Folder Sharing Not Working

Aug 1, 2009

I have both a vista 64 Laptop & Desktop computer. All I want to do is share my music from my desktop with my Laptop. I have enabled the necessary sharing rights for the computers and I can access eachother's "Public" folders without a problem. However, using my laptop, I am trying to access the default "Music" folder located on my desktop computer. When I select the music folder on my desktop and click share, it asks "Choose people to share with"...I then click the down arrow next to the "Add" button to choose the laptop computer name but...I don't see the name of my laptop computer to choose. What am I missing?

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Win 7 Provides No Sharing Folder

May 7, 2010

I realize this is a Vista group, but I can't seem to locate any MS Win7 group with my NG reader (TB). On my Win7 machine (Win7 Home Premium)I have marked several folders as being shared, and they remain shared at all times, but there is absolutely NO indication of the folder being shared when viewed in Explorer on that computer. In previous versions of the OS there has been the 'palm-up hand" and the little 'whatever it is' in Vista but nothing in Win7. Is it something I have to turn on somewhere, or is it just that Win7 provides no visual indication of sharing on a folder?

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Public Folder File Sharing

Apr 13, 2009

Two machines on my network, Mine is Vista 64 and my wifes is Vista 32.
My wife machine has Network descovery on File sharing on (does NOT say a password is required) Public folder sharing on (anyone with network access can open, change
and create).

The public folder share property confirms "everyone" has access write delete access.and If I ask her machine to show me all shared folders - it shows the "public" one.

When look in network places on my machine - I see hers, but when I tray and access I am prompted for password. If I give her machines Admin password (it used to be my machine) I get in to see and access the public folder.

Why is the public folder on her machine not accessible without a password?

Sorry for such a noob question - but it does not seem sensible behaviour.

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Un-share Folders: You Could Not Stop Sharing The Selected Folder

May 25, 2008

I have two user accounts, one is an administrator. I don't want the standard account to be able to view the data in my account. I tried to "un-share folders but I keep getting this error message 'You could not stop sharing the selected folder.' Further info says that this folder is in a shared folder, huh? It shouldn't be.

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Folder Sharing Vista Receive Unspecified Error Box

Jul 28, 2008

I'm using Home Premium x64. I can see my XP machines on my home network and access their public folders; however, they can see my Vista machine but not the public folders (the window is blank). When I try to turn on Public Folder Sharing in Vista I receive an "Unspecified error" box. Network Discovery and File Sharing are ON.

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Network & Sharing Won't Working

May 8, 2008

I've searched online and know this problem exists for others, but couldn't find a solution. When I click on network and sharing it either doesn't open, or opens with a blank window then freezes. Anyone have a solution? If it matters, my eventual goal is to enable file sharing so that I can begin the process of transferring my files to a mac. So if there is an alternate way to enable this, plz let me know.

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Printer Sharing Not Working Anymore

Mar 23, 2008

I am having a prob getting my printer to work on the remote laptop of a 2 station home net. Printer is HP 8050 Photosmart,I have a HP 6230n desktop with a lynksys wireless router installed on the desktop,running Vista Home Prem.The laptop(remote comp has Vista Home basic.On both mach I have done the foll-In net and sharing center turned on-Net discovery,file sharing,Public folder sharing and on the desktop turned on printer sharing.On the laptop I cant install the pri nter When I do try to install printer I am getting a print spooler error-print spooler in services shows that it is running(on the desktop have restarted both machines and the printer to no avail.This did work last week but had a hard drive failure and HP sent me a new one to install.Thus I am trying to reconfigure the whole desktop again.The network name is the same on both comp-in view computer and devices both mach show with the router.

I can print from the desktop and have downloaded the proper drivers to the PC.

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Network & Sharing Center Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have a laptop with Vista Home Premium & built in wired and wireless networking. The wireless is detected and seems to work fine, but when I go to Control Panel>Network & Sharing, the screen opens, but none of the links are ever clickable. and the screen will not respond to the minimize (-) or close (X) buttons. I am logged in to an account with admin rights, and never get a prompt asking for elevation when the network & sharing screen opens.

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Printer Sharing Stop Working

Mar 31, 2009

Printer sharing stopped working. "Server" machine with the printer is Vista. It uses printer fine. Router is Linksys WRT150n. 2 laptops, and second PC all with XP. second pc is connected to router by cable, not wireless."Server Machine" sees all machines on the Network page. Workgroup name matches on all 4 machines. The 3 XP machines cannot find the printer. When I run "add a printer" all I get is "Micrsosoft Windows Network" on the browse for printer page. I used to be able to see all the pc's and the printer attached to them. No new firewalls on any machines, I have disabled network discovery and printer sharing, and then reenabled. I have created a new workgroup name in hopes of fixing problem. I have run the network wizards.

