Update - SP2 - Not Boot Back Up?

Aug 16, 2006

I installed Windows XP Home Edition with SP1 on a brand new home built computer and downloaded the beginning programs, firefox, spyware blaster, I visited microsoft.com to install all the updates; SP2 I believe among other things, and when I shut the computer down to finalize the installation of the updates it did not boot back up. It just stays on the Windows XP screen with the moving blue bars then goes black and goes to the first boot screen again. I system restored to before the updates and tried to install them before I installed all my other programs and when I restarted it after the installation it failed to boot up again?

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Recieved An Auto Update - Asking Me To Back Up My System

Jan 27, 2009

I recieved an auto update to install windows xp service pack 3, while following the wizard currently at the end it is asking me to back up my system. I don't know how to do that. I have ALOT of pictures I don't want to lose. If I cancel will it know that I never updated & ask me to update it again at a later time? How great is the risk if I just continue without backing up?

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Boot Up / Log Off And Then Log Back On

Dec 26, 2005

Whenever I restart my system, not every program in the Start Group loads. I have to log off and then log back on, and then most of the applications load. McAfee VirusScan, however, list as "disabled", and I have to reun servicesmsc to disable and then enable. WordPerfect DAD can only load manually even though it's in the start group. I don't think a System Restore will work because this has been going on for many months, and virtually immediately afer the system was built.

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Errors - Off And Back On And No Boot

Aug 15, 2007

The latest error I'm getting is this. Sorry it's so big but it's a photo of the screen.This is happening virtually every time I try and load in any programs to Windows. If I use Windows restore to roll back to before the program installation then it becomes stable again (usually).Windows update, spyware scans and antivirus etc. Left the machine doing a virus scan over night and next morning it was locked up. Turned it off and back on, and no boot. No hard drives found. So located and reinstalled SATA drivers, and then managed to see the hard drives, but just after POST the machine fell down and restarted. With the help of some other tech guys I managed to use ERD to get onto the install, and tried to use Windows restore, but it told me I needed Service Pack 2 and wouldn't.

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Boot Hangs At Go Back

May 22, 2007

My OS is Win2K Pro and when attempting to boot yesterday my computer hung on the Go Back app and would go no further. During several subsequent attempts I got far enough in the boot process to get an error saying my keyboard wouldn't work. Using a third keyboard I somehow got a full boot with my Windows CD and quickly ran a virus scan showing no infection and thought everything was okay, took out the CD and changed the boot sequence back.Now I'm stuck on the Go Back screen again. While in BIOS I discovered it said the year was 2002 and thought that was why Go Back hung but reset the clock and still nothing works. I can't boot to safe mode (only beeps when I tap the keyboard), now the windows CD will not boot the machine. I've tried to do a reinstall, but am told two small partitions are too small (no option for changing their size) and for some reason can't install on the primary partition, just a note saying I can't, nothing else. I can only get to Set-Up and BIOS. I've tried burning different boot disks to CD (no floppy drive)on another computer but only get Retry Boot when using them.Various times I can get far enough to get Go Back to load then try to revert, but just get a Wait notice from the app and nothing further.No sounds when booting unless I tap F5 or F8, sometimes F12 beeps every time I tap. Of course I haven't backed up my documents and WAB, etc. so I'm trying not to delete partitions and start over.

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Will Not Boot / How To Back Up Files?

Mar 6, 2007

My Dell Dimension 8400 suddenly won't boot up, and Dell told me I would have to reinstall the OS (XP Media Center Edition). I would rather try to repair the boot files first in order to save all of my apps, drivers and files. But before trying this, I would like to move my SATA HDD to another PC and make it a slave so that I can backup my files to an external HD. Is this a complex task? Dell also told me that all of my OE apps are stored on a partition in my HDD, so a reinstall will put me back to the way my PC was when I first got it, but I would then have to try to find all the drivers for everything I have since installed.

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Boot Disk / Back-up Utility In Pro Sp2

Sep 11, 2005

I used the backup utility that comes with XPPro/(i am running sp2) and used the wizard process.I chose the one that says you will be prompted to make a floppy once the back-up is done.The back up is done(i copied the whole of "C" drive onto another drive on my machine) but there was no prompt to make a floppy.I guess i have two questions..

