Reinstall Gets Stuck Up

Jul 9, 2008

reinstall gets stuck even after bios is set for cd rom

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Pro Dos Stuck Up While Reinstall After Format?

Apr 22, 2006

I chose not to load SmartDrive (mostly because I was too lazy to look for the disk I have it on). Now the installation process seems stuck (40 min or so) at the "Please wait while files are copied onto the HDD yada yada" phase. Should I just reboot and try again? Do I need to format again? Will load SmartDrive this time.

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Reinstall Stuck In Loop - Reformat Drive

Nov 12, 2007

OS crashed and am trying to reinstall Windows XP Pro. Problem is I've reached the blue Windows screens and getting error message that 'can't locate asms file'. Now I can't finish the install, and I can't boot from cd to try to reformat drive and reinstall. when I restart Windows XP splash screen comes up, the blue install windows comes up and the error message comes up.

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Reinstall Home How Do Reinstall All Program Files?

Dec 8, 2007

I reinstall Windows XP Home because My computer was messed up. It deleted all my files.. so on my desktop screen I don't have any Program Files Icons. BUT it still save my Files. I have my orginial files in my Documents folders and In my Program Files It has all the Programs and files that go with that program? How do I zap everything back on my desktop screen so I don't have to go Download each files as new again??? And I how do i get my Internet Favorite Links and my Notepad with my saved information in it? Yes I did try the "Start" and then program files and none of the programs are there.. BUT yet it is in my Program Hard drive C: Program files. with the Program and all it's content?

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Can Reinstall Help & Support Or Reinstall / Repair Win

Jul 23, 2005

My Help and Support stopped working about the same time I installed the free utility GhostScript / Gsview so that I could view postscript files. I tried posting a question on another usenet newsgroup, but the answer of: click on install on the C:windowsinfpchealth.inf file - resulted in a search for the file dataspec.xml in the C:windowsinfi386 directory - Unfortunately, such directory does not exist on my C: drive. Furthermore, the "K:I386" directory of my Original Win XP Home CD does not contain any file named "dataspec.xm_ or .xml".And beyond that, I ordered a new Win XP SP2 CD, which just now arrived by mail - and there is no "K:I386" directory on that CD, nor does the CD apparently contain any file called "dataspec" (including dataspec.*).Another effort toward resolution occurred via another usenet post I read, which suggested opening the XP command line feature and executing a system status command, that displayed enabled services - I used that method, and switched the Help and Support service off and then on again. Such action did not in-fact enable the Help feature (including, of course restart), despite the indication that the Help and Support service was enabled. I am, and have been, running a purchased-CD version of Win XP Home, with a downloaded SP2 revision (I have not installed the new Win XP SP2 CD). Basically, I want to find out the means and methods for enabling my Win XP SP2 Help and Support feature, that apparently has been disabled or otherwise rendered inoperative.Is a reinstall of Win XP possible and the best choice? What are the other options?

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Fresh Reinstall Cannot Reinstall Broadband

Jan 22, 2008

Because of massive system porblems I have had t reinstall XP Pr with SP2. Before reinstalling XP I formmated the hard drives t give me a blank canvas to work. The reinstall worked fine but I cannot reinstall my Virgin Media Bradband service. Before the reinstall the bradband service was wrking fine..When I originall took out the bradband service it was through NTL. My cable modem states 'NTL' and the broadband disk has NTL' on it and I registered it tthough NTL. Now Virgin Media has bought up NTl annd I don't know if there is a compatibility prblem. Des somebdy else know?

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Format & Reinstall, Or Reinstall Over Existing

Apr 5, 2005

I've been having some internet connectivity problems lately, and I believe it's due to some nasty spyware. I've already gone through all the steps to correct this (checking my DSL speed, anti-spyware scans, anti-virus scans, doing it all in safe mode, even reset my winsock.dll, etc.) but I'm still having problems with slow browsers. So now I think I'm faced with reinstalling Windows XP. My question is, should I do a format & reinstall, or is it better to reinstall Windows over my existing version? I have a Compaq Presario, and it comes with a Recovery CD.

