Is RDP, ISS, And IPP Are Able To Work In Vista Home Prem

Mar 25, 2008

I was wondering if RDP, ISS, and IPP are able to work in Vista Home Prem. If not why are they there. Also is IIS needed for IPP since IPP is listed on another check box?

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Vista Home Prem 32 Failed Uppgrade SP1

Mar 23, 2008

Unable to complete install SP1, and gets code 0x80004005. It seems to have to do with some kind of registration. I have a Windows Update that works fine so it seems strange. The only thing that changed (as I know of) is that now I have in the corner of my lower right screen, a new message showing: Windows Vista (TM) Evaluation copy. Build 6000 - I could have taken that if the install was a success.

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Home Prem To Ultimate - Can I Still Use Home On Another Pc?

May 4, 2008

I bought retail upgrade vista home premium. Installed on my primary pc and ACTIVATED it. Had odd problems, fixed, then realized I really wanted the ultimate edition. So, bought retail ultimate upgrade. Wiped hard drive, installed XP pro, installed ultimate 64 from there. Now, here is the real question. I now have a perfectly good legal copy of home premium that is not being used. Can I use this copy on a different PC? BTW, it's too late to get a refund from MS, I missed that
window of opportunity.

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Reinstall Not Working For Home Prem.

Jun 2, 2009

I have windows vista home premium 32 bit. Its on a dell inspiron (a laptop which is a little over a year old). Recently I had to reformat it due to clutter and possible Trojans on my hard drive. However I cant seem to get the thing to boot. -I put in widows vista cd and boot from that then hit "install now" and choose the "custom" option (not upgrade) then I formated all drives (recovery and main c drive)and then chose my main drive to install it on it does fine copying, expanding, installing features and updates and then reboots and goes back to that page (of the copying, expanding, etc... page) and says "completing installation..." with the pulseing "..."

(meaning its still thinking I suppose) and then after 45 minutes or so it goes to a black screen with a cursor and does nothing else. -if i try to reboot: it will give me the message for the safe mode etc...on it and if i choose normal mode it goes to the windows booting page with the loading bar below it and just sits like that (note: the loading bar is going across but pauses ever so often like it cant get over something and never starts). I have done several reinstallations (with xp and vista) but have never had this problem before

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Slow Connection From Home Prem To Sbs2003sp2

Mar 23, 2008

I connected a Laptop with Vista Home Premium to our Homenetwork which includes several xp-workstations and a sbs2003 sp2. network is not a domain but a workgroup. the laptop can connect to every workstation with normal speed but the connection to the sbs2003 is very slow. It takes about 30 to 45 sec to build up every picture and filetransfer takes days.

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File Missing And Home Prem CRASH!

Feb 25, 2008

Installed Hitman game. When I attempted to start game, receieved error that a file was missing. From my memory, it was something like MSVLL771.dll (not accurate, but close). Vista prompted me that it could find the problem and then recommended a download. It was an update in the realm of Framework 1.1- something or other. After downloading and attempted implementation, Vista let me know this program was already on my PC. I did an internet search for the "missing" file and downloaded it specificly and placed in the game's file. The game now ran with no problem.

Yet, at the next boot up of PC it crashed to the "problem" screen. At this point I was able to use safe mode and attempt a recovery by going back to an earlier save point. Did this and reboot. Now PC crashes again and now will not start in any mode (safe, normal, safe with networking, etc) By not start, I mean I get past the prompt asking which mode to start, screen goes blank, no Vista load, just a cursor. The LED light seems to be processing, yet nothing happens from here. I placed Vista disk in to boot from it to Fix and Re-install, but this does not help. After a few steps it goes to a driver selection screen with no drivers available. Lets me browse, but I have no clue where to look for these?

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LAN: Connect Vista Home PC With Work XP PC

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to connect my new Vista Home PC with my work XP PC in order to share some files and a USB modem connected internet link (on the Vista PC). I am using an ethernet to ethernet cable which has previously worked with my old XP PC and the same work PC. For some reason, I cannot get my Vista PC to allocate any IP addresses (you can tell I'm not very good with network settings...).