1. what happened to the prompt, how do i get the wizarfd to work etc etc

2. to make my own floppy, what files should i put on it?

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CD Don't Boot After GRUB Update

Jul 9, 2005

I had to re-install the boot manager GRUB Now, Windows does not boot no more and even worse I cannot even boot from CD either (-> recovery console)"Examining your hardware." flashes shortly and then the screen turns black and that's it. I think a fixmbr may help but since I cannot boot from CD. it's a notebook and I have a recovery partition at the beginning of the hard drive.

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Can I Update To Mobo So It Can USB Boot?

Mar 31, 2007

I have an extremely old computer which I wanted to see if it could boot from USB. I checked the motherboard to see if I could change the boot order to USB but all I could change it too was "Removable Devices" which I then put in the #1 spot to boot. I restarted my computer with my USB drive plugged in, but it booted to XP like normal. Is there a bios update that I can update my mobo too, so that it can boot to usb or is it just too old?

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Getting Back Into OS After Failed Dual Boot Attempt?

Jul 9, 2009

i wanted to dual boot windows 7 with XP. I partitioned my HDD with the built in utility and waited for it to format. I then restarted my computer with the XP disc in the DVD-Drive and waited for it to install on my newly made partition. After it restarted for the first time i got a "Disk read error - Press CTRL + ALT + DEL to restart" and this continues to happen so i cannot get into windows.

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Always Back To Xp Blinking Curser Top Left No Boot

Feb 11, 2008

I have a Dell laptop Inspiron 8500 that I used extensively for work. 2ghz cpu P4m, 2gig ram, 160gig hitachi HD.A couple of times in the past few months it has occasionally came up with only a flashing cursor in the top left. Now it does it once a week at least( update: even more frequent ). I've cannot boot into safe mode. The bios settings seem ok. I can only boot when it's like this from a bootable ISO CD.( ie Acronis rescue disk or XP setup ). To workaround so far, when this happens: I remove the laptop drive then use another computer to read the drive using a usb to mini IDE adapter to read off my recent work, I then re-insert and run the Hitachi factory tests for this drive via bootable ISO: It always passes fine. The drive reads fine too via the usb or in the laptop using a boot disk.Then I use "Acronis True Image home" to restore the drive back to the last backup( which I do 2 times weekly now because of this ) It takes 3hours to restore the image, and then I copy back my recent work , and all works fine for about a week( or now hours ).

I bought "ASO advanced Sytem Optimizer" and cleaned up the registry, and defragged the drive using "AShampoo Magic Defreg". I was excited because I thought it was a registry problem or fragmentation issue.It worked fine all week and seems faster even. I was happy.Today it did the same no-boot thing when I when to to boot up. Blank screen with flashing cursor in the top left.It really seems like something is killing or malwaring either the registry, mbr, or bootloader on powerdown. ( I have bitdefender 10 running when it's running.)I'm running the Dell diags disk and it all passes. I can boot and restore the partition using Acronis . I'm at a loss... Thanks for any help. I enabled shutdown event logging and no errors show in the system logs, but the applicationo event log shows userinit.exe could not run a script event ID 1000 at the timestamp that I did the shutdown.

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Tried To Update BIOS And Computer Won't Boot

Oct 13, 2009

I tried to update my BIOS on my Acer AOA150 Netbook (I know, terrible idea, I wanted it to be updated in case I used a 9 cell battery). I downloaded the BIOS, version 3310, from http://global-download.acer.com/GDFi...&LC=en&SC=PA_7

I clicked on one of the readme files and it said to click on one of the executable files included in the download and to then click "sure." Once I clicked sure, my computer immediately shut down. I tried to turn it on after only about 5 seconds. It simply will not start up completely but I *can* get to the F2 screen. If I choose not to go with the F2 option, the normal Windows XP flashing image will come up, except it flashes slightly slower than normal. Then, right before the screen can display my various accounts to start windows, the netbook completely shuts off. This is an Acer AOA 150 model netbook. I downloaded the BIOS.

I may have tried to turn it on while the computer was still trying to flash the BIOS. Or, I just messed up from the start by trying to do it from Windows.

