Everything On My Desktop Is GONE

Apr 27, 2010

I was just uninstalling some program when I realized that my desktop all of a sudden became empty! I had nearly 6 GB of data on there, including my pictures, and it's all f***ing GONE!

There goes all my pictures, pics of my birthdays, girlfriends, family, etc. This is truly something that has prompted me to f***ing dump this piece of garbage into a trash can and get myself a Mac (I'll let the Apple guys conveniently transfer my files to my new Mac and then I'll dump this piece of junk). Yea, if you don't like this kind of posts on a Microsoft forum then you guys at MS better start thinking about the garbage you're putting out.

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Click On The Shortcut From The Desktop It Will Flicker A Black Screen And Just Return To Desktop

Apr 3, 2009

I can't get it to work. I tried running as administrator and no luck. I have a Asus G2 series gaming laptop-OS Vista Home premium 32 bit. The game installed great, but as soon as I click on the shortcut from the desktop it will flicker a black screen and just return me to my desktop. I tried putting my computer in a 800x600 resolustion and still didn't start it.

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Rename File: Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml To /Desktop/Bugs.txt

Apr 24, 2008

I want to rename /Desktop/Linux_Mag_Bugs.eml to /Desktop/Bugs.txt A right click on the icon does not give me the opportunity to change the suffix. Question: How can you change a file suffix?

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Desktop Icons Are Now Part Of The Desktop Wallpaper?

May 15, 2010

I just cleared my desktop because it was absolutely cluttered with icons and stuff, but now it's like the Icons are part of the wallpaper, because I can't click on them, can't drag them, and if I drag a different icon over it it's still there underneath the other one.

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Remote Desktop Connection From Desktop To Laptop?

Mar 26, 2009

I've been trying to set up a remote desktop connection between my laptop and my desktop both running on Vista Home Premium. Why does this error come up:

"This computer can't connect to the remote computer."

when they are both connected (wirelessly) via the same network.

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How To Make Desktop Icons Go Away From Desktop Toolbar In?

Jan 30, 2010

I don't find the desktop to be of much use, too many icons take away from the image I choose to display, but I do use the desktop toolbar from the taskbar quite a bit. There are icons that I cannot remove from the desktop toolbar such as the Network & Control Panel icons they won’t leave the toolbar, and I can’t seem to kill the IE icon off for good, either.

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Taskbar Works, Desktop+Desktop Icons Are Gone

Aug 11, 2009

I have rebooted my Laptop normally, I logged into Windows Vista and i was surprised by having the Desktop background disappeared along with it's Icons. The programs work fine... I tried choosing a picture and setting it to a desktop background. Still nothing. I terminated explorer.exe, The desktop background appeared. but since i terminated it, the taskbar and icons are gone. I Can't right click on the desktop, and when i move the cursor inside it, it's still "loading" for ever.

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Two Instances Of Desktop.ini Appeared On Desktop

Aug 19, 2009

Two instances of desktop.ini have appeared on my desktop. What are they for and can they be deleted? I've also seen thumbs.ini in other folders.

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Desktop.ini Icon Shows Up On Desktop?

Feb 12, 2009

I was working on the computer today using several programs and when I went back to the desktop, I noticed a sort of ghosted out icon that looks like a gear on top of a sheet of lined paper and the words "desktop.ini" under it. I have no idea how it got there. Is it safe for me to delete it or is there a better way of getting rid of it.

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May 15, 2010

how to change my desktop- I have tried all the usual methods, I can change the colour, but I can't get a picture on my desktop,

But....the picture I want to be there all the time, appears -but only for a few secs- when I'm closing down the PC!

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Desktop Search

Dec 13, 2008

I've disabled indexing and tried quite a few desktop search programs. Right now I'm running a trial of Popusoft Instant Filefind. Which desktop search app if any do you use?

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Missing Desktop Due To MBR?

Feb 26, 2010

Some months back I installed Vista 32-bit Home Premium in C: partition. When W7 came out, I installed W7 Ultimate 64-bit in D: as a dual boot. Now I want to keep Vista, but use W7 as the main OS I am going to build on from here on out, so I want it at the front of the hard disk in C: (where it will run faster) and my secondary or experimental OS in D: (Vista).

So I backed up Vista to an external drive, booted from a CD (DriveImage XML BartPE) and restored the Vista image to D: ... then reinstalled W7 in C:.

When I booted after re-installing W7, the multi-boot menu listed Windows 7 twice, instead of Windows 7 and Vista, which I kind of expected, because W7 *had* been in D: and now it was in C: "too." I used Easy BCDEdit to correct the text.

Now the machine boots into W7 fine, but when I try to boot to Vista, I get the usual logo, then the Welcome screen, which lasts a bit longer than it would if nothing was hooey... then I get a cursor (responsive) and a black (empty) desktop.

