Install Vista And Where Enter And User Name

Jun 5, 2008

When you install Vista, you get to a point where you enter and user name, a pc name and set the background etc.. Immediately after it performs a performance profile and it asks you to wait. While you wait some messages display about the new features of Vista... The first line of the first message displayed reads.. "Time is precious" .... yet its asking you to wait while it checks your pc's performance

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Tried To Do A Vista Repair Install - Lost User Settings, Installed Programs Etc.

Sep 26, 2008

yesterday i created a new vista dvd with vLite, because my windows folder was too big. after that i tried to do a "repair/upgrade install", like explained in this tutorial - Repair Install For Vista

as it turned out, it went completly wrong. i reinstalled vista on C: and the old version was moved to the folder Windows.old. obviously not that, what i want to accomplish. so now im online with a new user account - "lost" the user settings from my old user account, the programs are not "installed" anymore.

here is a small comparison of my situation:

- on C: i got now a new fresh windows and the old version in the folder in Windows.old

- Windows.old contains:

-- my old user settings

-- my old programms installed on C: (not a big deal, because i installed almost all programms on E: ---> other problem, see below)

-- the old windows folder himself

- as mentioned above i installed almost all programms on E: - obviously they are still there, but they are not "installed" anymore

so here are my key questions:

1. is there an easy was to transfer my old user settings to the new one?

2. is there an easy was to "install" all the programms on E:, without reinstall all per hand? eg. about registry import or something like that...

i hope it is clear, what my problems are - english is not my native language...

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Is The Vista Ultimate User Account Passwords Located In A Different Place As Compared To Other Versions Of Vista

May 27, 2010

A friend of mine has been locked out of his Dell laptop and cannot find the password for the single account that it has. The laptop has Vista Ultimate installed on it and I am unable to activate the hidden administrator's account to get into Vista. Other investigations using other software shows only 2 accounts, Administrator and Guest but not the actual user single account that shows up onto the login screen. ( I have managed to blank out the Administrator and Guest passwords ) I have a standard Vista Recovery Disk , but I am unable to either repair or re-install Vista from the Dell hidden partition , and the only alternative is to install a unused retail version of Vista Home Premium that my friend has been given awhile ago. I have 2 questions

1) Is the Vista Ultimate user account passwords located in a different place as compared to other versions of Vista?

2) if I install this retail version of Home Premium on the Dell laptop, will I have problems with the propriety hardware that is on the Dell laptop and would I need to find all the Dell drivers for the laptop?

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Install Application As Standard User

Jun 28, 2008

I need to convert my old InstallShield project to work under Vista for Standard User account. But I really don't know how to perform simple tasks like create some keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER or install/delete files to My Documents for user running installer. There is Admin rights UAC prompt at the beginning and all actions now are related to this admin account. But i need user account registry path and user documents path. Not admin's. What can I do? How can I access registry and directories for current user?

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After Repair Install For X64 User Profile Has Changed

May 28, 2008

I installed a game that had the starforce driver as a requirement. Afterward my computer became unbootable as Vista x64 requires all signed drivers and this starforce driver wasn't. So following the advice of both Windows Vista's error message and some documentation online I did a Repair from the Vista DVD.

After the repair the computer booted but now my profile is severly messed up. I already had to reinstall my antivirus, firefox reverted back to a previous version and lost my profile. and now the buttons that link to my profiles folders (i.e. Documents, Pictures, etc...) on the start menu won't work at all............

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VISTA OEM Install: Install Of Vista Instead Of Using The Recovery Disks

Feb 28, 2009

I have hp laptop with Vista Home Premium (OEM) installed. I've made Recovery Disks using the Recover Manager. I wish to have a clean install of Vista instead of using the Recovery Disks. I've read previous threads but I have to say I am only getting more confused.

- Can I perform clean install of my Vista OEM?
- Can I use any copy of Vista OEM cd and use the Product Key sticked behind my laptop?.........

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How To Install The Program For The Standard User But Using The Administrative Privileges Of Administrator

Jan 6, 2010

How to install the program for the standard user but using the administrative privileges of Administrator?

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How To Install Shortcuts, Start Menu Items, Etc For All User Accounts?

Jun 6, 2008

I am setting up a Vista Home Premium laptop for a friend. I created a standard user account for him, but I am using the administrator account myself while installing software and configuring everything. I disabled User Account Control for the admin account, because I was overwhelmed by warnings and prompts when doing all the installs and configs.

When logged in as administrator, I installed various apps including Start menu shortcuts and Quick Launch icons. However, when the standard user logs in, he doesn't see any of those shortcuts. Likewise, I want to place some folders on the desktop that will give him tips on how to use his new laptop and shortcuts to maintenance tasks. But, when I place them on "my" desktop, they are not available to him when he logs in as his standard user.

Is there some method that administrators use when setting up a new Vista system, so they can place Start menu shortcuts, Quick Launch icons, documents on desktop, etc. that will then be available in all user accounts (or even in specified user accounts)? Is there some way to do what I want, or am I asking the wrong questions?

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Safe To Install Windows Updates From Standard User Account?