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Stuck At Welcome Screen

Oct 4, 2007

I am stuck in the welcome screen on windows xp and I am hoping to find a solution that won't require me to reinstall windows as I am afraid I will lose my documents, picutures etc. I have some important things in there as far as pictures that I had not put on cd yet.

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Stuck At Welcome Screen

Oct 8, 2008

I have a dell latitude d600 laptop and i keep getting stuck at the welcome screen. not frozen, i can move the mouse cursor around but there's no options to choose from so i'm essentially stuck. i usually keep my computer in stand by and then everythings fine. but occasionally i shut down my computer and thats when i have this problem. this problem started once in a while when i started up the computer but now it happens everytime i start it up. i called a tech support number and they had me goto "start" then "run" and type in "prefetch" and over 50 files came up. the man on the phone said there should be about 7 files there.

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Acer Laptop Stuck!

Oct 27, 2005

A laptop that i have is stuck in "preparing to standby", and it has a battery attached so pulling the plug wont work and pressing the power button isnt helping either.
what should i do?

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Browser Gets Stuck,won't Shut Down Sometimes

Dec 12, 2007

All updates applied,IE 7 uninstalled,Norton2008 security 15 day trial for antivirus.Java updated. my browser gets stuck,won't shut down sometimes and just seems to hang and bog more often than not.As far as I know i am not running unnescasry programs in background.Pop up blocker is medium,security is default.

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Pro Won't Return From Hibernation Gets Stuck

Sep 4, 2005

I just upgraded my computer from windows xp home to windows xp pro, and ever since then i can't hibernate my gets stuck at the black start up screen when i try to come back from hibernation. I did get a new wireless internet card since then, which i though might have been the problem, but i uninstalled and it still was messed up. I also restored my computer back to an earlier date to try to resolve this problem, but once again

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PC Stuck In Reboot Cycle

Aug 29, 2007

I recently had a new PC built for me by a friend of mine. It had some problems intially so he re-installed Windows XP and changed the RAM voltage to 1.90 in the Setup menu as the PC boots up.Anyways, he kept my PC for about 2 weeks while I was on vacation, running various programs and using it for all kinds of tasks on a regular basis, and everything was fine.I've had it home for a couple of weeks now. Every once in awhile something seemed wrong, but usually a good reboot would solve any no big deal. However, within the past week, it's had terrible troubles rebooting. This is basically what will happen.
A. It will boot up to the Windows loading screen, but right before it gets to the screen where you select a user, it crashes with a quick flash of the blue screen of death (I see it for like 1/5 of a second--so I can't read what it says) and reboots. Sometimes when it reboots I get the option to boot up in Safe mode. When the problems first started, I could boot up in Safe Mode, restart from Safe mode and everything would be fine. Now, however, I'm usually not so lucky.
B.When I finally get it booted up, I'll get some Error about a Registry file that had to be recovered from an alternate copy: Recovery was successful.After that, I usually get error reports for the following programs. These are the most common programs that will randomly cease to function, but there are usually some other error codes thrown in there too.
1. MSN Live Messenger
2. GoogleChat (internal error)
3. AcroTray
4. AVG anti-virus
5. Logitech Messenger
C. Here are some other errors I have recieved at random times. Some I've got only once in many reboots, others have shown up a few times. The most recent ones are at the bottom.
1. Nvidia Driver error
2. SoundMax
3. Smax4PNP
4. Exception has occurred while trying to run C: Windows/system32/NVCPl.dll/NVstartup
5. Some error with SetfilePoanter/Kennel32.dll
6. Runtime error System32/svchost.exe
7. Windows has recovered from a serious error.
C: Docume~1mynameLOCALS~1 mepWER9613.dir00mini082907-08.dmp
and WER9613.dir00sysdata.xml

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Stuck In Safe Mode

Jul 21, 2006

I was having problems with Norton Live Update and requested assistance. Everything that they instructed me to do failed and finally they asked me to remove Live Update in "Safe Mode with networking" and then reinstall off the web. I do not work on a network, by the way. I only have Broadband at my home and I don't think that counts as a network, anyway. Well, I did what was asked of me and since that day the computer has been stuck in Safe Mode. It will not use any of the restore points that I have chosen when it asks "yes" or "no" to restoring to an earlier date in order to restart in Normal Mode. By the way, I am using my other Compaq laptop to send this message - even though the Toshiba can send and receive on broadband, even though it's stuck in Safe Mode.