I don't have a router to use as a DNS, the PCs have been in the same workgroup but it made no difference. I can ping localhost on the Vista PC. There is no nice wizard to set up a wired connection on Vista, just wireless, dialup, VPN or connect to the internet. Grrrrrr.

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Screen Savers To Work After The Installation Of SP1 On Vista Home Premium

Apr 10, 2008

how to get screen savers to work after the installation of SP1 on Vista Home premium?

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Does "secpol.msc " Work With Vista Home Premium?

Dec 27, 2009

Does "secpol.msc " work with Vista home premium? The search did not return anything. Is there another way to display the GUI for local security policy?

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Sims 1 And 2 Can Not Work Home

Apr 10, 2008

We can not play either Sims 1 or 2 on our new Dell PC with Home Vista.

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64 Bit OEM Home Premium: Harware Does Not Work

Feb 25, 2008

I am getting a new PC. The 64 bit OEM version of Home Premium is only $10 more, and I will have the hardware to run it. However, there are many that warn against the 64 bit version, and the last thing I would want is to find out that some hardware does not work, or that there are problems with our home network. I am also worried about not being able to run 16 bit programs and bits and pieces without proper signatures. Apparently the 64 bit version rejects these. The best alternative would be to buy the 64 bit version, but install and run it as 32 bit untill such time when I progressively replace hardware, the other PC's etc. Is this possible? I have heard that it can be run as 32 bits, but is this across the system, or is it on application by application basis.

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Home Network Of 3 Computers Can't Work

Aug 30, 2009

I have been using this forum as a guest for quite sometime now and decided to join the forum as I really like the community here. I have an issue w/ a home network I have that includes 3 total computers: Comp A: 1 Vista Home X32 PC (that is wired into a WRT54G router) w/ Windows firewall Comp B: 1 Windows XP Professional Laptop w/ Zone alarm (free) firewall connected to the network via wireless Comp C: 1 Vista Home Premium X64 Laptop w/ Windows firewall connected to the network via wireless Here are some notes to highlight what is going on:Originally, Comp A and Comp B were networked together with no issues Yesterday, I purchased Comp C and am trying to include this computer into the networkComp A and Comp B can communicate w/ no issues and both can access Comp C w/ no issues Comp C can access Comp B, but CAN NOT acess Comp AAll comps can PING each other w/ no issues When Comp C tries to Access Comp A, this Error message is displayed: 'Comp A' is not accessible.

You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer. All Comps (A,B, and C) have access to the (1) network printer w/ no issues Things I have tried to remedy the issue:I have tried to turn off firewalls for Comp A and Comp C Spent a huge amount of time reseaching on the internet to no avail Network discovery is on for Comp A and Comp C I tried to edit the settings for my WRT54G router, but didn't know what to do I know there are some other things I have tried, but can't remember exactly.

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Virtual PC Work With 64bit Home Premium?

May 13, 2008

I'm confused - I keep seeing different statements as to which versions of Vista that Virtual PC will work with. So any experience of whether it will work with 64bit Home Premium?

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Sp1: Can Download (where Is Link) At Work To Install At Home?

Apr 6, 2008

Just bought a new dell with vista installed 2 wks ago. Auto update tells me to download vista sp 1. It tells me size of download is 65 - 435 mb. I only have dial up at home. I have t-1 line at work. How can I download (where is link) at work to install at home? We do not use vista at work, when I go to windows update at work, it doesn't understand vista request. I can put it on a cd or flash card.

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Activating Windows Home Premium Did Not Work

Mar 26, 2008

my activation key didi not work and when i called microsoft suppport, they said my key was actually from windows ultimate beta 1. they told me to come to the forums and put up this question to ask for help from tecnicans like u. how to solve this problem, my acivation period is gone and i'm running a one hour low support mode.

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Windows 7 Easy Transfer Does Not Work On Home Premium 32 Bit.

Nov 24, 2009

After I started windows 7 easy transfer on Vista Home Premium 32 bit, it runs for a while, then says "please reboot your PC and try again". Rebooted a few times and still get the same error. I got tried chkdsk at reboot time and 'Repair your computer' using vista DVD instal disk.

