar 23, 2008

My office run XP, Outlook 2003 on the Exchange server no problem. I have bought a new machine with Vista and cannot access my mail. I am connected to the office domain and Outlook can find me on the domain but Outlook will not connect any further, keeps asking for a password

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HDD Led Runs Non Stop

Apr 17, 2009

Why is is so that ever since I have been running Vista Ultimate my HDD led runs almost non stop. I have disabled Superfetch, Indexing and Defrag just to name a few in a vain attempt to track down why this happens. It appears to be normal with some but not all Vista installations. Before Vista came along this sort of activity would ring alarm bells. The System and Performance monitor shows it is updating system files but why does it need to do it 100% of the time. Hard drives are NOT built with a 100% duty cycle in mind. I need some knowledgable person who knows the complete answer to this problem.

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Fan Runs During Sleep?

Apr 13, 2008

I've just started using the sleep mode and everything appears to shutdown but the fan runs continually. From what I understand this probably means something is accessing the CPU, but what?

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Run A Game.exe It Runs In Direct X 9.0c

Sep 14, 2009

I am having issues with Direct x 10, everytime i try to run a game.exe it runs in Direct x 9.0c, now ive downloaded the latest forceware drivers for my card, tried to run it in administrator mode and everytime i right click a game.exe vista does not show run in direct x 9 or 10.exe's. I have also tried to clean my graphics card drivers in safe mode, downloading EVGA drivers afterwards, this still does not work. In dxdiag it also says im running in Direct x 10.

I have a question, i installed a 32 bit ver of windows on the system by mistake then formatted the HDD and installed vista 64x would this have anything to do with the issue im having? (most of my files are moved to program files x86). Oh and one more crucial thing, ive tried to update Direct X 10 on their website, the update just installs 9.0c because im on sp1, i have also tried to update to sp2, the same problems occurred, did a fresh format back onto SP1.

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CPU Runs @100% When Start Game

Apr 12, 2009

my cpu spins up to a solid 100% when i start this game and pretty much stays at 100% the entire time. Ive tried a couple of things to fix with no luck. A friend of mine acquired the same torrent i did and is running a lesser system all the way down. but he says he has the game set at max and it runs perfectly?

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PC Run Runs For 1 Min. And Stops For 1 Min, Starts Again

May 4, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. My PC has recently started running a lot. Sometimes it runs for 1 min. and stops for 1 min. then starts again, does this over and over for a long period of time. Sometimes it runs constantly. Other times when it is in sleep mode it just runs constantly also.

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How To Make Runs Faster?

Mar 23, 2008

Does we gt any way to make d vista OS runs faster, like boot faster and performance better?

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32bit Runs Faster Than 64

Oct 18, 2007

I know this question has been asked, but in my opinion, never fully answered, depending of where I look. I bought a new system :PC 6400 RAM, MSI 8600GT Overclocked. Now, I plan in "some" foreseeable future to add another 2 GB of RAM but not now, and I don't mind reformatting and start from scratch at any time. Should I go 32 or 64 bit? All drivers are available for my stuff. Software too for the most part. I heard 32bit runs faster than 64, and sometimes the opposite. What should I do?

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Laptop Runs At 125 F Idle?

Mar 1, 2010

My Acer laptop runs at 125 degrees F Idle, and it runs at about 160 F - 180 F when I play a game or do intense work. I was wondering how I can decrease the heat and keep my laptop cool. I've tried Speed Fan with no luck, and I haven't found any Acer Software to help me out. The computer it hot to the touch, and the temperature monitor is Speed Fan. I've even tried blowing out the dust in the case, and it doesn't fix it. I once opened up the bottom of my laptop, and saw lots of dust and blew it out. Most came out but some was left behind.

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Vista Runs On Freezing And Rebooting

Feb 6, 2009

I got a problem with my laptop which vista home premium runs on. It just keeps freezing and rebooting mostly when i thouch or pick it up. Sometimes i also get a BSOD with diffrent code. If i just start te laptop it sometimes freeze druing the boot and i have to reboot it when i got i booted to vista and dont touch it and just let it run the laptop works but as soon as i thouch the thing it crashes. I already did a memtest and scanned my harddrive with HD tune. srry for the bad english Minidump from last crash.

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ITunes: Runs But Whole Window Turns Black

Feb 26, 2009

i have been trying to put itunes onto my pc and everytime i install and run the itunes program it runs but the whole window is black so you cant see anything. i have tried install 32 bit version and 64 bit version into different program files ie the program (x86) folder and the normal program files folder, neither one works as they both bring up the same problem.

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Runs Process Access Denied Error

Jun 27, 2009

My not be a problem, just my ignorance. I'm dual booting Vista and Windows 7. I created a 150GB partition on a 1.5TB 2nd drive to install 7. I wanted to shrink that partition to 100GB using Disk Management. It seems like it runs through the process then gives me an Access Denied error. I'm doing this from Vista on the main drive (C). What am I doing wrong or can't I shrink a partition that has an OS present? Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.

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Runs Out Of Memory, Cant Open New Tabs And Touchpad Does Not React

Mar 23, 2008

When I surf with IE7 og have more than 7 tabs open at the same time, its like windows runs out of memory, all of a sudden I cant open any new tabs and right click on the touchpad does not react. If I then minimize IE7 and right click on the desktop nothing happens either. If I then close a couple of programs (its only Yahoo messenger og coreTemp that are running(coreTemp shows how warm your cpu is, and min is constantly between 56 og 64 degrees celsius)), then right click works again.

