System Facing Blue Screen Upon Every Startup / Finding Way To Recover?
Nov 20, 2007
a client of mine has a compaq was starting up and then blue screening (you know the one,run a anti virus scan uninstall any drivers She told me that she doesn't have up to date anti-virus...and that the system was warning her about a virus.I ran ERD commander (the windows live cd) and when it got to the menu there was no partition to work windows found.i have since slaved it to my desktop and no drive was found.but when i go to disk
manager the space is there...disk 0 40GB healthy (looks no different to my os partition)but when i right click it and properties it says local disk file system
I'm trying to help a friend with a Dell Dimension 4700 desktop with XP home. It suddenly started getting a BSOD with some error messages. Now here's the big problem. The computer doesn't recognize the disk. I've gone into setup and changed it to boot from the DVD-ROM. It still doesn't recognize the CD-ROM. Actually, it has a CD-ROM and a DVD-ROM. BIOS only see's one of them but I've changed the plugs to both of them to eliminate the bad one and still nothing. It's set to boot to the DVD.
My granddaughter downloaded some kind of game on my computer yesterday she said that while she was playing a box came up and the screen went blue well it has been blue ever since the error Disable or uninstall any anitvirus disk defragmentation or back utilities Check your hard drive configuation and check for updated drivers Run chksk/f to check for hard drive corruption and then restart your computer techincal info stop:oxooooo24(oxoo190203,0x81364008 ,oxcooo102 ,oxooooooo)
I have a IMB Thinkpad Laptop running Windows XP that keeps giving me the same blue screen STOP message error. THis happens at random times and at random intervals. The only software installed recently was a gmail notifier and I have already uninstalled that and the blue screen continues to appear. The message is: IQRL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and recommends I disable BIOS caching and shadowing. The stop message is: ***STOP:0x0000000A (0xFF1711F2, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x804D9B64)
my comp was giving me this prob, where it would suddenly reboot and froze randomly, at that time I've not made any hardware modifications. At first i ignored the problem and kept using the comp at my own leisure... however as time passed, the frequency of reboots become more often to a point where after 5 sec from a reboot, it would reboot again and occasionally after a reboot a blue screen will pop up mentioning that windows is experiencing a prob and dumping of physical memory begins... which im not sure what is that about. After many attempts at finding the source of the probn i gave up ...and decided to go ahead with reformatting the comp.
when i first start up my PC it seams slow. like when i try to use a program. its slow to starting up. but after a while things seams to speed up to normal
i have toshiba m35x laptop with celeron m 1.4 GHz,512 mb ram (256 x 2), windows xp proff.few days back i installed a 256 mb ram to make it 512mb.but i didnot find any large take too long to start and shutdown windows.when i open task manager 39 processess were running. is it can be a prob. or it is something else. i check all the startup applications from msconfig but i did not get any extra program which i can disable.
when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."
You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...
Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.
I'm not really sure what I did to make it happen, but I was just chatting with some people on AOL instant messenger when my computer changed to a blue screen. The message was something along the lines of. A problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Then it gave me some technical information (which im assuming is what's causing these problems) and it was like 0x346432HF, 0x3456DFGH (those aren't the actual values, it was just 0x[8 characters].It also said to restart my computer and run CHDSK /F to check for any hard drive problems.So I restart my computer, and everything is fine until I reach the login screen. I click on my user account and then type in my password, and halfway through that sound you hear when your computer is starting up, I get the same blue screen again. Next, I restart my computer and try to start it from the last time it worked. Blue screen during start up again.I try starting it in safe mode, blue screen during start up.I was hoping someone here would be able to help me so I won't have to resort to reformatting my computer. I really don't want to reformat my computer because I have some old games I still play like Starcraft, but I lost the cd key to it ages ago.
