Running Spybot Results In Getting 36 Entries For Redirected Hosts?

Feb 23, 2007

I ran Spybot last week and it came up with 36 entries for redirected hosts and 1 for my windows security was disabled.At the same time a problem occured with my Norton live update...alert starting LU1890 referring to live update and how some items had been directed into my Windows host file and providing a link to symantec but I was unable to connect to the web site via the link or google.

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Spybot 1.5.1 - Program Trying To Change My "HOSTS" File

Nov 29, 2007

I am running Windows XP (Home) on a DellP4 PC at 2.8 GHz with 1.0 GB RAM, 80 GB hard drive and DSL from Verizon. I recently downloaded and ran Spybot 1.5.1 and found that the program was trying to change my "HOSTS" file (C:windowssystem 32driversetchosts). Should I go along with this change, and if so, what is about to change? If not, how do I stop the program from continuing to try to make this change?

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Computer Is Running Really Slow And Internet Explorer Keeps Getting Redirected

May 4, 2005

I downloaded a bunch of stuff on this computer and I don't know what all I need to get rid of. The computer is running really slow and Internet Explorer keeps getting redirected.

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Shutdown When Running Avg / Spybot

Mar 31, 2006

Ive just reinstalled xp on a toshiba laptop because windows explorer was damaged and no windows would open. Before this, windows was shutting down at random during startup or when running certain programmes.It was easier to reinstall than fix as no data on the pc was needed & it had a restore disk.the restore seemed to be successful.After loading avg, spybot & spywareblaster, I ran spybot. Halfway through, the pc restarted. Tried again, same prob. Tried avg, This had the same result whilst checking the hosts files, It shuts down whilst checking a file around here: c:i386mdmtosh Tried again, same prob.I have now been told that these programmes did the same thing before the reinstall.

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Running AdAware And Spybot On XP

May 31, 2006

I am the administrator (at least I assume I am since I set up our home computer) on my home Dell Dimension. I try and run AdAware and Spybot regularly but it seems that I have to go to each desktop (there are five users on our home computer) to run them to make sure I clean up everything. As you can imagine, especially since my kids do a lot of cruising (most of it supervised), it takes a long time. I am hoping there is some way to be able to run these apps from my desktop and globally cover all desktops at once, but I haven't found it. Any suggestions out there? Thanks.

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Comp Running At 100% - Spybot Scan

Aug 27, 2006

I only noticed it earlier today, but for some reason I noticed that my machine was running a little slow this morning. So I did the usuall Disk Cleanup, Defrag and Check Disk. But to no avail my CPU is still running @ 100% without fluxuating(sp).
I also perform a spybot scan as well as a virus scan.

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Blue Screen On Startup After Running Spybot

Jul 30, 2009

So basically the computer I'm on was loaded with spyware so I decided to use Spybot to get rid of it. After running it it told me I needed to reboot to remove the rest of the spyware so I did. I got to the windows login screen and after logging into my screen I'm immediately met with a blue screen that flashes for about half a second and then goes to restart the computer. The only way that I can actually get into windows without it crashing is by logging in with safe mode.

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Extremely Slow Computer - Always Running Ad-aware And Spybot

Jul 20, 2005

My girlfriend's computer is extremely slow, and I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions. She has a Dell Dimension 2350, (I believe) with a celeron processor. It's not that old (maybe 4-5 years old?).

I am always running her ad-aware and spybot. I just updated her Norton Anti Virus and ran that last night. At this point, I'm not thinking it's any spyware or viruses since they've all been deleted and cleaned out. She used to have spyware, and a lot. Does anyone think that even though it's been cleaned out, perhaps some kind of "permanent" damage has been done to her registry as a result of the spyware I deleted from her computer several months ago?

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Results After Running L2mfix

May 1, 2005

Here are my results after running l2mfix, the other thread is closed so I am posting a new one.The problem I am having is that all of a sudden last week my IE took over my computer for no reason.I had walked away from my machine for about an hour, I do this often, and came back and couldn't do anything.Upon reboot, same thing, IE will not open and it will eat RAM, 100k to 200k making the entire system slow.I have used spybot and AdAware to remove all spyware and malware found. I have used also. Nothing is working. Before I go an uninstall the program I want to get to the root of the problem and then complete delete IE off my system. I am no using Opera and FireFox.

