Extremely Slow Computer - Always Running Ad-aware And Spybot

Jul 20, 2005

My girlfriend's computer is extremely slow, and I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions. She has a Dell Dimension 2350, (I believe) with a celeron processor. It's not that old (maybe 4-5 years old?).

I am always running her ad-aware and spybot. I just updated her Norton Anti Virus and ran that last night. At this point, I'm not thinking it's any spyware or viruses since they've all been deleted and cleaned out. She used to have spyware, and a lot. Does anyone think that even though it's been cleaned out, perhaps some kind of "permanent" damage has been done to her registry as a result of the spyware I deleted from her computer several months ago?

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Run Spybot, Ad Aware - System Becomes Slow

Apr 5, 2006

The system has pop-ups and everything is running slow. I've run spybot, ad aware Norton�s internet security, Found lots of spyware but still slow and when connected to internet my browser is redirected via pop-ups. Also I have had the computer crash and had to do use xp recovery console and chkdsk to recovery the operating system twice.There are five separate users who can log on as administer and change the settings but do I have to run the scans and edits in each user account or do the changes cover the whole of the accounts.

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Computer Running Very Slow: Running Ad-aware Still Same?

Dec 24, 2006

I ran Ad Aware SE and later Spyawre Doctor and found nothing also clen temp. files on IE/Tools/temp folders then I ran %temp% and deleted all temp files but it gave me an Error File or Folder mon000 that says close any programs that might be using the file and try again. I don' know what file that is. there are two files that were not deleted: mon000.log and one named Dat.File pefib Perfdata Also ran ATF-cleaner

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Very Slow Computer: Running Ad-aware Wont Work?

Feb 1, 2005

My PC has been acting dicey lately. I have run ad-aware, spybot, etc.

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Very Slow Computer: Running Ad-aware Wont Work?

Jan 11, 2005

my computer is running very slow and i have also checked it for viruses but wont find any thing

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Computer Is Running Very Slow: Run Ad-aware And Spyboot Wont Work?

Jan 15, 2005

My computer has been dragging for 2 days now. I ran Ad-aware6 and Spybot S&D and found no problems with either.

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Extremely Slow Start Up - Ran Ad-Aware And Scanned For Virus

Jan 23, 2006

Starting about two Sundays ago (1/15), I've noticed that my laptop is painfully slow to start up (whereas it had not been before). I hadn't installed anything new (but I have installed things since). Everything goes fine, Windows starts, I get the welcome screen, that dissapears and my desktop show up but it takes at least 3 to 4 minutes before my icons and start bar show up. I just restarted now to test and it took 6 minutes. I ran Ad-Aware and scanned for virus' last Wednesday. Still crawling, but otherwise, once it starts, performance has not declined.

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Computer Lagging Up / Have Run Spybot And Ad Aware

Oct 3, 2006

My computer is lagging up to the point where I'm getting ready to format, just wondering if someone could take a peak at my HJT log and let me know of any baddies in there. I run spybot and Adaware all of the time and I use Avg Antivirus.

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Computer Running Slow: Firefox Working Extremely Slow?

Jan 4, 2006

My pc was working just fine a few days ago then last night i go on it was just dragging.Everything was loading slow despite the fact i have even firefox was loading slow which it never does.Anyway i asked my sister who was the last one on if she clicked on anything but no surprise the reply was I didn't do anything so i guess it was a ghost .I ran NAV but nothing found then again NAV doesn't seem to find anything

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Computer Running Very Slow / Mouse Runs Extremely Slow?

Sep 8, 2006

Pc taking for ever to load, mouse slow too...

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AIM Worm In Computer : Norton, Ad-Aware SE, Spybot, Unintalling And Reinstalling Wont Work?

Aug 17, 2005

I've tried Norton, Ad-Aware SE, Spybot, unintalling and reinstalling, and I still have this worm. Basically, it just sends an IM to anybody I'm talking to, saying check this out: and then a hyperlink. I don't know if this is the best place to come but its the only place I could find. Could somebody either tell me how to fix this or point me in the right direction to somebody who can?

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Computer Running Extremely Slow - Cpu Usage 100%

Mar 5, 2007

Could someone please take a look at my HJT log. My CPU went up to 100% about ten minutes ago and hasn't dropped since. I didn't see any odd processes and I just restarted and it just jumped right back up to 100.

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Computer Running Extremely Slow While Rebooting

Jul 26, 2005

my computer has been running abnormally slow, and I don't mean 5-10 seconds for a program to load, more minutes. Once, it took, from turning the computer on, to arriving on desktop a total of 12 minutes, that was without half the stuff even loading by then!

The slow speed usually occurs when rebooting, I left my computer on for serveral days and eventually it worked good as ever.

I'm not sure if it matters, but soon before loading the desktop, there's a weird grinding type noise coming from the computer, this lasts for about 5-6 seconds, and happens several times.

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Computer Is Running Extremely Slow During All Aplications

Jul 17, 2008

computer is running extremely slow during all aplications. takes a long time load settings or open any program.

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Computer Running Extremely Slow On Certain Web Pages?

