Age Of Empires II On Windows, Freeze And Cannot Even Get Back To Desktop Using Key Strokes

Apr 26, 2008

I am attempting to play Age of Empires on Windows Vista. I can load and play the game, but sometimes (Almost always) the entire computer will freeze. I cannot even get back to my desktop using key strokes. I have to hold down the power button to shut the computer down. WHen I re-boot the computer the screen resolution is all messed up because it is still set to the low AOE II screen resolution settings. Is there anything I can do to stop making the computer freeze?

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Desktop Freeze

Nov 14, 2009

i have a computer that has worked fine for almost two years. now my computer wont allow me to download any exe files or save them to any location also the desktop is constantly freezing . i tried the msconfig clean boot and it still happens so what next ?????

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Desktop Icons And Folders Freeze Up

Aug 4, 2009

Since I built my new PC and loaded Vista64 in Feb/09 about 2 times per mth my desk top icons/folders freeze up and I have to re-boot my PC to get them to open again. Is there a fix for this or is it inherent due to web sites I visit/spyware?

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Startup/Desktop: Freeze And The Program Will Not Load

Oct 7, 2009

Whenever I try to load vista it seems to be loading fine, but will stop once the icons start filling the taskbar. Sometimes I can try and run a program, but the start bar will freeze and the program will not load, however most of the time it will just freeze before this. It's taking a really long time to even get onto the desktop screen as well. The computer loads fine in Safe Mode (which is where I am typing this from). I have tried startup repair and it says there are no errors, tried to do a bootlog but I don't know where Windows writes the file to(although from a quick search, it appears it's not much use anyway) and I've tried system restore which completed correctly, but did not solve my problem. I actually had this problem a little while ago, and had to reinstall my system from the Dell backup, however I've just moved into digs at Uni and of course all the stuff I would want to reinstall is at home, not to forget that it takes so long. Spec is: Dell Studio 1555 Laptop, Dual Core T4200 Processor @ 2GHz, 4GB RAM, 512MB ATI mobility Radeon HD 4570, running Vista Home Premium 64Bit on SP2

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Turned It Back Desktop Wingdings

Apr 22, 2008

I shut down my laptop. When I turned it back on the desktop is in all wingdings and symbols. Everything I go to is in wingdings and symbols, including word documents. How do I undo this? What is wrong with it?

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Desktop Icons Back To Normal

Jun 12, 2008

I am also having a problem with my desktop icons and have tried everything recommened to get them back to the way that they were when I got my computer and nothing seems to be working. They all of a sudden changed on me and I want them back to the way that they were.

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Get Back The Active Desktop Feature In Regedit

Nov 17, 2008

i just read brinks discussion on removing the desktop from the personalize window and i was just wondering how to get that back the active desktop feature in regedit

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Can't Install Age Of Empires 3

Feb 6, 2009

we can't install Age of Empires 3 onto our new comp with Windows Vista we keep getting error messages.

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Age Of Empires 3 Not Working

Jan 23, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home premium 32bit packet and whenever i turn on my game of age of empires 3 it blurs up weirdly and doesn't let me see anything Because of this i cannot play. Also with Asian Dynasties AoE3 i play for a half an hour and it turns black and quits.

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Age Of Empires 3 Not Working Properly

Jul 6, 2009

I've recently installed AoE3 on my computer and it works fine, I can start it and all that. Though then I ran into some trouble. I can't make home cities! When I click the "create-button" it freezes for a while and then I come to the menu which is supposed to let you handle your cards and all that. Though there is no city chosen, and when I try to choose one the only option I can click is create new home city. I simply don't get it. One would assume that it's something wrong with the game, and yeah. Of course there is, but I tried reinstalling it and that didn't resolve the issue..! Then I installed AoE: Asian Dynasties thinking that a later update might have a fix, but nope. Problem remains. This is really starting to get to me... I'm at a LAN and I'm the only Vista user you see, though I've had it installed on this computer before so...

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Age Of Empires Games Can't Working

Feb 24, 2009

I have just recently installed aoe2 conq expansion, and I am trying to play it online again. But I need to update the game, and everytime I attempt to do it, it tells me I do not have the retail copy of the game installed, yet i have the discs sitting infront of me. I have tried running the patch in administrative rights, and tried running it under windows xp sp2 installation type, neither have worked. I have reinstalled the game multiple times, with no success.

