My spare hard drive I believe has been acting up. Now suddenly the drive is there but I can't view anything on it. Did diagnostics and it checks out, spins up, but somehow the file directory got corrupt? it's a WD 120. Would using the Recovery console be the best option to repair that file system? I am unable to do a scandisk/Chkdsk from DOS or within XP. I have some video files I'd hate to loose to reformating that drive to repair it.
A friend of mine would like me to take a look at his computer for him later. He said he is getting an error message when he starts it up that says Failure to read internal drive Press F1 to reboot. He doesn't have the exact message but that's about it. Does this mean the hard drive is bad, or is there hope that I can fix this?
if you have a really big hard drive like 200 or more, don't you need to split it in half, so windows think it's actully two hard drive, but really it's one. just so windows can read the hard much is the limit till you have to spilt it in half?
Every time I turn my computer on I am getting the following error message;
"Read Failure on internal hard drive. No bootable devices -- Strike F1 to retry boot F2 for setup utlility"
and every time I attempt to retry boot by entering F1 I do am immediately brought back to the same message. Can someone please help as I am in desperate need to recover company files located on the hard drive.
I trying to help a friend with their computer; Dell Dimension 4700, XP Pro, and getting the error message: A DISK READ ERROR OCCURRED. PRESS CTRL & ALT & DEL Does this mean the hard drive is bad?
I have spent a long time struggling with Windows over different errors, which all lead back to page file problems, which ultimately all led back to my RAM. I found this out after XP's system file went irreparably corrupt, when my hackintosh (installed on a different hard drive) started experiencing the same problems.Bad RAM has been removed, and I'm trying to reinstall XP. I formatted the drive using OSX's Disk Utility program, wrote zeros to the entire surface, and partitioned it in FAT32 (Disk Utility can not format to NTSC).When I use my CD to reinstall Windows, it does not read the full drive. It instead offers to install XP on a 130gb drive where my 640gb drive is. If I follow it through, it installs just fine, but it formats my 640gb drive to only have one usable NTSC partition of 130gb.The last time I attempted this, I removed every drive and storage device from my computer except for the 640gb drive and the same thing still happened.
there was a notification error said that Partition Magic can't read my Hard Drive, because of 'drive wrong naming' (i forgot the exact word) then came up an option 'do you want to fix it?' YES/NO - I chose YES but after that, I can't go into to windows again (Vista64) it stuck on loading process forever
- Hard Drive are detected on BIOS
- When I use another 'health' HD with this 'broken' one, then the 'health' HD won't boot either, but it will normally boot again if I unplugged the 'broken' HD
- When booting via Windows Installation Disk (tried to re-install Windows), it stuck again on windows loading
I am having an issue with a Maxtor Model Number 92739U6 hard drive. I have just finished formatting and installing windows xp home edition. Everything was going ok until I restarted the computer. First right after I restarted the computer I got an error message A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+Del. I was unsure what caused this error message so I started to research this issue on Maxtor?s website and they advised me to use fdisk /mbr to repair the error. I did that and restarted the computer. Same Error?. The thing I can?t figure out is why I am able to boot right to windows using a boot disk.
I turned the PC off to reboot when I though I was going into safe mode and went into regular mode instead. Now, it thinks one of my external drives is the C drive. On boot, I am getting a message that it cannot recognize find the system 32 windows config file (I'm paraphrasing).
I used the repair utility to get to the C prompt (which is pointed at the external drive) and checked the drive letters. I don't think the PC bios knows the hard drive is there.
I tried going into setup and reverting to factory installed configuration and that didn't change anything. I could not get it to recognize the hard drive.
I have just reinstalled XP Pro. I have a SATA hard drive and have to install drivers during install. I didn't install the drivers this time assuming they would still be in the system. Ever since XP thinks the hard drive is a removable drive. I tried reinstalling again but nothing.
Just want to upgrade from an 80 gig hard drive to something in the 250-500 gig range, and I would like to clone my existing drive with operating system directly to the new drive. Is it possible with freeware? I'll then format the old drive and use it as the slave.
I have been having problems on my Windows XP for almost a week. It started when I opened my computer nearly a week ago. Windows XP was so slow. I also notice that it cannot detetc my drive D. As you can see, my hard disk is partition into two. Windows XP is installed on drive C. I put some of my files on drive D. They are both 20 GB each (My hard disk is 40 GB). When I double-click it it displays that it drive D is not yet formatted and Windows XP will ask if I want to format it. I never remove or tamper its partition. I tried using "repair" in the Windows XP Installation Menu when I tried booting the Windows XP CD. The problem still wasn't fixed.
I also boot a windows 98 CD so that I can boot into DOS. However when I use DOS to access my drive D. It works fine. It seems that only Windows XP cannot read my drive D. Windows XP also runs so slow. Furthermore, when I tried using the "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" option when starting windows to access drive D, it states CRC "Cyclic Redundancy something..."
I am trying to avoid reinstalling XP after moving to new hardware. I had SP2 installed and when I try to use the old XP CD SP0. some programs were not working and Windows update was not working and alot of other problems.
I have an HP pavillion xf328 laptop and of late it refuses to boot.I could not sart it in safe mode or any of the other choices offered at stert-up. I finally got tire of it just repeatedly cycling through the first part of the boot cycle so I got out my power max floppy and reformatted the HD. Then I reinstalled XP pro. It worked fine for several start-ups and now just goes to a blue screen. Is hp somehow proprietary on how I have to 'restore' the system?