Nov 25, 2008

is it safe to install Windows Updates logged into the machine as standard user (as opposed to a Computer Administrator)? Up until now I have always logged into the machine as the Computer Admin specifically to install updates - but is this necessary?

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Check The Memory For Errors BEFORE I Load/install Windows Vista Home Premium X64 To Avoid Install Hang-ups

May 25, 2008

I would like to check the memory for errors BEFORE I load/install Windows Vista Home Premium x64 to avoid install hang-ups. Can you make an ISO CD of this program, load it in your CD/DVD drive and check your memory for errors? I recently updated the BIOS on the board (DP35DP) and it does show all of the 4GB of Kingston ValueRam PC800 1.8v (2x2gb) installed. I have good reason to believe that it's from a respectable manufacturer. Just want to make sure the memory is good before I load up the OS.

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Cannot Enter BIOS

Oct 16, 2009

MB Asus P5N-T Deluxe, Just upgraded from Core 2 Duo to Core 2 Quad. Cannot enter BIOS. At boot the message "new CPU fitted to get best results update your BIOS". When pressing DEL it says entering BIOS but doesn't. Tried using the Installation disc but get a blue screen saying windows shut 'cos new H/w or S/W fitted. How can I update the BIOS if it can't be got? Will it mean replacing the CPU - downloading and installing the updated BIOS then refitting the Core 2 Quad?

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Notepad Won't Allow To Enter Text

Sep 28, 2008

I want to use the note pad but it won't let me enter text. It only allows skript writting with the mouse. how can I make entries on a note by typing in the info?

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Cannot Enter Advanced Options On BT

May 3, 2010

I've been using a BT Home Hub for some time. I want to enable UPNP on my router so I can host a server for a game called Blockland. I type bthomehub.home in my address bar and hit enter. Then I click Advanced Options. Then there is a button saying "Continue to Advanced Options..." so I click that button, and then And I don't know my username or password. Some say that both username and password are "admin" but it isn't. So how on earth do I fix this problem?

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Cannot Fully Enter Sleep

Sep 11, 2009

one day last week, my vista x64 machine stopped going into sleep mode. Whenever I select sleep, the screen goes black, but the system never powers off - it just sits there, still running. If i move the mouse, the screen comes back on, almost like it never went into sleep mode at all.

I've got all updated drivers & BIOS for the motherboard (Asus Crosshair II formula) It's really wierd - I can't think of anything I did to cause this. I'm actually kind of getting fed up with vista (this isn't the only "random" problem I've had with vista, and I'll tell you XP, for all its faults, ran perfectly fine)

I'd really like to get this working, as I have a ****tily-paying job and would like to reduce my power bill as much as I can. I know I could just power the entire computer down, but I'm lazy and, well, I guess I expect features that exist to, you know, work.

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Enter Captions Which Visibly Appear ?

Mar 23, 2008

I am using Windows Photo Gallery in Vista Home Premium. I am having difficulty in getting the caption I enter for a particular photo to appear in the image as burned to a DVD using Windows DVD Maker. Using still photo images, is there a way to enter captions which then visibly appear when the photos are burned to a DVD?

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XP Dual Boot (No ENTER, R Or F3 Works)

Aug 30, 2009

I'm running Ultimate 64. I want to install XP on a second hard drive but when I get here, like the keyboard no longer works! No ENTER, R OR F3 works!

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Windows Mail / Enter New Contacts

Mar 23, 2008

On the start page only windows mail shows there is no email sign as appears on the other users start page and I have no way to enter new contacts. Windows mail is set as my default. Sending and receiving mail works ok

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Ultimate X64 Won't Enter Sleep Mode

May 6, 2008

I'm looking for some help here. I'm running Vista Ultimate x64. It no longer enters sleep mode on its own. It used to. I can force it into sleep mode by clicking on the Vista Orb and selecting "Sleep". It won't do it on its own - which is what I want it to.

I've run through the Control Panel/Power Mgt troubleshooter on these forums. All my settings seemed to be correct. Using the CMD prompt and powercfg -devicequery wake_armed yields one device: my logitech g15 keyboard. (Using powercfg -a shows that the only sleep state available is S3. That is correct for my motherboard, an Abit IP 35 pro.)

If forced into sleep, the keyboard will wake it up.

The problem, again, centers on the automatic sleep entrance. Currently set for 1 hour of idle.

It seems to me that the machine never thinks it's idle. Is that where I should start? Finding processes which are running in the background?

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How To Use Touchpad To Enter Chinese Characters?

May 11, 2008

I am using vista home premium on a laptop with a touchpad. I am trying to find a way to use the touchpad to enter chinese characters. how to set this up. I have essentially zero knowledge in all this - how to use the keyboard to enter chinese

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Keyboard Performance: Does Not Enter All The Keys

Jul 7, 2008

I type about 40 words per minute, but when typing on my home computer it does not enter all the keys that I hit. It is no particular key but more like there is a micro-second stall in the computer somehow that prevent the keyboard stroke from being recognized. I notice it most while using internet explorer probably because that is what I use most, but have had it happen while using other programs. After typing a page or so, I look to the screen to find a dozen or so misspelled words due to this problem. I have Windows Vista as the operating system.

