Virtual PC Work With 64bit Home Premium?

May 13, 2008

I'm confused - I keep seeing different statements as to which versions of Vista that Virtual PC will work with. So any experience of whether it will work with 64bit Home Premium?

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Cannot Set Virtual Memory Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I noticed that my virtual memory is set to no pagefile? I've tried setting it to custom, system managed, etc. I always click the "set" button and it will show what I change it to if I set a custom size. When I reboot and go back to the settings, it is back to No Pagefile?

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Home Premium 64bit Blackout!

Oct 19, 2009

Gateway/Acer NV14u laptop

Pointer freezes and seconds later the screen goes black while external mouse is plugged in.

Here is a link to the computer specs.
Gateway Official Site: Shop - Notebooks - NV5214u Laptop Product Details

Other info:
I've owned it for almost a month with no problems at all. I was aware at the time of other people having this happen, but noticed almost every laptop on the market has issues with a few or more of them. Everything worked just fine with an external mouse used. Never had one problem...

I then formated my harddrive and everything seemed to be ok. Now, when I plug in the external mouse, every 5-15 minutes the pointer will freeze and shortly afterwards the screen goes black. Everything appears to be running still, but won't shut down unless you hold in the power button. It has no problems at all with it not plugged in.

I assumed it was a driver issue, or possibly a bad reinstall. After about a hour of looking through search results I have no idea what the deal is.

I have tried updating the graphics card drivers and installing all updates, but still get the same errors.

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Installing Home Premium 64bit W/ 4g RAM?

Mar 23, 2008

I keep reading about folks who needed to remove some sticks of ram before installing vista 64-bit. Is this mandatory? I have 4 gig of Ram and I really don't want to open up my box and remove 2 gigs, as my computer is large and I'd have to remove memory cooling, etc. (I know, lazy) Do some people with 4 gigs ram succeed in installing vista without removing memory?

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Norton Ghost 14 & Home Premium 64bit

Nov 27, 2008

As I bought the product today and when I put the disk in the drive and ran the installer, it all seemed to go well and I then rebooted the computer with the disk still in the drive. On the reboot the computer hung up and stayed on a Black screen, I then did a Reset of my computer and when it rebooted I got a Blue screen with an error message - System_Service_Exception. The computer rebooted and I removed the disk, and then I got another Blue screen about Bad_Pool_Header.

Finally I had to restart my computer with my Vista disk in place, so that I could un-install Norton Ghost 14. I managed to do this and I then did a System Restore to get my computer back to a decent state so I could use it. I have had a search around on the Symantec website, and I cannot find anything to help me with this problem. And how I can install Norton Ghost 14 on my computer, and if I have to disable anything for the installation?

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Display Glitch With 64bit Home Premium

Nov 8, 2009

A little background: was using XP 32bit since it's conception and decided to install 64bit vista home premium, since my current architecture can support it. I'm running a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ (2.8GHz), 2 GB of RAM, and an nVidia GeForce 8800 GTS (640MB Video Memory).

nVidia Driver version: 191.07
DirectX version: 10.0

As you can probably discern from the screenshot below, I have a slight graphical glitch that seems to be causing little errors whenever anything is redrawn on my screen... Needless to say, this problems didn't exist when I was using XP.

update edit: went into performance tab in the advanced system settings and tried best performance options, no change, glitch persists...

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Home Premium 64bit Boot Loops

Jul 27, 2009

I have a 4 month old HP desktop running 64 bit Vista Home Premium. Historically its been running great. This could be unrelated, I loaded Norton 360 on it a week ago and its been nagging me to set up the backup. I set it up the other night and it failed. Being tired I decided to look at it the next day. The next day it would not boot. It goes through the bios and as soon as it gets to windows it loops back and starts over. I have run the F9 diagnostics and all the hardware checks out. I can't F11 into the recovery partition so I have ordered the recovery cd's from HP. I have checked all the connections to the mother board, memory, HD's, cabling etc, with no luck. I can't imagine what would have happened other than Norton overwriting something on C drive when it tried to backup. (who knows with Norton).

