As the tittle states whenever i restart my computer it changes all the file tiles of when you view folders into thumbnails. I want them all to be into Tile view format or atleast MOST of them. I already tried ticking "saving specific folder settings" in the options but it still resets it to thumbnails after i re-start my computer.
I image edited some photos and gave them a slightly different file name.However, in Windows Explore, when viewing the thumbnails, those edited pictures show up as if they weren't edited. Why? Is there any way to make Windows Explore show the edited version of the photos when viewing via thumbnails?
I have win XP x64 Pro. I have Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 installed & Autodesk Design Review 2010 installed.In windows explorer I can't see PDF or DWF files as thumbnails, I just get an icon image. I can see JPG, AVI, WMV, etc. They all give me a thumbnail image that is correct. I tried reinstalling Adobe & Autodesk Design Review and still nothing. I did however catch something odd. If I open Adobe, then click open, and browse to a folder within Adobe, I can see thumbnails for all file types, PDF, DWF & JPG. The same for Design Review, I can browse from withint the program, and it all looks correct. It's REALLY slow to generate the thumbnails, but they do eventually appear. And once generated, it's cached and the next program snaps them right up.
Windows Folder Options Contents..downloads all sorts of images from Internet. I have checked the box Disable Cached Thumbnails in Control Panel Folders Options but now how do you remove all the images?
When viewing folders larger than even just a few MB, it can takes minutes to load and even take forever to select an item and scroll through the folder.
Anyone know how to set a default for viewing files and folders . . . , i.e., I'd like to set as a default, the only useful file/folder view XP offers, which is "details", such that everytime I open any file/folder from any storage,I see the file/folder details without having to take the extra 10 minutes to adjust it by hand.
When using Windows XP the View settings - Thumbnails-Tiles-Icons-List-Details - always comes up as Thumbnails. I would like to change this setting so that the default is "Details". How do I do this? All my efforts to find a solution have failed.
Everytime it I boot in safe mode it resets itself after the loading of Mup.sys and hangs in debug mode. I have tried to reinstall XP but mid way through loading the initial files it resets itself. I have monitored the hardware in the BIOS for 5 mins and there is no spike or heat problems with the motherboard or processor, could this be a hardware problem
This is not important, but a puzzle. I have XP Home. No matter what screensaver I use, the time setting will eventually reset itself to one minute and the screensaver may not start. This happens with Windows screensavers and also with imported ones. Has anyone else had this and can it be fixed?
does not have problem when connected via legacy controller, problem only when using USB 2.0 card in PCI slot of XP SP2 machine. No blue screen just reset. Something seems to be clobbering memory. Have tried loading new driver, uninstalling and reinstalling driver. Tried multiple USB 2.0 cards as well. Windows/XP Home updates are automatic, therefore very current. Drive is Maxtor external USB.
It resets to none right after I set it then apply then OK.
This problem has been going on for 6 months at least, the machine runs great for what I use it for...low impact games,checking email and a little surfing.
The computer in question is a clone I got in '95 or '96 and it's had windows 95, 98ME, 98SE, and currently running XP home SP3...It has an AMD athlon 1800+ 1.54GHz. 2 GIG of ram and 2-80 gig hd's, one hd is just for storage
I'm running WinXP SP2 with all the latest patches recommended by Windows Update.I have logged onto this machine as Administrator. I set the screen resolution to 1024x768. It should stay there unless the user changes it, correct? Well, the user logs on and at first, the desktop looks like it's going to be 1024x768... but after the desktop icons appear and a couple of the Systray icons, the screen goes blank and resets to 1280x1024. The user can set the resolution to 1024x768... and the next time they log in, it will reset itself to 1280x1024. This ONLY happens if the user is a member of the "USERS" group; if I make them a member of the "ADMINISTRATORS" group, the resolution will stay put.I would almost think it was a group policy issue, but if it is, why does it affect no other members of the group? And how did I set such a policy?
After installing the software (which he has now uninstalled) that came with his new Canon camera. When he opens a folder of pictures (all jpgs) and his display default is set to "Thumbnails", he gets SMALL images (but not quite as small as "icons.") It also is VERY slow to display the images. If he changes the display to anything except thumbnail and then back to thumbnail, he gets the proper thumbnail size on all pics. If he just double clicks on the small image to open it and then closes it, all the images in the folder change to the correct thumbnail size.
i have done something in " my pictures " and do not know what i have done when i go to my pictures i no longer see a thumbnail of a piccy..just an icon of paint shop pro. i changed the file type to " open with " windows picture and fax viewer but still no joy and now my pictures cannot be opened by any program
I installed an upgread to AOL on three PC all useing Windows XP Home and it also come with Anti Virus softeware as we all know thing is when we rebooted them and went to look for a Photo in explore (right click START) then My pictures then the file all my thumbnails now look like a ICON with a Brush or a Sunset with a boat I did click on view and it is set at thumbnail
I am using Windows XP Professional. Basically, whenever I select to view the folders as thumbnails, the title of the folder does not show up. This happened the other day. I think I hit some kind of key combination wrong or something and it caused it to do that
how to do something in Folder Options, View settings. I have most of my folders in Windows Explorer set to appear as a list. But I would like folders in 'My Pictures' to appear as thumbnails. But when I change them to thumbnails they always revert back to list view when I go back into that folder.
