Intel Screen Rotation When Excel 2003 Closes

Jun 26, 2008

I just upgraded a Lenovo 6075-DNU ThinkCentre desktop from XP Pro to Vista Business SP1. The bizarre thing is, when I close Excel 2003, the "90 degree rotation" from the onboard Intel Video driver is triggered and the screen rotates. If I go into the driver settings and disable the 90 degree turn hotkey, the issue goes away. My concern is why this even happens. I've tried the latest driver from Lenovo and from Intel and repaired the office install and no change. This only happens from Excel, not from Word or any other program and only since the Vista Business sp1 upgrade.

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Excel 2003 Date Formats

Jan 20, 2010

I'm having real problems with Excel 2003 in Vista as dates and times are treated as text rather than values. In trying to fix this problem, I checked the language being used by Excel [the Vista default is English (Australia)]. In Win XP, I do that by looking in Excel Help > About Microsoft Office Excel > System Information, then expand Office 2003 Applications > Microsoft Office Excel 2003 > Summary.

But in Vista, when I go (as Administrator) into Excel Help > About Microsoft Office Excel > System Information, Office 2003 Applications is not there! Is this somewhere else in Vista or does this indicate a problem with the installation of Excel on this computer? Or is there some other reason?

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Office Excel 2007 & 2003 On Same Computer?

Jun 7, 2009

we have microsoft office excel 2007 installed on our computer, however we like the older version 2003 better. are we able to load both on the same system? or do we have remove the 2007 to install 2003?

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Excel 2003: Print Dialog Not Appear, No Print

Feb 6, 2009

We have recently got new hardware and upgraded to Vista. We have also just changed to fully networked printing. We are having some printing funnies, but mainly when printing from Excel - no idea why. Here is a selection of the printing problems we have had:

File-Print: Print dialog does not appear
File-Print/Print: Does not print, no printing message
File-Print/Print: Looks like it prints to printer (see printing message), but nothing prints out...........................................................................

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How To Get An Excel Spreadsheet Macro To Function In Excel 2007 On A Vista Business OS

Apr 29, 2008

I am trying to get an excel spreadsheet macro to function in excel 2007 on a Vista Business OS. it runs fine in excel 2007 on XP pro OS. Is there a known work-around for this? It is obviously an issue with Vista.

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Open Excel File:go To The Page Set-up, Screen Start Pulsating

Mar 30, 2008

I am currently running Vista Ultimate (32 bit) with an Intel E6400 chip and 4 gig of ram. When I open an Excel file and go to the page set-up, my screen start pulsating and it is difficult to get the drop-down menues to work. At the
same time I have a small circle that indicates the program is grinding away. I have had similar issues with Word when I try to print an envelope. This has also happened with other software applications such as Quicken 2008. Rebooting the machine temporaily solves the problem, but not alway.

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How To View Excel Document Without Microsoft Office Excel Installe

Apr 20, 2008

I bought new PC of Vista Home edition. I can't view a Excel made document that was sent to me by friend because my new visa PC has no Microsoft Office Excel be installed.

Is there anyway that I can view the document that made by Microsoft Office Excel since I have no Microsoft office Excel be installed?

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Word & Excel:Add-Edit Toolbar&Buttons:Autocorrect To Excel Toolbar

May 10, 2008

How do I create a new toolbar? How do I edit the Toolbar Command Buttons (Icons?)? How do I create and add an Autocorrect (AC) Command Button to an Excel Toolbar? I HATE the ribbons, period? I LOVED the nice, neat, useful, and tiny toolbars I created and edited in the 2003 programs and this 'RIBBON' thing is the most obnoxious thing ever! I REALLY fell bad for those laptop dudes and dudettes, especially the 15" (or smaller) screens. I have a nice, new, big 19" and I find the useless and extravagant space requirements for the "Ribbon" (who came up with that one, anyway?) EXTREMELY ANNOYING..............

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Micorosoft Exchange 2003 & Outlook 2003

Mar 23, 2008

My office run XP, Outlook 2003 on the Exchange server no problem. I have bought a new machine with Vista and cannot access my mail. I am connected to the office domain and Outlook can find me on the domain but Outlook will not connect any further, keeps asking for a password

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DEP Closes Regular IE

Feb 11, 2010

Dep closes regular IE8 off for some reason under Vista, who knows this problem ...

