"Flicker": Monitor Setting Screen

Apr 10, 2008

Got this dang computer (HP) with Vista Home. It drives me nuts. When I am typing it suddenly does something (maybe called a flicker) and the curser ends up somewhere else on the page.... (and the letters get typed out of place). I have my monitor set for 1024 X 768, I tried to raise the Monitor setting screen refresh rate, but it is set at 60 Hertz and there is no other option for it. If I increase the pixels there is still only 60 Hertz setting option. What is this problem and how can I get it fixed. Getting tired of screwed up text.

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Single Monitor Stuck In Dual Monitor Setting

Mar 13, 2010

i have only one monitor, and somehow it is being treat as though its the secondary monitor in a dual monitor set up. i cannot view my start menu, or view any programs being opened, as when i try to open them, they presumeably open on the phantom primary monitor. even when i try to open display settings, i cannot see the box. i am able to move my mouse to the left border of the screen and move it off into oblivion, and occasionally drag random folders and short cuts over to view.

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Screen Doesn't Flicker But Scoll The Page

Dec 4, 2008

I have just installed Home Premium 32bit. All the updates are done. i installed it on a older gateway pc with a amd 3800x2 cpu and 1g of memory. I have a onboard nivida geforce 6100 video. i have downloaded a driver from nivida but no help. the screen doesn't flicker while typing fix but if i scoll the page it will.

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Stop User Account Control (UAC) Screen Flicker / Flash

Feb 19, 2007

Every time I get one of those UAC prompts asking me to authorize an administrative action my LCD screen flashes when the box pops up. This is caused by the switch to the secure desktop, similar to what happens when you hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE. The only difference is that the background is a snapshot of your desktop that gives it the effect that it is just a pop up window. Although if you look carefully you will notice it is static since the clock does not change and anything else that was animated is now static. The secure desktop provides an extra level of security to UAC by making it immune to any application that may try to automate the click on the allow button bypassing the purpose of UAC.

This sounds like a great thing but it is really annoying to me. I hate that screen flicker. Rather than disable UAC, there is a better alternative.  Instead, I can just disable the secure desktop switch that causes the flicker. I know this is not as secure but it is better than disabling UAC completely. 

Follow the steps below to disable UAC secure desktop: ...

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Click On The Shortcut From The Desktop It Will Flicker A Black Screen And Just Return To Desktop

Apr 3, 2009

I can't get it to work. I tried running as administrator and no luck. I have a Asus G2 series gaming laptop-OS Vista Home premium 32 bit. The game installed great, but as soon as I click on the shortcut from the desktop it will flicker a black screen and just return me to my desktop. I tried putting my computer in a 800x600 resolustion and still didn't start it.

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Dual Monitor Setting

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to set up my dual monitor settings.Here is a link to my current desktop, not embedded because it is rather large. According to the settings, I have the my left monitor as my primary monitor, and my right monitor is my secondary monitor. What is bugging me is that my start menu is on the secondary monitor when I would like it on the primary. If I swap my primary and secondary monitors, my icons move to the right monitor, but regardless of primary/ secondary my start menu remains on the right. How do I move it to the left?

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Second Monitor Setting Doen't Work

Mar 30, 2009

Vista 32 & Nvidia Is there anyway to set "Horizontal Span" across two monitors? Burnout Paradise has the option to run 1,2 or 3 monitors but requires the Horizontal Span feature. The Extending the desktop to a second monitor setting does not work. Basically I need something that will allow me to set a 3300x1050 desktop resolution across both monitors. I've tried creating a custom resolution in the Nvidia control panel but that didn't work. For those that will suggest Ultramon there isn't a Horizontal span feature that I could find anyways. Browsing Google for an hour or so just came up with others looking for an answer as well. Just thought I'd come to where the smart people are and ask.

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Can't Extended 2 Monitor Because Not Exist Display Setting

Jul 20, 2008

I have Acer aspire 5310 basic vista with broken screen and I can't extended to the 2 monitor because is not exist in display setting. I can boot to the CRT screen when vista is loading but after Windows can't set the logo and the screen is black.But there is no problem with safe mode I can work with vista.I try to change in advanced setting but there is only one screen. I update VGA intel 945GMdriver..but nothing change.also can't change properties Monitor in advanced setting.

