I just remove a program using add/remove program. Only then I remembered that i put some files in that program folder. It seem add/remove also delete the folder with all it's contents. Is there anyway I can retrive my files back?
WINDOWSSystem32smss.exe and C:WINDOWSsystem32winlogon.exe were accidently deleted. How can I get them back. My system retore was turned off so no chance going there if this was any possibility.
Does anyone know how i can manually recover my files. I would prefer to do it myself cause its free or if you can point me to some good freeware that will help me recover my files.
Please help. I have a old hard drive that was crashed. However, I need some important files from it. I tried to boot up it as a second hard drive with my XP computer that is NTFS, but I can't see files from that hard drive. I couldn't convert it to NTFS because it is a 500MB hard drive. Please teach me how to get files from it.
I have got 3 partitions on my HDD namely C, D and E drive.C is the windows drive , the other two are normal data storage drives. Yesterday when i started the PC, i found that all the folders on my E drive have become empty and the files which i can see do not work. Everything on the partition has become useless.Even though all folders show 0 files, the used disk space is same as before.Is it some kind of virus?
One more thing, i tried to system restore. When i reached the system restore screen, i found out that all my restore points are gone and i cant restore my PC to any earlier date, even though i have assigned nearly 20% of each disk for creating restore points. Even the calendar in system restore screen wont show a previous month except the current month.
My hard drive died on me recently. I bought a new one, put the jumper on master and put the dead hard drive on slave hoping to retrieve the files that were stored on it, but my computer won't recognize it. I checked the cable connections and they seem to be fine. When I put another good hard drive on slave the computer does recognize it. Could I still somehow retreive the files from the old hard drives or did I lose them for good?
I have recently had to perform a complete system recovery on my computer because I had lost control. The computer kept shutting down and starting up on its' own. I tried everything I could before I did a recovery, but it did not help. I thought I had all my important files backed up but that was not the case. My question is, can I retrieve any files now that I have done a complete system restore? I am trying to retrieve all my Quicken files. How would I go about it?
I am hoping someone can help! I did some disk cleanup and in add/remove programs, I deleted programs that, according to add/remove, had not been used in a few years and were taking up space. I did this b/c my PC was running super slow. (if anyone has advice for this ailment I will welcome all responses)Anyway, I inadvertently deleted my calculator, character map and iexplore.exe. I found a free download for calculator, but the other two apps I am at a loss for. I have searched for the files and looked under "all programs" and cannot find either one.
I frequently visited an investment site, then suddenly I started receiving "this page cannot be displayed" messages, and down in the lower left it said Unknown zone instead of Internet when I tried to connect.. do you know which setting has been changed, or could one of my kids accidentally have blocked this site
I bought a 400 gig drive to move all my video data onto and in the process of repartitioning the few 80 gig drives in my external firewire enclosure I deleted the partition on my 400 gig drive with all my video. You can't delete a file in XP without it prompting you, then it goes to your trash bin, then it prompts you before emptying the trah in. But delteing a partition is a simple right click and no mesagebox to confirm.
I have a sony vaio laptop model vgn-n220e and it came with vista which sucks by the way. I loaded xp pro on it and now i just need help finding drivers so i can get my power/battery settings back, wireless interent, sound so on, would really appreciated someone pointing me in the right direction
everytime I close my browser, I.E. 6, my login names/i.d. for all sites are erased. Have to enter again and saving but not working. Have checked all settings that I can think of ? Ran spyware, anti-virus and registry fix.Running xpsp2.
I have a laptop on which windows xp home is installed on c drive. It has a hard didk of 160gb all on c drive. Whenever i reinstall windows on my laptop all my data get erased. Is it possible to make another drive and allocate some 80 gb to it so that on reinstalling the data does not get erased.