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DEP Closes Internet Explorer 8

Oct 2, 2009

I just installed IE8 today, finally, after a clean boot and everything went great and seemed to run great. I selected a few add ons but only those shown and recommended within the IE8 tour. I do not have Google Tool Bar. Actually, everything seemed to be working fine and then later in the day I downloaded and installed History Killer Pro. I don't know if this could cause a problem or not. It's Vista compatible. It seems I can open IE8 and use it fine for the most part, but for instance, I used the snipping tool to make a screen shot snip and when I open that from my desktop where it was saved as a gif, IE closes every time.

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Windows Mail Closes After Every Send

Aug 16, 2009

Every time I send out a email or reply the Windows mail window closes. Really annoying.

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CD Drive Won't Stay Open - Closes On Its' Own

Aug 3, 2009

Greetings, running Vista Home Premium 64-bit on a Dell system, has 2 optical drives (Blu ray burner, DVD burner). If I open one or both drives, moments later they will close on their own. This only happens when Windows is loaded (that is if I just boot to the BIOS screen and open the drives, they stay open), so Windows must be doing something that's causing the drives to close on their own?Note this is a fresh install of Vista, for various reasons we had to wipe the system and re-install Vista and the Dell drivers from scratch, there's no other updates (including MS Updates) applied - the Vista version is SP1 already though.

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Vista Explorer: Re-opens, And Then Closes

Apr 21, 2008

My Vista Explorer (desktop) experienced a problem and closes after which it re-opens, and then closes again. It carry on indefinitely so I cannot do any thing on my PC. Take note - it is not IE!

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Run Command: Ipconfig It Opens And Closes

Jun 19, 2009

when i type something in the Run command e.g ipconfig it opens and closes immediatly, if i type msconfig it opens perfectly and doesn't close. any1 know why it closes when i type ipconfig?

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Window Opens And Closes On Startup

Aug 2, 2008

Wondering if anyone has come across this. Can't find much info on the web. The following file runs on startup c:program files (x86)common filesportrait displayspluginsAMdtwmihelper.exe Do I need this? How can I get rid of it?

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Control Panel Opens Then Closes

Mar 20, 2008

Does Anyone have any info on this issue, to date I have been searching forums and sites to no avail

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64-bit Closes File Dialog Windows Randomly

Apr 22, 2009

I just bought my dad a brand-new laptop computer with Vista 64-bit Home Premium pre-installed. Almost immediately, we started noticing a rather strange problem with this computer. Seemingly at random, the operating system decides that it doesn't want us to select a file in a file dialog window (if I select Open... within an application and then browse to select a document to open, for example), and so it closes the browse dialog a few seconds after it opens, whether or not a file has been selected, and when it does this, the entire application closes as well. For some reason, this dialog seems to make its application crash. I've never seen anything quite like it before.

Sometimes this browse dialog works without any problem. But once it starts happening during a given login session, it will happen every time that dialog appears. Does anyone out there have any clue why this might be happening? The computer is brand-new and has very little software of any kind installed on it other than the crap that comes pre-installed.

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Windows Mail Closes Down When Receiving An Email

Sep 16, 2009

My problem is that whenever a friend of mine sends me an email, Windows Mail shuts down and I am unable to read the email in time. This has only happened with this one person. Mind you I used to receive her emails with no problem in the past. I don't know why this is happening now. I don't have any problems with anyone elses emails, only this friend.

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Installed Canon IR C2620: Can Print But Closes Programs

Mar 23, 2008

We print to a Canon iR C2620 installed on the network. Prior to VSP1 we had no problems. Now, we can still print but no matter what program we print from... it immediately stops responding and Vista closes the program (IE7, Mail, Office, etc). Tried reinstalling the printer drivers (the latest from canon for vista) with no luck. Have not tried to roll back the SP1 update.

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Cut & Paste: Windows Mail Stops Working And Closes Down

Apr 22, 2009

When I try to paste anything into an email, Windows Mail stops working and closes down. Not sure if I have accidentally adjusted any setting recently. It also happens if I try to do the same when pasting to emails using Hotmail.

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Mouse: Left Click Opens Closes Application Not Working

Sep 22, 2009

no matter what i do at times left click opens closes application with out it stay open its like i clicked to close app. i just uipdated drivers i hope that was it.

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Intel Or AMD: Which Combination Would Be Better?

Feb 1, 2009

I m looking to buy a new desktop as i m now fed up with my compaq laptop. I was wondering which combination would be better? 1: Intel Motherboard and Processor with Nvidia Graphics Card? 2: AMD Motherboard and Processor with ATI Graphics Card?

