Boot Screen, Custom Image Via TuneUp Utilities

Feb 22, 2010

My "ulstata.sys" driver got corrupted and had to completely rebuild the boot options. On doing that I am now back to the original SP2 Boot Screen and am not able to change it back to my custom image via TuneUp Utilities. I'm kind of guessing one of the "winload.exe.mui" file isn't allowing the change.

"C:WindowsSystem32Booten-US" has only "winresume.exe.mui" `whereas
"C:WindowsSystem32en-US" has both?

I've tried copying the loadfile in System32/en-US but it's not letting me paste in the System32/Boot/en-US due to some folder protectioin. although i've taken full control. Tuneup Utilities is ssaying it's applied the boot screen but vista is still loading the SP2 boot screen.

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Tuneup Utilities 2009

Jan 10, 2009

i have installed tuneup utilities 2009 and i've noticed that some programs arent working and media center, dvd maker are gone. also most of my start menu folders are gone or empty
also i DO NOT wont to reinstall windows , its such a hassle

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Custom Splash Boot Screen

May 13, 2010

my school has asked me to make a splash screen that will boot up when we turn on the computer, is there any simple tutorials on how to do this for windows XP, not using software cause we have to make one custom image to clone on to all the PC's

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Add A Custom Screen Saver

Feb 14, 2009

I notice that there are only a few choices to the screen saver in vista. is there a way I can add a image to the list without using the option for photos?

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Making An Image Of A Dual Boot System

Nov 8, 2008

I have Acronis True Image and before I went the dual boot system route (XP + Vista x64), I made an image of my XP system but now that I am comfortable with both OS's, I would like to know if Acronis can make an image of my drive including both systems?

Before attempting to do this on my own and botching the already good image I have, I would like to hear it from the Gurus so... what say you? Oh, also, I have heard that Acronis can do this but nobody specified if I should start Acronis in Vista or in XP and that is another thing that baffles me. It shouldn't matter where I start the image process but making sure is my first priority since I tend to screw up things fairly quick when I go out guns blazing (so to speak!)

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Installation Of Multiple Boots - Clone Disk Image And Set Up Boot Manually?

May 3, 2008

I have a need to install 4 systems of Vista on a single machine (4 partitions of my main system hard disk). Given that Vista always seems to see its own system drive as C, would it be possible to create my "master image" with SP1, all my drivers, utilities, system tweaks, and other "generic" applications (like Office/Acrobat etc), and then just clone this drive across to all the partitions I need to set up (on D, E, and F). Then, using VistaBootPRO, I could edit the BCD to include all the other partitions. Can anyone think of a reason this would not work?

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With Vista Is It Normal For Image To Be Smaller Then Screen?

Mar 23, 2008

with vista is it normal for image to be smaller then screen

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Sticky Keys, Screen Image Shrinks?

Apr 18, 2009

As I am entering info my computer just randomly opens a new blank browser page, or the screen image shrinks, or the font changes in an email. Doesn't happen all the time. The "T" key seems to be the problem because it quits functioning until I click on the point where I was typing. This is a real problem since T is a commonly used letter and it is part of my name so it comes up in login situations. There might be other letters involved but this one is the most noticeable. Is it a sticky key problem?

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Acronis True Image, Backing Up& Had 2 Blue Screen Crashes

Mar 23, 2009

I have used true image a number of times & have had good results.I recently tried backing up& had 2 blue screen crashes.I had installed virtual pc just before this and was wondering if true image can't backup a hdd with virtual pc installed or is it Vista ?If it is because of vpc how am I going to backup my hdd without installing vpc ?

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Fix Boot Logo, BOOT Screen No Works

Apr 16, 2008

This is the best install I have ever done (or was)…I did a fresh install and followed a tweak which was to very enlightening, to say the least. From there I have been to a few other sites and moved on to fully customizing my desktop/login and……well…this is where I stuffed up…My BOOT screen no longer works properly, even with the original “winload.exe.mui” file replaced.

I downloaded and used “Vista Boot Logo Generator” I loved the results on my last install…It worked well. Upon deciding to do a fresh install with Tweaking in mind, I simply coppied over a Boot logo I made previously after allowing permissions and all that as well as changing the NO GUI in msconfig…ect….BUT......

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Boot: Screen Hangs On A Black Screen

Nov 13, 2007

i went into my HDD and scheduled an error checking..well windows loaded as normal, but no error checking occurred i after the green bar is done, the screen hangs on a black screen.

