Links Not Working In Any Web Browsers.

Jun 8, 2008

At first I thought this was an IE7 problem but after installing Firefox the problem exists there as well.

Most of the links on web pages will NOT connect from this machine. For instance, using any Search Engine (Live search, Google, etc) I can NOT connect to any of the sponsored links. When I copy and paste the named web address for that link then I connect without a problem.

I've posted in the IE and Firefox groups without even getting a suggestion.I had even uninstalled spybot and adaware and stopped the firewall and kaspersky but the problem remained.It looks to me like a security setting but I don't know where else to look.

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Windows Mail: Sending Truncated Links To Browsers

Mar 26, 2008

I'm having an odd problem when I try to open some links sent in emails. I'm a member of a messageboard and, as such, I receive emails detailing when a reply has been posted. which directs the browser to open the page at the specific post. However, when the link arrives at the browser (I've tried this in both IE7 and firefox with the same result), which just dumps me at the top of a (sometimes very long) page. It happens with any link containing the hash symbol. Moving the hash around in the address results in the link being truncated at the point where the hash is.

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32-bit Browsers And Skype Are Not Working Online But My 64-bit Browser Working

Oct 4, 2009

WHAT COMPUTER SYSTEM AM I USING?: Windows Vista Home Premium with 64-bit Operating System. WHEN DID THINGS GO WRONG?:around the 1st October 2009. WHAT IS NOT ORKING?:my latest 32-bit version of Mozilla Firefox when connected to the internet. my latest 32-bit version of Internet Explorer when connected to the internet. my latest 32-bit version of Opera when connected to the internet. my Skype. WHAT IS WORKING?:my latest 32-bit version of Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera when viewing a web page that is on my computer (html pages which I have made for example). my 64-bit version of Internet Explorer. my internet connection. here are pictures of what happens when these applications are not working:

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ALL Web Browsers Stop Working!

Aug 21, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Business x64 SP2 with all the latest security updates. My problem is ALL of my web browsers simply stop working after a while. If i use IE 8 i get the message: "cannot display the web page". once i get this error i cannot even use any other browser, so Firefox / Safari / Chrome does not ever work. If i ping the website it works fine, so the connection isnt the problem. Technically the broswers dont crash they HANG. Firefox and IE close, but when you check task manager the process is still running, and you CANNOT close the process. the only way to fix this, is to restart and it is getting very annoying.

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IE8 Links Not Working

May 3, 2010

Apologies if this has already been posted, but I couldn't find anything....My system specs are as below... My problem is when I click on certain links within a web page, nothing happens. If I right click and select "open in a new tab" it tends to work. Links like "enlarge image" etc, don't work at all...

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Website Email Links Not Working

Jun 14, 2009

Clicking or right-clicking website email links doesn't work anymore. My email is Windows Mail, but I get error messages that Windows Office Outlook failed to open. I was told to reinstall Windows Mail, but I would lose my address book entries and emails. I checked in Options and the option to make Windows Mail the default mail client is grayed out.

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Create Symbolic Links & Directory Junctions (hard & Soft File System Links)

Feb 14, 2007

Windows Vista includes a great little utility that allows users to finally make soft and hard file system links in the file system.  This can be very useful from a software compatibility standpoint as well as a great way to organize your computer.  Unlike a shortcut, a link is at the file system level and can be used to create an alias for a file or folder that is in a different location.  For example, you can create a hard link (Directory junction) called c:win that points to c:windowssystem32. After the link is created, you can open up command prompt or explorer and browse to c:win and you will see the contents of c:windowssystem32. This is not a new technology, it has actually been a core Linux and Unix feature for as far as I can remember but it is nice to finally have it in Windows Vista....

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Links Button Looks Like Chain Links

Apr 15, 2008

my friend's email is thru gmail. she has a links button (looks like chain links) that she uses to provide links to websites *without* showing the website address. it simply highlights a word she has typed and the mail recipient clicks on that word to go to the website. i think several words (a phrase) can be highlighted as well as just one word. so she might say, 'click here for more info' and the word *here* will be highlighted and contains the link. does windows vista mail have this feature? i cannot find it.

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IE7 & FF 3.5.7:intermitten Access Using Browsers

Feb 16, 2010

My various protections (Trend Micro), Spybot search and destroy, and Malwarebytes'. All of these came up clean. One of my friends that it'd be fun to link me to a porn site without telling me. My computer was fine, but once I restarted I had intermitten access using my browsers. Half the time I'd get 'connection has been reset'. Now, I'm completely unable to use either FF or IE. The only way I can browse the internet is via the AOL browser.

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Browsers Can No Longer Connect

Aug 21, 2008

Up until a few days ago, my partner's Compaq laptop was working ok but now Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3 cannot connect to the internet. My laptop (XP) works fine with the same connection so don't think it's an issue with our broadband.

