Way To Save Current Installation Short Of A Complete Reinstall?

Mar 29, 2008

Recently my video card died, and so my system went kaput. Originally I had thought it might be a driver problem so I uninstalled all Nvidia drivers from my system - including by accident my motherboard chipset drivers (I have an Asus A8N-SLI).Now when I try to boot with a new video card swapped in I get an endless reboot cycle. I disabled automatic rebooting and I got a blue screen with STOP 0x0000007B. I do have a clean installation of windows on another partition that I keep around for troubleshooting, and that works fine.Is there any way to save my current installation short of a complete reinstall?

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Repair Installation Will Not Complete

May 17, 2009

On yahoo home page was holding mouse over an ad. The computer suddenly crashed and restarted. My husband then got a sudden error message on his computer.

"One of the files containing the System's registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful" You could not get it to go away if you clicked ok. We restarted in manually because you were not able to get into start or any programs at all. I did get it to go away at one point but still could not get into any programs or start menu. I was trying to run an anti virus and also a clean up and fix of registry, but could not.

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Unable To Complete Network Adepter Installation?

Jul 21, 2005

I tried to install USB Wireless network adapter to my XP system(OFFICECONNECT WIRELESS 11g USB ADAPTER). Not only that I couldn't establish a connection through that new wireless adapter I also lost my regular PCI network adapter couldn't connect via the PCI adaptor and couldn't set it's TCP/IP configurations I uninstalled the TCP/IP and when I tried to reinstall I got: "The name is already in use as a service name or service display name".

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Installshield Error 1628 - Failed To Complete Installation

Mar 20, 2010

I get intallshield error "1628: Failed to complete installation" when I am trying to uninstall some software I don't want.

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Updation Popup For Service Pack 3 Wont Complete Installation?

Sep 7, 2008

i'm having this problem with service pack 3 installation.i'm running windows xp home with service pack 2. A balloon just came up the other day wanting to install service pack 3. I should say it was an update balloon. I would let it begin installation but after about 20 min. I would get this service pack 3 setup error box.Service pack 3 installation did not complete.Select ok to undo the changes that have been made.I would let it undo the changes but everytime that i booted up i would get this update balloon. What do i do?

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Cannot Install Service Pack3 - Additional Download Needed To Complete Installation

Nov 6, 2008

Having a problem with the install of Service Pack 3. The update keeps picking it up but halfway through the install a popup appears to say " an additional download is needed to complete the installation.Install service pack 3 again " . Well I have installed 6 times now and the same happens every time, it doesn't say what the additional download is or where to get it from. I'm running XP which has been taking forever to start up up recently ( about 15 mins ) don't know if it's related or not?

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Reinstall On Laptop - Wipe An Installation

Oct 14, 2006

reinstalling win 2000 on a laptop. In the past when I have needed to wipe an installation, I have just pulled the drive and put it into another of my machines to clean the hard drive to start all over and proceed that way. That being said, I have never done one with a laptop. I have a laptop that an aunt asked me to wipe. She does not remember the login password.

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Notepad, Wordpad, Paint Automatically Closes Whenever Save Or Save As Is Selected

Mar 9, 2010

I've been searching for most parts of the net and the forums here and did install uninstall restore my notepad, paint and wordpad but nothing seems to work.When these files are opened, nothing seems to be a problem. But whenever you attempt to save by Ctrl+S, or the by clicking File>Save or File>Save As the program automatically closes. This has been a consistent behavior for the 3 softwares.I'm using Windows XP 64 bit OS and had no error messages of any sort except that these programs just close themselves when a save attempt is done.I did virus and malware scans by Avast, ESET Nod & Kaspersky and nothing was detected.Reinstalling isn't an option for me now as I don't have any optical drive... besides, this may be very hard for me but I'm willing to suffer for the sake of learning.

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Customize The Save Menu List To Save My Pictures?

Apr 9, 2007

A while back I had a program or a tweak that enabled me to change/add to the list on the left side of the window that opens when you want to save or save as. So, if I was saving a photo, instead of clicking on My Documents >> My Pictures, I was able to just click on My Pictures, ect. (See Photo) Does anyone know of a tweak/program that would allow me to do this?

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Current Version Running On The PC?

