System Haults On Saving Pictures

Jun 29, 2006

Lately, my XP has been freezing when I try to save pictures off the web. I never had this problem before. I tried using different folders in ''My Pictures'' and desktop but the result is the same. When I use Task Manager to view the performance, CPU usage shoots up to 100% while trying to save and doesn't come down. I should say that I have been using IE 7.0 beta for almost 3 months but it never gave me a problem before. I do not detect any other problems with the computer and am able to surf the net same as before. I just can't save the pictures.

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Computer Keeps Saving Pictures As BMP By Itself?

Feb 10, 2007

My computer now is saving pictures as BMPs . Any JPG image I copy it saves it as BMP how do I fix this. saving it as a JPG does not give me that option. Only in paint

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Saving Images And Viewing My Pictures

Apr 17, 2007

I was wondering if there are any easy solutions with my problem. Everytime I attempt to view my photos in "My pictures" an error pops up and the file closes. This also happens when I try to save photos from the internet. For example: If i went on google and searched images and try to save one internet explorer closes automatically. Additional information: I have 111 GB with 93GB free, I have over 600 image files in "my pictures" and this problem started to occur once I purchased a Sony Cyber-Shot camera and installed their software: Cyber-shot viewer.If anyone has any solutions it would be very appreaicated. I do not want to lose the pictures I have saved.

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Saving Pictures Own Folder - Mixed Up

Apr 6, 2005

when i save pictures and put them in my own folder they get mixed up a lot. What i mean by this is i will put them in a certian order then when i restart or click on the folder again they are never the way i put them any idea cause it's annoying

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Saving Pictures Correctly From & Outlook Express

Apr 29, 2004

When saving pictures from Outlook Express and Windows Xp the file name is "untitled" and the type is *.bmp regardless of the original name and extension.

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System Haults On Bootup?

Dec 21, 2005

i just installed windows XP (with sp1, or maybe not even that)
i havnt hooked the computer up to the net yet, but after i installed my Nvidia drivers that came with the mother board, the windows Boot screen freezes and only works on safe mode till i uninstall those drivers. could this be a problem because i havnt downloaded the service packs from the net yet?

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System Haults On Browsing?

Apr 18, 2007

I have a problem that I just can't figure out. I 'll be on the internet, and when I click on a link(not every time), the page that I'm on just freezes. My mouse will indicate that it's busy, but it just stays like that. I first thought it was Spyware Terminator, so I uninstalled it. But to no avail. It did it again. Now remember, it's not every time. I keep a copy of my important files on an external drive, so reinstalling windows is nothing more that a pain in the behind. Which is what I did. I have an oem vesion of Windows MCE, which I've never had any problems with before. So here I am, thinking that I've taking care of the problem, when you guessed it, it did it again. And this is with barely anything installed, because I uninstall almost everything that MCE comes with. And this is where I'm at. I just can't figure out what's causing this to happen. I 've been coming to TSG almost every day for a very long time, because I really learn a lot and enjoy reading the many posts, and the members who respond to them. I didn't include a copy of Hijack this because it did it on a fresh install.

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System Haults In BSOD?

Oct 6, 2006

It all started when a friend gave me a 4 port USB Hub come clock and cup warmer!!! which I plugged into my pc. I plugged my printer into it, when I switched off the printer the system crashed to a BSOD. On reboot, as I remember, it came up with a splash screen I have never seen before (ASUS I think) then a BIOS set up page! I left the settings as they were and clicked ok, I think it was set to 700mhz. Since then it has been going to BSOD every time I switch off, or when I play Tiger Woods 2006 and go to save or move on to the next level of the game. It recently rebooted with the BIOS set up again which I changed to 933mhz hoping it was just that causing the problem!! Also when it reboots I get the voice telling me it has gone thru POST and booting from operating system. I have recorded stop errors from the last two crashes if it helps.
STOP 0X00000050 (0XADBCB8C2, 0X00000001, 0XBF9E059B, 0X00000000) ati2dvag.dll ADDRESS BF9E059B BASE AT BF9D4000 DATESTAMP 43fbdea6
It has just crashed again on reboot, Windows started OK then when I clicked on the Avast anti virus update notice it went off....