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Has The 64bit Version Of Vista Home Premium Been Discontinued?

May 3, 2008

I have the 32 bit version of home premium running, and I ordered the dvd for
the 64bit version, and paid shippiong charges, about a month ago. Today I
received a letter in the mail telling me that the 64bit version of windows
vista home premium has been discontinued. Is this true?

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Vista Home Premium 32bit And Gaming In 64bit

May 16, 2008

I am currently running Vista Home Premium 32bit (OEM, sadly) and would like your advice. I am planning on building a new PC over the summer (as I can finally work for decent wages!) and I want to make it a beast. I'm not going to go completely crazy; I'll have a budget of around €1,500 to €2,000. For the most part, I have a good idea of what I'll be getting (X38 Intel mobo, E8xxx Core2 or Quad, R700 ATi or 9xxx nVidia etc) but when it comes to RAM I'm a bit stuck. Should I get 4GBs and a cheaper 32bit version of Vista or go for the 64bit? I know 64bit can theoreticly handle alot more RAM than 32bit, but with 4GB is it worth spending the extra cash on 64bit, or will 32bit handle it just fine? (And by "handle it" I mean utilise it fully. I dont want to find only 3GBs out of 4GB are actually being used...) Aslo, for the 64bit users out there: how is driver support? Are you encountering many problems with games/drivers/hardware?

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Can Run Office 2003 On Vista Home Premium 64bit

Sep 29, 2009

Can I run Office 2003 on Vista Home Premium 64bit??

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Blue Screens: Windows Home Premium 64bit

Dec 31, 2008

I was having constant blue screens in my new Gateway comp. Its a laptop, M Series, 15.4 inch screen. It brought along the Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit OS with SP1. Dual processors, 4GB of memory. After countless of blue screens, they seemed to come and go, I figured the comp was just being dumb. I unistalled all the things I had placed on it [which really wasn't much] so the laptop was running with all the things it brought from scratch only. Blue screens disappeared for a day or so, and then came again, though with less frequency. I was using it today, left it for a few minutes, and when I returned it had gone to the usual stand by mode.

Moved the cursor so it would restore, but after twenty minutes of a blank black screen I decided to turn it off and on again. And that's when it started to refuse to boot. Whenever it tries the bar appears for a minute or so, and afterwards it's replaced by the BSOD. To my disdain they always disappear quickly, so the most I can read on it is something about a driver malfunction, or whatever, and the error code 0x0000007E. So yeah, if anyone has a clue as to why it won't boot, and how to fix it, I'd be grateful. Of course, I could just re-format it -- but I want to leave that option as a last case scenario.

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64bit Home Premium To Ultimate Upgrade Post SP1

Apr 30, 2008

i have several 32bit vista ultimates on other machines. the 64bit machine has Home Premium and i'd wanted to go ultimate on it as well. i saw "Anytime Upgrade" and using the name only postponed the upgrade till i had funds and time to do the upgrade. surprise 1, anytime refers to paying for the upgrade. i was sure to use the 64bit machine to order and postponed my expectations on using the ultimate features until the DVD arrived to me in alaska.

since the upgrade order process said it was scanning my machine i was sure i'd get the 64bit disk. surprise 2, disk was the 32bit DVD tho it was plus SP1 so i guess it did scan my machine in some fashion. in the package the instructions on ordering 64 bit media are given. use this web site and order. you'll have to pay even more and wait even longer but you'll get the ultimate upgrade ultimatly. surprise 3 the web site after putting in the product key from the ultimate upgrade dvd package gives the error "No Offer Found"

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Vista Home Premium 64bit Low Power Shutdown Icon

Jan 31, 2009

For some reason, the laptop I just bought (Gateway FX P-7805u) will not remain shutdown if the Ethernet cable is still plugged in, and will turn itself back on. Sometimes it's immediately after shutdown, sometimes it's a few minutes later. I am actually pressing shutdown (not the "low power" option button, that looks very similar to the shutdown icon, located next to the Lock button in the Start Menu).

