I was wondering if there are any easy solutions with my problem. Everytime I attempt to view my photos in "My pictures" an error pops up and the file closes. This also happens when I try to save photos from the internet. For example: If i went on google and searched images and try to save one internet explorer closes automatically. Additional information: I have 111 GB with 93GB free, I have over 600 image files in "my pictures" and this problem started to occur once I purchased a Sony Cyber-Shot camera and installed their software: Cyber-shot viewer.If anyone has any solutions it would be very appreaicated. I do not want to lose the pictures I have saved.
I have a problem with viewing images on some websites.I have a Dell Dimension 4600 Series computer, I use Windows XP, IE browser, and I have Norton Systemworks premier 2005 Antivirus program on my computer. I also have spywareblaster from javacool site and a popup blocker.The main type of websites I have trouble viewing are websites with e-cards. I can view the e-cards but when I click on them to view to send..I get the tiny box with the red x in it.One in particular is the Hallmark.com site..I only get a blank background with the box & red x on the main page. If I go down to the e-cards and click on it.I can see the e-cards but again, when I click on one to send, nothing but the blank with the box & red x.Also I have tried to download the Macromedia Flash Player. I click on the download box, the next page that comes up, there is nothing to click on, only a box with the red x. That is as far as I can get.
Outlook Express is having trouble viewing any type of images. when he goes to send a mail, adds attachment and then tries to click on the image to view it. it comes up with this message. "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." I've gone through all Outlook Express Settings and there's no restrictions anyway.. no firewall blocks. it's just a problem with windows being able to access the windows/fax view path or something.
My computer now is saving pictures as BMPs . Any JPG image I copy it saves it as BMP how do I fix this. saving it as a JPG does not give me that option. Only in paint
when i save pictures and put them in my own folder they get mixed up a lot. What i mean by this is i will put them in a certian order then when i restart or click on the folder again they are never the way i put them any idea cause it's annoying
Lately, my XP has been freezing when I try to save pictures off the web. I never had this problem before. I tried using different folders in ''My Pictures'' and desktop but the result is the same. When I use Task Manager to view the performance, CPU usage shoots up to 100% while trying to save and doesn't come down. I should say that I have been using IE 7.0 beta for almost 3 months but it never gave me a problem before. I do not detect any other problems with the computer and am able to surf the net same as before. I just can't save the pictures.
I'm having a problem in that the thumbnails in my "My Pictures" file aren't showing for some reason.I'm just getting the little sailboat and sunset picture.Running WinXP Home.
I cannot see some images in internet explorer, such as company logos, pictures, etc. There is no red x or "placeholder" shown, I just don't see it at all and wouldn't know it was supposed to be there except I was on another computer and noticed the look of some web pages was different. Not all images are missing, just some. I have tried changing the "view", also the check next to show images in "Advanced" tab of Internet Options IS checked. I have re-installed Macromedia and Java. I have tried turning off Ad Blocking on my Norton.
When saving pictures from Outlook Express and Windows Xp the file name is "untitled" and the type is *.bmp regardless of the original name and extension.
I want to put the pictures that I saved from the My Pictures folder back to the My Pictures folder. I have set one of them as the new desktop background. (It was before the format).I have typed in "Export Pictures from CD to My Pictures folder" without the quotes and I get a list of links pertaining to CD recording errors and other things like that. I did right click on a picture in Drive E (my CD-RW) just to see what would come up and I noticed that on the Send To menu that these pictures can be sent to the desktop.
I need to know how to save the pictures in the My Pictures folder to CD. I am going to format and reinstall XP Home and if I do, I will lose these pictures unless I save them.
I have taken a series of pictures on different days and downloaded them into a folder in My Pictures. I need to put them in a sequence so I right clicked each picture and re-named it as follows: 001jpg, 002jpg and so on for 100 pictures. In view, I selected arrange icons by modified and all the pictures moved to the sequence I wanted. All is well and good until I copied the folder to a CD. All the pictures reverted to their original sequence instead of the sequence I put them in.
How can I copy the folder with the pictures in the sequence I put them in? Whenever I open the picture file to look at that folder, they are always in the sequnce I put them in
When I open a folder in My Documents, the contents usually appear in a smaller-sized window and the items in the folder are shown in "Tile" view.What I would like to happen all the time when I open a folder in My Documents is for the contents to appear in a "full-screen"-sized window, and the items in the folder to be shown in "Details" view.In order that I do not have to continually change the window "size" and the "View" every time I open a folder, I was wondering if there was a way for me to set my computer so that my preference is permanent.