I used Ctl Atl Del to access Task Mgr, and tried clicking the New Task button and entering explorer.exe, but it is looking at my C: drive for explorer, rather than where it SHOULD be looking in D:, because a funky, unstable, nonfunctional W7 desktop finally came up INSIDE VISTA!! (mind you, W7 is 64-bit!)

I shut down and tried booting into safe mode.... Got the same result of a black screen, and tried entering D:windowsexplorer.exe but got the same error message:

"...ieframe.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error..."

..and again the W7 desktop "tried" to come up.

I suspect it's looking in W7's folder (C:) because the backup image I made of Vista probably contains the original MBR, which mapped Vista to C:. I was hoping when I re-installed W7 to C: with the restored VISTA image already in D: that W7 would create a correct MBR... and it did, I think, but it left the old MBR at the beginning of the D:drive TOO... so when I boot to D:, the MBR record [ON D:] is telling VISTA it is in C:!! Hence Vista goes pokin around in my W7 (C:|) directory.

I downloaded the bootable Vista Recovery CD but it didn't find any problems, and I believe that's because VISTA isn't the problem... the MBR on D: is!

I don't want to have to rebuild the Vista OS... just need to remove the incorrect (old) MBR from the beginning of the D: drive... Can I do that?? Can I test this theory by somehow reading the first sector of that drive?

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All Desktop Icon Are Same

Jan 28, 2009

My desktop icons are not working correctly the applications are working fine but the icons are all the same attached is a jpeg of what it looks like as it is hard to explain the problem.

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Desktop Icons Away!

Jul 28, 2009

I'm German, so I'm sorry, if my english is not very well.

I've a problem with my Icons on my Desktop.

As you see in the screenshot, the icon for my documents folder is not the icon i want to have.

So i wanted to change it in the "Desktopsymboleigenschaften", but there are no icons, which i could change.

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Frozen Desktop

Sep 24, 2009

Looked on this site yesterday as I had frozen icons on my desktop, very helpful advice to go to taskmanager and end process. Since then I have not been able to send and recieve emails, does anyone know if this is something to do with the frozen icon situation?

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Desktop Loading

Aug 24, 2008

I’ve removed all my external hardware, usb devices, printers etc… Expect the monitor, mouse and monitor.

I’m at a loss this problem started small freezing every once and while(I leave my computer on all the time) now I can’t get more then a minute or 2 into the desktop.

I’ve tried a lot of stuff and am hoping for further insight.


Vista Home Premium 32bit
HP Pavilion a1357c
AMD64 x 2 4200 2.2ghz
3 g ram
Nvidia Geforce 8600 GT 512

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Desktop Disappeared

Oct 19, 2009

while surfing online i was looking into some language converter tools when my system hanged.. i manually shut down the system by holding the power button.. But since then on starting, my desktop and taskbar have disappeared.. however m able to access everything from task manager..

I looked onto 1 of the treads which had the solution to such a problem and changed the value of shell in the registry to explorer.exe.. However even then my desktop is not appearing on start up .. Only when i start a new process from task manager "explorer.exe", then my desktop appears..

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Desktop Will Not Load

Oct 10, 2009

Problems started back in the middle of Sept (1 1/2 months ago). I logged several hrs, over 3 days, over the phone w/ Microsoft Tech support. Unfortunately, were unable to pin point the problem. They said it was probably a conbination of spyware and viruses. Here are some of the issues acurring:

I have 2 accts. Mine, (which has administrator privlages), and a Guest acct. Every time I log in to my administrator account, my desktop does NOT load. A TEMP user account is created. With all new desktop settings, etc. I receive an error message saying that my user profile was/did not load correctly. A Temporary user account has been created. Any changes tothis acct will not be saved. Many of my programs are screwed up. ie; Adobe Reader, Microsoft Word. My Microsoft Word created each time, as if for the first time. But will not load 100%. The only way I am able to access my files, (Docs, music, photos, etc.), is by going to start, go into Computer, click C:/ drive, click on users, click on emilee. And there are all my folders file files.

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Desktop Issue

Jun 13, 2008

I inadvertently dragged my Desktop icon to a Documents folder called Books. When I tried to fix this, I wound up with two Desktop icons. Then I tried changing the name of the one that appeared to have nothing in it; now I can't delete that one - it says it's in use. The upshot is I've managed to drag all the icons I had back to my Desktop, but I now have a yellow folder called Desktop under Admin, and also one in the Books Documents folder; and I also have a blue icon under Admin called "test" which is the name I tried changing the 2nd Desktop icon to (and which I'm unable to delete. Aa-aaagggh! I'm not
sure how to clean all this mess up.

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My Desktop&taskbar Is Gone!

Mar 28, 2008

I have vista home premium, all was going well until yesterdayThe PC will boot up normally, I can see everything icons, taskbar all boot up. Once it is all up and ready they dissapear! I can't even right click on desktop nothing happens! The only thing left on desktop is the gaget bar.The only way to get online to internet is by going through the "get more gagets online" part of the gaget bar.