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WMP11 Network Sharing Service Has Stopped Working

Aug 30, 2008

I can not longer share files ie video, music, pics, with any other pc in my house including my ps3. This just started 2 days ago. Everytime I started WMP11 I get the file sharing box telling me to check my sharing settings; I check them and and everything seems fine. I also have turned off both of my firewalls from Live Onecare and windows firewall. I currently am running Vista Ultimate 32bit with intel Q6600(quad core 2.40) 2gb ram, geforce 8600gts 512mb. I also recently cleaned up my desktop and don't know if I got rid of something I shouldn't have. WMP11 works fine. I also get this every 3 minutes or so popping up. Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service has stopped working

--> check online for a solution (recommended)
--> Close

view problem details............

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Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Stopped Working And Was Closed

Mar 29, 2007

I also have a network sharing service problem - Vista displays, occasion (and I havent worked out WHAT occasions yet): "windows media player network sharing service stopped working and was closed" - followed by some bulls£$t about windows informing me of a solution when it becomes available. This pop up appears relentlessly - about once every 30 seconds, and i can see the system performance hitting 100% CPU for 5 seconds or so each time it does.

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File Sharing Is 'on', Password Protected Sharing Is 'off'

Mar 23, 2008

Network of two computers, a desktop running vista home premium and a laptop running vista basic. I am the only user on each of the computers, my user account name is the same on both computers and I don't need a password to log on. File sharing is 'on', password protected sharing is 'off', and I have shared the 'documents' folder on both machines

When I view my network I see both computers "PAUL-PC" and PAUL-LAPTOP", when I select the one I'm not working on I see "Users", "Documents" and "Printers". When I select "Documents" I see "\PAUL-LAPTOPDocuments is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource....... etc."

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Set The Default Working Folder

Sep 17, 2009

I now have Vista and I can't seem to find how to set the default working folder when I open my computer/my drive

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Folder Shortcut Key Not Working Properly

Jun 30, 2008

I assigned a shortcut key to a shortcut, but it always stop working after I restart the computer. I have to keep changing the key in order for it to work again.

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New Folder Button In Explorer Not Working

Aug 24, 2008

The "New Folder" In Explorer Under the Organize menu or on the toolbar doesn't work, I can right click and create a folder but the buttons don't do anything. Has anyone had this problem? I have also tried the folder fixes on this forum with no luck.

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Folder Videos Stopped Working

Mar 5, 2010

i found some software which can sort your videos and rename them properly according to imdb blah blah blah not important, and there's a feature that will sort the files into their own folders. i.e make a new folder named after the file and move the file in to it. but it stopped working, and i've got it into my head that it's to do with permissions. i dont have modify rights of the folder that the videos are stored in and when i try to change it to let me modify it says access denied. but some of the folders inside that folder have modify allowed and others don't. this is on an external drive, but i can sort the files into folders when the files are on my laptop.

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IE Not Working, Folder & Checking Permisions

Aug 16, 2008

I have had this problem for ages and cannot find a solution for it. I have tried moving folder & checking permisions!

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: When Access "Network And Sharing Center" /"User Accounts"

Oct 17, 2008

The control panel opens fine. I can access all items in the control panel except "Network and sharing center" and the "User accounts" (I can't access this sections via the taskbar either). What happens when I open one of the two items is I get a popup saying the following; WINDOWS EXPLORER HAS STOPPED WORKING. I used to be able to access these items. And one day, I just coulodn't anymore... I'm using Vista Ultimate x64

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: After Close A Folder

Mar 31, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium edition. Earlier today, a new problem started to occur. Each time I close a folder, I get a message telling me that Windows Explorer has stopped working. It then restarts and things appear fine. I can do everything as normal on the computer, but if I try to close a folder again, same error message.

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Vista Work Winxp Copy Folder All User Not Working

Oct 6, 2009

I am new to Vista and in my work I write small programs In WinXP when I wish to copy a folder to all users I would use. For the Desktop screens: COPY C:FOLDERNAME C:Documents And SettingsALL USERSDESKTOPFOLDERNAME where FOLDERNAME is the folder containing icons and stuff. For Start Menu COPY C:FOLDERNAME C:Documents And SettingsALL USERSSTARTM~1PROGRAMSFOLDERNAME

Now I wish to do the same to Vista and Windows desktop. I need to copy to "ALL USERS" as when installing I would not know the name of the users , so it is best to send to ALL USERS in that computer. Hope someone here can assist let me know the exact instructions required to do the same for Vista or Windows 7?