Usually when this happens I cant even get the taskmanager up, but if I close Yahoo Messenger then I can, and now I can see that there is used about 47% memory, under proceses i can see that:

Yahoo uses up to 50MB,
Iexplorer 27 - 150MB
og Dwm.exe takes up to 120MB.

The problem also happens if Yahoo is not started, so thats not the cause. I have disabled aero and use minimal of all the things Vista comes with, so the I get max. performance following most of the instructions but the probleme persist every time I use IE and use more than 7 tabs (This should not happen, and using more than 7 tabs is perfectly normal)............

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Setting Process Priority So It Runs When Screen Is Locked

Apr 13, 2009

I run some CPU intensive processes (video encoding using X264) in a command shell. Since I don't want it to affect my normal foreground applications, I set it to IDLE/BELOW_NORMAL priority using Process Explorer. However, when I lock my screen (manually or automatically after some idle time), the encoding virtually stops. When I unlock my screen, I can see from recent history that CPU was idle instead of being utilized to run the encoding process. What can I do to ensure that my background encoding process continues to run even when I am away from the computer (the screen is locked), but at the same time not affect any foreground applications if I happen to be using the computer?

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Ram Size Larg: Game Runs Faster, Can Not Play

Dec 23, 2009

i installed cricket 2004 in my laptop with 1gb ram. unfortunately the game requires only 64mb of ram. so my game runs very faster that i culdnt play on it. i want to restrict the memory size that is allocated to that application.

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Free Anti Spyware Program That Runs Well With Vista Home Premium

Jun 3, 2008

Need a good free anti spyware program that runs well with Vista Home Premium. I downloaded the bought version 8.0 and began having problems with the computer lagging, and generally slow all over, not thinking it was AVG, I checked every other possible issue that I thought may be causing it. Eventually it lead to AVG, as things had been good prior to installation. I completely removed AVG and everything returned to normal, great! But then I done a further download of the program again, and once again the problems began. Is there a good alternative Anti Spyware program that is recommended ?

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Free Anti Virus Program That Runs Well With Vista Home Premium

Jun 3, 2008

Need good free anti virus program that runs well with Vista Home Premium. I downloaded the bought version 8.0 and began having problems with the computer lagging, and generally slow all over, not thinking it was AVG, I checked every other possible issue that I thought may be causing it. Eventually it lead to AVG, as things had been good prior to installation. I completely removed AVG and everything returned to normal, great! But then I done a further download of the program again, and once again the problems began. Is there a good alternative Anti Virus program that is recommended?

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IE8 Links Not Working

May 3, 2010

Apologies if this has already been posted, but I couldn't find anything....My system specs are as below... My problem is when I click on certain links within a web page, nothing happens. If I right click and select "open in a new tab" it tends to work. Links like "enlarge image" etc, don't work at all...

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Web Links Opening In Word

Feb 25, 2010

When I click on a web link in an application, it opens the url in MS Word, not Firefox (default bowser).

For example:

In CCleaner if I click the 'check for updates' link in the bottom of the window, Word will open up, a download box will appear and then it displays the website as a document.

This happens for all apps, however it doesn't happen if I click on a .html/.url document from explorer, that will launch Firefox just fine.

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How To Unblock Links In One Mail

Apr 9, 2008

Since few days, links are blocked in my messages and the windows mail help talk about one information bar but I can't find it !

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Favorite Links Restore

Jun 4, 2009

How do I restore default FAVORITE links here? The place that is empty.

I want them to show up when I save a file and if I just open up a folder

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Links Not Working In Any Web Browsers.

Jun 8, 2008

At first I thought this was an IE7 problem but after installing Firefox the problem exists there as well.

Most of the links on web pages will NOT connect from this machine. For instance, using any Search Engine (Live search, Google, etc) I can NOT connect to any of the sponsored links. When I copy and paste the named web address for that link then I connect without a problem.

I've posted in the IE and Firefox groups without even getting a suggestion.I had even uninstalled spybot and adaware and stopped the firewall and kaspersky but the problem remained.It looks to me like a security setting but I don't know where else to look.

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Can Not Drag Links From Email

Mar 27, 2008

You can no longer drag a url link from an email and drop it on an I.E. window. This used to be a good way of opening a webpage in a specific IE window instead of clicking the link which would open in whichever window it felt like - which might be over the top of a web page you want to keep open. Is this a problem with Vista mail or IE7 and is it likely to get fixed properly?

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Blocked Links: Program Not Associated

Apr 11, 2008

I received a legitimate message with several links in it. When I put the mouse pointer on any of the links a box pops up showing the link but with "blocked:: at the beginning. When I click on the link I get the following error box: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Creat an association in the Set Associations control panel". None of this makes any sense. Disabling my antivirus/spyware had no effect, and the same message was ok on another computer.

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Can Not Open Attachments Or Links

Aug 21, 2009

I use to and now cannot open links or attachment emailed to me. Does anybody have any ideas or solutions?

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Submenu Does Not Display Links

Jan 1, 2010

Somehow, the submenu in the Start menu, where the shutdown/restart links are, doesn’t display the links (illustration is attached). I also have the same problem with the Quick Launch; when I click on the arrow to expand more icons, the submenu come up showing only a vague outline of the submenu box and no list. However, when I turn on my computer under Safe mode, the submenu is actually working fine and is showing all the links. For now, I just do Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart or shutdown. Everything else seemed to work alright. I have Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 32bit.

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