ITunes: Runs But Whole Window Turns Black

Feb 26, 2009

i have been trying to put itunes onto my pc and everytime i install and run the itunes program it runs but the whole window is black so you cant see anything. i have tried install 32 bit version and 64 bit version into different program files ie the program (x86) folder and the normal program files folder, neither one works as they both bring up the same problem.

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The Screen Turns Black, And After A While A Box Pops Up Reading; 'window Error Recovery'

Mar 23, 2008

I just got a new laptop with vista a few months ago. Everything ran smoothly until recently when I went to turn it on and got an error message that???s repeated ever since. It shows the black 'vista' page, the screen turns black, and after a while a box pops up reading; 'window error recovery' A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. It suggests I launch startup Repair. However when I do so it says "startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically."

I've tried going into system recovery options and using system restore to a date when it was working correctly, but it seemed to have no effect. I haven???t changed any hardware or software recently, and the only thing plugged into it was the power cord. I'm afraid I'm not very tech savvy, but I don't want to give up on a brand
new computer!

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Pc Going To Sleep And Turns Black

Jul 1, 2008

It has windows vista, It just beeps and the monitor show this message: VGA Input: no input signal and turn black and then show this message: Monitor going to sleep and turns black. I can't do anything. I am not able to access anything at all. I restarted the pc so many times and while it's rebooting I press f8 f11 etc and not getting anywhere. I don't know waht to do next. My son thinks that he left the pc on sleep mode.

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Black Screen While Loading Into Window?

May 1, 2010

My computer is freaking out and i cant figure out why. I try to start it normally and it posts and I see the green loading bar for windows at the bottom of the screen and then the screen goes black. I can load into safemode but that is all. I can not restore sucessfully.

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Installing ITunes On Windows Vista 32bit: Error 'itunes Setup Is Not A Valid Win 32 Application'

Dec 29, 2008

I am having trouble installing iTunes on windows vista 32bit. It downloads ok but when i try to run it error msg is 'itunes setup is not a valid win 32 application' i have checked and version 8 iTunes should be compatible with vista. I can't even install quicktime.

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ITunes Install; "Registering ITunes Automation Server"

May 10, 2010

My PC locks up when trying to install iTUnes at the point where it is saying to me. "Registering iTunes automation server". Ive done everything that the iTunes help section has suggested still no luck.

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HDD Led Runs Non Stop

Apr 17, 2009

Why is is so that ever since I have been running Vista Ultimate my HDD led runs almost non stop. I have disabled Superfetch, Indexing and Defrag just to name a few in a vain attempt to track down why this happens. It appears to be normal with some but not all Vista installations. Before Vista came along this sort of activity would ring alarm bells. The System and Performance monitor shows it is updating system files but why does it need to do it 100% of the time. Hard drives are NOT built with a 100% duty cycle in mind. I need some knowledgable person who knows the complete answer to this problem.

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Fan Runs During Sleep?

Apr 13, 2008

I've just started using the sleep mode and everything appears to shutdown but the fan runs continually. From what I understand this probably means something is accessing the CPU, but what?

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Run A Game.exe It Runs In Direct X 9.0c

Sep 14, 2009

I am having issues with Direct x 10, everytime i try to run a game.exe it runs in Direct x 9.0c, now ive downloaded the latest forceware drivers for my card, tried to run it in administrator mode and everytime i right click a game.exe vista does not show run in direct x 9 or 10.exe's. I have also tried to clean my graphics card drivers in safe mode, downloading EVGA drivers afterwards, this still does not work. In dxdiag it also says im running in Direct x 10.

I have a question, i installed a 32 bit ver of windows on the system by mistake then formatted the HDD and installed vista 64x would this have anything to do with the issue im having? (most of my files are moved to program files x86). Oh and one more crucial thing, ive tried to update Direct X 10 on their website, the update just installs 9.0c because im on sp1, i have also tried to update to sp2, the same problems occurred, did a fresh format back onto SP1.

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CPU Runs @100% When Start Game

Apr 12, 2009

my cpu spins up to a solid 100% when i start this game and pretty much stays at 100% the entire time. Ive tried a couple of things to fix with no luck. A friend of mine acquired the same torrent i did and is running a lesser system all the way down. but he says he has the game set at max and it runs perfectly?