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Age Of Empires II And Expansion Has Stopped Working

Feb 17, 2009

Alright, so I've basically installed everything and patched it and have the CD in the drive but when I start up the game, the game's logo shows up and then it suddenly goes.... "Age of Empires II expansion has Stopped working..." blah blah blah. I've ran some old games and they worked I don't know why AoE II doesn't....

Tried Compatibility Windows 98 and XP SP2 and Windows 2003 SP1 *No idea why* Tried reinstalling both of them, patched them already, my anti-virus doesn't interfere with it or anything, tried running in 256 colours and still crashes, also ran as Administrator and it doesn't work..

Specs: Intel Core 2 Quad 6600, 4gigs of memory, nVidia 9500 GT 256mb and Home Vista Premium x64/x86 and current Monitor settings is 1680 by 1050 Also this is my Task Manager, i don't think any of those interfere with it running the game..

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Age Of Empires: Rise Of Rome Compatibility

Nov 27, 2007

i'm trying to play multiplayer on this game through a home network. when i create a game i cant find it when i search through another vista running computer it doesn't appear. when i run 2 XP running computers (which are no longer with us), it works fine through those (using a wi-fi connection) and through vista i have tried Wi-fi and ethernet connection, but still no luck. i have minimized the game to unblock the windows firewall for the network accessing, but still no luck. i tried running the game in compatibility mode in both 98/ME and XP and still, again, no luck. i should probably add that a few months ago i tried running it through 1 XP PC and 1 Vista PC and it didn't work on there either.

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Age Of Empires 2: The Colors Sometimes Get Messed Up And The Graphics Become Skewed

May 25, 2008

I love Age of Empires 2 (I own the Conquerors Expansion, Gold Edition). Only problem is that I recently got Windows Vista and have been experiencing these three problems:

1) The colors sometimes get messed up and the graphics become skewed. The most noticable example of this is when the grass becomes mixed with red blotches.

2) I'm having trouble connecting online with other players, regardless of their operating systems. My friends and I used to quickly and easily connect together but now the systems (mine and theirs) tend to crash.

3)Regular crashes about an hour or two into playing

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Outlook 2007: Before I Upgraded The Desktop To Vista, I Copy The Outlook.pst Back And Forth The Two Machines To Synchronize My E-mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have a desktop that I upgraded from XP Pro to Vista Ultimate and a laptop running on Windows XP Pro. I recently upgraded both devices from Office 2003 to Office 2007. Before I upgraded the desktop to Vista, I copy the Outlook.pst back and forth the two machines to synchronize my e-mail. Now that the desktop is running on Vista and the laptop still running XP Pro, can I do the same thing to synchronize my e-mail or is there a better solution in synchronizing the pst files.

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Windows Mail + Computer Freeze

May 27, 2008

When I attempt to open Windows Mail for the first time each day the splash screen appears and then, 9 times out of 10, my computer freezes. This only happens the first time each day. It opens instantly for the remainder of the day. I am forced to power off and reboot which can happen 1 to 3 times before Windows Mail will open. I am running Vista with SP1. I have not installed anything new and no settings have been changed.

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Windows Freeze After Hibernation/monitor Off

Oct 4, 2009

After doing a ton of updates for my Vista (haven't been able to update for months, but the problem was solved two days ago), it's been freezing up every single time hibernation mode is exited or if the monitor just turns off automatically after X amount of time to save power. After automatically going into hibernation mode/monitor off, I move the mouse, the desktop comes back, and only the mouse is movable, everything else is stuck. Only option is to reboot every time. Have done several virus/other scans with Nod32, Windows Defender, etc., all with negative results. I'm using a Dell 1525 laptop with Windows Vista Basic.

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Windows Reboot Freeze Up Count Down

May 19, 2008

When I try to restart my computer after upgrading my count down meter stops responding at 26 seconds. I will then power off and wait for 50 seconds and restart my computer. Vista Home Premium is my operating system. This started to happen when I installed an external Hard Drive as a back up Disk onto my computer in order to have Windows do a auto back up every week. I do not get any error messages during reboot just freezes up count down. If I disconnect my external Hard Drive everything works just fine.