Mar 19, 2006

hey bck agen with my problem *** computer seems be running really slowly and certain web pages tend to mess up too

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CPU Usage At 100% / Computer Running Extremely Slow?

Oct 14, 2008

my computer running extremly slow and all the times task manager shows CPU usage at 100%

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Computer Running Extremely Slow - Done System Restore

Jun 7, 2010

it takes forever to do anything. It's like it can only do one thing at a time its so slow. When I turn it on and log into my profile, it takes about 5 mins for it to load the desktop and about another 5 mins to load the antivirus software (Norton Security Suite 2010). The same goes for everything I do on this computer, it takes a while for the internet browser (IE 8 and FireFox), opening any program on this computer takes a while to load up. I have run Norton and it doesn't come up with anything. I have done a system restore a couple of times but it doesn't seem to help any

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Computer Is Running Extremely Slow While Opening Browser

Oct 6, 2010

Whether opening the browser or Windows explorer or a software programs - this thing is like pulling teeth. It wasn't that bad the other day and it seems like overnight it got unbearable. I did a disk cleanup

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Computer Running Extremely Slow / Shut Down Automatically?

Apr 20, 2006

comp is running very slow... he signs in and gets kicked out and computer shuts down sometimes.

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Extremely Slow Running Computer After Installing Norton 2007

Oct 2, 2007

since i updated to norton 2007 my system has slowed down dramatically. i have run spywares and scanned for viruses but nothing seems to come up

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Computer Running Extremely Slow: Having All Antivirus & Spyware Installed?

Jan 4, 2008

After searching some searching, I am unable to find threads that will assist me with this. But i would really appreciate some direction on how to "unclog" my laptop. Windows XP Pro, 1gb Ram, 80 Gb hardrive (maybe the size is the prob?), Adaware CCleaner, AVG Free. AVG Spyware, Zonealarm.

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PC Running Extremely Slow

Sep 19, 2005

My pc is running extremely slow and is more often than enough running a 100%. This means I can only do one thing at a time i.e. If I am playing the media player I can't look at the internet.

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Pc Running Extremely Slow - Virus?

Jan 30, 2008

is it a virus or what?

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PC Running Extremely Slow - Ran AVG And C Cleaner

Feb 21, 2008

My PC seems to have started running extremely slow lately. I have ran AVG and C Cleaner and still didnt help any. Don't know why it is so slow. I have DSL and it is running slower than when I had dial up

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HJT / Running EXTREMELY Slow Need To Reboot

Dec 5, 2005

The computer is a Dell Dimension 3000 with 512 MB RAM, and an Iomega Zip Drive attached. For some reason, it is running EXTREMELY slow at times, and need to reboot. I have run Trendmicro, Mcafee, Panda, Microsoft Antispyware, and Adaware but nothing serious seems to come up. I've run Registry Mechanic, Regseeker but it still runs slow at times.

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Slow Computer - Ad-aware Sypbot 1.3 Virus Scanner

Mar 28, 2005

My Computer is running slow. I have Ad-Aware Se, Spybot 1.3, and for a virus Scanner, i have AVG. i need someone to help me to speed this computer.

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Cyctem Running Extremely Slow At Login

May 23, 2006

I have a Dell Inspiron 4150 running Windiws XP Home Edition.

I ripped some music off of some CDs. Approximately 10 albums I think. Everything worked fine. I closed the laptop screen (did not shut down the computer). When I tried to login yesterday, the process was ''extremely slow''. It takes normal time to get to the login screen upon boot-up but then its like a freeze. I can move the mouse but the rest of the process is taking way too long. I noticed the hard drive light continously lit and some kind of noise coming like something is going on. I tried starting the computer in safe mode and it works

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Extremely Slow PC Running - Right Direction To Catch Some Speed ?

Jun 22, 2005

I've got a P III that is crawling from window to window. It was very fragmented and had some viruses. I have since defraged and run the latest spybot to clear everything but the system is still very slow. Does anyone know of any free tools that could run diagnostics and maybe point me in the right direction to catch some speed ?

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System Running Extremely Slow - Zone Alarm Due To Trojan

Nov 29, 2007

I am currently running XP and have zone alarm due to trojan I had a year ago. Two months ago for some reason I could no longer change my desktop background and when i tried to restore the computer to a previous time before we had the problem it would not work-none of the days I tried to restore (I tried multiple days). I since was able to restore my desktop (my brother ran some program) but ever since then the computer has run EXTREMELY SLOW

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Machine Running Extremely Slow - Mcaffe Program Caused More Slowdown

May 30, 2005

My emachine is running so slow that you have to wait for the START key to respond! I ran adaware and spybot, they found data miners, ad programs etc. I also renewed the mcaffe program lately which has caused additional slowdown

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Computer Extremely Slow-HJT Log

Apr 6, 2007

I have a dell inspiron 700M, intel pentium m, 1.80 ghz, 496 mb ram, xp pro sp2....my computer has been running extremely slow. it takes over a minute and a half to load internet explorer. Attached is my HJT log.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 12:14:34 AM, on 4/6/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)

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