Black Title Bar On Maximized Windows

Sep 8, 2008

when I window, whether it be Firefox, any other program, or a Windows Explorer window isn't maximized, the transparent features work fine, and look nice. But when I make anything full screen (maximized), the title bar goes black and ugly.

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Windows Explorer Open Maximized Automatically

Apr 30, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium, and would like Windows Explorer to open maximized automatically, rather than have to maximize it manually every time.

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Restore Window Title And Icon In Windows Explorer

Aug 4, 2008

In Windows Vista the window title and icon has been removed in all instances of Windows Explorer. The result is a blank space in the window that just does not look good where the window title normally is placed.

Using a cool free utility called AeroBar you can restore the window titlebar title and icon. To use the utility visit Outils ( and download AeroBar.exe (

Install is a snap. Just copy the utility to the Start Up folder of your start menu. If you want to also show the folder icons, just rename AeroBar.exe to AeroBarIco.exe ...

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Make Maximized Windows & Taskbar Transparent + Automated UXtheme Patcher

Apr 13, 2007

Throughout the beta process Microsoft received a lot of feedback on how the taskbar and the window border changes to black when you maximize a window.  Before the final release they altered the behavior slightly so the window and taskbar would still turn opaque and black, but with a very slight tint of color that matches the color of your glass. This change satisfied some users but left others still in the dark. Many users wanted a maximized window to remain transparent as well as the taskbar. Once the final build of Windows Vista shipped, all hope was gone that we would have transparent maximized windows, until today. 

Using a very cool and free utility called VistaGlazz by you can easily make your maximized windows and taskbar transparent.  Additionally, this utility allows you to easily patch your uxtheme system files so that you can use hacked visual styles with just the click of a button, instead of the multiple step manual procedure.

Let's get started: ...

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Application To Be Maximized When Launched

Dec 12, 2009

I use Vista Home Premium. I have an open source app that I want to be maximized when launched. How can I do this?

I've tried maximizing in 2 ways:

- Using the small square at the top right.

- Dragging the corners of the window to fill the screen.

In both cases, if I close and then re-open, the window has its default size.

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Maximized Aero Transparency

May 6, 2010

Is there any way to make maximized windows transparent WITHOUT 3rd party?

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Taskbar Toolbar Title Removal

Sep 18, 2008

For toolbars started in the Vista taskbar, how do you remove the Title? The option doesn't seem to exist any longer.

i.e. under older windows you could:

If you add one or two toolbars to your Windows taskbar, regain some space. Right-click on your created taskbar and on the popup menu that appears, uncheck "Show Title." This removes the title description for your taskbar. If you know the programs on the taskbar by their icon and don't need to see the names of the programs, uncheck "Show Text" as well.

Does this no longer exist in Vista and that I can no longer reclaim the space?

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What Is The Padlock Symbol By The File Title

Mar 26, 2008

I am new to NTSF file system. What is that padlock symbol by the file title and why there is nothing about that in Windows help? I searched using keyword: "padlock" with no results and "locked files" lead me to "Working with files and folders" and there is not even one mention about that. Is that so common thing everybody knows about that Microsoft does not bother to explain?

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What Is The Padlock Symbol By The File Title?

Mar 23, 2008

I am new to NTSF file system. What is that padlock symbol by the file title and why there is nothing about that in Windows help? I searched using keyword: "padlock" with no results and "locked files" lead me to "Working with files and folders" and there is not even one mention about that. Is that so common thing everybody knows about that Microsoft does not bother to explain?

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Start Bar Color When A Window Is Maximized

Jun 24, 2008

Start bar color on desktop: Start bar color when a window is maximized: Start button is highlighted when I minimize something?

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Desktop Wallpaper Display (stretch, Title, Etc.)

Feb 1, 2009

I'm trying to change the way a wallpaper is displayed on the desktop (i.e. Stretch, Tile, Centred) but I can't. The wallpaper is always displayed stretched out and I can't change it to be tiled or centred.

The way I'm doing this (to no avail) is obviously to right-click the desktop, then choose "Personalize", then click on "Desktop Background", then click one of the three radio buttons at the bottom (in this case, either of the two on the right), then click "OK".

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Window Opens At Default Size, Not Maximized

Apr 6, 2009

I use Vista Home Premium. I have an open source app that I want to be maximized when launched. How can I do this?

I've tried maximizing in 2 ways:

- Using the small square at the top right.

- Dragging the corners of the window to fill the screen.

In both cases, if I close and then re-open, the window has its default size.

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Changing Active Title Bar Color Does Not Reflect

Nov 15, 2008

I'm trying to do something very simple - change my title bar color because the default colors for Active and Inactive title bar are almost the same. So I changed the Active Title bar color but it doesn't actually apply to any of the windows. Please see the attached screenshot.