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64 Bit OEM Home Premium: Harware Does Not Work

Feb 25, 2008

I am getting a new PC. The 64 bit OEM version of Home Premium is only $10 more, and I will have the hardware to run it. However, there are many that warn against the 64 bit version, and the last thing I would want is to find out that some hardware does not work, or that there are problems with our home network. I am also worried about not being able to run 16 bit programs and bits and pieces without proper signatures. Apparently the 64 bit version rejects these. The best alternative would be to buy the 64 bit version, but install and run it as 32 bit untill such time when I progressively replace hardware, the other PC's etc. Is this possible? I have heard that it can be run as 32 bits, but is this across the system, or is it on application by application basis.

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Activating Windows Home Premium Did Not Work

Mar 26, 2008

my activation key didi not work and when i called microsoft suppport, they said my key was actually from windows ultimate beta 1. they told me to come to the forums and put up this question to ask for help from tecnicans like u. how to solve this problem, my acivation period is gone and i'm running a one hour low support mode.

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Windows 7 Easy Transfer Does Not Work On Home Premium 32 Bit.

Nov 24, 2009

After I started windows 7 easy transfer on Vista Home Premium 32 bit, it runs for a while, then says "please reboot your PC and try again". Rebooted a few times and still get the same error. I got tried chkdsk at reboot time and 'Repair your computer' using vista DVD instal disk.

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Screen Savers To Work After The Installation Of SP1 On Vista Home Premium

Apr 10, 2008

how to get screen savers to work after the installation of SP1 on Vista Home premium?

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Does "secpol.msc " Work With Vista Home Premium?

Dec 27, 2009

Does "secpol.msc " work with Vista home premium? The search did not return anything. Is there another way to display the GUI for local security policy?

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Xp Home Won't Support Virtual Pc

May 4, 2008

I realize that this is not the proper place for this question but I can't seem to find the right newsgroup. Anyway, I am running the Microsoft Virtual PC program on a Vista home Premium laptop and a XP home desktop. In both of these machines when I attempt to install a virtual OS, I keep getting the message "Reboot and Select proper boot Device or insert Boot Media in selected Boot device". Pressing enter with the OS disc in the drive starts the disc spinning but ends up with this same message. Now, Microsoft says that Vista Home Premium and XP Home won't support Virtual PC but I have read from other sources that it does work with these OS's. Can someone shed some light on this for me?

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Upgrade Home Basic To Home Premium

May 22, 2008

I understand this can be done online. The information says that I need the Anytime upgrade disk to complete the process. Is this so? Sorry to be stupid but need to know the steps involved. If I dont have an anytime upgrade disk, how do I get one?

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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64bit Premium To 32 Bit Ultimate?

Apr 13, 2009

I am a grad student and I own a 64 bit Vista Premium laptop. My uni offers an upgrade to 32bit Vista Ultimate for 20 bucks.. My 64 bit OS just sucks..the keys get stuck, the mouse pad doesnt work properly, cant play games..sometimes both the keyboard and the touchpad dont work at all!

can i upgrade to a Windows 32bit Ultimate from a 64 bit Home Premium OS with just that upgrade DVD?? or shud i just get a new laptop?? lol i wanted to wait out for a Touchscreen windows 7 laptop :P but my present one is driving me crazy :| if it is not possible, do u think the SP2 pack to be released sometime soon can fix my problem??

