Vista Runs On Freezing And Rebooting

Feb 6, 2009

I got a problem with my laptop which vista home premium runs on. It just keeps freezing and rebooting mostly when i thouch or pick it up. Sometimes i also get a BSOD with diffrent code. If i just start te laptop it sometimes freeze druing the boot and i have to reboot it when i got i booted to vista and dont touch it and just let it run the laptop works but as soon as i thouch the thing it crashes. I already did a memtest and scanned my harddrive with HD tune. srry for the bad english Minidump from last crash.

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Laptop With Keeps Crashing: Freezing And Rebooting Mostly When I Thouch Or Pick It Up

Feb 6, 2009

I got a problem with my laptop which vista runs on. It just keeps freezing and rebooting mostly when i thouch or pick it up. Sometimes i also get a BSOD with diffrent code. If i just start te laptop it sometimes freeze druing the boot and i have to reboot it when i got i booted to vista and dont touch it and just let it run the laptop works but as soon as i thouch the thing it crashes. I already did a memtest and scanned my harddrive with HD tune.

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Vista Wont Install, Rebooting

Mar 26, 2008

Last night i tried to install vista, but after loading the disc in and rebooting, it went through the windows is copying files bar with the black background, then it went to the green vista loading bar, then it went to a blue/green background with a mouse cursor and said installing windows. I left it there for an hour, and it didnt change. I then rebooted into XP, and ran the installer from windows, where i selected which drive to install to, and then it copied and expanded the setup files. It then rebooted, and after the
vista load bar it went to a black screen with a mouse cursor. i left it there for an hour and no change. Ive got new hardware in my computer, and after running the vista compatibility tool it said i'd have no issues running any version of vista. I was trying to install Home Premium btw.

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Free Anti Spyware Program That Runs Well With Vista Home Premium

Jun 3, 2008

Need a good free anti spyware program that runs well with Vista Home Premium. I downloaded the bought version 8.0 and began having problems with the computer lagging, and generally slow all over, not thinking it was AVG, I checked every other possible issue that I thought may be causing it. Eventually it lead to AVG, as things had been good prior to installation. I completely removed AVG and everything returned to normal, great! But then I done a further download of the program again, and once again the problems began. Is there a good alternative Anti Spyware program that is recommended ?

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Free Anti Virus Program That Runs Well With Vista Home Premium

Jun 3, 2008

Need good free anti virus program that runs well with Vista Home Premium. I downloaded the bought version 8.0 and began having problems with the computer lagging, and generally slow all over, not thinking it was AVG, I checked every other possible issue that I thought may be causing it. Eventually it lead to AVG, as things had been good prior to installation. I completely removed AVG and everything returned to normal, great! But then I done a further download of the program again, and once again the problems began. Is there a good alternative Anti Virus program that is recommended?

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Vista Partial Freezing

Nov 17, 2008

I've recently just installed Vista Home Premium x64 on a new build and am experiencing some peculiar freezes. Basically the start menu and all options to click on any buttons/links etc anywhere on the screen lock up - however I am able to Alt+Tab to other windows but not press any buttons etc. If I Ctrl+Alt+Del and then Esc everything starts working again.

This does it intermittently but sometimes 2 or 3 times in a space of a couple of minutes or less.

Any ideas or know of this bug/problem?

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Experienced That Vista Is 'freezing'

Jan 29, 2009

For a long time I've experienced that Vista is 'freezing', usually after some minutes as I've started the computer. I can't move the arrow, the sound is lagging like an ultra small part of a song is being repeated all the time. If you're lucky it will get back to normal after 2 - 3 min, sometimes it's like eternal, to reboot is the only solution. Mostly, it seems to happen only when I've had the computer off for many hours. It happens around 3 times, then it's like gone, you can have the comp on for days, if I don't reboot or something, strange to me. Sometimes, that little thingy which 'loads up' Windows is freezing too, I have to reboot over 10 times to make it pass bug-free. I know this can happen if you've shut down the comp in a sudden way but it's not always like that for me, it may even happen with a normal reboot. I've heard from a guy who had almost the same problem, he reinstalled Vista, worked.

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One Reason For Sluggish Or Freezing Vista

Jun 28, 2009

Since latest microsoft updates last wednesday 23th June 09 vista kept freezing

I have tried using Windows 7 X64 instead vista x64 - it does not freeze but was going sluggish.

Now I run Desktop (intel i7 processor) which is powered by a Battery UPS system where the battery run the PC and the battery is charging when main power is on- this means if power drops or is lost i am already on battery power still at full voltage and amps.

In this respect i am the same as laptop which has a battery.

what does this mean?? Vista appear for some reason now to be throttling back my clock speed to as little as 5% due to its power management battery settings- that is instead of having an I7 @ 3.20 Ghz i am getting i7 @ 160Mhz

Solution @ (worked for me despite mention AMD processor here) ...