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IE Open Full Size Or Maximized In Vista?

May 11, 2009

In XP I was able to get my windows to remember to open maximized or at least full size. Is there a way to get them to open full size or maximized in Vista? Every time I open a new window (don't like the tabs) it opens small (about the size of this Post Message box!). While it's not a major deal to make it full screen, I'm getting tired of it!

I did download (free version) TweakVI to get rid of the shortcut arrows on my desktop icons - don't know if that is a feature for that in there like in the TweakUI program or not. I did try to search for this, but wasn't sure what it's actually called to produce good results (I got a lot of blue screen responses, so I know my search string was WAY off.)

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Lost Non-maximized Media Center Window

Nov 2, 2007

how to I reset the default window size and position of Vista Media Center? I somehow managed to either re-size it or move it off of the reachable portion of the desktop. If I go non-maximized the window shrinks off up towards the top and disappears. If I try and select move or size it takes me to the top of the screen and shows the arrows to move and size, but I cannot find or move / size the window. Is there a way to reset the default window position?

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Microsoft Movie Maker:title Screens But None That Imported

May 17, 2008

I created a project on my home computer, then saved it to my jump drive. When I went to open the project on my laptop, I have the title screens and such, but none of the pictures, music, or video clips that I had imported into the project. What can I do to save EVERYTHING from one computer to the other?

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Windows Crashed; Black Screen With Coursor: Cant Install New Windows

May 15, 2010

My Toshiba Labtop has crashed.I think a shared file was deleted. Labtop was operating under Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit.It happened right after uninstalling Java; because the dang updates kept popping up and it was getting annoying. Now whenever i start it, it comes to a black screen and a minute later a cursor pops up. Safe mode does not work.I have tried the recovery disk, but to no avail.I know im doing right because i purchased some Boots Disks off ebay and they come right up (PC wizard; Pc doctor).So i bought Windows Vista Ultimate and tried to install and i cant get to install thru boot.I ither need to know how to install windows thru boot, but id much rather just fix current windows.

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"small Icons" Can't Read Title Files And Size Or Dates

Mar 23, 2008

I can't tell you how close to tears I come with Vista. I have a vast number of PDF and Word documents that I must constantly use -rearrange - organize - categorize...If I am using the "Details" view - I can't look at the titles of the files the way I WANT TO ... I must either see EVERYTHING as "Size column to fit" or worse, "Szie all columns to fit."

If I am using the "List" view and moving files in my main folder into (or out of) several sub folders, the entire list will automatically move about when I perform a drag and drop operation, from the folder at the start of the list (where I drop it) to suddenly shifting many columns back to where I got the file from ... OMG I want to scream!

If I use "Small Icons" I can't read the entire title of half of my files and can't read their size or dates."Tiles" and "Medium Icons" are just too big ...Why can't I actually have "classic view" when I try to set up the windows with CLASSIC VIEW???I swear - it's as though someone at Microsoft actually believes that most people only play video games and not serious work.Is there anyway to actually make folders open and function like all of the old Windows systems did? These nifty bells and whistles consume so much of my time and I'm close to never coming back to this platform again.

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Black Screen Before Loading Windows

Nov 30, 2008

I have a problem with Vista. When I start my computer, it displays a black screen for a couple of minutes before starting to load Vista. I don't really know what to say more, since I'm totally clueless with this one. What I've tried to do, is to update my drivers. I've also updated my BIOS. What should I try next?

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5.1 Sound: Windows See Use The Orange And Black Ones Too

Jun 14, 2006

get 5.1 sound with vista? I have a sound blaster live 5.1 installed, and I have sound, but only from the green jack. I need windows so see that I use the orange and black ones too. How do I do that?

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Windows Crash, Screen Goes Black

Mar 24, 2008

My computer recently started crashing, mostly during video games (Crysis, Call of Duty 4), and occasionaly during a movie. The screen goes black, then fills with vertical pinstrips over the entire screen, and the sound 'freezes' like a skipping CD, repeating what was last said or heard over and over rapidly. Ok,... recent changes i've made. I've had a new video card for about a month, but everything worked fine until a week ago.

I installed the two above mentioned video games, which use punkbuster, a product I have no experience with. Incidentaly, the problems began about the time I started using punkbuster. However, I restored the system to a point previous to the punk buster installation, and the system is still crashing. Is it my new video card (ATI Radeon B2 512 HD 2600 xt PCI), or something else.