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Intel Gives Windows 7 The OK.

Oct 2, 2009

Quote: The giant chip manufacturer Intel today announced that 97% of its test community would recommend Windows 7 to their colleagues. These claims were made after a 3 month evaluation with Intel’s employees. Intel have also said they plan to begin Enterprise Deployment of Windows 7 at the beginning of 2010. This would replace Windows XP (Intel like many others didn’t adopt Windows Vista) which is currently on their companies laptops and computers. More - Intel Give's Windows 7 The OK | Windows 7 News

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Intel E8400

Apr 10, 2009

My Intel E8400 is looking very hot now a days. The cooler is stock. See the pic, is this normal or I need a better cooler?

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Intel GMA 950 Overclockers

Dec 31, 2009

i have a gma(graphics media accelerater)950,i got the core clock from 166 mhz to 400,helps by around 10 frame rates per second,i use GMA booster as a tool for overclocking,is there any other freeware out there

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Overclocking An Intel Cpu

Jun 29, 2008

Any instructions for overclocking an Intel Q6600 Quad CPU. Want increase to at least 2.9mhz from 2.4mhz. Or suggestions for a different CPU, Quad preferred

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Intel Over Clocking Guide

Aug 28, 2008

What is overclocking? Firstly, it is currently the mostly widely used word that does not appear in the English dictionary...... Secondly, it is operating hardware (particularly CPU, RAM, motherboard, and video card) above and beyond rated specs. Rated specs are the level to which a particular piece of hardware is expected to, has been tested to, and is warranted to perform. What this equates to in the real world is a certain price tag for a certain level of expected performance.... Overclockers strive to determine not what hardware should do, but what can do.

Overclocking is more of an art than a science. There is no combination of settings that will yield the best results for every system...... Greater experience does make the overclocking process less cumbersome, but it is and always will be a trial and error process..... Don't be afraid to experiment, but always take things slow and be aware of temperature and voltage limits. Overclocking Basics (particular to Intel systems, though many of the concepts apply to AMD systems as well)

1) Limitations - Each hardware component has physical limitations that, at a minimum, meet the rated (stock) specifications..... In the process of thoroughly overclocking a system, the actual limitations of various components will be found. In general, the CPU, RAM, and motherboard will control the overclock, but other components such as the PSU and cooling will have a major impact on overclocking abilities..... Depending on which of the three primary components (CPU, RAM, and mobo) is the first to reach its limits, different steps can be taken to squeeze more out of the other components. Video card overclocking is generally independent of overclocking the components previously listed.

2) Overclocking in the BIOS vs. overclocking software - Whenever the option exists, manipulating BIOS settings is the best way to accomplish overclocking..... BIOSes on value/low end motherboards and on proprietary systems such as Dells and HPs generally have few to no options available for overclocking....... On such systems, there is the potential to overclock through software, though there is not a single piece of software to overclock every board............

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Vaio TZ, SP1 And Intel Video

May 28, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Business on a Vaio VGN-TZ21WN and I loathe the entire experience. The notable changes in SP1 list gives me some hope, however SP2 won't come up in Windows Update. Before I use the standalone install, I have read all the possible reasons why this might happen and it appears the only driver issue left is the Intel video chip: I am stuck with

The update from Intel won't install - asking me to get an update from Vaio. Vaio are not offering anything new yet. Longshot time: Has anyone else here forced an install SP1 in a similar situation? I am keen to at least try and fix this nasty, nasty OS before I am just forced into buying a Macbook instead.

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Intel DG33FB Shutdown

Sep 18, 2008

I built a computer for a friend of mine running Vista Ultimate 32bit OS, with SP1 installed. Everything's been working great, except one annoying issue that I can't get to the bottom of!! When the machine is shutdown from the operating system, it powers all the way down and then it turns right back on...I've checked all of the wake-on settings in the BIOS and Device Manager, checked the powerconfg -devicequery wake_armed from the command line and disabled all of the devices that showed up, clearing all of the entries...I've updated the BIOS and Chipset drivers too. I have the Intel DG33FB Motherboard with Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 Conroe 2.66GHz LGA 775 65W Dual-Core Processor installed.

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CMOS Setup On A Intel Board?

Mar 9, 2010

im trying to set up my CMOS on my motherboard but i cant figure out how to get into it all i can get is bios i wana overclock my CPU

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