I run xp and have a HP Pavilion 9600. I've never used stand by before, but I have a standby key on my keyboard that my 11 month old son convenantly hits everytime I am online. I've tried hitting return, space, esc, and so forth but nothing brings it out, and I have to do a cold shut down.
First of all, after clicking "shut down" my computer would go to a screen labeled "It is now safe to shut down your computer." I have encountered this before, and I went to turn on APM in power settings. However, I can no longer go to stand by anymore
My computer keeps switching itself to standby on its own after 20-30 minutes. This is a problem as I do alot of DVD back ups so it ends up stopping the software I use meaning I cant do any back ups whatsoever.
I have checked in my power settings and it is supposed to be set to always on, so have no idea why this is happining.
The computer is pretty much brand new from Dell so maybe it is some factory setting.
I have windows xp installed on my computer, the home edition. packet 2, Anyway, I have been trying to get my computer to go to stand by but it keeps telling me. system standby failed, the device driver for the standar 101/102 key or microsoft natural ps/2 keyboard device is preventing the machine from entering standby. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to update this driver. I tried to update the driver, but for this basic key board there is not a driver to update. It is the microsoft natural keyboard elite. Nothing special about this at all. Other than that my computer is about 5 years old and had windows 98 second edition on it, but would go into stand by then, but now that I have put XP on it, it will not go to stand by.
I recently installed SP3 and IE8 along with all updates. All went well except now Hibernate and Standby often kill the system including the cursor. If I boot and try Hibernate or Standby it usually works, but if I run for a while and try them they hang the system. The problem did not exist before I installed SP3 and IE8.
I just installed a new graphics card BFG 6200 G force. My system will no longer come out of standby mode, i have to reboot. I tryed disabling power mangement function in my bios but my PC wont boot unless they are enabled.
When I finish using my PC and click on start then standby I get the following message: "The devise driver for the ATI technologies, inc 3D rage PROagp 2X" devise is preventing the machine from entering standby. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to update the driver".
Clicking OK and trying again gets the same message.
I have a new Dell Inspiron Media version of Win XP- a Laptop I am using as a desktop replacement. It simply won't remain on Standby for longer than 10 or 12 minutes and then goes back to desktop and then in time, the screensaver.
My system just crashed and i had to reformat the pc. it only took up about 5 gigs on my drive to do this. i had about 70 gigs worth of info stored on my pc before the crash. is there any program i can use to try and recover this information? im running windows xp.
This is not good, I think. I did a system RECOVER on my Compaq and LOST EVERYTHING (WORD FILES, PHOTOS, ETC.). Is there a way to undo a system recover? I tried to do a system restore to an earlier point but there were none
hey i just did a system recovery, thinking it was a system restore, and now all my files are gone. i have a few programs, but other than that it seems as if i just bought the computer, it took me through the welcome speech and everything. i really want my files back, don't care as much about the programs because they are all replaceable,
Does anyone know if there is a way to recover files after a fresh install of the operating system? I suffered a bad virus that disrupted my registry to the point where the computer was unusable. The only solution was a fresh re-install of XP.
I have WindowsXP Home with SP2 which i access via automatic logon. I now have a possible need to go back to using my password to logon.I may have forgotten the exact password. Is there a way that i can test for my password without losing my automatic logon?
a client of mine has a compaq desktop.windows was starting up and then blue screening (you know the one,run a anti virus scan uninstall any drivers She told me that she doesn't have up to date anti-virus...and that the system was warning her about a virus.I ran ERD commander (the windows live cd) and when it got to the menu there was no partition to work on...no windows found.i have since slaved it to my desktop and no drive was found.but when i go to disk manager the space is there...disk 0 40GB healthy (looks no different to my os partition)but when i right click it and properties it says local disk file system
I have been using an email draft to store information on a daily basis. Hundreds and hundreds of entries. Every once in a while I remember to send a copy to my Gmail acct for backup. Unfortunately the last time was Nov 22nd. Yesterday I accidentally clicked the wrong box when finished my entries and now it's gone Tried a system restore and that didn't work.is there any way to get it back?