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Running Internet Explorer 7 Windows Freeze Up

Apr 6, 2009

I have Vista and am running internet explorer 7 on one computer and it seems to freeze up alot on me when I'm using the internet. I have another computer still running IE6 and Windows XP and I have no problems.

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Windows Updates Get The Good Old Windows Update Interface Back

Oct 27, 2009

I can get the good old Windows Update interface back, somehow the interface as changed for something that is less usefull and easy to find what update I need to do or not.

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Bringing Back The Restart Prompt Back From Msconfig

May 26, 2008

Does anyone know how to bring back this window ? I accidently checked the box that says " Don't show this message again ".

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Window "Age Of Empires II Has Stopped Working." Pops Up

Apr 2, 2010

I have read many previous forums about AoE II issues, but none seem to apply to my issue. Late last year I successfully installed AoE II on my computer and was able to play it in Windows 98 compatibility without any issues. More recently whenever I try to play it, the window "Age of Empires II has stopped working." pops up.

I have updated patches, I have tried using files from a flash drive, I've tried installing and reinstalling, disabling graphics card, and many of the other suggestions read on this forum, none of which worked for me. I also installed the Trial version, and ironically, it works perfectly fine.

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Windows Taskbar Always In Back

Aug 30, 2009

For whatever reason, my taskbar, regardless of where I have it on the desktop, regardless if it's "locked" or not is always behind. As in, windows and programs can come in front of it. How can I reverse that?

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Back To Windows Error Recovery

Oct 11, 2008

I had just installed Warhammer Online and everything was going well. The following day after i had finished gaming i logged off. From there i was about to click the little red shut down button but it was unclickable. After some time i just released the battery from the back. To see if everything was ok i tried turning it on again and it said Windows Error Recovery. It gave me 2 options, Startup Repair Which was recommended and normal startup. I clicked startup repair but when i did the screen went black and brought me straight back to Windows Error Recovery. No matter how many times i click repair it doesnt work. If i click normal start it just Brings me to the screen where it says Microsoft and there a little green bar flashing over and back as if loading. After some time it goes black and i have to remove battery to turn it off.

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Can I Shift Back To The Old XP Windows Explorer?

Aug 29, 2008

I hate the windows explorer in Vista. It is hard use and often just plain doesn't work. I tried to buy another file manager, but it interferred with my AOL and the one by Google won't work on Vista. Can I shift back to the old XP explorer? I can't understand why Microsoft "fixes" things that are not broken with new systems that work so poorly.

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Windows Mail Back To Old Server

Mar 23, 2008

I want to go back to using my old server but I am not sure how? I didn't even really meant to set this up. how I can reverse it so I get my mail back in my university account?

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Windows Switcher Can't Drag Back

Nov 22, 2009

I accidently moved the Windows Switcher Icon from the Taskbar to the desktop and cant get it to drag back. Of course this renders it usless because I cant see it with other windows open. How can I get it back on the taskbar?

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Windows Firewall Cannot Back On Manually Auto

Mar 9, 2009

all of a sudden my windows firewall has gone off and I cannot put it back on manually or auto. I have scanned my system with 3 virus programs and spyware programs and all is clear. I do not have any Norton software on my pc but the only thing I have done recently is put a new netgear wireless router on my system. running vista home premium all up to date

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How To Archieve/back Up Emails From Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to archieve/back up emails from Windows Mail but unable to find the features that could do it.

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Wouldn't Revert Back Windows Firewall

Jul 20, 2009

it wouldnt let me surf the web had to revert back to the windows firewall. even though it says 64 bit

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How Can I Get Back My Hiberation Enabled/back

Dec 20, 2008

i had cleaned up my hibernation option unfortunately in disk cleanup thinking that i is using 3 GB of my C drive and from then im not having the option HIBERNATION when i wanna keep my notebook shut.

and if i want it back is there any option of getting it..and to keep the size of it to a limited one bcoz im having just 30 GB to my C drive ...

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