I ve turned my computer on today and there are shadows behind all my words and my pictures, making it very hard to read. Can any one tell me how to make by text back to normal?
I have a Dell computer where one of the loading .dll files came up 'missing' one day, so it won't boot. I want to get all the photos and other docs off the hard drive. I had downloaded one version of linux and was able to see the files on the internal hard drive, but was unable to copy them to a memory stick or external hard drive. Now I've downloaded ubuntu and booted off a memory stick... this time, it's telling me that the internal hard drive has all kinds of bad sectors and won't let me access any of the files on there.
I'm connecting a 30GB Travelstar Hard Drive via an external USB 2.0 case to my Thinkpad T40 with Windows XP (pro). Windows immediately recognized it. However, the hard drive does not show up under Windows Explorer. I can go into Device Manager, click on Disk Drives, and it does show the new drive there (along with my main hard drive, which is a 80 GB hard drive).
I cannot figure out how to make it show up in Windows Explorer with an Drive Letter assigned to it and thus, how to actually use it.
Without going into too much detail. My hard drive has XP O/S on it. All I want to do is to format it. NTFS. So I have a clean hard drive with no operating system on it. How can I do it?
Windows XP, that is. Well, if I am not completely mistaken, hard drives do not need any drivers to work. Right? I mean, I bought a new HDD (Samsung HD753LJ) and I can see it, use it and all... But Windows STILL asks me to install it (you know, the "new device found"-thing) every time I restart my PC. I've told it to "don't ask to install this device again"
I have an 8 month old Dell xp system and have just caught something nasty. I cant do a sytem restore, dl/run any software tools, and its so slow that the system is pretty much useless. Dell says that they think it is spyware and they can fix me right up for just $49.95. I think I have everything I need backed up, so I was thinking about wiping my hard drive and starting over for free. Could someone walk me through it? Then, could someone point me in the right direction to keep this from happening again.
Per "My Computer", the drives are: C:= 200 gig, File: system NTSF. D:= 8.5gig (A partition on the C Drive, it contains HP_Recovery), File: system FAT32. E:= LightScribe DVD/CD Burner/Player, F:= My "Back-up" HD, 160 gig, Seagate Ultra ATA/100, File: system NTSF. G, H, I & J are available for future use.
I backed up all my files etc. from my old PC (Windows Me upgraded to XP) onto the 160 gig HD. The "Back-up" HD was the slave in my old PC. It contains Files etc. there is no Operating System on it.
After installing the "Back-up" HD in the new PC I get an "Error loading OS" message when I boot-up. If I turn off the PC, wait 60 seconds and then turn it on it loads OK and yes I can access the 2nd HD, copy files and paste them into the new 200 gig HD etc.
I was using Windows XP Prof on my PC, and was supplied with a Recovery CDfor Windows along with my PC, and the Hard Drive crashed, Now i wish toinstall Windows on a new Hard Drive, but the CD is a recover CD.How do i install Windows to new Hard Drive without encountering the problem of CD Key already being registered
i need to knwo what it is wrong , my operating system will NOT work with my new 80 gb hard drive and i dotn know why , when it reboots from the system install then says"error loading operating system" ive tried a few things but im looking for more ideas, if you have any clue what it could be please reply, it cant be my memory cuz i have 384 mb ram
At first I thought it was BIOS not autodetecting my HDrive capacity. But in the setup screen it indicates the correct size.However, in WindowsXP-My Computer, it still says my harddrive is 20GB rather than 40GB.
My USB External Hard Drive suddenly decided to stop working monday before last, it is weird, like it will turn on and all, but it doesnt get recognized and while its on none of my programs will load like Ventrilo and games(ventrillo will half load but not all the way) and the computer wont shutdown while its on. but the moment i turn it off they all start running smoothly agian and the computer will shutdown immediatly (if i am at the shutdown screen). Any idea why/how this happened and how to fix it?
I have just installed a new Seagate SATA 200GB hard drive (ST3200822AS) and partitioned and formatted it with Partition Magic 8.0 into 3 separate logical partitions. The partitions have a cluster size of 8K and are under the NTFS 3.1 (Windows XP) file system.
I have just installed a new Seagate SATA 200GB hard drive (ST3200822AS) and partitioned and formatted it with Partition Magic 8.0 into 3 separate logical partitions. The partitions have a cluster size of 8K and are under the NTFS 3.1 (Windows XP) file system.
I took a hard drive out of another computer and put it into my computer to fix it. (I have my reasons for doing that) i hooked up the hard drive and when i turned on my computer, it loads the screen(the screen where it shows the master, slave, etc.). Then it loads the screen about boot from CD, and then it stops It stays at that screen and doesnt load windows.
This is not the usual thread where you "forgot" your password or what not. I was trying to remove the login screen on windows by deleting a few accounts of mine, just to discover that the login screen is still there, only difference is now the username is "administrator" of which I have no clue what the password is.. SO. I tried a bunch of things such as booting from a password cracking image file, with no success (says disk is "dirty") and now I'm thinking that if I booted with a different hard drive and put my original drive in an enclosure I should be able to get into it and make some changes to fix this problem, by maybe erasing or resetting the password.. right?