I accidentally deleted a partition and later found out that my system is dead....The only way I recover out of that is I reinstall Windows and then install grub again to recover the Linux partition. But I feel the delete partition is a very rapid process just taking seconds and in that I don't think files would be deleted, so I feel potentially I can recover the deleted partitions including the boot partition. But I don't know how to do it. Also now when the boot partition is deleted and the system is not booting up what should be done to recover the system and data?
my brother always told me not to use standby, but i find it would be convienent now, is it bad to use? cause its going to get hot in here with my big a** tower, my roommate has a laptop
i know when hibernate is working cause i hit the power button to bring it back to its previous state...however, i am working on writing an application and need to use standby, so last night i was trying out standby on my pc...i set it to shutdown the HDD after a time period and go to standby (which brings me to another question - when using standby, should you set the system to go to standby BEFORE turning of HDD or vice-versa? meaning, i have it set to go to standby in 15 mins and turn off HDD in 20 mins, or should that be the other way?)...i come back an hour later and the fans are running - which i suspect is due to my USB mouse enabled to bring it out of standby and i'll change this feature this evening...so i hit a key on the keyboard and it almost instantly came back to my desktop, almost like i only had the monitor go off after a time period...
Computer is in Standby, I click enter, then Internet Explorer but I can't get the cursor to appear, then I get the Internet Explorer is not responding message.
What exactly do I have to do to keep my pc from going on standby?
I have disabled powermanagement in bios, in display settings under the Power settings they are all set to Never hibernate is unchecked but it still keeps going to standby
I have Acer Aspire-Windows XP Professional,I have Acer Aspire-Windows XP Professional and have a problem with my PC: it doesnt go on standby by itself, I cant understand why. I looked under Screen Saver POWER and system stand by it is set to 10 mins. I can get it to stand by pressing the button.
Monitor goes into standby. Pc looks to be on, but a reboot is required to get it back on it's feet again. Dont think its a dodgy moniter cable. Could be overheating, but it's never happened before. Started last night. PC has been on for all day and every day nigh on 4 years. Can you think of anything that could be giving? Is it possible that a corrupted hdd could casue this - because I know mine are quite messed up. Cant think of much more than this. I've checked system logs and they turn up nothing in particular. When the pc turns off, it's under no abnormal degree of strain, nor is there any patturn in when it turns off.
I have re-installed windows XP home using the OEM Key on my laptop. Prior to the re-install, it would allow me to put the computer onto hibernate or standby, now post re-install, I cannot put the machine into standy by.
After loading a couple of programs (TurboCad and Adobe Photodeluxe), when I c,ose the lid to my Dell 1501 Inspiron laptop I get a warning sound and the following message on the screen, "The device driver for the 'Standard 101/102-key or Microsft Natural PS/2 keyboard' device is preventing the machine from entering standby. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to up date this driver.
The problem does , in fact, persisit. I had only one program application running and closing it had no effect. I went into Device manager and opened properties>driver tab for the keyboard. Clicked 'update driver' and was asked to insert the XP CD. no surprise it came beck with I have the latest driver installed. I created a restore point prior to installing the programs, but I'd like to avoid doing it over again. Anyone got any idea of a way to fix this without doing a restore?
I've seen very clear instructions on how to put a PC or laptop into 'standby' or 'hibernation'. but I can't find ANYWHERE how to bring the PC or laptop out of standby or hibernation. Can someone please tell me1. How to come out of 'standby'?2. How to come out of 'hibernation'?
i can't get my Dell Dimension 8100 (640MB RAM, 1.3 GHz P4) to go into standby or hibernation mode. When I manually put the computer in standby or hibernate, it wakes back up in about 5 minutes or so. I've looked/read the articles in the knowledge base, which mentioned that there was a problem with SP1 and USB mass storage devices. Well, I've got SP2 and there still is some problem going on!