DDR3 4gb Sticks Out There? (Desktop)

Mar 27, 2009

Has anyone seen any decent 4gb DDR3 modules out yet?

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Ddr3 Memory

Sep 15, 2009

is it best to run ddr3 dual or tri or does it not make any diffrence

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Ddr3 Going To Lower In Price?

Apr 12, 2008

right now ddr3 is a lil bit better than ddr2 but its so much higher in prices.

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Usb Sticks And No Working

Feb 3, 2009

Everything is perfect except a terrible problem with my usb2 sticks. I cant copy large files ( > 500 MB) to any of them. All the sticks are formatted to FAT32 and working perfectly to other machines with xp installed. Never had any problem with them. Vista starts copying the file to the usb. After a while (40 - 50%) it stops for a minute or two and then an error displays saying something like file c:documents ....filename no longer exists. The led on my usb stick continues to blink like crazy and it stops blinking only if i remove it no matter how long I wait(hours). This does not happen with small files. Also in event log I see something about an error during a caching operation. I have tried the following:

I reformatted my sticks to ntfs. Same problem I have checked "optimize for performance". Same problem. I have installed all updates from microsoft. I also googled a lot and I have found similar problems but no solution.

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Media Player Sticks In Memory

Mar 23, 2008

Vista on a new system (no upgrade). Sometimes Windows Media Player will stay in memory (task manager) after I have closed it. Occasionally a MP3 will continue to play after MP has been closed. I have to reopen, hit stop, and close to get sound to stop. Wmplayer.exe will continue to grow in size (memory leak) if the task isn't ended in task manager.

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Start Up - Sticks At Usernames Screen

Mar 25, 2010

System has 2 hard drives in which boot independantly, ones in 32 bit windows vista, the other 64 bit windows vista home premium- only reason for 2 is that when machine was upgraded last year (which essentially meant almost everything was replaced!) there was data on original hard drive so pc builders put original hard drive in on dual boot so I could access it all with the intention of removing op system and turning it to a storage drive when finished (never got round to it though). It automatically boots to the 64 bit drive unless overridden at start up. The problem is with the 64 bit hard drive boot.

Yesterday all was working fine, only thing done on machine yesterday was check facebook, download emails and run a full virus scan (Kaspersky). Shut down after scan had completed this morning (ran overnight, had halted at about 80% because machine put itself to sleep too soon so completed this morning) and restarted. Appears to start okay, gets to the screen with the 3 user images on it and stops. So I have the screen with the 3 usernames showing, 2 of these users have passwords (mine and hubby's) the 3rd has no password (kids account - rarely used account) but clicking on anything does nothing - it should bring up the log in screen but nothing happens. The images do become highlighted but the log on does not appear. Same goes for the accesibility button on the bottom left of the screen and the shut down options on the bottom right - just no response.

The hard drive activity light is on and flickering though, have left the machine for up to half an hour and the light is still flickering but everything is still unresponsive. Trying to go into safe mode does exactly the same - stops at the user names screen and is unresponsive. Have tried last known good and that didn't change anything.

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Benifit Putting All 4 Sticks In Computer?

May 14, 2008

Had some Corsair memory ( 2x1024 dual channel ) that failed so brought some Geil ( 2x1024 dual channel ). When I recieved the replacment Corsair I put it back in and no problems. Now was wondering if I would see any benifit by putting all 4 sticks in the computer? I would assume that the Corsair Ram setting would default back to the slower Geil Ram settings (the PC ran quite good why I had the Geil memory in). Basically I dont want to stuff the computer up but I have the Geil Ram laying around doing nothing.

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Word Files Corrupted On Memory Sticks

Jun 22, 2009

Vista SP1, Word 2003

If I copy a file from another PC to my USB memory stick, then open it on my Vista laptop, make some changes and click save I get an error message saying the file is now G:~[134].tmp and is corrupted. I cannot recover the document, and it disappears entirely from the memory stick.If I copy the document directly to my laptop hard drive, I work as a teacher in a small school and 3 of my colleagues have reported the same issue. All use Vista, Word 2003, but different makes of laptop. We have tried using new/different memory sticks but the problem continues. Our XP desktops are unaffected.