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System Haults After Few Minutes

Jul 1, 2005

I need your help. My EpoX motherboard sent me a new replacement MoBo. I've assembled
and returned everything and including my old BIOS setting. PC bootup win-xp ok BUT it
will not run continuously because hard drive LED stop. All program just stop
functioning after few minute of running. Cold boot has no effect except to Reset and
always did checking files on all drives. I deleted one Trojan Horse virus on popup
warning BUT couldn't completely scan the whole hard drive because AV program stop also.
I also tried in Safe Mode to clean-up AV, Spyware & Malware BUT not successful because
it stop also.

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System Haults After Using Drwtsn.exe

Jul 18, 2005

recently when having Internet Explorer open in the background, clicking on the desktop forces my
cursor to change to that horrible hour glass for about 20-30 seconds, then I get an error message saying "DrWatson postmortem debugger has encountered a problem and must close". I then proceed to click send error report. It sends then my computer freezes up and thats that. I have to manually restart it.
This has only happened recently and is becoming quite tedious. And also it does the same thing if I click dont send...
I know that DrWatson has something to do with saving files or recording the
script errors before the computer crashes (i think :s ) but thats where it
gets too complicated for me.
It crashed on me only a few hours ago

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System Haults On Bootup

Aug 31, 2005

Can anyone advise me please? XP crashes and restarts the PC from the
beginning as soon as it reaches the point where the Windows XP desktop would
normally appear. Trying to boot in Safe Mode provokes the same behaviour at
the same point in the boot sequence ... howver, swapping the HDD for a drive
with Windows 98SE loaded onto it allows me to boot up and run OK under that
OS, so I'm fairly sure that it's an XP fault (virus maybe). AVG7 didn't bark
before this happened, and ZoneAlarm didn't report anything either.

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System Haults On Login Screen

Nov 23, 2009

my curser frozen and now i can't login on user screen? I shut computer down and restarted it but still won't move!! what do I do? My computer is windowsxp home edition/microsoft?

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System Haults In Reboot/install

Aug 31, 2007

Ok I used to have ubuntu and xp partitioned to seperate drives on a single harddrive. I no longer wanted ubuntu so I ran my xp cd, deleted the ubuntu partition, and was left with half my drive(74gb) as unallocated space. So now i needed to figure out how to get that unallocated space back onto the xp partition. I didn't realize that you couldn't add unallocated space back to the xp partition with the xp boot cd. But i now know how to fix that problem. (Partition magic or whatever its called) Now when I turn on my computer without booting from the xp cd, it goes to the setup screen and says "The setup is being restarted". Then the screen goes completely black except for my mouse. Nothing else happens so I have to restart. When I boot with the CD I get the windows setup screen. It gives me 3 options: Set up Windows XP now
Repair Windows XP installation using Recovery Console and Exit setup without installing Windows XP I tried figuring out the recovery console just by using the help command, but no luck there. I did find out that my xp partition still is fine and has everything that it did before. But i just can't get it to start up.

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System Slows On Saving Files

Aug 3, 2008

Recently when I try to open or save a file from any application then it takes about 5 minutes before the pop up window appears where I can select which file/directory etc.
This has just started and is very annoying. It's a laptop and there are quite a few hortcuts in My Network Neighbourhood pointing to network drives when I'm in work.ever this hasn't given me a problem before and none of them are mapped.I did use a web based storage site and it downloaded an application to synchronise a folder with the web older.......there was a mapped drive I think but I uninstalled the application and that also deleted the mapped drive. Is the computer still trying to find the mapped drive (although it doesn't show up in Explorer?).

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System Hangs With Display Saving Your Settings

Mar 24, 2006

I have this ongoing prob with XP sp2 that most often when powering down I get a "saving your settings" screen, the only solution I have is to power down. How do I find out what is causing this problem and deal with it?