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Vista Is Constantly Freezing Up: Freezes At Random Times While Doing Things Like Browsing The Web Or Playing A Game

Jul 14, 2009

Vista is constantly freezing up, and I really like to fix it, The cooling is good enough, The power is good enough, And the memory seems fine since I already did a memtest. It freezes at random times while doing things like browsing the web or playing a game, Ive used XP before and it had the same problem

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HDD Led Runs Non Stop

Apr 17, 2009

Why is is so that ever since I have been running Vista Ultimate my HDD led runs almost non stop. I have disabled Superfetch, Indexing and Defrag just to name a few in a vain attempt to track down why this happens. It appears to be normal with some but not all Vista installations. Before Vista came along this sort of activity would ring alarm bells. The System and Performance monitor shows it is updating system files but why does it need to do it 100% of the time. Hard drives are NOT built with a 100% duty cycle in mind. I need some knowledgable person who knows the complete answer to this problem.

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Fan Runs During Sleep?

Apr 13, 2008

I've just started using the sleep mode and everything appears to shutdown but the fan runs continually. From what I understand this probably means something is accessing the CPU, but what?

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Run A Game.exe It Runs In Direct X 9.0c

Sep 14, 2009

I am having issues with Direct x 10, everytime i try to run a game.exe it runs in Direct x 9.0c, now ive downloaded the latest forceware drivers for my card, tried to run it in administrator mode and everytime i right click a game.exe vista does not show run in direct x 9 or 10.exe's. I have also tried to clean my graphics card drivers in safe mode, downloading EVGA drivers afterwards, this still does not work. In dxdiag it also says im running in Direct x 10.

I have a question, i installed a 32 bit ver of windows on the system by mistake then formatted the HDD and installed vista 64x would this have anything to do with the issue im having? (most of my files are moved to program files x86). Oh and one more crucial thing, ive tried to update Direct X 10 on their website, the update just installs 9.0c because im on sp1, i have also tried to update to sp2, the same problems occurred, did a fresh format back onto SP1.

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CPU Runs @100% When Start Game

Apr 12, 2009

my cpu spins up to a solid 100% when i start this game and pretty much stays at 100% the entire time. Ive tried a couple of things to fix with no luck. A friend of mine acquired the same torrent i did and is running a lesser system all the way down. but he says he has the game set at max and it runs perfectly?

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PC Run Runs For 1 Min. And Stops For 1 Min, Starts Again

May 4, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. My PC has recently started running a lot. Sometimes it runs for 1 min. and stops for 1 min. then starts again, does this over and over for a long period of time. Sometimes it runs constantly. Other times when it is in sleep mode it just runs constantly also.

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How To Make Runs Faster?

Mar 23, 2008

Does we gt any way to make d vista OS runs faster, like boot faster and performance better?

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32bit Runs Faster Than 64

Oct 18, 2007

I know this question has been asked, but in my opinion, never fully answered, depending of where I look. I bought a new system :PC 6400 RAM, MSI 8600GT Overclocked. Now, I plan in "some" foreseeable future to add another 2 GB of RAM but not now, and I don't mind reformatting and start from scratch at any time. Should I go 32 or 64 bit? All drivers are available for my stuff. Software too for the most part. I heard 32bit runs faster than 64, and sometimes the opposite. What should I do?

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Laptop Runs At 125 F Idle?

Mar 1, 2010

My Acer laptop runs at 125 degrees F Idle, and it runs at about 160 F - 180 F when I play a game or do intense work. I was wondering how I can decrease the heat and keep my laptop cool. I've tried Speed Fan with no luck, and I haven't found any Acer Software to help me out. The computer it hot to the touch, and the temperature monitor is Speed Fan. I've even tried blowing out the dust in the case, and it doesn't fix it. I once opened up the bottom of my laptop, and saw lots of dust and blew it out. Most came out but some was left behind.

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System Runs Slow When Not At Home

Dec 18, 2009

For some reason when I run my computer from work it runs extremely slow. The the only difference I can see that could be affecting it is that at home I use wifi to connect to the internet. I'm always connected to the internet. At work there is no wifi, and not connected to the internet. Could it be trying to do something online, but since it cant connect, keep trying and trying and trying slowing everything down? To fix it I have to restart it. This seems to do the job, however I'd rather not have to do this every time. At home this never happens. I never have to restart it to get it to move faster. And this happens EVERY TIME at work.

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Links 2003 Runs Very Slow

May 28, 2008

Currently using Vista Home Prem. on Acer M1610 . Links 2003 ( golf ) runs very slow. Prev. used this software on XP , it worked great. Is there anything I can do ?

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ITunes: Runs But Whole Window Turns Black

Feb 26, 2009

i have been trying to put itunes onto my pc and everytime i install and run the itunes program it runs but the whole window is black so you cant see anything. i have tried install 32 bit version and 64 bit version into different program files ie the program (x86) folder and the normal program files folder, neither one works as they both bring up the same problem.