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Removing Registry Entries: Removed Program But Entries Exists ?

Jul 30, 2005

i had Nero 6 ultra edition and removed it but have still got entries in the registry causing problems with the reinstalling of it. i made a mess the license key entry and it won't reinstall. is there a way of removing all traces of the prog so that i can do a clean reinstall?

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Users Running Kazaa: Results In Slow Downs?

Aug 12, 2002

Kazaa!! The mother of all slow downs.. Well my people it doesnt get any easier than this.1. Get into Kazaa like you normally would.2. Click on the "tools" tab and than click options.3. you are now already in the user tab, uncheck "launch Kazaa automatically" and the one below it.4. And than, click OK.No need for restart

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Increasing Programs Priority Results In Running Slow?

Aug 12, 2002

In life, the only way to succeed is to get your priorities straight. Well tough-luck, to all you slackers, the computer world ain't much different. Windows has setup a system controlled hiearchy which is notably called the Priority System. By increasing a programs priority, the task manager tells the system to pay more attention to it, by feeding it RAM and optimizing that program to use the system cache more effifiently. Lets explore into the wonderful world of priorities.1.)

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Setting Mouse Speed At Maximum Results In Slow Running?

May 10, 2006

I set mouse pointer speed (speed cursor moves over the screen) set to max (in control panel)This was fine until I upgraded from a 19" screen to a DELL 2405, this being a 24" widescreen. Now the screen is massive (I run at 1920 res) and the mouse is just too slow when in XP. Is there any way I can tweak XP to speed my mouse pointer up even more.

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Computer Running Slow : Clicking Folders Results In Getting Properties?

Aug 5, 2007

my computer jams every now and again for a minute or 2 depending on what i do for E.g if i press ALT and TAB to quikly change wat im doing it jams. also whenever i click on something like a folder or shorcut of a program , instead of opening the file or folder the proprties come up ( this problem is now fixed but it might be a sympton of a virus or sumthing ?).i think its cuz of a file i downloaded off the internet.

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Unknown Entries: Never Seen Before Registry Entries?

Apr 27, 2008

Have got some registry entries in HKCU root folder that I have never seen before I have recently installed Net Framework 3.5 and Visual Basic 2008 Express, these entries may have something to do with one or both of these installs.

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Update Redirected To Win 95 Page

Feb 17, 2009

I have been trying to help a friend whose computer with XP Home had never been updated. We got all 3 service packs installed but when I tried to go to the Windows Update page, it is always redirected to a non-scanning page for Windows 95. I have searched the registry for the URL it is redirected to without results. Something is redirecting Internet Explorer to the Win 95 page and I cannot figure out what or why.

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Attempt To Use Update Get Redirected Spyware Or Virus

Aug 12, 2005

When i attempt to use windows update I get redirected to ; I have a feeling that this is not a ms site. Other symptoms include a heart shaped desktop shortcut named Online Dating as well as another icon that sports the Ghost Busters logo and titled Remove spyware.

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Hosts File Not Working?

Sep 19, 2005

Would someone help me please. My Hosts file is not working. Attached is the message I get warning me.

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Laptop Unable To Open Programs & Redirected To Unknown Sites?

Jan 23, 2009

Having major problems with my Laptop. Sometimes unable to open a window, redirected to unknown sites, inundated with pop-ups, unable to uninstall Microsoft Office 2003. Now I am unable to use my wireless connection.

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Changes In Shell32.dll/ Kernel32.dll/hosts/ User32.dll/ Ntoskrnl.dll?

Apr 12, 2008

I have been trying to fix an issue with a friends computer. Problem is I'm not very computer savvy :S So that's where you all come in :P I do have some knowledge of computer's and usually catch on pretty quickly. Basically I have been noticing my friends comp has become increasingly slow over the last week I have scanned with AVG and found a change in the following:

Shell32.dll, kernel32.dll, hosts, user32.dll, ntoskrnl.dll

I have tried searching for the shell32.dll and found it only to be in the C:/windows/system32 folder as someone recommended in another post I had read on here..Those are the only items showing in a complete scan of the system so I have no idea what is causing this..Also she has been noticing an increased amount of pop ups even when explorer is not running? I believe they are CID or CDI pop ups.

