"small Icons" Can't Read Title Files And Size Or Dates

Mar 23, 2008

I can't tell you how close to tears I come with Vista. I have a vast number of PDF and Word documents that I must constantly use -rearrange - organize - categorize...If I am using the "Details" view - I can't look at the titles of the files the way I WANT TO ... I must either see EVERYTHING as "Size column to fit" or worse, "Szie all columns to fit."

If I am using the "List" view and moving files in my main folder into (or out of) several sub folders, the entire list will automatically move about when I perform a drag and drop operation, from the folder at the start of the list (where I drop it) to suddenly shifting many columns back to where I got the file from ... OMG I want to scream!

If I use "Small Icons" I can't read the entire title of half of my files and can't read their size or dates."Tiles" and "Medium Icons" are just too big ...Why can't I actually have "classic view" when I try to set up the windows with CLASSIC VIEW???I swear - it's as though someone at Microsoft actually believes that most people only play video games and not serious work.Is there anyway to actually make folders open and function like all of the old Windows systems did? These nifty bells and whistles consume so much of my time and I'm close to never coming back to this platform again.

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Files Icons Have Small Blue Box

Sep 14, 2009

Recently, all my files icons have a small blue box with >> inside it attached to them. Can anyone explain what program is causing this and what do they mean? Unfortunately , I can not cut and paste a sample in here.

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Display And Font Size Too Small

Mar 23, 2008

my problem is that the display and font size too small. I have done system restore and changed the resolution of the screen. once when I did sytem restore it came back to normal but them after is went to sleep it came back small and different type font. now I cannot get it back at all. My backround is smaller not taking the whole monitor as it did What can I do I am very frustrated I cannot figure it out.

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Use Small Icons In Start Menu

Feb 14, 2007

The icon size of the recently run programs list on the Start Menu is set to large by default.  This is great if you like the large icons but it also cuts down on the number of recently run programs that can be displayed.  Follow the steps below to give your Start Menu a cleaner look and disable large icons: ...

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Possible To Change Size Of Icons?

May 26, 2008

Does anyone know if it is possible to change the size of the icons when using tile view in explorer? I know I can make the icons bigger by switching to large or extra large icons view but I like the extra information I get from the tiles view, such as drive space.

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How To Keep Desktop Icons Size Permanent?

Dec 6, 2008

I have resized my icons and arranged my vista 64b desktop, but when I boot or when I come out of standby, all my settings are lost. How can I make this permanent?

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Browser Toolbars, Reduce Desktop Icons Size

Nov 27, 2009

Just bought the PC with Vista Home and IE7.

1. I don't know how Microsoft Bing is on the browser toolbars. How can I get rid of it?

2. Icons on the desktop are somewhat too big. How can I reduce their size?

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Program Files Read Only

Jul 29, 2009

I have a serious problem to fix. I've written a WIndows Application using visual studio 2008 that uses an Access database to hold data. I've placed the database in the same folder as the executible "C:Program FilesMyAppMyData.mdb". The program installs and work fine under XP and but when installed and run under Vista, I'm getting file permission errors. All user installation and running of the application is done as the ADMINISTATOR, the only user profile created.

My eariler version of the application, written with VS 2005 installs (DOT NET Framework 2.0) and works fine under Vista. I can't change the database location, as eariler versions of this same program have been running and working fine under XP. It would mean changing the data file location for over 200 customers. It would cause a great deal of head aches to modify the application to use a different
folder for the database.

SO here's my questions. What permissions do I need to get read/write access to my data file? What steps can be taken to remove the security attributes on my data file? Can I change these permissions from within my application? The application exe file does have its compatibilities property set to "Run as an administrator". Do I have to run the application under compatibility mode of "Windows XP (Service pack 2)"?

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Cannot Delete Read-only Files

May 5, 2008

I've noticed this and have seen a couple of posts but it seems most people don't "interpret" the post as intended. I have Vista 32bit. I am an administrator. If a file has the "read-only" attribute checked, I can NOT delete the file. Vista complains that I need "privileges in order to delete the file" and asks me to "try again". I have full permissions on the file, and I am the owner of the file. The issue stems from the fact that it's marked "read only". If I remove the read-only attribute, I can delete it fine!

What gives here? In XP, if you attempted to delete a read only file, it would prompt you telling you the file was read-only and asked if you were sure you wanted to delete it. Vista flat out implies I have no permissions to the file, which is untrue. I sometimes have network directories that contain thousands, maybe millions of files in them. Changing attributes on that many files, prior to deleting them poses significant problems.