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Not Started Any Utilities But CPU Usage 100%

Dec 23, 2009

I just started my pc. I have not even started any utilities but it shows 100% cpu usage. What happened? Below is the snapshot of Taskmgr.

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Hard Disk Utilities Available?

Apr 14, 2008

if there are any good hard disk utilities available that perform more comprehensive testing/correction than those performed by Windows own check disk utility?

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Tune Up Utilities Installation!

Oct 3, 2009

I keep getting an error messege every startup. Heres a picture. I use vista. I was installing Tune up. My whole computer froze and I had to shut it down. Next thing when I started my system no restore points a security program that I unstalled a long time ago was on my pc and now I can't unstall any and i keep getting the messege. I use vista.

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Freeware Application And Utilities Not Working

Jan 19, 2010

I could use security scanners and tools for keeping my system in good condition and for general troubleshooting. Converting files, burning CD's and DVD's and things like font management, etc. I use my computer for general use (documents, school papers, resumes, etc.) and for graphics for my web page profiles and creating web pages; and home management (budgets, etc.) Any trusted freeware libraries you're aware of?

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Uninstalled Also Installed Tunup Utilities Reboot

Feb 16, 2009

Im using a HP Pavilion dv9700 notebook with vista 32bit OS installed. Note that when i did the following i was not connected to the internet: The problem only recently occured after i attempted ot remove Norton security centre from my computer. That uninstalled fine. I also installed tunup utilities 2009 and did a reboot. On reboot the Windows loading bar froze. This kept happening every time a did a restart. So i decided to do a system restore to resolve that problem. That resolved the freezing issue and i figured that i would have to remove internet security again and so tried to unistall it again only for it to say "The system cannot find the path specified." So Norton is now corrupt and i cant run it or uninstall it. But i decided to run registry scans and cleaned up the computer with Tuneup.

After i took the laptop back to where i can use the internet. I plugged in the Lan cable and tried to run firefox but it didnt connect. The only connection i can get is local only access. I live in University halls and i should be on the internet when i plug in the LAN cable. I have since tried a system restore to restore back to a couple of days ago but its no use. I still have the same problem. No internet and no chance of uninstalling Internet security for good. As my LAN network driver is Nvidia netwroking controller I can only assume that its the nvidia controller that is the problem. Even though windows claims there is nothing wrong with it. I have tried uninstalling the driver, but when i confirm it just closes the dialoge box and doesnt uninstall it at all. I cant rollback the driver as its not an option and although i downloaded an older version of the driver and installed it (it said that it installed?), it has no overrun the more up to date driver. I have been trying to fix this for around 6 hours now & its vital that i get back online with the computer as i have assignments due in for tuesday. (im using some one elses computer at the moment)

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Access Sysinternals Utilities Over The Web With Command Prompt

May 30, 2008

The Microsoft acquisition Sysinternals that is famous for their useful Windows utilities has a new site up that allows you to easily access any of their utilities for free over the internet in your command prompt. This allows you to run any of their utilities without first downloading it to your computer.  Just open an administrative level command prompt and type in: ...

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Experience With CCleaner: Set Up A New Machine With The Utilities I Need Before Loading Any Software?

May 18, 2008

Has anyone used CCleaner with 64 bit Vista? What has your experience been? The reveiws seem to be mixed. Vista is new to me and I'm trying to set up a new machine with the utilities I need before loading any software.

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Delete Utilities And Nothing Worked Without A Reboot. Locked Files

Feb 24, 2009

So far I tried 5 different delete utilities and nothing worked without a reboot! This Vista64 is a PITA when it comes to locked files. Anyone having any luck with an Unlocker clone that works in 64 bit?

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Formatting Reinstalling Backup 64bit Utilities Turn Up

Mar 5, 2009

after searching for hours on google on this website i did find some threads about the whole 32bit vs ultimate 64bit and one thread will say you should update the other says no stay away from it..I cant make my mind up:/ so i thoguht maybe with my lap top specs it might help give a bettr idea of if i should? so i bought ultimate vista with both 32 and 64 bit i did install 32bit because i was stupid and did not look at both cds just wonderd why it had 2 cds, so after i realised by then i have installed everything with 32bit and have the lap top the way i like it... so is it really worth formatting re installing everything i backed up 64bit versions of drivers and nod32..etc not sure if diskeeper works with 64bit or tune up utilities those where two programs i payed for.. but also my lap top i am not sure if its good enough to have a good experience on the 64bit, i know it can install it but not sure if it will make a difference? i have HP Pavilion dv5-1111ea Entertainment Notebook ......