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Monitor Speakers Not Vouleme Setting On Vista

Oct 29, 2008

I recently started to use the monitor speakers - previously had the monitor volume turned right down. There is an annoying medium-high pitched hum thru. the speakers. The volume of the hum varies with the volume on the monitor, not the volume settings on Vista. Detaching the 3.5mm sound lead ( DVI lead attached )reduces the hum considerably. Detaching the DVI lead (sound lead attached ) removes the hum. Using VGA lead makes no difference. Have tried different sound drivers, different video drivers, reinstalled the o/s - makes no difference.

As the hum seems to be travelling down the DVI/VGA lead, tried a different graphics card ( with passive heatsink - no fan ) - makes no difference. Took the side off the pc and can just discern the same hum if I get my ear in the right place - from inside the pc. Detached the rear fan - no difference. Detached the mobo fan - no difference. The only thing left is the psu - could the fan noise/vibration be traveling via the graphics card to the monitor ?

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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Monitor Black Screen

Dec 18, 2008

I have a EnVision G218a1 22" widescreen, only had it a year, all of a sudden the screen went black so i rebooted, the system info screen showed up but only for 2 seconds then went black, the system continued to load but black screen. I hooked up another monitor and everything works fine, the EnVision G218a1 is under warranty, should i return it or is there a solution for this?

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Monitor/Screen Black-outs

Aug 25, 2008

I have finally found out why my monitor/Screen kept blacking-out during use, it was a simple mistake that could be made by any-one and I would like to share this small problem with those that have had the samw problem. The problem was I wasn't down-loading updates of Windows Vista regularly and this was causing the black-outs. If any one else has been in this position you may keep quite and allow other not so smart people, like myself suffer frustration and anxiety to the fullest. I would like to hear from any one else that has been in this situation.

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X64 And 24 HD Monitor: Can Only Get Full Screen With 1280x720

Apr 2, 2009

I’m running Vista x64 with a 24” wide screen HD monitor with 1920x1200 native resolution. (Check my System Specs for all my hardware.) However, I can only get full screen with 1280x720. Any higher and my screen shifts to the left and I lose about 1/3 to ½ of my available viewing area. Anything on the left side of my task bar is gone, including the Windows (start) button. If I go to my native 1920x1200 res the text is so small it’s virtually unreadable (along, again, with losing a third of my viewing area). What’s the purpose of having this monitor if I can’t get it to display the full screen with readable text? I’m guessing I must be doing something wrong.

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Using External Monitor, Screen Pops

Dec 14, 2008

Ever since I switched to Windows Vista Enterprise Edition 32 Bit I have been having some problems with my dual-monitor set up. My computer is a Fujitsu Tablet PC and is about 2 years old, and my external monitor is a Samsung SyncMaster941BW. For some reason once I go and use the intel display options and set up the extended desktop everything appears to be fine. However when the Windows Vista security screen pops up asking for you permission for a specified action it gets rid of my extended desktop and just kicks everything back to only my laptops display. This also happens when restarting the computer and doing "Ctrl + alt + delete" to open the task manager. It is extremely frustrating and I was wondering if anyone else had this problem? I am not sure if it is just a problem with vista or if I need a new driver since updating from xp, even though my computer says it is the latest driver for the monitor.

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Can Configure Screen As External Monitor?

May 25, 2008

I have a Vista laptop and a new Vista desktop (replacement for a dinosaur). I am going to continue to reuse my current desktop monitor. Question: Can I configure my Vista laptop screen to act as a monitor for the new desktop (just to set it up)?

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Screen Saver Prevents Monitor From Turning Off

Mar 23, 2008

I recently got a new computer running Windows Vista and everything is working great except the monitor won't turn off automatically like it should. My Screen Saver starts fine after 3 minutes of inactivity - I'm using the built-in My Pictures Slideshow that shows personal pictures & video clips. But the monitor never turns off even though I have it configured to auto-power off after 30 minutes of inactivity - it just stays
on all day running my screen saver. If I change the screen saver to a different one the monitor turns off after 30 minutes like it should. The problem seems limited to the My Pictures Slideshow screen saver. This is troubling because this same configuration worked fine with Windows XP (the only difference was that XP's My Pictures Slideshow did not include videos - it only showed pictures). Is this just a bug in Vista or is there something I can do to resolve the problem?