Jul 25, 2005

How can I know which version is actually running on my PC?

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Reading The Current Screen Resolution?

Feb 18, 2009

I'm having trouble either writing code for or finding a freeware utillity to read the current screen resolution.I need it to be accurate, and I need the resolution to be output in the format: {Friendly Name} {width} {height} {color depth} {refresh rate}I should probably have it list all of this one line each, output to standard output.

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System CPU Usage - Current Drivers

Jun 2, 2005

I recently reinstalled windows xp pro and now the "system" proccess is always using all free cpu. It's not "system idle proccess" just system.After installing right off the xp pro disk, all i did was install the updates up to and through SP2, my motherboard drivers, video drivers, winamp and AIM. Other than that, nothing else has been done, yet system is still using all free cpu.I checked to make sure all drivers were current.

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Partition Second Harddrive To Current Hard Drive

Oct 2, 2009

My computer came with a 80gb HD with windows xp pro.. I had took a 180gb hd from another comp. that was running windows xp home and connected it as a slave drive. A window popped warning me that vital info. would be deleted in order to format/ partition the second drive (180gb HD). Was this a mistake doing it in this manner? If not...How would I go about using the whole "180gb" and not just the 35gb it's only allowing me to use. And is there any way to move files so that they will be protected?

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Can't Read Writing In Current Screen Resolution?

Sep 16, 2005

I've recently replaced my old LCD PC monitor with my TV LCD monitor which is 20"however the only time I can read writing clearly is when I set the resolution to the TV's stats at 640x480 - very clear but the prob is that everything TOO big so I can't get around the screen. How do I keep this clarity at 640x480 but make everything fit the screen?I've tried different resolutions but nothing works as clear as the above.

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Pro Explorer Save Or Save As Dialogs

Jul 23, 2005

When downloading files, any type files, just using IE's dialog, or using a Download Manager's dialog, Explorer's Save or Save As panels *will not* allow me to create a new folder on XPpro [current user's] desktop! I am allowed to save the file to the desktop, and of course, can then create a new folder directly on the desktop with the context menu, and etc. It will allow me to create a new folder anywhere else and save any type file being downloaded into that new folder.It simply will not allow me to create a new folder on the Desktop.Could this be some kind of registry alteration?

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Can't Save Download Anda Save

Mar 17, 2007

I noticed this problem like a week ago. I tried to download and save some vids, but the windows that says the percent of your download just freezes. I thought it was a problem with the vid, but now I see it's the computer.Whatever I try to dowload it's the same problem. What can it be? It was fine before.

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Make An Image For My Current Windows - Free Software

Jul 4, 2008

I was wondering is there any free software where i could make an image for my current windows ...because having to format it is a pain.

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USB Over Current Status Detected - Computer Shut Down In 15 Seconds

Jul 27, 2010

i cant figure out what is wrong. i disconnect all my usb devices and it still said this message when i tried to boot my computer up.

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Remove Past/current Items From System Tray

Sep 18, 2003

You can see which previous items that have been run or are currently running on your system tray by clicking on Start >> Settings >> Taskbar and Start Menu, tick the box that says "Hide inactive icons" then click "customize". There you will see a list of Current and Past items. If you would like to remove the past items then follow these steps: 1. Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to the FAQ on how to get started. 2.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerTrayNotify 3. Delete the keys Past Icons Stream and Icon Streams 4. Exit regedit and restart Explorer. 5. To end explorer right clicking anywhere on the system tray and choosing "Task Manager". Click on the "Processes" tab and find Explorer.exe. Click the End Process button. Your whole systemtray should disappear. 6. To restart Explorer, while still in Task Manager, go to the "applications" tab and choose the New Task.. button. Simply type Explorer.exe and click OK.

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Install Current Hard Dirve To The New Computer Safely?

Apr 30, 2007

I currently have Windows XP Home and I would like to simply install my current hard drive into the new system. But something tells me it's not that easy.I'm going from an old Pentium 4 2.4 to a E6600. New mobo, new everything essentially. But I don't want to have to reinstall everything on the new Hard Drive.If I could,I would like to install my current hard drive into the new system, and then, once that is done, transfer my files onto the new hard drive. BUT will the new system boot up with XP if I install my hard drive in it? Will it go bonkers with all the new components?