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Boot Screen Change

Aug 22, 2008

Is it possible to change the bootscreen with vista service pack 1? Coz I tried tuneup utilities and the one on Boot screen but they dont work...

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Modding Boot Screen With SP1 (32 & 64 Bit)

Oct 16, 2008

0) Run msconfig command and sign the "No GUI boot" option under boot options.

1) Use Vista Visual Master to generate winload.exe.mui with the image you like....

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Cant Get Past Boot Up Screen

Nov 4, 2009

I just put some more memory in my computer and now cant get past boot bios screen as I cant use keyboard to go past but I am guessing as usb is not active at this point keyboard or mouse does not work

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Freeze On Boot Screen

Mar 29, 2008

* When I start the system, it gets to the Vista's bootscreen (where you see the progress bar). At that point, the laptop freezes. In fact, it freezes before I can see the colored boxes in the progress-bar.

* If I force a cold shutdown (by holding down the power-button), and then restart the laptop, it might load fine and everything would be running fine (like there was never any problems).

* Assuming, it didn't freeze and loaded Vista successfully, then I would shutdown Vista through the Start button.

* If I try to start the laptop again, it will freeze at the bootscreen again.
* I cannot tell when it will freeze at the bootscreen..............

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Automatically Goes To Boot Screen

Mar 23, 2008

When I powerup my PC It automatically goes to the boot screen. I have to press F1 to get to get past it and to the password screen. I had to reformat my hard drive last month and its been doing that since then.

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32 Bit Black Screen On Boot.

Nov 18, 2008

I've had an issue with my computer booting properly. I went from a 1:05 boot time to over a 2:00 boot because Vista go's to a black screen instead of loading my desktop. I'm not sure where to start fixing this, I've always been good with computers and have tried all the text book fixes and I have no where left to go. I made a video which is uploading now and will be up incase this doesn't make as much sense as I'd hope. All my drivers are up to date.

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Boot Os Screen Fallback

Jun 5, 2008

After installing Vista Ultimate w/sp1 on my MacPro, the normal start up was to be presented with the choose the OS screen which included Vista Ultimate and also Vista Business (recovered). I have no idea where Vista Business came from, it was a clean install. My problem is that all of a sudden I don't get the choose the OS screen and it goes into fall back. It does finally boot and the desktop seems the same. My RC flight simulator wants me to enter all the serial numbers again, but everything else seems to work. It still claims to be Vista Ultimate. When I go to Control panel/System/advanced/Startup and recovery there is only one choice for the default startup OS. Vista Business (recovered). I haven't set any restore points (I will next time)

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Customized Boot Screen?

Oct 29, 2007

i have always wanted to get a customized boot screen and have tried amny screens but none of them look good on my screen resolution, i got a 1680 by 1050 screen and all the custom boot screens are stretched out. any1 know any good 1680 by 1050 vista boot screens?

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Dual Boot Screen Comes Up Both OS

Sep 14, 2009

For various reasons, I have a dual boot with Vista 64 bit and Vista 32 bit on separate internal hard drives. When the dual boot screen comes up, it lists both OS's as Microsoft Windows Vista, without any indication which is which and from which hard drive the OS is coming from. Is there any way to change the dual drive start up screen to be more specific as to which OS to select from?

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Change Boot Screen (32-bit Only)

Jan 17, 2007

There is finally an easy way (easier than before) to change your Windows Vista boot screen and use any high resolution photo as your boot screen.  Using a great tool written by Dan Smith it is now possible to automatically generate the replacement language MUI file that contains your boot image files. All you need is two photos at 800x600 and 1024x768 saved as 24-bit windows bitmaps. Then follow these steps:

Download Dan Smith's Vista Boot Logo Generator.

Install and then run from the link in the Start Menu.

Hit Browse for image and select both the 800x600 and 1024x768 resolution bitmap files for your boot screen.

Click on File and select Save Boot Screen File as and save your file.

Next, you will need to replace the winload.exe.mui file in c:WindowsSystem32en-us with the one you just created.  Before you copy in your new file, make a backup of the original. You will need to take ownership of all files in en-us as well as give your account file permissions to replace the file as well in order to copy the new winload.exe.mui file in.
The last step is to enable the alternative boot screen setting as shown in this tweak....

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