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System Crashed And Missing Drivers On Saving Files

Dec 19, 2008

I was running System Mechanic as a routine - (i.e. not a virus, or spyware problem), and Windows XP decided it wanted to do an install of some service pack automatically - which it did an auto reboot in the middle of SM running! Grrr...system froze when it came back up. I came back to just see the frozen screen and SM screen closed - and it ookedrebooted. Now when the computer is turned on in safe mode or regular, it just does a DOS listing of missing drivers - very extensive list. Got a CD hard copy of System Mechanic - but now am told if I use it to rescue the computer, it will delete my files! Yikes!My computer, Xplio, came with Windows installed. The rescue disk, if I can find it, (may be in storage) I believe also says it deletes files if reason I didn't keep it out and easily found. 1. How do I save / rescue my files???? I have many years of nonprofit work on the computer I don't want to lose. 2. Can the computer be "saved"? 3. Is there a way to use someone else's Windows XP disks with their passwords (legitimate copy) on my computer to reinstall the missing drivers? OR - can all the drivers be downloaded from somewhere - ideally for free? I can prove I have/ had legitimate right to Windows XP - I noticed Microsoft charges for tech support - guess I am naive - was surprised it would charge for first call ever!

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How ToPut Saved Pictures Back In My Pictures Folder?

Jan 16, 2005

I want to put the pictures that I saved from the My Pictures folder back to the My Pictures folder. I have set one of them as the new desktop background. (It was before the format).I have typed in "Export Pictures from CD to My Pictures folder" without the quotes and I get a list of links pertaining to CD recording errors and other things like that. I did right click on a picture in Drive E (my CD-RW) just to see what would come up and I noticed that on the Send To menu that these pictures can be sent to the desktop.

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Computer Haults When Mouse Moves

Nov 10, 2007

I am not sure what the problem is. I have restarted the computer at least 10 times in the last 2 days. I never restart my computer. Its a newer gatway, well just over a year old. IT freezes up all the time. When you run your mouse over something it doesnt tell you what it is.

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Downloading Floppies To My Pictures On System

Jul 15, 2005

I am going to discard a computer that contains Windows 98. I want to download pictures from the Windows 98 by floppy disk to a computer with Windows XP to "my pictures". I have no trouble downloading the pictures to the floppies. The XP system does have a floppy drive. Step by step how do I load the pictures into the XP system? As a new member this is my first time to contact you. Sure hope I have followed all the rules.

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Lost Documents And Pictures After System Recovery

Oct 27, 2008

i need help to get back my pictures i had to do a system recovery in september i just now found out i could recover them but when i tried some of them have been overwritten is there any way that i can recover all of them i did try system restore but it is not letting me restore back please if there is someone out there who can help me i would greatly appreciate it the pictures are very important to me they are of my dad and brother who have both passed away

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How Do I Save The Pictures In My Pictures Folder To CD?

Jan 14, 2005

I need to know how to save the pictures in the My Pictures folder to CD. I am going to format and reinstall XP Home and if I do, I will lose these pictures unless I save them.

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Sorting Pictures To A Sequence In My Pictures.

Dec 1, 2008

I have taken a series of pictures on different days and downloaded them into a folder in My Pictures. I need to put them in a sequence so I right clicked each picture and re-named it as follows: 001jpg, 002jpg and so on for 100 pictures. In view, I selected arrange icons by modified and all the pictures moved to the sequence I wanted. All is well and good until I copied the folder to a CD. All the pictures reverted to their original sequence instead of the sequence I put them in.

How can I copy the folder with the pictures in the sequence I put them in? Whenever I open the picture file to look at that folder, they are always in the sequnce I put them in

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System Restore Not Saving Restore Points

Sep 18, 2007

The System Restore service has been suspended because there is not enough disk space available on the drive \?Volume{e01463d0-1a8a-11d6-affd-806d6172696f}. System Restore will automatically resume service once at least 200MB of free disk space is available on the system drive."

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My Pictures Has Unwanted Pictures

Dec 1, 2008

I am using an old Dell with XP and Internet Explorer 7. When previewing some images I have stored in My Pictures, I find when using the 'previous' and 'next' buttons I am able to pull up the next or previous pictures as I should. But when I e-mail an image to myself and then use the 'next' or 'previous' buttons, I begin to get images from web sites I have recently visited even if it is just my home page. While scanning my home page, for instance, I collect dozens of images in a matter of minutes.The only change I have made recently is a download of info from a digital camera disc to enable me to store pictures from my new camera.

I did a system restore to a couple of days before that download but I'm still copying dots, dashes, logos and pictures or frames from videos.