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PC Run Runs For 1 Min. And Stops For 1 Min, Starts Again

May 4, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. My PC has recently started running a lot. Sometimes it runs for 1 min. and stops for 1 min. then starts again, does this over and over for a long period of time. Sometimes it runs constantly. Other times when it is in sleep mode it just runs constantly also.

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How To Make Runs Faster?

Mar 23, 2008

Does we gt any way to make d vista OS runs faster, like boot faster and performance better?

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32bit Runs Faster Than 64

Oct 18, 2007

I know this question has been asked, but in my opinion, never fully answered, depending of where I look. I bought a new system :PC 6400 RAM, MSI 8600GT Overclocked. Now, I plan in "some" foreseeable future to add another 2 GB of RAM but not now, and I don't mind reformatting and start from scratch at any time. Should I go 32 or 64 bit? All drivers are available for my stuff. Software too for the most part. I heard 32bit runs faster than 64, and sometimes the opposite. What should I do?

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Laptop Runs At 125 F Idle?

Mar 1, 2010

My Acer laptop runs at 125 degrees F Idle, and it runs at about 160 F - 180 F when I play a game or do intense work. I was wondering how I can decrease the heat and keep my laptop cool. I've tried Speed Fan with no luck, and I haven't found any Acer Software to help me out. The computer it hot to the touch, and the temperature monitor is Speed Fan. I've even tried blowing out the dust in the case, and it doesn't fix it. I once opened up the bottom of my laptop, and saw lots of dust and blew it out. Most came out but some was left behind.

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Defender Turns Off

Jan 26, 2010

I use vista basic, I've recently had my computer took right back to factory settings as I've been havingso many problems with my lap top, then the registry was sorted out, I know I've not got any virus on the lap top, each time my computer is turned on, I'm told that defender is switched off and I've got to turn it on, I've even tried to start scanning, to see if that would stop it, but it still happens ...

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Firewall Turns Itself Off

May 7, 2008

I'm really at the end of my tether with this issue - have a laptop which has windows Vista installed. Whenever I boot up the Windows Firewall is turned on. However, towards the end of the boot process, the Windows Firewall turns itself off, almost as if when a program loads it knocks it out. Is there anyway I can do a walk thru' of the boot up process so I can see if I can capture which program or process is doing it? At my wits end.

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Screensaver Never Turns ON

Sep 25, 2008

I have tried repeatedly to fix my screensaver. It will not even turn on manually by clicking preview. All I get is a black screen for a few seconds and then back to the display options. I have tried different screen savers and none of them work.

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Vista Runs On Freezing And Rebooting

Feb 6, 2009

I got a problem with my laptop which vista home premium runs on. It just keeps freezing and rebooting mostly when i thouch or pick it up. Sometimes i also get a BSOD with diffrent code. If i just start te laptop it sometimes freeze druing the boot and i have to reboot it when i got i booted to vista and dont touch it and just let it run the laptop works but as soon as i thouch the thing it crashes. I already did a memtest and scanned my harddrive with HD tune. srry for the bad english Minidump from last crash.

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System Runs Slow When Not At Home

Dec 18, 2009

For some reason when I run my computer from work it runs extremely slow. The the only difference I can see that could be affecting it is that at home I use wifi to connect to the internet. I'm always connected to the internet. At work there is no wifi, and not connected to the internet. Could it be trying to do something online, but since it cant connect, keep trying and trying and trying slowing everything down? To fix it I have to restart it. This seems to do the job, however I'd rather not have to do this every time. At home this never happens. I never have to restart it to get it to move faster. And this happens EVERY TIME at work.

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Links 2003 Runs Very Slow

May 28, 2008

Currently using Vista Home Prem. on Acer M1610 . Links 2003 ( golf ) runs very slow. Prev. used this software on XP , it worked great. Is there anything I can do ?

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Display Turns Off In Seconds?

May 12, 2010

This website cleans your flash player stored stuff.

just wait 3-4seconds for page to load then click delete ...

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Animate Min/Max Windows Turns Itself Off

Mar 23, 2008

Using the windows Aero theme with all visual effects on. My computer scores 5.9 across the board (except 5.7 in cpu and hard drive...) in Vista Experince so I should be able to handle everything Vista throws at me. My problem is that Vista turns off the Min/Max animation occasionally and I have no idea why. I can go back in to performance>visual effects and see that its still checked. Clicking apply again will restore the animations.