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Puter Won't Boot After Windows Update

Aug 18, 2005

can't get past BSOD. Won't boot even in safe mode, and won't boot in Last known good configuration. Windows XP Professional. I liked it better back in the win98SE days when you could boot up with a floppy and fix anything

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Turning Off Automatic Update - End Of Boot Up

Aug 1, 2005

Win XP Pro I've just reinstalled my system and several programs. I've also begun "customizing" windows such as getting rid of messenger, turning off automatic update etc. At the end of bootup, I get a small box in the middle of the screen with nothing on the top section to indicate what program it is coming from or responding to. It says: "cocreateinstance error". There is a little "ok" and when I left click, the box goes away and all seems to go very smoothely. But something is wrong - any ideas of where I might start to look since there's no error code and no reference to a particular program?

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System Wont Boot / Getting Lost Data Back?

Apr 5, 2008

i have a windows xp system. it is a desktop (gateway). yesterday my computer crashed, and it wont load windows at all. it comes to the black screen with the options off booting windows normally, last known config, safe mode and the others. i cant boot windows in any of these config's.i have everything for school, my bills, my music and pictures. i need to back up all of my data but i cant get into windows at all

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System Wont Boot / Getting Lost Data Back?

Apr 5, 2008

i have a windows xp system. it is a desktop (gateway). yesterday my computer crashed, and it wont load windows at all. it comes to the black screen with the options off booting windows normally, last known config, safe mode and the others. i cant boot windows in any of these config's.i have everything for school, my bills, my music and pictures. i need to back up all of my data but i cant get into windows at all

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Missing System32 On Boot / Back But Not Running Properly

Jan 14, 2006

I had a missing "Windowssystem32configsystem" upon restarting my comp last Saturday. Couldn't boot into safe mode at all. Used HP's recovery console to run chkdsk and it fix errors on the volume. Wouldn't let me run the recovery disks I had to get from HP since they are not given with a new computer. Great I thought.Upon starting now, my antivirus won't run and a lot of Windows programs(Search adn System Restore just a blank page, Media Player, etc) .I can get IE to open up but no active X although it says it is enabled, also my home page doesn't show up at all but it is set to it. Those are some of the things I have found wrong so far as I am sure I have more.

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Starting Boot - Update Installation Huge

Jun 8, 2008

Basically today I bought a 250gb hitachi sata HDD, dvd drive and computer case, got home, assembled the lot. worked fine. Got my Win XP SP2 installation cd and stuck it in the drive... and started to boot it up... it read the disk just fine, but for some reason every damn time it gets to (Mylex EXR2000, 3000/AR160, 170, 352 Raid Controllers) at the bottom of the screen it just stays there and never progresses.

It's causing me so much hassle. I went into the BIOS, turned off all RAID related options since he doesn't even have a RAID. Then that did nothing, figured I would get rid of the SATA drive for now incase that was the issue, put back in the old IDE 20GB drive... same thing happened. Got another Win XP installation disc that i've used loads of times with no problems... but that one came with it's own error.... a missing file apparently? Anyways the PC is sat downstairs with the old 20GB IDE drive in it and the CD drive and not much else really. All raid options in the BIOS are disabled and my mind is falling to pieces.

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Fix User Init.exe Disaster / Loops Back And Throws Back Up

Mar 24, 2008

I did an AVG Rootkit scan which turned up "c:windows/system32/userinit.exe" as a dodgy file. I removed it and now the machine won't login when I boot the system. With a bit more digging it seems that this file was actually the login information within the registry and as it can't find a valid user/password it just keeps asking me click the user name and login. When I click it just loops back and throws back up the window, asking me to click the user name again.How I can access the registry and reset the userinit.exe file?I've tried selecting "last good configuration" which didn't work.I also tried to download Bart PE on another machine (running Vista) to set up a boot CD, but it wasn't particularly clear how to go about it, so I tried using the XP System Recovery app on the install disks. This got me into a C: prompt.

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Unable To Find Back Up Disk / Creating Back Up Copy For OS?

Jan 22, 2006

I bought my Dell 4700 about 6 months ago and was just going through the discs that came with it. I remembered that the Dell did not come with a Windows XP install disc in case I need to re-format. Is this normal? There is an option under Start....Accessories....System Tools to create OS backup disc. Is that what I need to make a disc or should it have came with one?