Recently when i put on my canoscan gear to be able to scan some photos in ever since then my computer would not let me open any of my pictures or even view them as thumbnails with my windows picture and fax viewer, it lets me look at the BMP files in paint but it won't let me look at the JPG files in paint for some reason. Becuase my windows picture and fax viewer wasn't working i tried to suss out why and it said error loading C:WINDOWSSystem32shimgvw.dll, so from then i thought i just needed to get that shimgvw.dll file back in system32.
I am having trouble viewing JPG and GIF files on a particular web site(Expedia). I looked on the page for any description of possible issue with pictures and nothing. It does not make any sense why just these file extensions are not working on this site.
I like to think I know my way around a pc but XP has humbled me.By humbled I mean been driven INSANE. I have 2 big problems that I just can't seem to figure out how to fix/why it happens and one little problem. Any help is greatly appreciated. If you need screenshots, blood, whatever, let me know and I'll give it if it gets me down the path to fixing these maddening problems.
Probably a simple question. I just deleted some files, and programs, and now when I read a page on the net, it doesnt scroll smoothly, rather is wavy(if that makes sense) did I turn something off that allows smooth scrolling?
I have three machines with different versions Windows (95, 98SE, and XP HE) all behind a hub, a switch, and a firewall. A few programs on my 98SE won't run on my XP. That means a trip down three floor levels (short levels of 6 -8 steps but I'm gettin' old).I ran across a piece of software that looks like it may be the answer I am concerned about downloading something from the net and later finding that it has tentacles that stretch beyond my little home network and now feed data outside my system. Q1) Will this particular product allow my XP to use programs on my 98SE as though I were sitting at the 98SE? Q2) Is there an increased security risk if this software were installed and used?
When i open a web page with pictures on they seem to be blurred most noticable on e bay when viewing items.I restored my computer back a few days but dtill the same do i have to change settings getting very annoyed had eyes checked 10 times its not me.Thanks
When i click on Firefox, my default browser, the home page doesn`t show, i just get a blank page, but if i click Firefox again the home page comes up. (attachment). This happens after i have been viewing websites. .
I am using an old Dell with XP and Internet Explorer 7. When previewing some images I have stored in My Pictures, I find when using the 'previous' and 'next' buttons I am able to pull up the next or previous pictures as I should. But when I e-mail an image to myself and then use the 'next' or 'previous' buttons, I begin to get images from web sites I have recently visited even if it is just my home page. While scanning my home page, for instance, I collect dozens of images in a matter of minutes.The only change I have made recently is a download of info from a digital camera disc to enable me to store pictures from my new camera.
I did a system restore to a couple of days before that download but I'm still copying dots, dashes, logos and pictures or frames from videos.
I am having this problem browsing to the http://www.e-geniuses.com , i get http 404 error message, but my buddy said he can view it find. Do you think there is a problem with my browser or my CPU. Can anyone else tell me if they have the same problem viewing it also and if you have a fix it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help in advance. Also i use internet explorer it that helps at all.
As the tittle states whenever i restart my computer it changes all the file tiles of when you view folders into thumbnails. I want them all to be into Tile view format or atleast MOST of them. I already tried ticking "saving specific folder settings" in the options but it still resets it to thumbnails after i re-start my computer.
When viewing folders larger than even just a few MB, it can takes minutes to load and even take forever to select an item and scroll through the folder.
Anyone know how to set a default for viewing files and folders . . . , i.e., I'd like to set as a default, the only useful file/folder view XP offers, which is "details", such that everytime I open any file/folder from any storage,I see the file/folder details without having to take the extra 10 minutes to adjust it by hand.
XP operating system. When I receive an e-mail with several photos I usually scroll through the photos with the right arrow target. After the last photo I start seeing bits and pieces of web sites that I have visited. What is causing this and how can it be prevented? When I send an e-mail with a photo in it am I sending this junk?
I've received a .brw file and don't know what to do with it. Is there a way windows can search and recommend a way of viewing files with unknown extensions? When I select the option to have microsoft find the extension on the web,it sends me to shell.microsoft.com and then says I am unauthorized to access this site.