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Sent Mail Folder Windows Mail Quits Working

Mar 23, 2008

I like to go back from time to time and see when I sent an email When I click on sent mail folder, windows mail goes off. Cannot look at sent mail, it quits working and reloads whats up?

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"Sent" Folder Not Working

Jun 18, 2009

Suddenly any emails I send are no longer registered in the "sent" folder.
This began 6/15.

I'd just like to be able to see that my messages have been sent.
Hopeful for a solution.

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Folder Views: Set Up The Folder Options To Display The Number Of Subfolders Or Items When Its Selected

Jun 2, 2008

how to set up the folder options to display the number of subfolders or items when its selected. It used to display in the bottom of the folder window but got disabled. Any folder clicked on would display in a small footer the number of items stored in in and size.

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Copy Folder From Memory Stick To External HD

Feb 6, 2009

When trying to copy a folder from a memory stick to my external HD it says Destination folder access denied. You need permission to perform this action. No doubt its something similar to my last post, but I can't seem to get around it. Any info would be great. TIA BTW I have 2 memory sticks and only one came up with this.

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Rename Folder'S Name Message Displays THE FILE OR FOLDER DOESNT EXIST

May 21, 2008

i am trying to rename folder'S name message displays THE FILE OR FOLDER DOESNT EXIST.i tryed to run downloaded registry fixer to fix this problem,but its opens in notped with lots of simbols.i have windows vista 32 bit.i think it occured after installed updates

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Icons/Files From User Folder Showing Up In Computer Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I have several icons/files from my "User" folder showing up in the "Computer" folder (several in duplicate), PLUS numerous blank icons. This seems to have occurred after the Common Files folder became corrupted, after I somewhat riskily decided to power off while Vista was attempting to come out of Sleep mode - it had already taken about 3 mins and I was in a hurry - bad move, I know. That delay appears to have been due to an old version of Online Armor, and has now been fixed (by an update). Chkdsk scanned and (apparently) corrected some errors, and I also ran SFC which said it had corrected some errors but had also found some that it couldn't correct.

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Program Files Folder Switched To Pictures Folder Type...

Apr 15, 2008

I don't know how this happened, but I didn't do it myself. For some reason,my Program Files directory has been changed to the Photos directory type, so it changed from the details like file type, size, etc., to rating, photo size, etc.I cannot figure out how to change the directory back to a General file folder type. The toolbar shows things like Slide Show, etc.The sub-directories are all fine and appear as a General type. I'm running Vista Ultimate 32-bit, without SP1.How do I change the folder type back to General?I can't figure out how with this single folder.

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Destination Folder Access Denied On Folder/file Rename

Nov 10, 2008

On external hard drives. is there a way to take control on the whole drive? (TONS of folders on 2 different drives that i'd like to rename, etc here and there.

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Folder Odd Behaviour; Junction / Hardlink, Rename Folder?

Jul 22, 2009

I have C & D drives, I use D for mundane filesdownloads and portable apps. However, I have a few folders that's are different from any I've seen. I don't know how to explain it other than using a detailed example.

I have D:Folder1
I can rename Folder1 to whatever I want.
E.g it will appear as D:NewFolder
However the dir location of it still points to D:Folder1

I have also scanned the registry for D:Folder1 and D:NewFolder there are no references of it. I've reformatted the C: drive multiple times and reinstalled windows. So I know it's nothing to this specific windows installation (the folders have been like this for about a year) It's not really a problem, I love it because I can rename the folder without messing up links etc. At first I thought it might be a junction, however in cmd it still shows as <Dir> not <Junction> I also checked for hidden folders on the drive. I found nothing.

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Public Folder Appears Automatically In Private Folder

Jun 17, 2008

When I put e.g. documents in my publick folder, do they appear automatically in the private folder too? Do I really need 2 folders to see all my docs in vista?

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Folder Could Not Be Opened Windows Mail Could Not Open This Folder

Dec 28, 2009

I haven't used Windows mail (only used to read news groups) in some time, when I went to use it this morning I received this error message; Folder could not be opened Windows mail could not open this folder. The possible causes are not the problem. I have 2 gig memory and it was working fine when I only had 1 gig of memory. Disk space, I have over 90 gig of free space.

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