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Saving New Copy To ISO

Jul 12, 2009

i want to save my windows i use now to a ISO file so i can reinstall it at that state so i don't have to format and start fresh. Understand? So. What im trying to say is. I install a fresh copy of windows xp then i install the things i use the most like themes programs etc. then i want to save it to a ISO so later on when i think its time to go back to my windows xp in a new state i can just install the windows i had before without installing a new copy and installing everything one by one.

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Not Saving Settings?

Dec 4, 2006

My computer has gotten to where it no longer will save folder settings. I don't know why this would happen? It no longer opens my folders full screen and all of the folders are the same style. I go to my pictures folder and set it to view thumbnails. As soon as I back out and go back in, they are back to tiles. Every folder is in tiles no matter what I try to set it to. It got this way because I set it to save every folder as that option because, before, it would randomly change the view setting to any folder. One day, my pictures would be thumbnails, the next a filmstrip, the next tiles, and so forth without an increase or decrease in the amount of pictures there. I even change the "type" of folder to something different: Music, lots of pictures, few pictures, documents, etc. Still the same settings.NOW it is getting to where it won't even save the order I put my quick launch icons in. I had them in the same order for over a year and now they won't stay that way. Nothing has changed?Oh, and it's also giving me a blue screen of death when I try to open pictures with Windows Media Player.Virus software and adware software don't find anything suspicious.

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Isn't Saving My Settings

Dec 7, 2006

I decided to run a registry cleaning programme a couple of nights ago without setting a system restore point, which may be one of the dumber decisions that I've made as of late.Right now, Windows XP is not saving my settings and acting rather peculiar.In particular:

-When I boot up, it does not remember to display the Quick Launch bar. I have to put it on manually every time.

-My folder toolbar settings are never saved - when I click on My Computer, I want the "Address Bar" toolbar to always show. As soon as I click off My Computer, the setting is forgotten and the address bar is gone.

-When I boot up, my desktop icons are arranged by name and not in the custom arrangement that I created for them.

-Most frustratingly, once I arrange my desktop icons back into the order I want and align them by grid, they instantly revert back to the old "by name" settings as soon as I make any kind of application change. (I'm not sure I described this well, so I'll give an example. Go into My Computer, click on Tools, Folder Options, View. If I check any box or make any change and hit "apply," all of the icons revert back to the by name order and my 'align by grid' setting is completely forgotten).I have tried restoring my system to a variety of points within the last week, but I have had no success; whenever I try, Windows XP gives me an error message upon booting up.I am quite certain that this problem is somehow linked to the registry alterations I made a couple of days ago, but have no way of knowing for certain. It appears that my Windows XP is locked into a particular brand of settings that I do not want. But I could be quite incorrect about this.I hope have described this well enough that someone can come along and help.

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Saving Info From Hdd

Sep 17, 2005

I have a computer here that will not start in safe mode and will not accept the recovery installation so I would like to slave the hdd to my desktop in an attempt to recover its info before I reformat and reinstall.I am not to sure about correct procedure changing the jumpers etc so need some advice.Both machines are running XP home sp2.

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XP Not Saving Downloaded Files

May 11, 2007

When I try to download a file from the Internet, I get a box sasying "Run/Open", "Save", and "Cancel" as always. When I click on either of the first two options, however, the box simply clicks and unclicks with no actions following it. Almost as if you click "Post" in a forum, but you hold the click on it and move the cursor elsewhere, stopping the system from performing that action. On some days, I can get my system to download about 5 files before I can no longer click "Save" or "Open".

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Saving Commonly Used Commands

Dec 2, 2009

Can I somehow save commonly used commands? For example, I have problems with my printer about 1/3 of the time. Microsoft has the fix HERE (Method D), and I want to save that run command into a dropdown menu or something (I've already saved the notepad file to the desktop) so that I don't have to look it up all the time. Is that possible? I know it will be there when I open it, IF I haven't used any other run commands, but I want to make sure it's always available without having to look it up.

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Saving DVD To Hard Drive

Dec 7, 2006

I have a home made DVD, not commercially produced movie, that I would like to save to my hard drive so I can give the original back. I have a DVD player in mysystem, no burner though.

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