I was having trouble with "Word" on this computer but that problem is insignificant to the one I now have with the Toshiba. Is there a remedy or am I bound to have to use the Recovery Disc that came with the machine when I bought it? Symantec have simply said that they cannot help me if it's stuck in Safe Mode. Brilliant. They are more worried about the Live Update problem than the fact that I am stuck in Safe Mode.

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Stuck In 640 X 480 Resolution 16 Bit & No Sound

Feb 10, 2008

I have a Dell Dimension 2400. My hard drive died & I bought & installed a new hard drive. I reloaded Windows XP with SP 1 which is the CD that came with my system (about 5 yrs ago). I completed the install & now the images on my screen are all screwed up. When I go to change the resolution the only selection in 640 X 480 Resolution 16 bit. When I go to Device Manager I do not see an ICON for my video. I also do not have sound. Can someone help me with this. I have an integrated motherboard. The video & audio cards are burnt into the motherboard. Can someone please help me with this.

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Pc Stuck - Formatting Automatically

Jul 13, 2009

during formatting my pc stuck on 27% for more than 15-20 minutes .i don't know why it stuck ,after that it proceed formatting automatically.after all hurdles pc works correctly but i m confused why it stuck on 27%

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Home Stuck When Repairing

Jan 19, 2006

i have a dell dimension 2400 - running XP Home, which was infected with numerous viruses and spyware - these were cleared - though due to its very nature a number of os files were removed/deleted. I then decided to run a repair of windows XP home to reinstall these files. However, on numerous attempts, the repair gets through to the Preperation Phase ok, and then gets stuck at the "installing Windows" phase, with 33 minutes to go - with the "installing Devices" box at around 80% bar completed.Has anyone any ideas what to do and fix this - apart from a clean install of course!

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Stuck At Login Screen

Dec 3, 2005

Ive recently been putting my comp in standby every night instead of shut down, but last night I shut it down and now it wont come back!! It stays at the Windows XP loading screen. I am only able to load it into "safe mode w/ networking." The "Last settings that worked" option does not work. I have tried to restore it 3 times to 3 different dates, and all give me the same result---stuck at windows XP screen in normal mode, or loading in safe mode.

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Stuck On Loading Screen

Jan 19, 2005

A few weeks ago, I was having virus problems on my computer, along with various other problems, such as Norton not working. One of these problems was that I would boot up my computer, and it would be stuck on the Windows XP loading screen with the little green bar forever and would not load the user screen. However, I could get the computer to boot up in Safe Mode with Networking and could get just about everything to work fine. Thinking that the problem with loading was a virus that had erased some of my system files, I reinstalled Windows and reinstalled Norton correctly along a Sygate firewall. Everything was running fine, I was running Spybot and Ad-aware every day and a full system scan weekly, but today, I started having the loading problem again. I have no idea where to start fixing it. I am currently running Safe Mode with Networking, so I can use the internet and most of my other programs, but I want Normal mode back for obvious reasons.

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Stuck At Login Screen

Dec 3, 2005

Ive recently been putting my comp in standby every night instead of shut down, but last night I shut it down and now it wont come back!! It stays at the Windows XP loading screen. I am only able to load it into "safe mode w/ networking." The "Last settings that worked" option does not work. I have tried to restore it 3 times to 3 different dates, and all give me the same result---stuck at windows XP screen in normal mode, or loading in safe mode.

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Stuck On Logo Screen

Aug 15, 2009

Got an HP Pavilion 563w with Pentiun 2.4, and 512 MB of ram, running an oem XP. One day, I tried to start it up, and it booted to the Windows logo screen with the black bar. The bar went across twice, then froze. Nothing else happens after that. Tried Known Good Configuration, same thing. Tried safe mode, stops at mup.sys. I tried to get into Recovery console, but doesnt seem to recognize my hard drive, as my only choices are off of the CD (Drive letter e). Tried to repair system files with an XP upgrade cd, and it tells me there's no operating system installed, and that I need to verify my install by loading the installation cd, which I dont have. So I tried to use the HP system restore feature on my computer, but it only gives me the option to reformat, and not repair. I am the fool who did not regularly back up files, so I still have some on there I would like to have. I thought I could install this drive as a slave in my newer computer, but the hard drive setup in that computer is SATA, and my problem child is an IDE drive. I did not install anything new (hardware or software) that I can remember in the days before it went south.