Symptoms/facts on Vista laptop:

* There are no proxy setting in either browser
* In Internet explorer - the 'Interconnect connection setup' states "You are already connected to the Internet"
* Can ping sites (e. Google)
* Google updater can download from internet
* Windows Update can download from internet
* Windows Network Diagnostics - "Windows did not find any problems with this computer's network connection"
* HP Total Care Advisor - states that Internet connection is good
* Tried switching off firewall - browsers still cannot connect

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Browsers Lose The Connection, But Im Still Conected

Dec 6, 2008

recently i have been having problems with my browsers. i use both safari and firefox over a wireless network at home.

i can happily surf for around 10 mins with safari, but after that time it is as though i have lost my connection to the internet. i can then use Firefox for a short time, around 5 mins after that, then the same problem arises. in order to get back online i have to restart my laptop.

i have no idea what the problem is, its been doing it for over a week now, and i need my internet as i have university deadlines coming up.

the router/isp are fine, as my flatmates both have steady connections (ones running XP the other Leopard). avast, ad-aware, and malwarebytes all come up clean- though i had some reported malware a week or so ago which adaware dealt with

i have however been trying to make my laaptop as fast as possible without overclocking it, so have been diabling startup services and other non-essental services that eat my precious ram and cpu power.
is it a common vista problem? or have i changed a setting or something thats making it do this?
i have read other threads with simmilar issues, but have not found anything that helps.

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Browsers Or Router Get Network Timeout

Oct 12, 2008

My laptop is running on Vista Business 32bit with Firefox 3.0.3 installed and connected to a Belkin wireless router. Whenever I try to open certain sites FF, 50-80% of it will get network timeout. Moreover, sites like Facebook will take ages to load and stuck at Connecting to

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Connection Timeout With All Mail Browsers

May 4, 2007

My Box is an AMD 2400 + 1.50 GHz, 1.50 GB of RAM double boot on seperate Hard Drives Windows XP and Windows Vista Ultimate. All functions perfectly on XP, however ON VISTA all mail clients (Windows Mail, Outlook, Opera, Mozilla Seamonkey Mail and Thunderbird refuse to receive or send Mailand inform me connection to server timed out.

Thinking it might be my Norton Internet Security Vista, i uninstalled it and installed Avast! 4 instead or maybe the Windows Firewall which I stopped. Nothing seems to work, I have searched in Google and on this forum and Windows Vista Forums and can find no similar problem. I have now reinstalled Vista times on a clean boot with no success. Please note All browsers function fine and I can surf with all of them.

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Once In Awhile....a Zillion IE Browsers Open

Mar 9, 2008

Have tried to see a pattern of behavior, and can't. Once in awhile..I click on a hyperlink..and I'll get like 60 IE windows of the same page.

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Cannot Access Web Browsers Home Pages

Feb 1, 2010

Is it possible that Vista updates are causing my web browsing and other network functions to fail frequently. My problem is that I often cannot access any of my web browsers home pages. My PS3 occasionally disconnects from Tversity, claiming a DNS error. I have had this problem using both wired, and wireless connection to router........

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Internet Works, Browsers Dont Work

Jul 4, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista Home Basic, and randomly my internet browsers just totally stop trying to connect and just spit out error messages, but everything else still works (usually). MSN, Steam, my antivirus updates on time, everything that isn't HTTP pretty much. The internet browsers will last anywhere from 5 minutes to 24 hours before keeling over. I've done a pretty thorough Google search on this and I'm at least not alone, but in another sense I am...

A lot of people have said "oh I disabled/uninstalled ZoneAlarm or Bitdefender or so and so a program and it worked" but I don't run those. Never have had ZA or anything on my computer. The only program I have in common with the most common ones is Spybot S&D, and I disabled that on startup and sure enough, didn't work. I do not have any Vista service packs, I don't think. Nothing explicitly called that anyway. I have a bunch of updates that I installed when I got the computer, so I can't uninstall SP1 to fix it since I don't think I even have it.

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Task Manager Shows Two IE Browsers Open, Only Using One.

Jul 30, 2009

I am using IE7, with only one browser open, only one tab also. When I open task manager I see internet explorer listed twice. Usually one listing will be 50,000k and the other 2,000k. why would this be? it does not happen with firefox or any other program. It always seems like there is more going on in the background than there should be, like my modem is working all the time.

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Browsers And Virus: The Security Of The Game Said There Is An Abnormal Memory Access

Jan 23, 2010

the security of the game said there is an abnormal memory access. then i notice that on the game launcher where it should show webpage. it not loading and when i click there is make sound like its busy. same thing on IE, after that when i opened firefox some why firefox close it self. even in safe mode but the process still running, i started virus scanning with norton 360 and male ware scanning with maleware bytes, and it didnt find any thing. besides that every thing else seem sto work fine

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Browsers, Blank Page And A Swirling Load Icon That Animates Indefinitely

Dec 16, 2007

my os is vista home premium. my isp is verizon and i connect thru an actiontech wireless modem/router. the majority of sites i try to visit with any browser time out. no error message. just a blank page and a swirling load icon that animates indefinitely. i have no problem pinging any address on dos prompt though and most non-browser progs that use the net function perfectly; curiously, i can't sign onto msn messenger but i can sign on to aim and yahoo messenger.

some sites i have no trouble accessing: google, cnn, Internet, ytmnd (homepage only), yahoo (homepage only), and fortunately, this forum. there seems to be no rhyme nor reason why a select few pages are favored.......