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Game Overlay With Steam. Desktop Flicker

Apr 18, 2010

Steam Game UI Error video by dyrnwyn_images - Photobucket. This video shows a problem I've been having...along with the occasional minimizing of games launched or owned by Steam. It does not happen with non steam games. And after minimizing, the overlay flicker goes away. I would really like to know wtf is going on here. Latest drivers...vista 64, no viruses, SLI 285 GTX.

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Screen Saver -pictures Setting

Apr 27, 2008

My computer came pre-installed with Vista Home Premium and for some time I was able to run a slideshow of pictures as my screensaver. After a while however this feature stopped working. Then after a double virus/spyware attack I decided to make a fresh installation of Vista. However, the slideshow feature still will not work. Has anyone got any ideas how to get it to work?

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Cs Source, Monitor Freezes And Crashes To Blue Screen

Dec 26, 2008

whenever i enter a game in Cs : Source it lets me stay in for about 1 min then my monitor freezes and crashes to blue screen (error nvlddmkm.sys) or comp stays frozen.. i have to restart the hard way.

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Changed Monitor Refreshment Rate From 60 To 85 Error Screen

Dec 30, 2009

I changed my monitor refreshment rate from 60 to 85.. now all i get is an error screen and I have no idea what to do. i was told to reset the whole cpu, but i have so many datas that i can't lose.

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Unable Monitor Screen Using Windows Movie Maker

Apr 2, 2009

5zsJHA.248@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl> This problem has only occurred using Windows Movie Maker version 6.6. I have posted a query on that group, also. The bottom of the screen normally contains the"go"or"do it" button when "publishing" a movie. On my Samsung wide screen monitor that button is BELOW the bottom of my screen. I've tried different screen resolutions. how to make the screen smaller height wise? I have tried to adjust the vertical position of my monitor, but that adjustment only moves the screen a small amount. I am at the max resolution of 1068 x 1050. Other resolution choices seem to drive the bottom of the screen even further down.

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Star Computer Without An External Monitor, The Screen Just Blurrs Completely

Apr 6, 2010

I have a Dell XPS M1710 notebook and just yesterday it started throwing bad fits at me. First of all, if I start my computer without an external monitor, the screen just blurrs completely and I have to shut it down. With the monitor, nothing happens, but I dont think its a laptop any more if it does this thing. That partially fixed, I too have the SVCHOST problem. I used the svchost analyzer and Security Task Manager, but all they show me is that I have around 7 Svchost processes and they only use 10-15% of CPU. Its very peculiar because I NEVER had this before and I have my laptop for around 3 years. Checked all instances, every svchost is in the Windows System folder, so I ruled out a svchost virus. However, even when I shut down almost everything else, still 90-100% CPU. I just cant understand it.

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1920x1200 Screen Resolution Under Display Setting

Jan 26, 2009

System Specs:
Dell XPS M1710 -

80gb HDD
Intel Core Duo T2600 (2.16 GHz)
2 gb RAM
NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 GTX 512 MB graphics card
WUXGA Truelife Glossy screen

I recently reformatted my harddrive with gparted. Created a primary partition (nfts) and installed vista home premium 32 bit on it. On the remaining unallocated space I installed Ubuntu 8.10. Before I did this my display in vista was beautiful, 1920x1200 resolution. Ever since I reinstalled vista and reinstalled my nvidia driver it lists the current resolution as 1920x1200, but I can definitely tell that it is not the same resolution as before. I'm very frustrated because my monitor/graphics card is definitely not running at 1920x1200 resolution, but it says that it is under my display settings.

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2 Screen Set Up: Connect My Pc To My Tv Using Hdmi And Also Keep My Desktop Monitor Using Vga But Be Able To View Both Screens Identically

Mar 14, 2009

i want to connect my pc to my tv using hdmi and also keep my desktop monitor using vga but be able to view both screens identically. my mobo is a gigabyte ga-73pvm-s2h and im using the onboard nvidia geforce7100 /nforce 630i graphics. at the moment the only way i can connect tv and monitor is by using the nvidia control panel but i cant set diferent resolutions for each screen and run them both identically so whichever screen i set as the main is fine but when i look at the second screen res is wrong.. is there a way to have both screens running simutaneously with different resolutions(my monitor is 15" and tv 32")or a setting in windows to allow this rather than having to change the main screen all the time?

