Screensaver Not Working - Automatically Resets To None
Jul 20, 2009
It resets to none right after I set it then apply then OK.
This problem has been going on for 6 months at least, the machine runs great for what I use it for...low impact games,checking email and a little surfing.
The computer in question is a clone I got in '95 or '96 and it's had windows 95, 98ME, 98SE, and currently running XP home SP3...It has an AMD athlon 1800+ 1.54GHz.
2 GIG of ram and 2-80 gig hd's, one hd is just for storage
This is not important, but a puzzle. I have XP Home. No matter what screensaver I use, the time setting will eventually reset itself to one minute and the screensaver may not start. This happens with Windows screensavers and also with imported ones. Has anyone else had this and can it be fixed?
For some unknown reason my screensaver just stopped working about a week ago. If I hit the preview button it works fine but when I wait for X amount of minutes for it to turn on it never does. I use it so that it will log me out automatically and auto turn off my monitor after so long, it is very handy.
ive just noticed within the last couple days that my sreensaver isnt kicking in. i did install a new mouse this last week, bu ti dont think that would affect it. i wasnt quit sure what was meant by adding the ss to the front of the name, but the only name i could think of is that folder that the pictures are in. the screensaver has worked for years, so i cant think of why it would just stop working, and thats what lead me to believe that the installation of the mouse could have affected it.
Two accounts on my PC--admin and friend with limited access. Friend account, screen saver works 100% normally. Logon screen, screensaver works 100% normally. Admin account (the one I use)--screensaver doesn't work at all. when i go to the desktop properties menu, the mini-preview of the screensaver runs just fine on the monitor image in the menu, and when i select "preview" it runs as it should. I made a desktop shortcut pointing to the screensaver executable and double-clicking that initializes the screensaver, though when you move the mouse or keyboard it snaps back to the desktop without prompting for a password (which is why i want the thing in the first place). I also made a shortcut to lock the workstation, which works fine
My screensaver will go on and run for about 10min and then it goes back to my desktop!10 min later it will go back on and run for another 10min and go back to my desktop again. It just keep doing it this over and over ,Does anyone know how I can make it run after it starts until I move or click the mouse to back to the desktop?
My screensaver just stopped and i cant get it to work again.I tryed changing screensavers and it still didnt work anyone know why i would just stop like that?
I've installed some screensavers lately to my PC. Before I actually installed them, I looked at them in preview mode. In preview mode, the transition effects work, but when I actually install the screen saver, the transition effects are getting "cutoff" and go to the next slide immediately. What would be causing this? I've downloaded these same screensavers to my son's PC with no problem, but on my faster Athlon 64 3200+, Asus A8N-SLI deluxe motherboard, 1 gig of ram, the transition effects are being "cut off" as I've said
After all the troubles I have been having with this pc, I've finally got everything working the way I wanted it to work with the exception of one thing, my screensaver. I can't figure it out. I have it set to run after 5 min of me not being on the pc, but after it runs for about 10 min or so, it stops working as if someone moved the mouse. I've left it sit that way for hours thinking that something just vibrated the mouse or something and it never comes back on. It will come back on only if I move the mouse or strike a key and let it sit for the 5 min, but then it's the same all over again. I've tried different wait times and different settings but nothing works. Any ideas?
I have a plain, blank screensaver enabled that is passworded. My roommates complain that when I leave and this screensaver becomes enabled, their internet stops working. We have cable internet and network through a simple router. My question is - is this really the case? Would my screensaver really cause their internet to slowdown/stop?? This is what they claim and it's beginning to get on my nerves.
Everytime it I boot in safe mode it resets itself after the loading of Mup.sys and hangs in debug mode. I have tried to reinstall XP but mid way through loading the initial files it resets itself. I have monitored the hardware in the BIOS for 5 mins and there is no spike or heat problems with the motherboard or processor, could this be a hardware problem
does not have problem when connected via legacy controller, problem only when using USB 2.0 card in PCI slot of XP SP2 machine. No blue screen just reset. Something seems to be clobbering memory. Have tried loading new driver, uninstalling and reinstalling driver. Tried multiple USB 2.0 cards as well. Windows/XP Home updates are automatic, therefore very current. Drive is Maxtor external USB.