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Hosts File - Comcast Cable Connection

Jun 17, 2005

I am running Win XP SP2 on a 2.8 GHertz Pentium system with 1 GB memory. I
am using the Hosts file from the MVPS web site. It's size is about 274KB. I
have a Comcast cable connection.The MVPS web site states that a Hosts file larger than 135 KB may cause Internet Explorer to slow down and suggests changing the Startup Type of the DNS Client service from Automatic to Manual.However, as far as I can tell IE's performance does not obviously change if I disable Hosts (by renaming it) or change the Statup Type of the DNS Client service. I would character IE's performance in general as good to very good.

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New Registry Entries: App That Finds New Registry Entries?

Nov 16, 2005

is there a way or an app that finds new registry entries. say,,,after i get off the internet and i want to see if there've been any changes to it.

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Hosts File Not Blocking Sites Properly / Sites Blocked In Options?

Sep 9, 2005

Is there any reason the hosts file should not block sites properly?Certain sites I have put in there aren't being blocked, and this is a problem. Also, does it only block the major site (just the and not all subdomains of that? (for example "")

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Switch Web Site Hosts: Everyone See My Site But I Can See It Through Proxy?

Feb 9, 2008

I just switch hosts for one of my web sites. I change the name servers and they have propgated because I checked the DNS on a DNS report website and the domain name points to the new host. Everyone can connect to the new host and view my web site except for me. The only way I can connect and view my web site is if I go to it through a proxy. I tried flushing the cache. I tried clearing the temporary internet files and history. I tried disabling the negative caching through the registry. I tried restarting the dns client service.

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Having No Entries In SYSTEM.INI Or WIN .INI ?

Jan 18, 2006

Have no entries in SYSTEM.INI or WIN .INI ? Both are checked on the general page

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Spybot Cleaned More Than It Should Have

Mar 7, 2006

My sister did a Spybot scan and it apparently cleaned more than it should. After she did the "Fix", the computer crashed. When she tried to reboot, now all she gets is "Error loading operating system".We tried to reboot from the disk, and we get "searching from floppy, files not found""searching from cd-rom OK""boot from cd-rom, press any key", but when we press any key, nothing happens.Is there any other way to get this to boot from the disk so we can do a restore or file repair? I tried F8, but that didn't work either

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Spybot Can Not Get Rid Of This Virus

Jan 6, 2005

Here are the results of a scan that I did with Spybot.The program always flags this stuff, and it supposedly gets removed, but it keeps coming back, Can someone show me how to get rid of the following:

DSO Exploit: Data source object exploit (Registry change, nothing done)
HKEY_USERSS-1-5-18SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settingsones�1004!=W=3

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Spybot SD Won't Update

Apr 1, 2006

When I try to update Spybot SD, it says bad checksum. I've looked everywhere to find out what it means, but no luck. Does this make my Spybot unreliable? I run it and it comes up clean. I'm just concerned about the update problem.

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W32.spybot.worm Just Won't Go Away

Mar 30, 2005

I know nothing about computers but my boyfriend knows a lot and this has even stumped him. I keep getting notices about having the w32.spybot.worm on my computer. We've followed the instructions on symantec for removal, didn't work. We've formatted it by deleting the partitions, still came back. Then we did a low-level format, and it still came back. The website at symantec says it comes from Kazaa?! I don't have kazaa, and never have. I run Norton virus checks and it doesn't find it, or it says it already deleted it. I search my computer and delete all the little tftp zero byte files. They keep coming back, and I don't know what to do.

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Any Way To Delete Entries

Oct 11, 2004

After clicking on File at the top of the screen, a list of files opened by this program appears at the bottom of the drop down box. Is there any way to delete some or all of these entries?

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Svchost.exe - Downloaded Spybot And Ran It

Jun 20, 2006

I started having a strange problem happening. Upon windows 2000 start up, a DOS window opens saying that it is an instance of svchost.exe running. Now I know this has to run but this is the first time that it ever opened a window when doing it. So I figured something in the registry got whacked. So I downloaded spybot and ran it. It found 153 things that I certainly didn't want running on my computer. I had spybot delete them all. I then restarted my PC. The DOS window still pops up on startup.
I then looked at my start menu to see if something got added there that is starting this up on start up. Nothing. I then manually checked the register against another computer that I have that doesn't have the same problem. All instances of any calls to svchost.exe on both computers appear to be the same

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