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Dia Box Popping Up: Enter Network Password

Mar 10, 2010

I keep getting this dia box popping up every few seconds. How do I fix it?

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Prevent Vista From Logging User Out?

Jul 9, 2008

I cannot work out how to prevent Vista from logging the user out after a period on no activity. I have set power control to Never and screen saver to none. It's the logout that is still happening, not screen saver or power down. I am remote-controlling a Vista Home Basic 32 machine from an XP sp2 machine (Home: no Remote Admin). I am using LogMeIn to do this. Vista machine does not seem to recognise my activities, so that every few minutes it logs me out. This also disconnects the remote connection (and actually disconnected _my_ VOIP phone connection at the same time in a couple of instances! It did not just hang me up. I lost the dial tone and had to cycle my router). Also when the remote Vista user logs back in (I can't do it because I am now disconnected) their network and internet connection has to reconnect all over again.

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Xp Switch User Account Vista

Mar 3, 2009

When using XP I could switch identities checking messages for myself and husband. Now we have separate user accounts in Vista but how do we switch between them?

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Closing The Lid Does Not Enter Hibernate Or Sleep Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I've bought Dell XPS M 1530 recently. Earlier with bios version A_05 my notebook didnot detect wireless network if it became available while the computer was already On. The computer had to be waking up or restarting in the presence of network and then only it registered it. The Dell technician downloaded the latest bios (version A_07) and the wireless network problem got corrected. But the new problem thats comeup now is that closing the lid doesnt put the computer to sleep. I checked in the power options, thats correctly configured. Even changed it to hibernate when i close lid. That doesnt work either. One more thing i must add - that it's not like my computer doesnt get to know at all that the lid is closed. When i open the lid, everything is ON but the mouse arrow behaves 'drunk' for a while before becoming normal.

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Failing To Enter And Stay In Standby Mode

May 15, 2009

my computer has been failing to enter and stay in standby mode. I had set the power button to initiate hibernate, sleep button to initiate sleep and close the lid to turn the computer off. All was working fine and settings are all as they should be, to my knowlege nothing has been changed but when I press the power button or try to enter hibernate through the start menu, the computer enters hibernate and then instantly starts back up. I am able to turn the competer off completely but no luck with hibernate. System restore is failing to work also so I am not able to set the system back to an earlier state.

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VISTA & LINUX: Invalid User Or Password

May 6, 2008

I have a little problem trying to log on to my linux server on my windows 2003 network, using a Vista Basic PC. The others PC using XP Pro and XP home are able to open the linux server and log on succesfully. When I click twice on the icon thw usual window asking the user and password. Allways receive the same message,,, invalid user or password.

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User Account In Vista 32 Bit Dell XPS 1530

Nov 11, 2009

I have Dell XPS 1530 with Windows Vista 32 bit Home premium. Recently Dell Japan replaced its hard drive and during windows installation they named User account other than what I had asked. When I asked them how to change it because I do not like that. I am told only Re-installation of windows can solve that.(that is very lengthy process) But after visiting your forum I come to understand that it is possible to create new account and delete other User Account - Create After reading that I contacted Dell Japan and they took 45 minutes and created new user account but when I use newly created account some of desktop icon disappear and they told me that I have to re-install those software whose Icon I can not see and also have to re-write information in windows e-mail account. How to delete my First(wrongly created by Dell) user account and retain new user account? Is there any way I do not install all other software once again which I had been using from first created user account? if not then what to do?

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Don't Change User Cp Installed Vista Updated

Dec 15, 2008

They were there just there a couple of days ago, each forum have a very unique, vista like icon and, all of a sudden...I don't think I have changed anything on my USer CP, nor have I installed anything new on my pc (Vista updates today) and yet... they are gone. Not really a big deal but is just a bother to be loosing some things with my Vista x64 OS. I feel like the computer is either hunted or I have been hit with a virus/spyware/malaware but I did a whole check-up and the pc is clean.

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Upgraded Vista: Can Not Find User Music Files

Mar 26, 2008

have just upgraded to vista home premium from xp.found my music files but can not find any other user music files,has update deleted or have they been moved

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How To Change The User Name On A Vista Operated Computer Without Completely Reinstalling

Mar 5, 2009

how to change the user name on a Vista operated computer without completely reinstalling the operating system software and all the applications that already installed? I need to put her name in as the user and remove mines.

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Vista Work Winxp Copy Folder All User Not Working

Oct 6, 2009

I am new to Vista and in my work I write small programs In WinXP when I wish to copy a folder to all users I would use. For the Desktop screens: COPY C:FOLDERNAME C:Documents And SettingsALL USERSDESKTOPFOLDERNAME where FOLDERNAME is the folder containing icons and stuff. For Start Menu COPY C:FOLDERNAME C:Documents And SettingsALL USERSSTARTM~1PROGRAMSFOLDERNAME

Now I wish to do the same to Vista and Windows desktop. I need to copy to "ALL USERS" as when installing I would not know the name of the users , so it is best to send to ALL USERS in that computer. Hope someone here can assist let me know the exact instructions required to do the same for Vista or Windows 7?

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