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Web Links Opening In Word

Feb 25, 2010

When I click on a web link in an application, it opens the url in MS Word, not Firefox (default bowser).

For example:

In CCleaner if I click the 'check for updates' link in the bottom of the window, Word will open up, a download box will appear and then it displays the website as a document.

This happens for all apps, however it doesn't happen if I click on a .html/.url document from explorer, that will launch Firefox just fine.

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How To Unblock Links In One Mail

Apr 9, 2008

Since few days, links are blocked in my messages and the windows mail help talk about one information bar but I can't find it !

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Favorite Links Restore

Jun 4, 2009

How do I restore default FAVORITE links here? The place that is empty.

I want them to show up when I save a file and if I just open up a folder

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Can Not Drag Links From Email

Mar 27, 2008

You can no longer drag a url link from an email and drop it on an I.E. window. This used to be a good way of opening a webpage in a specific IE window instead of clicking the link which would open in whichever window it felt like - which might be over the top of a web page you want to keep open. Is this a problem with Vista mail or IE7 and is it likely to get fixed properly?

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Blocked Links: Program Not Associated

Apr 11, 2008

I received a legitimate message with several links in it. When I put the mouse pointer on any of the links a box pops up showing the link but with "blocked:: at the beginning. When I click on the link I get the following error box: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Creat an association in the Set Associations control panel". None of this makes any sense. Disabling my antivirus/spyware had no effect, and the same message was ok on another computer.

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Can Not Open Attachments Or Links

Aug 21, 2009

I use to and now cannot open links or attachment emailed to me. Does anybody have any ideas or solutions?

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Submenu Does Not Display Links

Jan 1, 2010

Somehow, the submenu in the Start menu, where the shutdown/restart links are, doesn’t display the links (illustration is attached). I also have the same problem with the Quick Launch; when I click on the arrow to expand more icons, the submenu come up showing only a vague outline of the submenu box and no list. However, when I turn on my computer under Safe mode, the submenu is actually working fine and is showing all the links. For now, I just do Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart or shutdown. Everything else seemed to work alright. I have Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 32bit.

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Cannot Open Any Links In Emails

Aug 9, 2009

Suddenly I cannot open any links in emails. I get a message "Windows cannot find (http .. whatever the address is) make sure you typed the name correctly then try again. I can copy and paste the address and open it in explorer but not from email.

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Links Folder Can't Remove

Mar 30, 2008

I love the 'Recent Places' link in the common file dialogs in Vista. I'd really like to add it to the 'Favorite Links' list in windows explorer.20 The following three links are added programmatically to all common file dialog boxes:=20
. Desktop=20
. Recent places=20
. Computer=20

These three links are not .Ink files in the Links folder. Therefore, the links cannot be removed from the Favorite Links list in common file dialog boxes. Additionally, these three links do not appear in Windows Explorer. This is a huge dissapointment, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Is there some registry hack or other technique that will effectively add 'Recent places' to explorer's favorites list?

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How To Remove Briefcase Links

May 12, 2008

I have a Windows Briefcase on my Windows Vista Desktop. I used to use it to back up some files through my home network. I have a better back up approach and want to remove the Briefcase functionality from the folder while keeping the folder intact. I recall that in Windows XP there was a Synchroize item on the menu in Windows Explorer and one of the options would let you break the synchronization. I can't find a way in Vista to do it.

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How Can Sending Links In Email

Dec 23, 2009

I am still trying to find out how to send a link in an email without having to list the entire URL. Such as we can do on forums, etc. I am using Windows Mail with Windows Vista Home Premium 64, soon to upgrade to Windows 7. Example—if I wanted to send a link to aol ionstead of having to list it this way, I should be able to list it as just aol and clicking on the link will go right there. I get emails like that all the time but can't figure out how to send one.....

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Links Folder Got Moved

Mar 15, 2009

Somehow, my Links folder (the one that contains the "favorite links" in the left panel of an explorer window) got moved into my Pictures folder --> C:Users(my name)PicturesLinks. This must have happened quite some time ago... I think it should be located here: C:Users(my name)Links - correct? If I right click and go into properties, the location tab allows me to move this folder. I get two messages - one asking me if I really want to move the folder and its contents (it's just some shortcuts), and the second if I want to direct the Links folder into another system folder "Profile" located at C:Users(my name). It also says if I proceed with the redirection I will not be able to separate them or restore the default location... I don't quite get what that means...

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