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Upgrade Vista Home Basic To Vista Ultimate

Jun 30, 2008

CANNOT SIMPLY UPGRADE WITHIN VISTA??? FIRST TIME ISSUE EVER POSTED! I have a question that I cannot make sense of. I have Windows Vista Home Basic with SP1 installed on my computer. I have a copy of a legit retail version of Windows Vista Ultimate Upgrade SP1 DVD-ROM. I want to upgrade my current Vista Home Basic to Vista Ultimate. Sounds simple enough. I have read everywhere on the web and it can upgrade easily as long as you upgrade within Windows Vista and not a reboot installation. Okay, but when I get to a point in the Vista grade process, I CANNOT! During the installation process, when I get to the screen that states, "Which type of installation do you want?" AFTER INPUTTING THE VISTA ULTIMATE KEY CODE ON A PREVIOUS SCREEN, the option should be "Upgrade" ONLY and NOT "Custom (Advanced)" since the key code is set for upgrade option only. I GET THE TOTAL OPPOSITE!!! I only get the option "Custom (Advanced)" and the "Upgrade" option is grayed out. WHAT??? NO "Upgrade" option??? I SHOULD BE GETTING THE "Upgrade" OPTION!!! This does not make any sense!!! It states at the reason at the bottom of this screen, "Upgrade has been disabled. - The upgrade option cannot be started, to upgrade, cancel the installation and then choose to upgrade to a version of Windows that is more recent than the version you are currently running." This does not make any sense, does it??? I should be able to only upgrade since I only have an upgrade disc. I am upgrading from a lower edition of Vista to a higher edition of Vista, therefore I should ALSO have this feature to upgrade enabled too when it knows my CD key is a higher ("upgrade") edition. I have spent several hours searching and read around the web and cannot find my same or similar case scenario. A first time! People who have upgraded between different editions of Vista with either the Windows Anytime Upgrade retail package or (mine) the Windows Vista Ultimate Retail Upgrade box (includes the Windows Anytime Upgrade anyways on it) say it is a breeze! What is going on with me??? I should not be having any problems what-so-ever!

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Drivers For IPX To Work On Vista, Didn't Work

Jul 1, 2008

I have been wracking my brain for weeks now, trying to play C&C First Decade with Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge over the LAN, it will only run on IPX networking which I could setup with 2x XP machines, I have Vista Ultimate on my PC, and XP on another, I found some drivers for IPX to work on Vista, didn't work ... So I loaded Hamachi which had built-in IPX support. Now when I open RA2, it no longer says IPX unavailable, it shows 00 00 00...

So it can see my Hamachi adapter with IPX support, great! The other XP machine has Hamachi installed, and they are both VPN'd (Connected) on the same Hamachi Network. They don't see each other... The XP machine shows a few IPX networks, I have tried switching to them all, even put the Hamachi adapter and the LAN adapter to the top of the preferred networks list. This was sort-of a breeze with both XP, but with Vista it's looking to be a bit tricky. I have no firewalls running on either machine and I am pretty cluey when it comes to networking (TCP/IP that is).

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Control Panel Home View Running Admin Did Not Work

Jan 1, 2010

I have the following problem: My Control Panel keeps using the Classic View instead of the Control Panel Home view. I checked the tutorial about this subject: I tried the second way (Through the Registry: Through a Download), as i have Vista Home Premium, but when I right-click the Restore_Default_CP_View, it doesn't show Merge (actually, I'm not sure, because I don't have an enlish version...). The other way (The Manual Way) doesn't work either, because I don't have the file HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer. When I click Policies, it only shows one more folder, called system. The Explorer file doesn't seem to be there. I tried running as administrator, but that didn't work either.

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Upgrade From Vista Basic To Vista Premium But The Activation Key Didn't Work

Mar 26, 2008

I recently tried to upgrade from Vista Basic to Vista Premium but the activation key didn't work. So I recovered Vista Basic from the windows.old file but there is still a corrupt version of Vista Premium on my hard disk. how to remove it?

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Any Plans For A Fax In Vista Home ?