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Stuck At Splash Screen

Sep 14, 2009

My PC has developed a problem and I'm looking a solution. What I'm seeing is that when I boot my PC, it gets to the splash screen and I see the scroller moving but that's it. No color changes no BSOD, etc. At this point, I've been able to restore my system using an Acronis full system recovery but I would like to know what's going on behind the scenes when the progress bar moves but nothing.

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Stuck On BIOS Screen

Sep 27, 2009

I have a Dell inspiron 530s.Yesterday I ran an spyware doctor scan on my PC went to the shower and when I came back 30 minute's later the system had froze.I could not do anything so I turnt the PC off and rebooted.However when it rebooted it would not go past the Dell screen,that come's up straightaway,and the F12 and F2 key's are unusable as nothing whatsoever work's.I have tried rebooting taking out all connected thing's ie mouse speakers and wireless dongles,turnt it off for an hour and still nothing work's.All light's are on,monitor work's but the only thing that seem's to be missing is the light's on the keyboard num lock etc.

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Screen Stuck On Wallpaper

Oct 12, 2010

My XP desktop only shows my wallpaper. I can open programs using Task Manager.I can't run sfc / scannow from task manager - it just flickers a square box and disappears. Nothing changes. It won't run. It won't let me open any antivirus program.

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Disk Cleanup / Like It's Stuck

Aug 26, 2006

I am having a problem with cleaning my C drive. I tried last night about 2 am to use the Accesories/System Tools/Disk Cleanup and this morning at 10 am it has done NOTHING. It's like it's stuck on stupid or something. I had to go in and manually delete some files, but I am afraid to go to far with that.

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Update Stuck At 65 Percent

Jun 10, 2006

I have windows xp sp2 and i have turned on windows update and can see 46 updates in add/remove program but now the update is stuck at 65% and just starts for a few seconds and then disappears after system startup how can i get it going to recieve the latest update?

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Stuck In Safe Mode

Sep 27, 2007

I have a malware issue on a computer. I was in the process of fixing it when I tried to restart the computer in safe mode. The typical press F8 at the beginning of bootup did not work so I went to msconfig and told it to boot in safe mode. When I restarted, it did go into safe mode like I had hoped. However, I was not thinking ahead very far. This computer is connected to a domain so the user name and password I was using was from the network active directory. When going into safemode, obviously that will not get me logged in to the computer. The problem is that I did not load the OS originally and never logged in locally so I do not know a user name or password to allow me to log in. So now I am stuck with the computer booting in safe mode and no way to change it. Do you know of any ways to get past this?

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Stuck Folder Settings

Apr 28, 2008

I have hidden folders on my computer that I want to view. The odd thing is that it is already selected as view hidden folders in the folder options menu. No matter how I change the settings it is stuck on show hidden files, but it does not show them. I have also tried to restore defaults and it sets it to show hidden files. I pretty sure that show hidden files is not the default.

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Computer Stuck After Login

Mar 1, 2006

Can log in, but now nothing else works. My mouse works, but I can't use ctrl alt delete, and the only option left is to shut down.

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System Stuck After Start Up

Aug 9, 2007

I am at a internet cafe and have 55 mins left so i'll be quick my laptop starts up and then before it gets to the start up screen the computer won't carry on even in all other modes and even safe mode. This morning i think some sort of virus or something came on my computer when i saved a smilies in msn, but then my friend told me about it afterwards so i deleted it then.

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Scandisk Stuck At 0% Every Startup

Mar 20, 2006

Out of no where my computer has started running scandisk each startup (after proper shutdown). On top of that, scandisk gets stuck at 0%, and won't budge. I've tried starting up in safe mode and I can't even do that. Currently I have to wait for the scandisk screen, and press a key within the 10 seconds so scandisk doesn't get stuck. I would like to be able to run it completely and have it not bother me every start up.

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