I'm running WinXP SP2 with all the latest patches recommended by Windows Update.I have logged onto this machine as Administrator. I set the screen resolution to 1024x768. It should stay there unless the user changes it, correct? Well, the user logs on and at first, the desktop looks like it's going to be 1024x768... but after the desktop icons appear and a couple of the Systray icons, the screen goes blank and resets to 1280x1024. The user can set the resolution to 1024x768... and the next time they log in, it will reset itself to 1280x1024. This ONLY happens if the user is a member of the "USERS" group; if I make them a member of the "ADMINISTRATORS" group, the resolution will stay put.I would almost think it was a group policy issue, but if it is, why does it affect no other members of the group? And how did I set such a policy?
As the tittle states whenever i restart my computer it changes all the file tiles of when you view folders into thumbnails. I want them all to be into Tile view format or atleast MOST of them. I already tried ticking "saving specific folder settings" in the options but it still resets it to thumbnails after i re-start my computer.
Why should a computer reset sometimes when the Num Lock or Caps Lock key is pressed? I have tried turning Num Lock off in the Bios to see if that would help. But same thing happens The system is as follows Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition BIOS Version DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. 07.00T, 02/04/2001 Motherboard MSI745 Ultra Processor AMD Athlon 1200 (BUT SHOWS UP AS 900) Keyboard DescriptionStandard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard.
Thought I would see if someone could tell me what to look for or try on this ladies computer. She had Windows 98 on her computer. Her daughter gave her an XP disk so she put that on her computer, I guess she just put it on over the windows 98, anyway she said trhe xp worked great for she said about 90 days but now when she turns the computer on nothing comes up but the screensaver. The way I understand it is it just acts like it is starting but just show a screen saver and thats it. Can anyone tell me what I could try to help this person, my first thought was maybe she did not activate the xp but then it would not run for 90 days it would quit after 30 days. Even if that was the case shouldn't I be able to get the windows 98 back for her? would it hel;p to use a windows 98 start up disk?
When I set the screensaver as "none", there is a black screen as the screensaver. How do I set it as NOTHING, meaning there is no screensaver (not the black blank screen). It used to be like that.. and I use to leave my computer on all night and still see the desktop.
To be able to set your own screensaver, follow the following instructions: Go to run and type gpedit.msc Navigate through User Configuration>Admin Templates>Control Panel>Display Double click Screensaver Enabled and apply. This should fix it. NOTE: Group Policy Editor is only available in XP Professional
why a screensaver wont come on after you are done with the computer i have window xp and there are screensaver that comes with the computer and my dont come on i have it for 5mins and i wait then i have if for 10mins and i wait and nothing happen i took it in and had a guy look at it he said it had something to do with the regssity and he said he fix it but quess what it wont tuen on
I have had a screensaver in use for a month. All of a sudden it doesn't come on after 10 minutes like it used to. I've reset it, rebooted. Nothing works.
I just had Windows XP Home (SP2) reinstalled. I saved an old .EXE file that is a screensaver. Was I to save any other extensions, because I added the .EXE file to the System32 folder and it won't show up in my screensaver folders....?It fully launches when I double click in the system folder, but I want it in the specific screensaver folder.
My screensaver will not turn on after a period of inactivity like it is supposed to. If I go into properties>Screensaver and set the "Wait" time to 5 and press "OK", in 5 five minutes the screensaver will come on. However, if I move the mouse and wait another five minutes the screensaver does not activate. It will only activate once per time you set its properties.
Searches on how to disable screensaver all point to going to "display properties' and choose none. I have over and over and it continues to come back. Anyone know how to stop it?
I have a problem. I downloaded a screensaver I don't like. It went into the screensaver in the display area. Is there anyway to delete it or any other ones I don't want? I have windows XP. me.
Anyone know why my screensaver & power settings don't want to work right when I have a Microsoft wireless mouse attached? I switch to a wired mouse, and everything works perfect.
XP Home, SP2.My XP screensaver motion has become bad. It moves in a jerky, sputtering way and has been doing so for months. Also it will only operate at one speed - slow - regardless of what speed it's set. Is there a way to repair the screensaver program, can I uninstall/reinstall? If so, how? If an XP disc is needed, what I have is the reinstall disc from Dell, which I have never used.(I'm talking about XP's own system screensaver display - I didn't download anything.)
I work for a very large company and the IT group has set all pc's to automatically go to screensaver and lockout after 10 minutes of inactivity (thanks security team!). I've found the registry keys and they are as follows: Value 0 Name: ScreenSaveActive Type: REG_SZ Data: 1 Value 1 Name: ScreenSaverIsSecure Type: REG_SZ Data: 1 Value 2 Name: ScreenSaveTimeOut Type: REG_SZ Data: 600 Value 3 Name: SCRNSAVE.EXE Type: REG_SZ Data: cmpnydft.scr Will is screw something up if I delete an entire value or key?