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Mandatory To Remove Some Sticks Of Ram Before Installing Vista 64-bit?

Mar 26, 2008

I keep reading about folks who needed to remove some sticks of ram before installing vista 64-bit. Is this mandatory? I have 4 gig of Ram and I really don't want to open up my box and remove 2 gigs, as my computer is large and I'd have to remove memory cooling, etc. (I know, lazy) Do some people with 4 gigs ram succeed in installing vista without removing memory?

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Context Menu Item Do Not Disappear: Sticks On The Screen

Jan 11, 2010

Frequently when using the contextual menu, I experiment the following problem : context menu appears correctly but one element of the context menu sticks on the screen. The only solution I found to make it disappear is to reboot! I have attached a file to illustrate the problem.

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4 Gigs DDR3 Ram Showing At 2 Gigs In Vista 64

Dec 15, 2008

I have a really weird issue, here are the details.Firstly, as stated in the title i do have Vista 64 bit. Recently bought 2x2 Gig DDR3 1600 (corsair TW3X4G1600C9DH) with timings 9-9-9-24. My motherboard is an Asus P5Q3 Deluxe. This chipset (Intel P45) has know issues with DDR3 running at higher than 1066, but this has supposedly been rectified with a BIOS update which i have flashed, so not sure if that is relevant as my problem is not speed related.

Under system properties the ram is shown as 4 Gigs but in task manager it says: Physical Memory, Total: 2046. The usage graph shows about 1.1 used and is just over half-way full. Not sure if this is valid but i have a pre-release SP2, not sure if this could cause such a problem. CPU-z shows both modules are there, but shows total 4 gigs, however Everest only shows 2 Gigs. Screenshot below, hope this is not too big, but theres a lot of info to squeeze in.

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DDR3 Memory Memory Maxing Out

Oct 17, 2009

I have 6gigs of DDR3 memory at 1600hz. Running on Vista 64bit and every now and again my memory performance just maxes out. The problem can occur around the time when I am installing something but I dont think its always this way. I have read forums where it could be the hardrives performing self diagnostics. I have all the latest patches for vista.

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Click On The Shortcut From The Desktop It Will Flicker A Black Screen And Just Return To Desktop

Apr 3, 2009

I can't get it to work. I tried running as administrator and no luck. I have a Asus G2 series gaming laptop-OS Vista Home premium 32 bit. The game installed great, but as soon as I click on the shortcut from the desktop it will flicker a black screen and just return me to my desktop. I tried putting my computer in a 800x600 resolustion and still didn't start it.

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Rename File: Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml To /Desktop/Bugs.txt

Apr 24, 2008

I want to rename /Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml to /Desktop/Bugs.txt A right click on the icon does not give me the opportunity to change the suffix. Question: How can you change a file suffix?

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Desktop Icons Are Now Part Of The Desktop Wallpaper?

May 15, 2010

I just cleared my desktop because it was absolutely cluttered with icons and stuff, but now it's like the Icons are part of the wallpaper, because I can't click on them, can't drag them, and if I drag a different icon over it it's still there underneath the other one.

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Remote Desktop Connection From Desktop To Laptop?

Mar 26, 2009

I've been trying to set up a remote desktop connection between my laptop and my desktop both running on Vista Home Premium. Why does this error come up:

"This computer can't connect to the remote computer."

when they are both connected (wirelessly) via the same network.

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How To Make Desktop Icons Go Away From Desktop Toolbar In?

Jan 30, 2010

I don't find the desktop to be of much use, too many icons take away from the image I choose to display, but I do use the desktop toolbar from the taskbar quite a bit. There are icons that I cannot remove from the desktop toolbar such as the Network & Control Panel icons they won’t leave the toolbar, and I can’t seem to kill the IE icon off for good, either.