Running 1.8 gig win xp My computer is starting to show a blue screen after the initial startup.So far it has booted completly after about 1 minute, but I am getting worried.No problems during the day / only after shutdown and restart in morning.The computer is about 3 years old.Can I do any tests to determine whethe the hard drive is failing?
im hoping someone can help me out of a jam. my dell laptop has been working very well until now....when it refuses to load windows, instead stalling with a blue screen on every attempt to load. the bluscreen tells me that windows was unable to load, and says "unmountable_boot_volume." under the heading "technical information". i have no idea whether that is relevant but included it in case it is.i know i was short on memory, and im wondering whether windows is refusing to load because of that.or whether a virus has taken over me computer. ive tried loading windows in every safe mode, in last known good there a hotkey to load the DOS prompt before windows, to try and edit the windows registry from there? is there anything i can do short of reformating and reinstalling windows? if anyone knows how to deal with this.
I have a compaq laptop and until recently it was ok, now when I turn it on it starts up ok and then a blue screen pops up stating that a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage.
This morning switched on pc. started to boot then switched itself off leaving me with a blue screen saying it had switched off to save the computer from damage.
I have recently been getting a blue screen when i start up my computer. The error message on the blue screen says "page fault in non paged area". It then asks if I want to start windows normally, or in safe mode or other options. I start it normally cause I don't know what to do to fix it. I haven't added new software, so I don't know what happened.
Whenever i startup my computer and i see the black windows screen and you can see it loading, after 10 seconds this BLUE screen comes up. I didn't install any new hardware. I have those 6 boot disks, but it says the second disk has a problem...this is the message, File tkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. The error code is 7. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.
Yesterday I tried to turn on my laptop and it jumped to a screen saying that windows was not shut down properly last time (Which is incorrect, it was shutdown properly and there hasn't been any abnormal activity or malfunctions with the computer. No programs were installed recently and only) it then gives me the choices of starting in safemode and such. Attempting to start up in any mode the computer goes through the beginnings of starting up.
Stop:C0000218 {Registry File failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file) : or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent or not writable. Beginning dump of physical memory. Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance. I found this message this morning after a bad storm last night. I tried to restart in safe mode and last known good config but received the same message with one exception. Now it was the registry cannot load the hife (file)
Last weekend I had a problem where every time I started my computer I received a blue screen of death informing me that my computer had improper Boot Volume or some nonsense like that. Using instructions I found via Google (some from this site!) I restored my boot volume using the windows cd.Tonight yet again my computer has to decided to mess up with a blue screen after startup. this time I get further into the start process (but not to windows) than I did last weekend, but I don't have time to read what the blue screen says before it makes my computer restart. last weekend it would just hang on the blue screen til I turned it off but this time I get a brief flash of blue and then it's restarted. It also doesn't look like there's as much text on the blue screen as before.but it may be the brief period I get to see it (or lack thereof).I do feel as though the two instances are related as they seemed to start the same way. I went to restart my computer using the restart command, it would not restart, one of my open windows froze and would not turn off in task manager, so I turned it off manually. yes, I know that's not good at all, but I've turned it off before without it completely crapping out on me, it seems to only have this effect when it won't shut off when I want it to.
Despite the differences in the behavior of the startup error and the blue screens do you think it is the same problem? Should I try the boot volume restore thing again or could it be something else? I also have to note that I can't start in safe mode either.I am NOT in any way computer literate.I am completely technologically challenged so I hope you have some help and I'm sorry for taking up your time.
I justr turned on my pc this morning and after being asked whether to boot from last known good or from normal, the screen goes blue/black and just stays like that and nothing happens hope its nothing serious. I don't have a backup cd.
Was getting multiple blue screens on an old install of XP so I decided it was time to reformat and reinstall windows XP.) XP installed properly. Began updating drivers, adding necessary software, etc Everything ran smoothly until I unplugged the printer and then the BSOD appeared and would continue to appear whenever I tried to boot. It was the strangest thing.I unplugged all peripherals from the computer this time and began to install clean. XP installed properly. Began updating drivers, installing Windows updates. After windows updates installed and I restarted, the BSOD began appearing on every startup up after the Windows splash screen.