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When Viewing Thread / Hit Back Arrow To Go Back To Page

Oct 27, 2009

Are you guys having the same problem? Using IE7, when viewing a thread, if I hit the back arrow to go back to the page I was previously viewing, it doesn't move at all. It started acting weird a couple of days ago when it took sometimes two hits on the back arrow to go back. Now it doesn't go back to the previous page at all.

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Can't Back Up On Back Up Documents And System Files

Sep 1, 2005

I am trying to back up my docs and system when I do on either the wizard or the advanced mode-it still tells me "the back up file name could not be used: "Eackup.bkf" " please ensure that it is a valid path and the you have sufficent access."

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Microsoft Service Pack 3 Update - Norton Can't Update Feature

Oct 13, 2008

i have an icon from microsoft.saids it has updates to install for microsoft office, update service pack 3.the only thing is it won't update.and the icon won't go away until it gets updated .plus norton keeps giving me a box saids norton can't update feature.to uninstall norton than reinstall.now my son did up my whole computer so i am afraid to really touch anything.

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Microsoft Update: Can't Install The ActiveX Update Required

Jan 3, 2009

"Install the ActiveX control required to view the website," but I don't get the bar saying to install it. None of the troubleshooting tips were relevant.

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Cant Update MSE Or Auto Update - Unable To Get Through To Microsoft Websit

Mar 4, 2010

After installing and running MSE I have been unable to update definitions either manually or automatically. At the same time I noticed that microsoft automatic updates are getting to around 28 percent and then stopping - not fully downloading or installing. I cannot get through to any microsoft websites now - but all other sites are fine. wuauserv and bits are missing from services also. Have I been sneakily virused by something which MSE hasnt picked up. I tried to run malicious software removal tool - it downloads alright but wont install - says its not a valid win32 application. I correctly downloaded the 32bit app. Can anyone shed some light on any of this. I dont want to rebuild again and again.

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Turning On Laptop Keeps Showing Update 3 Of 3 But Wont Update ?

Sep 1, 2010

wen i turn on my laptop it keeps goin on 3 of 3 updates but does not install updates .then turns of an repeats all over again .an wont recignise cd/reboot factory instalationhelp

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Formatted And Restored - Cant Update Using Update Features

Apr 7, 2005

I recently formated and restored windows to how it was when I bought it. Everything was ok except for updating using the Windows Update feature. I have it on, but when I go to the updating windows its not doing anything. Its suposte to scan, but its not scanning since it takes forever. On my other computer, it works in seconds.

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Upadte Won't Update Computer / Auto Update Is On?

Nov 23, 2006

My computer has automatic update on it but it hasent been updateing lately so i went to windows update and found all the new updates for my computer and clicked "install New Updates" and it went to the download screen and said "Error Download Failure"

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Uninstalling An Update Performed By Update Process?

Jul 19, 2005

I would like to know how to uninstall an update that was performed by Windows Update.The update itself was in the "Hardware, Optional" Type list (ie. not
the"High Priority"or the"Software,Optional" list)The update that was installed shows up in the History log correctly I believe that Microsoft incorrectly scanned the computer and assigned a hardware update that pertained to a different type of hardware ... specifically, the update pertained to an "IBM Thinkpad UltraNav Pointing Device" whereas the actual hardware is a Toshiba Satellite with a Synaptics Touchpad".

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.NET Framework SP1.1 Update Won't Install - Run Live Update

Jun 28, 2005

I have run live update and installed all updates OK except .NET Framework SP1.1 update.This will not install and there is no reason given why - it just says installation failed

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Update Tries To Update Trial Version Of Office

Aug 28, 2006

Windows Update keeps trying to update Office 2003.I have a trial version of Office 2003 that came with my computer.I do not want it at this time, but I may want it at some point in the future.I don't know if it can be hidden from the Windows update but if not, I am not sure how to fully get rid of it.
It has never been "installed."Windows update fails every time, of course, because it isn't now nor has it ever been installed.The biggest problem is that it keeps trying to apply the same updates over and over and over. It slows down the shutdown as it repeats the attempt(s) 3 times before each shutdown and also it keeps downloading the same and or other Windows Updates for Office 2003

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