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Premium 64bit: Programs Freeze Up

Nov 11, 2008

I recently installed 64bit premium on my XPS 420. I am having tons of problems and cannot find solutions. If I leave my computer on and idle for about 4 hours (or any length of time)it goes to a standby..normal. but when get back on it, everything is screwy. If I plug in a flash drive it won't read it. If i try to turn off the computer or restart it, it dosnt shut down, it just goes to the screen where it says its shutting down but never shuts down. Programs act funny and freeze up a lot.

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Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 Wont Work

Oct 29, 2008

As you can see from my profile I have Vista Ultimate x64 but I can't install Virtual PC 2007. Basically I downloaded the installer (making sure it was the x64 version), ran it and it all went fine until suddenly the installation just rolled back and said that no modifications were made to the system. It doesn't give me an error message. I searched on the Internet but I can't seem to find the solution. And yes, I tried both the normal installer and the SP1 version.

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XP Home Outperforming 64bit

May 18, 2008

My system is primarily used for video processing and I have been running XP home it it for about 6 months. The system is a 3 GHZ quad core extreme so it's no slouch, 10K RPM Raptor boot drive, 3.25 GB RAM and a decent PCI-E video card.

So I thought since the apps I use have 64 bit versions, mainly Windows media encoder, I though I would get a 64bit version of a windows OS. So I got Vista 64BIT Ultimate. Most of the encoding I do uses WMV V9 Advanced or VC1 which is optimized to run inder a 64 bit OS. Just for the record I was going to download the trial version of XP 64 bit to test but the trial page is not offering the trial at the moment. I've been encoding WMV HD content for some time now so I know the tricks for performance.

I kept my XP home install on a sepereate drive so I can test. The first test with Vista was a 1080 15 minute clips encode down to a 720 resolution. Vista 64bit took 38 minutes, XP home using Encoder 32 bit took 27 minutes. I've done no tweaking of Vista yet but my XP home install is basically stock as well, no performance tweaks. Am I jumping to conclusions or did I just drop a dozen lead bars in the trunk of my sports car?

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Upgrade From Home 32bit To Ultimate 64bit?

May 27, 2008

I just ordered the Vista Ultimate 32/64bit (retail upgrade version). can I upgrade from Vista Home 32bit(OEM) to Vista Ultimate 32bit(Retail)? from my understanding,64bit'll be clean install that I already know...

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Virtual PC 20004: Edit A Virtual Pc Hard Drive Image So That You Can Add Files Onto

Jun 16, 2008

How do you edit a virtual pc hard drive image so that you can add files onto. So that if you have say MS-DOS 7.1 running on virtual pc and want to add SIMCITY 2000 to its virtual hardrive. Then you could run SIMCITY 2000 from dos on windows vista. And once simcity 2000 is added to the virtual hardrive how do I execute SC2000.exe from dos or dos shell.

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Which Firewalls Work On Vista 64bit

Nov 1, 2008

which firewalls work on vista 64bit>? im testing some using leaktests and comodo failed 60% of tests

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64Bit Vs 32Bit Drivers Work?

Sep 7, 2009

Will most/all 32Bit software run on Vista 64Bit machine, and how about drivers, do you need 64Bit drivers or will 32Bit drivers work? My daughter just got a new Dell 64Bit machine.

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Disclaimer Won't Work With Vista 64bit

Apr 17, 2009

I am trying to find, with out much luck, a good portable hard drive for my laptop. There are a lot of choices, but 99% of them have a disclaimer that they won't work with Vista 64 bit. I'm looking for something in the 320 to 500 GB range that I don't need a loan for! bought a Seagate FreeAgent and the package said "works with Vista". I went to their website for install instructions and found, in micro print, "no support for Vista 64, only Vista 32 bit". The statement on their packaging pretty much took care of their credibility and truthfulness!

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Install 64 Home Premium

Jun 12, 2009

Can anybody tell me How can I install vista 64 home premium?

I have xp 32 bit on my computer, and I used the upgrade advice manager from Microsoft, and it tells me my system is compatible with vista. Thank you for any help you can provide, and this is my system info....

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