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Putting On Disk - Current Version Of Operating System

May 17, 2010

my little bro wants me to but him a new hard drive for his laptop for his birthday. He does not have the windows xp disk that came with the machine. Is there I way I can put his current version of windows on a disk, or back it up some other way?

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Installing MAC Operating System With Current OS As Dual Boot?

Jul 8, 2005

I am planning to invest in a copy of MAC OS X and wondering if the OS can be installed on PCs and dual booted with Windows XP

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All Short-cut Key Commands?

Jun 20, 2005

Just wondering if anyone know a good doc/list/page listing all the shortcut keys default built into Windows XP? I tried looking it up in help, but it only gave a couple and by no means was all of them

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Remote Assistance: Current Settings Preventing From Sending Invitation?

Aug 10, 2005

When I open remote assistance I recieve a message saying that my current settings prevent me from sending an invitation. What do I need to change to make this work?

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DEP - Short Formatting System

Oct 27, 2007

My computer keeps rebooting every time i try to open folders with .avi and .mpeg files. It says that DEP is causing it but I disbabled it and I still can't open any folders, please give me any suggestions short of formatting the computer

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Random Short Lockups

Sep 4, 2006

I've surfed the forums but none of the problems seemed to hit on exactaly what i have.1st problem is that startup and shutdown each take about half and hour to go through (if at all).2nd Is the most reliable method of making the problem happen....loading a new webpage (like one I have never been to) this is when the computer seems to freeze, but not all the way, I still have perfect control of the mouse, and the clicks still go through but only after it seems to catch itself....And other times it doesnt take any provication to make it do this.3rd If this counts is that whenever it does this lockup thing, a small noise comes from the computer, like almost a beep, but not from any speakers, cant really explain it (its not from the case speaker either) Remindes me of a hard drive noise....kinda, but not normal HD.

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Explorer Dialog Does Not See The Short Cuts?

Dec 30, 2008

The short cuts on my HDD work when using the desktop to get through them, but upon opening any sort of Explorer dialog it does not see see the short cuts at all. Previously, when the problem first started, it(the Explorer dialog) would see them as a ".lnk" rather than treating them as a short cut, and taking me to the place specified. So, were I attaching a picture to an email, if said picture was in a folder that a short cut could lead me to, it would simply attach a "*.lnk" to the email rather than taking me to the folder where the pic resides.

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Unable To Use Any Kind Of Short Cut Icons?

Jan 4, 2005

I downloaded regcleaner2 to clean my registry and somewhere down the line I screwed up. Now I cannot use any of the short cut icons and I need to access my Outlook Express.

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Tried To Place Short Cut In Startup Folder

Jul 28, 2005

I have tried to place a short cut in the startup folder so as to make sure that PGP-tray is run on startup. However, when I drop the shortcut in the folder I cannot se any change. Furthermore, when I restart the pc PGP-tray is not initiated.

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Computer Freezes For Short Periods

Jul 30, 2005

Many thanks for your very helpful forum-I have learned a lot by reading
the comments.I have already downloaded Ewido,Adaware and run them to clear out spyware,adware and odd bits of Trojans that were not totally cleared before.Now
when I run the two programs all I get are tracking cookies.Still my computer
locks up for a minute or so at times,especially when I click on a new window.For a while I put it down to the amount of programs etc I had on my computer.However after clearing out some thing like 245k of programs,junketc etc,the computer still hangs for a while.I have installed more ram memory and run Xram pro to give me back more ram when I run short as some of the windows programs seem to eat up myram especially iexplorer and the longer I run my pc the more it uses.{I knowwindows will give me extra memory when things are critical,but I often needa boost in ram when I am running a webconferencing program].

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All Running Programs Freeze For A Short While

Apr 2, 2005

Every program that i use, eventually ends up FREEZING, not the comp, THE PROGRAM.. I can do teh alt+crtl+del but sometimes im workin on something that i didnt save..for example..Im running Photoshop cs....i make something cool, then the program jsut stops responding...so i either wait for it to come back or end its task..but the I WOULD LOSE MY WORK!..(remember this is just an example)EVERY PROGRAM THAT IS RUNNING FREEZES TOGETHER ALMOST ALL THE TIME!!! for about 3-4mins...then they come back on

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