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Runs Process Access Denied Error

Jun 27, 2009

My not be a problem, just my ignorance. I'm dual booting Vista and Windows 7. I created a 150GB partition on a 1.5TB 2nd drive to install 7. I wanted to shrink that partition to 100GB using Disk Management. It seems like it runs through the process then gives me an Access Denied error. I'm doing this from Vista on the main drive (C). What am I doing wrong or can't I shrink a partition that has an OS present? Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.

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Runs Out Of Memory, Cant Open New Tabs And Touchpad Does Not React

Mar 23, 2008

When I surf with IE7 og have more than 7 tabs open at the same time, its like windows runs out of memory, all of a sudden I cant open any new tabs and right click on the touchpad does not react. If I then minimize IE7 and right click on the desktop nothing happens either. If I then close a couple of programs (its only Yahoo messenger og coreTemp that are running(coreTemp shows how warm your cpu is, and min is constantly between 56 og 64 degrees celsius)), then right click works again.

Usually when this happens I cant even get the taskmanager up, but if I close Yahoo Messenger then I can, and now I can see that there is used about 47% memory, under proceses i can see that:

Yahoo uses up to 50MB,
Iexplorer 27 - 150MB
og Dwm.exe takes up to 120MB.

The problem also happens if Yahoo is not started, so thats not the cause. I have disabled aero and use minimal of all the things Vista comes with, so the I get max. performance following most of the instructions but the probleme persist every time I use IE and use more than 7 tabs (This should not happen, and using more than 7 tabs is perfectly normal)............

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Setting Process Priority So It Runs When Screen Is Locked

Apr 13, 2009

I run some CPU intensive processes (video encoding using X264) in a command shell. Since I don't want it to affect my normal foreground applications, I set it to IDLE/BELOW_NORMAL priority using Process Explorer. However, when I lock my screen (manually or automatically after some idle time), the encoding virtually stops. When I unlock my screen, I can see from recent history that CPU was idle instead of being utilized to run the encoding process. What can I do to ensure that my background encoding process continues to run even when I am away from the computer (the screen is locked), but at the same time not affect any foreground applications if I happen to be using the computer?

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Ram Size Larg: Game Runs Faster, Can Not Play

Dec 23, 2009

i installed cricket 2004 in my laptop with 1gb ram. unfortunately the game requires only 64mb of ram. so my game runs very faster that i culdnt play on it. i want to restrict the memory size that is allocated to that application.

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Will Not Work Without Rebooting

Mar 22, 2009

Every time I start thinking Vista is not so bad I make the mistake of trying to connect to another Vista computer. Although all sharing/permissions are properly set and it worked the last time it will not work when needed again without rebooting one or more computers. This is why mine and nearly every business on the face of the Earth has not adapted Vista: it is totally unsuitable for mission critical networks of any size. XP is far from perfect but it is orders of magnitude more stable for networking. Vista SP3 or whatever name Microsoft thinks they can peddle the same schlock under is a deader than dead issue already because it is nothing but Vista with a marginally different GUI and with the economy the way it is who gives a rat's behind about it anyway?

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Rebooting Randomly

May 13, 2008

I have a computer running Vista Ultimate w/ all the latest updates (including SP1) and latest drivers/bios from the manufacturer and my computer looks like it is rebooting randomly in the middle of the night. I noticed I leave it on all the time and my apps are closed. When I look in the event log, it says: The previous system shutdown at 4:02:19 AM on 5/13/2008 was unexpected. I also checked if there are any memory dumps and there aren't any. I'm stumpted why this is happening if this is due to a hardware failure or a software/driver crash related issue.

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Computer Not Rebooting

Apr 25, 2010

i have seen this problem somewhere in this forum, tried rebooting several times, plugged in,plugged in after reboot with no luck,i have right clicked pc, computer manager, then disc management, and it is there, when i click the box to the left it of it say's working properly. i have windows vista premium 32-bit.

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Not Rebooting And Can't Download

Jan 24, 2009

I've got no way to reboot tried everything contacted gateway microsoft they just say put in disk (that I don't have). What do I do? I can't download it to this comp no way to burn it on disk. tired of Vista already thinking of telling microsoft to go to h. and just installing inbutu.

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Popping Up During Rebooting

Apr 17, 2008

what is this popping up during rebooting my computer? During rebooting my computer there is windows popping up tells me that Microsoft Windows - Dashboard Module has stopped working. A program caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

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Need Help With Deleting A Partition And Rebooting...

Aug 14, 2009

I have a Toshiba Satellite P105 than runs on Vista Home Premium 32bit.

I bought the computer used, so it already came partitioned, and without any CDs.

I'm fairly competent in my computer skills; I just need someone to tell me how to remove the partition(which is a (D:) drive) and reboot my pc without a CD.

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Home Premium Keeps Rebooting

Oct 3, 2008

I am at work trying to fix a clients Vista 32 Home Premium Lenovo laptop. Model number 0768. We have tried all of the Windows boot options that are offered. We have also tried to repair the install. I would like to get the system stable enough to run chkdsk and memtest utilities.If anyone has any advice on procedure please let me know.

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