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Word Files Cant Read

Mar 23, 2008

I have a PC which has XP installed and a new desktop with Visa Home Premium installed. I have put some of my Word files on to the laptop from the PC but it cant read them. Is there a way to get my laptop to read my PC files once I have transferred them or do I have to get XP installed on to my laptop?

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How Get Missed Dates?

May 31, 2008

When I am reading the messages in this newsgroup the dates go from 4/24/08 to 5/30/08. There is nothing in between. The date of my post was 5/29/08. How can I get to all these missed dates. I want to be able to read all the most current posts.

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Another Plus For Ubuntu Over Windows, Read .docx Files.

Apr 28, 2008

With Windows running any Office program besides 07, one cannot -- without downloading an update -- read .docx files. With the new Ubuntu and Open Office, you can and no downloads or updates required.

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Delete These Pictures:The Files You Have Selected Might Be Read-only

Mar 23, 2008

I have some pics in my Windows Photo Gallery that I need to delete.Every time I click on them,9right click or left click)it gives me the message"The files you have selected might be read-only or in a location that is unavailable."It won't let me go to the properties of these pics, and at one time when it would,I followed all the instructions on the help menu as to how to change a read-only file, etc.No luck whatsoever.I deleted the pictures from My Pictures, but I cannot get them deleted from Windows Photo Gallery.

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How To Get Size Of Individual Files And Folders

Mar 29, 2008

I am trying to find out how much disk space the various files & folders in my 'Documents' take up. I know how to get the size of individual files, and individual folders, but is there a way of showing the folder tree with the sizes of all files , folders, sub-folders ate the same time?

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Limiting Size: System Restore Files

Feb 19, 2009

System Restore images are eating my HD space alive! With XP it was easy to limit the percentage of HD space it could gobble up, but with Vista Home Premium I can't seem to find where to change it. Has MS in it's wisdom taken that control away from us or have they just hidden it somewhere new? If the later, somebody please clue me in as to where. I've got less "stuff" on my new Vista Home Premium PC than my older XP PC yet Vista has gobbled up 75 gig for what I'm doing on my XP machine in 24 gig. I know Vista is bigger to start with, but when I installed 3 gig worth of apps, I suddenly ended up with 24 gig less C: drive space!

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System Restore: If I Remember Correctly There Used To Be Several Months Of Dates To Return To

May 16, 2008

The last 2 times I have used System Restore there have only been a few very recent dates. If I remember correctly there used to be several months of dates to return to. There is plenty of HDD space. How can I correct this.

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All Zip Files Have IE Icons

Dec 30, 2009

This is my first time posting here. I searched the forum for an answer and became confused as to what answer might apply to my question. So, I appologize in advance if this question is redundant and/or placed in the incorrect section of the forum. I'm not sure if my problem is a file association problem, related to compressed folders, or a problem with Vista, or something else.

This is what's going on....

All of my zip files suddenly have Internet Explorer icons, but (right-click) "properties" still shows that the files are .zip files.

There is no 'Extract' option available when I right click on one of these files.

If I left click on one of these zip files, IE windows start opening and closing non-stop until I hit the on/off button and turn my computer off.

I don't know how IE got associated as the program to open my .zip files. At least I am assuming that is what has happened given that all my zip files have IE icons now.

The only thing that I can think of that may have caused this is when my husband tried to open a regular 'folder' (not a zip file) using the 'open with' option and he then selected MS Works to open the folder (he's not so computer savvy). After that little mistake this all started with my zip files. Don't know if it's related to the problem or not.

I sure would appreciate your help to get this fixed. Below are my computer details. Let me know if you need more details.

Laptop = HP Pavilian dv7-2177cl

Vista Home Premium x64bit

IE 8

All updates current

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Icons Look Like Files

Apr 23, 2008

My son installed a 3rd party theme on Vista 32 and then uninstalled it. Instead of folder icons, all icons now look like files, hard to now tell the difference between a folder or a file in a directory. Is there a way to get them back to the original folders?

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Icons From The .COM And .EXE Files Not Recognized?

Apr 7, 2008

Does anyone know why the icons from the .COM and .EXE files for so many pre-Vista apps and games are not recognized by Vista? I have literally dozens of old games and apps that for some reason still work with Vista (Unlike most things that won't run at all), but when I try to change the icon, Vista says no icons were found in the file. I know for a fact the icons are in there, but Vista refuses to recognize them.

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Files (icons) Shown In Desktop

May 30, 2008

I have in the desktop folder of my computer several files and shortcuts. One of them is called 'Internet Explorer'. But the icon corresponding to that name doesn't appear in the desktop!