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Taskbar Works, Desktop+Desktop Icons Are Gone

Aug 11, 2009

I have rebooted my Laptop normally, I logged into Windows Vista and i was surprised by having the Desktop background disappeared along with it's Icons. The programs work fine... I tried choosing a picture and setting it to a desktop background. Still nothing. I terminated explorer.exe, The desktop background appeared. but since i terminated it, the taskbar and icons are gone. I Can't right click on the desktop, and when i move the cursor inside it, it's still "loading" for ever.

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Two Instances Of Desktop.ini Appeared On Desktop

Aug 19, 2009

Two instances of desktop.ini have appeared on my desktop. What are they for and can they be deleted? I've also seen thumbs.ini in other folders.

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Desktop.ini Icon Shows Up On Desktop?

Feb 12, 2009

I was working on the computer today using several programs and when I went back to the desktop, I noticed a sort of ghosted out icon that looks like a gear on top of a sheet of lined paper and the words "desktop.ini" under it. I have no idea how it got there. Is it safe for me to delete it or is there a better way of getting rid of it.

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May 15, 2010

how to change my desktop- I have tried all the usual methods, I can change the colour, but I can't get a picture on my desktop,

But....the picture I want to be there all the time, appears -but only for a few secs- when I'm closing down the PC!

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Everything On My Desktop Is GONE

Apr 27, 2010

I was just uninstalling some program when I realized that my desktop all of a sudden became empty! I had nearly 6 GB of data on there, including my pictures, and it's all f***ing GONE!

There goes all my pictures, pics of my birthdays, girlfriends, family, etc. This is truly something that has prompted me to f***ing dump this piece of garbage into a trash can and get myself a Mac (I'll let the Apple guys conveniently transfer my files to my new Mac and then I'll dump this piece of junk). Yea, if you don't like this kind of posts on a Microsoft forum then you guys at MS better start thinking about the garbage you're putting out.

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Desktop Search

Dec 13, 2008

I've disabled indexing and tried quite a few desktop search programs. Right now I'm running a trial of Popusoft Instant Filefind. Which desktop search app if any do you use?

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Missing Desktop Due To MBR?

Feb 26, 2010

Some months back I installed Vista 32-bit Home Premium in C: partition. When W7 came out, I installed W7 Ultimate 64-bit in D: as a dual boot. Now I want to keep Vista, but use W7 as the main OS I am going to build on from here on out, so I want it at the front of the hard disk in C: (where it will run faster) and my secondary or experimental OS in D: (Vista).

So I backed up Vista to an external drive, booted from a CD (DriveImage XML BartPE) and restored the Vista image to D: ... then reinstalled W7 in C:.

When I booted after re-installing W7, the multi-boot menu listed Windows 7 twice, instead of Windows 7 and Vista, which I kind of expected, because W7 *had* been in D: and now it was in C: "too." I used Easy BCDEdit to correct the text.

Now the machine boots into W7 fine, but when I try to boot to Vista, I get the usual logo, then the Welcome screen, which lasts a bit longer than it would if nothing was hooey... then I get a cursor (responsive) and a black (empty) desktop.

I used Ctl Atl Del to access Task Mgr, and tried clicking the New Task button and entering explorer.exe, but it is looking at my C: drive for explorer, rather than where it SHOULD be looking in D:, because a funky, unstable, nonfunctional W7 desktop finally came up INSIDE VISTA!! (mind you, W7 is 64-bit!)

I shut down and tried booting into safe mode.... Got the same result of a black screen, and tried entering D:windowsexplorer.exe but got the same error message:

"...ieframe.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error..."

..and again the W7 desktop "tried" to come up.