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Setting Process Priority So It Runs When Screen Is Locked

Apr 13, 2009

I run some CPU intensive processes (video encoding using X264) in a command shell. Since I don't want it to affect my normal foreground applications, I set it to IDLE/BELOW_NORMAL priority using Process Explorer. However, when I lock my screen (manually or automatically after some idle time), the encoding virtually stops. When I unlock my screen, I can see from recent history that CPU was idle instead of being utilized to run the encoding process. What can I do to ensure that my background encoding process continues to run even when I am away from the computer (the screen is locked), but at the same time not affect any foreground applications if I happen to be using the computer?

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Vista Boots From The Cd It Goes To A Windows Is Setting Up Files,then Goes To A Black Screen Where There Is A Lilttle Green Bar Moving

Jul 4, 2008

Once vista boots from the cd it goes to a windows is setting up files,then goes to a black screen where there is a lilttle green bar moving. Now right after that it goes to a blueish screen where there is just the mouse cursor on the screen and just stays there? This is on all new hardware. Also this is a sata hard drive,

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Added A Second Monitor To The GeForce 7100 GS Using A DVI-VGA Adapter And For The Life Of Me Cannot Get It To Display Anything, The Monitor Is Just In Sleep Mode

Apr 23, 2010

I added a second monitor to the GeForce 7100 GS using a DVI-VGA adapter and for the life of me cannot get it to display anything, the monitor is just in sleep mode. I've got the latest driver, Windows is up to date, checked the cables, tried another adapter, tried everything but, still nothing. The second monitor shows up in the device manager and in the Nvidia control panel. It's enabled and set to extend desktops. It seems the system knows it's there because I can move the mouse over, but cannot see anything. The power light on the second monitor just flashes. I've swapped monitors over, to make sure there's not a problem with the display and it's fine. When I do that, the main monitor is then plugged in to the DVI adapter and then that one goes to sleep. Just seems whichever monitor is plugged in to the DVI-VGA adapter just doesn't want to work........

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Multi-monitor Side Bar Won't Go Back Monitor

Jan 30, 2009

Right now I am running a vista machine with 2 monitors one widescreen and my old one. I keep all my sidebar gadgets to the other monitor so I can monitor temps and system diagnostics. Today, my sidebar is on my main monitor and no mater what I do it won't go back to monitor-2, no mater what the setting is in the sidebar properties. What is going on here?

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Chaning Setting Control Pannel, Power Setting : Registry Resets Not

Jun 22, 2008

It has happened occasionally, but with no predictability that I can see. I change settings in control pannel / power settings / balanced to 10 min for monitor and never for computer. I check the "advanced settings" to assure that they are the same. I use balanced because that seems to be the default in the registry. I do not see the actual settings in the registry. Every so often Vista resets the settings back to 20 min for the monitor. I have looked at but it speaks of "System Settings page" - I don't know what that is. In any case, my settings have no effect and I can't get the monitor to dependably go to standby after 10 minutes.

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Vista Startup: After Two Minutes I Get The Welcome Screen. Then The Monitor Goes Black For A Full Two Minutes Before Continuing The Startup Process

Mar 23, 2008

I have just puchased my first Windows Vista computer - an HP laptop. I have purchased at leat five laptops since 2000 so I am familiar with setup and
comfortable with installations etc. I have three questions here.

1. My last computer had Windows XP and an 80 gb hard drive with 70 gb full - After copying the data only (55 GB) to my new 250 gb hard drive I have only 107 GB remaining of the 222 GB C drive partition. I have not yet added many programs. That tells me that Vista must be using 50-60 GB or more of the drive. Can that be correct?

2. My new computer takes 5-6 minutes to start up. After two minutes I get the welcome screen. Then the monitor goes black for a full two minutes before continuing the startup process. Is this normal for Vista?

3. Occasionally the monitor goes dark for a few seconds and a window pops up saying the display driver has failed but is back. Is this normal?

I certainly gained no speed with this new computer. There are many things I like about Vista. Since I have no previous experience with owning it I am trying to sort out if this computer is a lemon that should be returned or if I should just put up with the downside.

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Jun 5, 2008

I know this isn't a Graphics Card related thing, but it is the closest I can get.

At the moment I have a Hyundai ImageQuest Q17, and I think it's way to small, that's why I will be doing a student job in the Summer Vacation, what screen do you guys recommend? Here are a few things it should have.

- Good brand, a brand you can trust.
- Widescreen
- 19' or up
- NO reflecting screen
- Compatible with Vista

What do you guys recommend?

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