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No Desktop Boot Or Anything Else.

Apr 13, 2009

This is Windows Vista SP1 (Build 6001) , 32bit, Dell Inspiron 1525. The desktop does not boot. There's no taskbar, no icons, no background. There's no task manager with ctrl-alt-del, nor any kind of response from touching any key. Just a mouse pointer (the mouse pointer DOES respond to the touchpad, but does NOT respond to any right- or left-clicking) on a dark blue screen (not BSOD color). I've tried booting in safe-mode, safe-mode with networking, and safe-mode with command prompt. They all have the same response. The only difference safe-mode does (different than normal mode) is that it displays across the top "Microsoft (R) Windows (R) (Build 6001: Service Pack 1)" and it says safe-mode in all four corners, on a black screen.

I'm sorry I can't give any more information, but I can't get anything else out of the laptop. I don't know if there was anything recently installed or updated (I wasn't using it, my wife was, and she knows so little about computers that she's unsure if she was installing anything, or if windows was updating)

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How Can Get SC On Desktop To Monitor AVG?

Mar 23, 2008

I run AVG as my anti-virus on two Vista machines - my laptop and my desktop. On my laptop, Security Centre is happy to monitor the status of AVG but on my desktop SC reports that no anti-virus software was detected and so I have to monitor it myself. how I can get SC on my desktop to monitor AVG?

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Same Icon On Desktop Twice

Mar 23, 2008

I accidentally deleted my desktop file and it asked me something about duplication. My fingers moved to fast and i agreed. Now I have two of the same icons on my desktop. When I try to delete one of the icons, either they will both go away or one will stay there and not work. Sometimes I can get it to only have 1 icons but once I install a new program, it will double the icons again. I added a desktop file again to "user" file and there is also a "Public Desktop" in the public file. This is very annoying and I would like to be able to put icons on my desktop without the duplication. How do I fix this? This situation is really hard to explain so I hope someone will have an idea of how to fix it besides reinstalling windows.

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Not Getting Remote Desktop

Aug 22, 2009

I have a vista home premium sp1. Under Remote Settings, I see Allow this computer to be controlled remotely option checked but I don't see the screen for Remote Desktop (control / management). UAC is turned on. How come?

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Desktop Cut-off When Using 16:9 Ratio

May 19, 2009

Whenever I set resolution to 1280x720, left and right areas of the desktop in Vista get cut-off, so I can see only a part of the "Start" button. However, when I play Blu-Ray full screen (using HP Smart DVD player), it shows the frame correctly. Is there an easy fix?

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On Start Up Desktop Gone

Jan 11, 2010

when I start up the usual desktop has gone and everything seems to have gone back to the very beginning of starting vista, although all my files etc are still there on the hard drive. Normally a reboot would sort the problem but this time the desktop has stayed the same. Apparently it said something about a temporary desktop (this happened to my gf earlier and she's less pc savvy than me i,e I can use the basics but any more is beyond me, so forgive me if I'm not as clear as I could be) and there was a box pop up about a torrent upload, (again forgive me I wasn't there at the time and it's not doing it now) I use utorrent for downloads btw.

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Another Bug - Show Desktop

Jun 3, 2008

After a "show desktop" (minimising all windows) Click one window on the task bar (to resume it) - and instead all windows resume (not just one) - awkward when you're trying to minimise the amount of activity on the desktop

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Startup, Desktop, And Around

Mar 4, 2009

I'm having problems with Vista on my parents office computer, and i'm trying to keep from having to reinstall everything! I've looked all over google trying to find other peeps with the same problem, but I still havn't found a solution. The computer is an HP Pavilion, with Vista Home Premium. While starting up, after the welcome screen, it takes me to my desktop. All I can see is the curser and the background. It's as if explorer.exe will not start.

I can't start explorer.exe, because ctrl,alt,dlt, will not work at all. I've tried this in safe mode also, but it yields the same results. I've also gone into command prompt and checked the regedit to see if the shell or w/e for explorer.exe was screwed up, but everything looks fine there. And regedit is the only thing I have been able to start in command prompt, system restore and explorer.exe will not start from there, well, they will start but they will not display at all. Its like everything is running in the background.

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Desktop Not Working.

Mar 6, 2009

Im sorry for posting this in the general forum, im sure it belongs somewhere else. Im having a issue where when i "set picture to desktop background" it will stretch the image regardless of size to fit the screen. If i put it on to tile or center it doesnt change anything. I also have a nvidia G Force 8400 GS graphics card, if that helps. Im on a hp lap top, sadly. atleast make the picture be displayed at its original size?

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Upload Desktop.ini?

Jul 19, 2008

Can someone upload the two desktop.ini files located on the desktop after you uncheck "hide protected operating system files" I deleted mine by mistake.

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Desktop Sharing

Mar 23, 2008

Can i control my xp home desktop using my windows vista home? How can i do it?

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