I suspect it's looking in W7's folder (C:) because the backup image I made of Vista probably contains the original MBR, which mapped Vista to C:. I was hoping when I re-installed W7 to C: with the restored VISTA image already in D: that W7 would create a correct MBR... and it did, I think, but it left the old MBR at the beginning of the D:drive TOO... so when I boot to D:, the MBR record [ON D:] is telling VISTA it is in C:!! Hence Vista goes pokin around in my W7 (C:|) directory.

I downloaded the bootable Vista Recovery CD but it didn't find any problems, and I believe that's because VISTA isn't the problem... the MBR on D: is!

I don't want to have to rebuild the Vista OS... just need to remove the incorrect (old) MBR from the beginning of the D: drive... Can I do that?? Can I test this theory by somehow reading the first sector of that drive?

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All Desktop Icon Are Same

Jan 28, 2009

My desktop icons are not working correctly the applications are working fine but the icons are all the same attached is a jpeg of what it looks like as it is hard to explain the problem.

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Desktop Icons Away!

Jul 28, 2009

I'm German, so I'm sorry, if my english is not very well.

I've a problem with my Icons on my Desktop.

As you see in the screenshot, the icon for my documents folder is not the icon i want to have.

So i wanted to change it in the "Desktopsymboleigenschaften", but there are no icons, which i could change.

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Frozen Desktop

Sep 24, 2009

Looked on this site yesterday as I had frozen icons on my desktop, very helpful advice to go to taskmanager and end process. Since then I have not been able to send and recieve emails, does anyone know if this is something to do with the frozen icon situation?

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Desktop Loading

Aug 24, 2008

I’ve removed all my external hardware, usb devices, printers etc… Expect the monitor, mouse and monitor.

I’m at a loss this problem started small freezing every once and while(I leave my computer on all the time) now I can’t get more then a minute or 2 into the desktop.

I’ve tried a lot of stuff and am hoping for further insight.


Vista Home Premium 32bit
HP Pavilion a1357c
AMD64 x 2 4200 2.2ghz
3 g ram
Nvidia Geforce 8600 GT 512

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Desktop Disappeared

Oct 19, 2009

while surfing online i was looking into some language converter tools when my system hanged.. i manually shut down the system by holding the power button.. But since then on starting, my desktop and taskbar have disappeared.. however m able to access everything from task manager..

I looked onto 1 of the treads which had the solution to such a problem and changed the value of shell in the registry to explorer.exe.. However even then my desktop is not appearing on start up .. Only when i start a new process from task manager "explorer.exe", then my desktop appears..

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Desktop Will Not Load

Oct 10, 2009

Problems started back in the middle of Sept (1 1/2 months ago). I logged several hrs, over 3 days, over the phone w/ Microsoft Tech support. Unfortunately, were unable to pin point the problem. They said it was probably a conbination of spyware and viruses. Here are some of the issues acurring:

I have 2 accts. Mine, (which has administrator privlages), and a Guest acct. Every time I log in to my administrator account, my desktop does NOT load. A TEMP user account is created. With all new desktop settings, etc. I receive an error message saying that my user profile was/did not load correctly. A Temporary user account has been created. Any changes tothis acct will not be saved. Many of my programs are screwed up. ie; Adobe Reader, Microsoft Word. My Microsoft Word created each time, as if for the first time. But will not load 100%. The only way I am able to access my files, (Docs, music, photos, etc.), is by going to start, go into Computer, click C:/ drive, click on users, click on emilee. And there are all my folders file files.

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Desktop Issue

Jun 13, 2008

I inadvertently dragged my Desktop icon to a Documents folder called Books. When I tried to fix this, I wound up with two Desktop icons. Then I tried changing the name of the one that appeared to have nothing in it; now I can't delete that one - it says it's in use. The upshot is I've managed to drag all the icons I had back to my Desktop, but I now have a yellow folder called Desktop under Admin, and also one in the Books Documents folder; and I also have a blue icon under Admin called "test" which is the name I tried changing the 2nd Desktop icon to (and which I'm unable to delete. Aa-aaagggh! I'm not
sure how to clean all this mess up.

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