Recently, my computer would boot up and there would be double blue lines flickering on the screen. Sometimes, there would be a box of flashing lines that followed the cursor. Eventually, my computer would stop booting up, and I would get the blue screen with the following information: Page fault in nonpaged area Stop: 0x00000050 (0x9A4878F4, 0x00000000, 0x8052B6CC, 0x00000000)From what I have read, this could be a software or hardware problem. I downloaded Memtest and ran that many times over long periods, but it did not find errors with my RAM (or at least what it could test). Reading that it could be something in the registry that is no longer valid or corrupted, I downloaded CCleaner, ran it, and fixed the errors. Still no resolution to the problem. I have scanned for viruses and malware using Symantic Antivirus, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, and SUPER Antispyware, but it found nothing out of the ordinary. I am not sure if my registry is corrupted or perhaps the RAM on my video card is at fault, but the laptop starts up fine in Safe Mode and works well (making me think it is not the video/graphics card). I would like to know what I could do to fix my problem short of wiping out my system and reinstalling the operating system.
When I start up, either when windows xp is loading, login screen, or right after i enter the password and press enter, a blue screen comes up.BAD_POOL_HEADER with all the text saying like check for viruses, but other stuff sometimes comes up like system files (.sys extensions) in the place of BAD_POOL_HEADER, which is right under the first line in the blue screen.
When I start it up:It displays the IBM logo screenThen displays black screen saying there was a problem starting windows, start windows normally, safe mode, etc. - selecting "start windows normally"Then the Windows XP screen with the loading bar Then goes to the blue screen of death (every time), Even when trying to boot in safe mode after it hangs on this: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWSSystem32DRIVERSagp440.sys it still goes to BSoD
My mom was on my computer this afternoon and there was a power surge. When the power came back on, the computer would not come back on. When I booted my computer up this evening, everything was fine until midway into the startup sequence and I closed Yahoo! Messenger. Right after I did that I got the BSOD (BAD_POOL_HEADER) and the Stop errors at 0x00000019, (0x00000020, 0xE2B9E8F0, 0xE2B9E918, 0x0C050801). After restart, I tried to load HJT and I got an Explorer.EXE Application Error: The instruction at 0x7c91142e referenced memory at 0x00650072. The memory could not be read.
So basically the computer I'm on was loaded with spyware so I decided to use Spybot to get rid of it. After running it it told me I needed to reboot to remove the rest of the spyware so I did. I got to the windows login screen and after logging into my screen I'm immediately met with a blue screen that flashes for about half a second and then goes to restart the computer. The only way that I can actually get into windows without it crashing is by logging in with safe mode.
I've got a Lenovo ThinkPad laptop that won't get past the blue screen of death. If i choose to start up on last know good config this is the blue screen i get:If i choose to start up in safe mode i get this screen first.
Every time I start my computer and I logg in,my floppy drive's light turnes on and it sounds like it tryes to read something.This is allways supposed to happen.But a few days ago it was doing that and then everytime it did that there was a 1 second blue screen with some writing on it.It looked like some error message.Than the computer restarted it's self.
I'm getting a BSOD with the following Stop Error DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OF_EQUAL *** STOP:0x000000D1(0x00000018,0x00000002,0x00000000, 0xF72BD25F) iastor.sys - Adress F72BD25F base at F72AE000 DateStamp 42b2df42 This happens every time I start up and also I am unable to boot into Safe Mode as it is getting hung on whatever file is after Mup.sys.My plan was to go into safe mode and update iastor.sys to a newer version but I cant. I also find it stange that this file is an issue as I only have a single hard drive and I was under the impression that this file had something to do with RAID.
2 months ago I ordered system from Cyberpower PC and it was shipped a week later.Set it all up,formatted Windows XP Home Edition and got it running. Shortly there after, I started blue screening and it seemed RAM related, so I swapped the sticks and it seemed I would only BSOD with one of the sticks, so I called the company, shipped it back, and got a new stick.
Then I started to BSOD again with the error message of IRQL_LESS_OR_NOT_EQUAL and then 0x0000000A (0x0000F78A, 0x0000002, 0x0000001, 0x806E4A8F), and this particular error would only occur while I was playing World of Warcraft. So first I pulled the new stick of RAM and tried playing... and everything went fine for a day, and then I BSOD'd again, same error
Well i built my pc along with my friend at the end of April. I have had it for several months now. After i first built it, it ran just fine for about a month then BSOD started to occur. I researched on the internet and i found a post that said to post my minidump so that they can see it. When i searched for the minidump it wasnt there, my final solution was to reformat. I reformatted and the problem went a away.