My system restore points are erased every 24, 48 or 72 hours. It appears to be random. I use XP home edition. I use XPfire wall. I use McFee & it is updated automatically. I have 60 Gig of free space on my hard drive. I have checked for a virus with both McAfe & Stinger. No virus detected
I have a five year old dell dimensions 8200. Three years ago, I added a 250 gig. D-drive. My computer has been so slow that I wanted to reinstall windows. So, erased and formatted my D-drive and put windows on it. I then added a program called "Wipe Drive" in order to erase my C-drive. (I was thinking to use my d-drive mainly and c-drive for backup). I closed my computer, then when I went to reboot, i first got the message "ntldr is missing press control alt delete." So, I did this. I soon did not get the ntlrd message and got a message saying failure to boot and press contol, alt, delete to restart. I tried to instal windows again and it did not boot. I did the f2 thing and made sure my cd-rom was first. I did the f12 thing and tried to open cd. Nothing has worked to help boot or get to the blue screen that lets me choose drive.I think I erased important start up info on my c-drive.
Lately my computer had been getting slower and slower, so I decided that I would "reformat" it. I got my compaq recovery cd and restarted my computer and brought up the setup. Apparently I made the mistake of pressing the restore defaults option because now my computer won't boot up. It will show the compaq thing and then it brings me to a black screen that says "Starting Windows 98" and then lists some information that doesn't pertain to rebooting the computer and then gives me this A:> and then the option to type somthing. So far I can't find out what to do. I also can't find a way to use my recovery cd either. Is there anyway that I can get my computer back again by either setup, the disk, or the A:> function? If so can someone please help me?
How do I retrieve a lost password? When I attempt to set account info I get "error 0x80070005 access is denied. you do not have permission to perform the required operation." I am the administrator.
I had an image from an email as my desktop image and accidentally changed it to the default. The email image I was using previously is not saved anywhere on my computer and I do not have the email anymore. For the first five or six times I turned the computer on or off the old image would flash for a brief second (this no longer happens). I am wondering if the email image might be saved somewhere that might be possible to retrieve or is it gone for good?
I am doing a repair install of my windows XP. The program is asking for the volume licence nr. When I enter the number on the disk it says that the nr is invalid. Is there any way to retrieve this information from my old installation. I cannot get into windows because of an Harddrive error that was repaired.
I own legal copies of a number of software packages, but have misplaced the CD-keys. Is there a way to retrieve the data from a backup of the XP registry drive?
In Win XP Command Prompt is Hidden...Cannot Retrive Command Prompt. Right now the PC I am working is showing no run option From Start>Run Usually In WinXP you can right click on Start>Properties>Classic Start Menu>Display run option you can see, I compared two WinXP Machine Side beside One have Start>Properties>Classic Start Menu>Display run Other one dont have that, My Question is if somehow it got Deleted/ Or got Hidden How to Retrieve it
I don't know how I did it, but I deleted some very important info into my trash and then deleted my trash. It seems my restore system only does a restore once a day, and yesterday at 4:00 doesn't work for me.I thought my old version of widows had something like that. Any ideas
I have two pc's and they are nearly identical. Mine just had major issues and I want to retrieve the data on the system before I try either a fresh install on that HDD, or perhaps get a new HDD and swap that instead of my current one.I don't know if it's my HDD that failed, but after a major episode, and doing a repair, it keeps locking up on the checks and when bypassing that, it still locks up when I do get to log in. I tried to system restore, but apparently I don't have a restore point to do this, it just points to today. So, I've read that I can put the HDD from pc #1 (which is having the issues) into pc #2, which is working just fine) and transfer pics, docs, fav places, etc, that I want to save.I have no idea how this works. I've read about slaving and jumpers and such and this is all greek to me. I'm a reasonable beginner insofar as I know enough to really get myself in trouble, so I could REALLY use a detailed step by step description of what I should do. I'd also like to do some kind of diagnostic on the HDD from the pc that is exhibiting the problem to see if I do indeed need to get a new one.
my pc started goin into what looked like the old windows 95 after booting up after a few mins everytime and nothing would work very good so i tried system recovery and it didnt respond so i decided to to do a non destuctive reinstallation of windows. so after it was all reinstalled i looked for my data when i hold my cursor over the hard drive in my computer its says total size 350 gb free space 160gb so my datas is there somewhere and in documents and settings there is two administrator folders so one i will have my data in but i cnnot access it it comes up a error access is denied.