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Hibernate: Screen Turns Off

Feb 23, 2009

I recently installed SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10.2 and now when I go into Vista and click the hibernate feature, my screen turns off for about a minute, lights stay on, then my log on screen comes, just as it would if I turned my computer on after hibernation. Also, when GRUB boot loader gives me the OS Choices, how can I set "Windows" as default? Right now, SLED is default.

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Sidebar Open Just Turns On And Off

Jul 8, 2008

i have problem with vista sidebar when i open it.. just turns on.. and off.. in a moment ( the same is.. when i turn on the computer) I succeeded to get screenshot..

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Windows Firewall Turns Itself Off

Feb 21, 2010

a member of my family has onecare installed, and it keeps telling him that windows firewall is turned off, even though he did nothing

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HDD Running Very Slowly And Turns Off

Sep 29, 2009

I just bought a Dell studio XPS 1640 about a week ago. It ran perfectly until 2 days ago. Now when I turn on the computer it takes forever. When it finally gets running the HDD light on the case is always on and it runs very slowly. If the computer has been on for several hours the light turns off and it runs fine. But when I restart it does the same thing over again. I thought it might be indexing or something along those lines but didnt know how to find out.

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Runs Process Access Denied Error

Jun 27, 2009

My not be a problem, just my ignorance. I'm dual booting Vista and Windows 7. I created a 150GB partition on a 1.5TB 2nd drive to install 7. I wanted to shrink that partition to 100GB using Disk Management. It seems like it runs through the process then gives me an Access Denied error. I'm doing this from Vista on the main drive (C). What am I doing wrong or can't I shrink a partition that has an OS present? Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.

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Computer Turns Off At Loading Screen

Feb 22, 2009

For about 1-2 years my computer ran fine until recently. Now, whenever I start up my computer it boots all the way to the Vista loading screen, seems as if it loads all the way, then shuts down with no warning. This happens at the same point every time. I tried putting in the Vista DVD and starting that up in an attempt to reinstall or repair Vista, but I get the same results on the same loading screen. The computer is custom built by myself.

AMD 64 X2 4800+ 2.4GHZ
ECS GeFORCE 6100SM-M mobo
BFG Nvidia 8800 GTX
OCZ PC6400 2GB 800MHZ (Dual Channel)
Maxtor 160GB 7200 RPM HDD
Coolmax 600W CXI-600B PSU
(Everything is using stock settings)

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Flash Turns Wireless Connection Off

Jan 3, 2010

Flash or the player turns my wireless connection off, if i don't unistall it i can't go online.

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Computer Turns Off By Itself In Safe Mode

Nov 25, 2009

Whenever I go into safe mode or run the memory diagnostic, after a few minutes it just turns off by itself. When I go to normal mode it works fine (as in I can have it on for as long as I want and it doesn't turn off). I don't know why it keeps turning off in safe mode.

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Sleep Turns Off Usb-usb Mouse & Keyboard

Jul 5, 2008

I can put the pc to sleep with either the sleep button on the keyboard or the on-screen sleep button but when the pc goes to sleep the keyboard and mouse USB connections go to sleep too. leaving me with no way to wake up the pc! I have tried using Vista 64's built in drivers for the mouse & keyboard and also tried downloading and installing the Microsoft software for the keyboard & mouse. Same problem. the light on the keyboard and mouse both turn off when sleep is utilized. I've tried changing the settings in the Power Options to enable the power button on the pc to turn on sleep instead of shut down. It does put the pc to sleep but when I try to wake the pc from sleep with the power button the pc acts like it was completely shutdown and tries to do a full boot which then results in the windows screen saying it didn't shut down right, "start normally"?

The pc then starts as normal but how do fix the sleep problem? I have no problem with another pc with Vista Ultimate and 2 other pcs with MCE2005 and the sleep status. The problem pc has all the latest Window updates, current bios, latest ATI 64 bit drivers for the graphics card. One possibility might be that the graphics card is designed for the new PCIe 2.0 but the board is the older PCIe standard. The graphics card is supposed to be "backwards compatible" with older PCIe slots but now I wonder if that could be the problem?

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