May 22, 2008

I find it amazing there is no fax in vista home

I purchased win 95 and could fax
I purchased win 98 and could fax
I purchased xp and could fax
I purchased vista and cannot

I will not sing up to a fax service with a third party company as i see this
as a basic use of computers.

Who had the brainwave to leave it out ?

When will this be resolved with microsoft to include it as a nother patch ?

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Clone HDD Vista Home

Jun 15, 2009

Q: What is the best method to clone my Dell Inspiron 530 HDD?
Q: Are there open source s/w apps. to clone the above?

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Fax Software For Vista Home

Jun 27, 2008

Vista Home edition come without Fax software. Where can I find a fax software for vista home?

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How Get Rid Of Vista Home Premium?

May 31, 2008

I upgraded from Vista Home Premium to Ultimate using our Microsoft Actiona Pack License that says you must have a previous version to use it. It required that I do a FULL install instead of an Upgrade. Seemed to go perfectly, everything works, etc. Problem is that now I have both Vista Home Premium and Vista Ultimate on my C: Drive and almost no space left. How do I rid myself of Vista Home Premium on this computer now? It's taking up around 52 Gig of space.

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Can't Link Up XP To Vista Home

Jun 20, 2008

I can't link up my XP to my Vista Home Premium computer. All service packs installed. Each computer can see the other but I can't access the XP's shared folder. I am using cross over USB cable and have installed drivers for same. I get message trying to access my XP from my Vista pc - "folder is not accessible. You may not have permission to use this network resource." "Not enough server storage to process this command". I have granted access on the XP to share this folder. Is there a simple, 1,2,3 step by step process to ensure that I have met all necessary criteria to make a pc to pc connection?

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Way To Run Ie6 On Vista Home Premium?

Nov 3, 2007

Does anyone know if there's a way to run ie6 on Vista Home Premium? I'm a web developer and need to test my sites, but so far I've been unable to find a solution for Vista.

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¿GTA On Vista Home Premium X64?

Jan 12, 2009

Well, here's my story...: I have Windows Vista Home Premium x64, and I want to install GTA San Andreas to it, but i cant, can you tell me how please?, or can you give me a page were I can find a tutorial about it?

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Recovery Partition In Vista 64 Bit Home

Aug 10, 2009

Dell recovery Partition D with factory image.wim copied in drive I
external hard drive. How can i restore my laptop to factory settings
from the factory image in drive I (external hard drive) instead of drive
D (internal Hard Drive)

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Windows Vista Home Not Booting

Mar 12, 2009

I was wondering if someone might be able to help me. Basically my fiancee's laptop won't boot up anymore. It was playing up and crashed so she held down the power button and then turned it back on. It asked her if she want to boot normally, in safe mode or use the repair environment. We booted normally and nothing happened, nothing loaded up so restarted again and used the RE, went through everything and it still won't boot.

It comes up with an error message referring to external hardware such as a camera or mp3 player, which she hasn't connected, all she has is a bluetooth dongle which has been working fine (she has removed this and done the repair thing again too to no avail). The only thing she has done is log online and updated itunes.

She's run the repair program again and when it prompts to restart it gets to the green bar, does nothing for a while and then goes back asking to run the repair program or boot normally.

Incedently, when she presses F8, there is no option to select safe mode, only the repair program or boot normally.

We don't really want to do a fresh install, and besides I don't think she was given all the discs when she bought it, although I need to double check. The command prompt can be accessed though.

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Fax/scan For Vista Home Premium

Jun 28, 2008

I'm thoroughly DISGUSTED with MicroSoft for removing this feature from the program. I used this feature frequently. If I had known this prior to recently purchasing this system and upgrade--I probably would not have. Microsoft, you've gotten so big that you seem to feel it's okay to 'dog-out' your loyal customers without any negative ramifications to you.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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Vista Home Premiume On Lap Top And Switching Itself Off

Feb 19, 2009

so my brother has a acer aspire 9400 lap top with vista home premiume and for no reason it just switches itself off. once with a blue screen saying dumping physical memory. is it because my brothers lap top 2GB ram or graphics card cant handle the amount he is using lap top? or maybe leaving the lap top plugged
into the charger 24/7 is doing this?

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