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Taskbar Toolbar Title Removal

Sep 18, 2008

For toolbars started in the Vista taskbar, how do you remove the Title? The option doesn't seem to exist any longer.

i.e. under older windows you could:

If you add one or two toolbars to your Windows taskbar, regain some space. Right-click on your created taskbar and on the popup menu that appears, uncheck "Show Title." This removes the title description for your taskbar. If you know the programs on the taskbar by their icon and don't need to see the names of the programs, uncheck "Show Text" as well.

Does this no longer exist in Vista and that I can no longer reclaim the space?

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Black Title Bar On Maximized Windows

Sep 8, 2008

when I window, whether it be Firefox, any other program, or a Windows Explorer window isn't maximized, the transparent features work fine, and look nice. But when I make anything full screen (maximized), the title bar goes black and ugly.

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What Is The Padlock Symbol By The File Title

Mar 26, 2008

I am new to NTSF file system. What is that padlock symbol by the file title and why there is nothing about that in Windows help? I searched using keyword: "padlock" with no results and "locked files" lead me to "Working with files and folders" and there is not even one mention about that. Is that so common thing everybody knows about that Microsoft does not bother to explain?

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What Is The Padlock Symbol By The File Title?

Mar 23, 2008

I am new to NTSF file system. What is that padlock symbol by the file title and why there is nothing about that in Windows help? I searched using keyword: "padlock" with no results and "locked files" lead me to "Working with files and folders" and there is not even one mention about that. Is that so common thing everybody knows about that Microsoft does not bother to explain?

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Parent Directory: "Read-only (Only Applies To Files In Folder)" Is Grayed Out

Mar 29, 2009

I write click on a folder and see that the "Read-only (Only applies to files in folder)" attribute is checked and grayed out. I uncheck it, click Apply, and leave the "Apple changes to this folder, subfolders and files" radio button clicked. I hit OK and a few minutes later all the permissions are supposedly updated. I then try to copy a file into a subfolder and... I can't. It's as though the folder, itself, is Read-only and that the "Read-only (Only applies to files in folder)" checkbox does indeed "only apply to files in folders" and not to folders, themselves.

I go to a folder that has no subfolders in it and see that the "Read- only (Only applies to files in folder)" checkbox for that is grayed out and checked, as well. I uncheck it and right click and... it works. I right click on the parent directory (which contains no other subfolders) and do the same thing and... it's still grayed out.

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Desktop Wallpaper Display (stretch, Title, Etc.)

Feb 1, 2009

I'm trying to change the way a wallpaper is displayed on the desktop (i.e. Stretch, Tile, Centred) but I can't. The wallpaper is always displayed stretched out and I can't change it to be tiled or centred.

The way I'm doing this (to no avail) is obviously to right-click the desktop, then choose "Personalize", then click on "Desktop Background", then click one of the three radio buttons at the bottom (in this case, either of the two on the right), then click "OK".

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Changing Active Title Bar Color Does Not Reflect

Nov 15, 2008

I'm trying to do something very simple - change my title bar color because the default colors for Active and Inactive title bar are almost the same. So I changed the Active Title bar color but it doesn't actually apply to any of the windows. Please see the attached screenshot.

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Microsoft Movie Maker:title Screens But None That Imported

May 17, 2008

I created a project on my home computer, then saved it to my jump drive. When I went to open the project on my laptop, I have the title screens and such, but none of the pictures, music, or video clips that I had imported into the project. What can I do to save EVERYTHING from one computer to the other?

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Restore Window Title And Icon In Windows Explorer

Aug 4, 2008

In Windows Vista the window title and icon has been removed in all instances of Windows Explorer. The result is a blank space in the window that just does not look good where the window title normally is placed.

Using a cool free utility called AeroBar you can restore the window titlebar title and icon. To use the utility visit Outils (http://www.psscript.net/utils.htm) and download AeroBar.exe (http://www.psscript.net/AeroBar.exe).

Install is a snap. Just copy the utility to the Start Up folder of your start menu. If you want to also show the folder icons, just rename AeroBar.exe to AeroBarIco.exe ...

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System Restore: No Disks Or Previous System Save Dates

Mar 23, 2010

I am new here and I have been having problems with my laptop for at least a few months now. And now I am fed up with it and just want to do a full system restore. I have no disks or previous system save dates. I talked to one of my friends and he said that i need a disc. I am just coming her for confirmation and or help. I am running a Toshiba Satallite P505D with and AMD Turion X2 dual core processor 4GB of Ram and a 64 bit operating system.

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Mail Print Size, Get Size 12

Feb 22, 2009

New to Windows mail. I type and view screen using Ariel size 10 but when I print out mail I get size 12. I can't find a way to change it and it's annoying.

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