Im using windows XP and ive recentlly built a new computer. I've transfered my photos from the old PC to the new one but all i can see in 'my pictures' is an icon with a frame and a paintbrush on it. How can i see them as thumbnails?
For sometime now,I have been unable to get thumbnails to work for most video formats.avi is the only one that shows, .mpg, .mpeg, .mpeg4,show only shows QT icon, and the rest show WMP icon. I USED to have thumbs, but not for while.Yes, Thumbnails is selected under view. And I have already checked the ShellEx registry key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTmpegfile and it is setup correctly. I also ran a script to reset thumbnail views Quote:Restore Thumbnail Views in XP So far, NOTHING has worked.
I have a problemic glitch for a specific folder. This folder is called "Alicia Keys" and has two albums (folders) inside it "Song in A Minor" and "The Dairy of Alicia Keys". The glitch that I am refering to is when I viewed the two albums as thumbnails their filenames become invisible. Sure the usual performances occur, you can rename, delete and add folders, but every file inside "Alicia Keys" will have a invisible name.What is strange is the fact that this only occurs for the folder with this exact same path. C:Documents and Settings<User Name>My DocumentsMy MusicAlicia Keys.
I renamed that "Alicia Keys" to something else for eg. "Alicia Keys2" and the problem wasn't there - both albums revealed their filenames when viewed as thumbnails. I created another "Alicia Keys" and created a new folder inside it and the problem is the same. The new created folder does not reveal its filename (when viewed as a thumbnail as you should know). Completely invisible. This is really strange for me and I assume something in the registry has done this; just something for this exact same folder.Now i want to fix this problem because at the moment I'm organizing My Music with the proper format I want when viewing these folders with details and thumbnail views and whatever. Alicia Keys Certainly has become a real bother.
When viewing files as thumbnails in Explorer I can manually rearrange them by simply dragging and dropping. Now they are not in any particular logical order (that is, not by Name or Date Created, etc.), *but* they are in the order I want them. And even when I close and reopen Explorer, as long as I stay in Thumbnails "mode" the files remain in the order I manually placed them. Now here's the challenge: I have been unable to find a way to export a list of these files *in the order I put them*. There are lots of utilities (even the good old DOS DIR command) that make it possible to list files in various sort orders, but none that I have found that will list the files in the order I put their thumbnails.
When I open a folder in My Documents, the contents usually appear in a smaller-sized window and the items in the folder are shown in "Tile" view.What I would like to happen all the time when I open a folder in My Documents is for the contents to appear in a "full-screen"-sized window, and the items in the folder to be shown in "Details" view.In order that I do not have to continually change the window "size" and the "View" every time I open a folder, I was wondering if there was a way for me to set my computer so that my preference is permanent.
I'd like to permanently set my open and save file dialogue boxes to display thumbnails instead of the usual list display but can't find any way to do this (the folder options setting doesn't appear to affect this aspect of windows XP).
Recently when i put on my canoscan gear to be able to scan some photos in ever since then my computer would not let me open any of my pictures or even view them as thumbnails with my windows picture and fax viewer, it lets me look at the BMP files in paint but it won't let me look at the JPG files in paint for some reason. Becuase my windows picture and fax viewer wasn't working i tried to suss out why and it said error loading C:WINDOWSSystem32shimgvw.dll, so from then i thought i just needed to get that shimgvw.dll file back in system32.
I am having trouble viewing JPG and GIF files on a particular web site(Expedia). I looked on the page for any description of possible issue with pictures and nothing. It does not make any sense why just these file extensions are not working on this site.
I have a problem with viewing images on some websites.I have a Dell Dimension 4600 Series computer, I use Windows XP, IE browser, and I have Norton Systemworks premier 2005 Antivirus program on my computer. I also have spywareblaster from javacool site and a popup blocker.The main type of websites I have trouble viewing are websites with e-cards. I can view the e-cards but when I click on them to view to send..I get the tiny box with the red x in it.One in particular is the site..I only get a blank background with the box & red x on the main page. If I go down to the e-cards and click on it.I can see the e-cards but again, when I click on one to send, nothing but the blank with the box & red x.Also I have tried to download the Macromedia Flash Player. I click on the download box, the next page that comes up, there is nothing to click on, only a box with the red x. That is as far as I can get.
I like to think I know my way around a pc but XP has humbled me.By humbled I mean been driven INSANE. I have 2 big problems that I just can't seem to figure out how to fix/why it happens and one little problem. Any help is greatly appreciated. If you need screenshots, blood, whatever, let me know and I'll give it if it gets me down the path to fixing these maddening problems.
Probably a simple question. I just deleted some files, and programs, and now when I read a page on the net, it doesnt scroll smoothly, rather is wavy(if that makes sense) did I turn something off that allows smooth scrolling?
I have three machines with different versions Windows (95, 98SE, and XP HE) all behind a hub, a switch, and a firewall. A few programs on my 98SE won't run on my XP. That means a trip down three floor levels (short levels of 6 -8 steps but I'm gettin' old).I ran across a piece of software that looks like it may be the answer I am concerned about downloading something from the net and later finding that it has tentacles that stretch beyond my little home network and now feed data outside my system. Q1) Will this particular product allow my XP to use programs on my 98SE as though I were sitting at the 98SE? Q2) Is there an increased security risk if this software were installed and used?