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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Windows Home Premium Black Screen

Apr 24, 2008

I've had my HP laptop for almost about a year, and two days ago I started it up and logged in. Once logged in the screen went completely black except for the cursor. No message, no text, just black with a cursor. At first I thought it was a crash, but after several reboots still nothing. Eventually I tried Ctrl-Alt-Delete and got task manager, and then managed to get some apps up including a web browser. This doesn't sound like the descriptions of reduced functionalty mode I've read here and elsewhere. Is it? I tried going back to the oldest restore point, 2 weeks ago (I've had two auto-updates since then) but no change. Also tried running slui.exe as was suggested in anothe post here and all it says is "Activation Successful".What's going on and how can I get my system back?

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Restart Windows Start: Black Scrren

Feb 17, 2010

i had a vista home premium, without any problem, for a while. yesterday my anti-virus detected a suspicious file located in c:UsersuserappdataLocalTemp and i allow it to delete mentioned file. after a restart windows start up couldn't be completely done and instead of log in screen, i faced with a black screen just with mouse enabled on it!! however windows boots in safe mode correctly. i have already tried start up repair but it didn't solve the problem!

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Black Screen And Cursor After Windows Logo

Sep 1, 2008

I've been running Vista for a few months now without much complaint until recently. After booting, the green loading bar is followed by the windows logo before the screen flickers several dark colors and then produces a black screen with a movable cursor. The hard drive light remains unlit after the black screen. Running in safe mode gives the same result. I do not have a repair disk and I would rather not wipe the hard drive with a factory default disk as I have important data on my hard disk.

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Pc Restart Proceeds Black Windows Screen

Apr 28, 2009

I am doing a clean install of Vista 64 Ultimate SP1. At the partition screen I select load drivers (I obtained drivers directly from Gigabyte Support). Windows installs the ACHI10 drivers with no problem. I select ?Next? to begin the install. After ?Completing Installation? the PC restarts and proceeds to the black Windows screen with the green scroll bar. It scrolls two or three times and then hangs. I then go into Safe Mode where the computer hangs at crcdisk.sys. An error message then returns that says ?Windows cannot finish the installation?. My only remaining option is to try and repair from the CD. But when I select ?The repair option? the blue repair bar scrolls indefinitely. I actually let it scroll for over 24 hours?and it never stopped. Gigabyte tech support told me to remove all ram except 1 cartridge. I?ve tried that and did a clean install (deleted the partition and loaded the correct chipset drivers and the beginning of the install) yet the scroll bar still hangs.

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Black Screen After Windows Logo With Movable Cursor

Feb 19, 2010

My computer is encountering a black screen with a movable cursor after the windows logo on start up and I have no idea what is causing this. When I start from safe mode (safe mode, safe mode with cmd prompt) it does the same thing. One thing that I've noticed is that when I run it in safe mode it stops at crcdisk and continues on to the black screen.

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Shut Down Windows Black Screen And Fans Spinning

Jun 12, 2008

I reinstalled vista recently and now when i press restart ~ from the start bar ~ the pc will do all the operations needed as in quit applications, shut down windows and then it's just black screen and fans spinning. Someone gave me a solution to this but it wasn't temporary. Everytime i was shutting down the pc, it was doing the same thing when i was restarting. Now it happens the same thing even when i shut it down. So everytime i shut down/restart my pc i have to wait till windows shuts down and then press the button on my case.

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Open Folder Windows Is Black Cursor Ouside

Jun 27, 2009

I haven't searched for anything like this so forgive me if something like this has been asked. So when I open a folder including things like documents, control panel, .zip files, the window is black when my cursor is outside it. When i put my cursor inside, different sections of the window show up (like certain icons or the bar at the top), but as i move towards them, it goes away as another section shows. This makes it absolutely impossible for me to select anything in these folders. Programs and internet windows work normally. How do I fix this?

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Windows Movie Maker Vids - Audio But Black Screen

Apr 27, 2009

The problem seems to be with my .avi videos when I put them on Windows Movie Maker. They're videos i spend days downloading for an AMV that I downloaded from Vuze recently, and they seem to work fine with anything
apart from WMM and Windows DVD Maker (But windows DVD maker is a diff issue anyway that I wont address here).

I've tried all sorts of things. I unticked "AVI DVD Compressor" because when I left it ticked, whenever I tried moving .AVI vids to the timeline it would just say "Windows Movie Maker Has Stopped Working" and close
the whole thing. But unticking it got me atleast somewhere, but now I face yet another problem.....

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Vista Boots From The Cd It Goes To A Windows Is Setting Up Files,then Goes To A Black Screen Where There Is A Lilttle Green Bar Moving

Jul 4, 2008

Once vista boots from the cd it goes to a windows is setting up files,then goes to a black screen where there is a lilttle green bar moving. Now right after that it goes to a blueish screen where there is just the mouse cursor on the screen and just stays there? This is on all new hardware. Also this is a sata hard drive,

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