Recovery DVD For Tosihiba A75?

Aug 9, 2007

get a recovery DVD for my Tosihiba A75?

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Unmountable Volume - Can't Launch Recovery Console Through Recovery Disc?

Sep 5, 2008

Hoping to avoid a full reinstall of Windows XP, I'd like to try some repair procedures. The problem is, when I launch my "Vaio PCV-RS430G" recovery disc it goes straight to Sony's proprietary recovery interface which provides ONLY the preset option to wipe my 'c' drive and reinstall Windows. According to some MS articles I've read, an XP recovery disc should allow me to access the Windows Recovery Console (by typing "R" at the welcome screen). Can anyone suggest how I can bypass the Sony recovery and get to the Windows Recovery Console?

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Dell Recovery CD With A New Build - Use Media Center RECOVERY CD

Dec 15, 2007

I had a Dell with XP Media Center Edition on it and I am going to make a new build. My question is, can I use the XP Media Center RECOVERY CD that came with the dell if I were to have a new CD KEY?

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Recovery Console To Recovery Registry

Nov 27, 2009

Trying to recover my registry from being corrupted. I am in Windows XP Pro recovery console. But when I try At the Recovery Console command prompt, type the following lines, pressing ENTER after you type each line: md tmp copy c:windowssystem32 configsystem c:windows mpsystem.bak. It says I cannot copy the file. The file cannot be copied.

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Creating SP2 Recovery File Disc Before Running OS Recovery Disc?

Sep 7, 2005

I looking for a way to make sure my Operation System is working correctly? I have a recovery disc for Windows XP PRO, but it says that it will wipe out all of my upgrades if I use it?Is there a Service Pack 2 Recovery File that I can download to a My desktop, and then burn to a CD?

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Lost Sp3 System Recovery Disc - Run A System Recovery Program?

Sep 17, 2008

I lost my system recovery disc. I also lost all of my games that came with cell, solitaire, paint..etc. I just want those back. Can I run a system recovery program on windows without a disc

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Using The System Recovery Console To Perform A System Recovery?

Aug 23, 2006

I need to do a System Recovery to restore my system back to its factory settings (I'm using WinXP Home). When I hit F10 upon startup in order to access the system recovery, nothing happens- it boots as it would regularly. I was able to boot up using the CD, and am now in the System Recovery console. Might anyone tell me what I need to do to perform a non-destructive, or even a destrucitve system recovery?

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Recovery Console Just Like Compaq Recovery Console For Home?

Jan 11, 2007

My question is regarding the recovery console available on Compaq machines. Is there a similar program to the Compaq recovery console that allows for the home user to install and back up their systems in a nearly identical manner as to how to Compaq R.C. works?

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Compaq Recovery Tools CD /Compaq System Recovery

Aug 18, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP3 with everything up to date as far as I know. I have the complete set of my PC's OEM Disks that I've used once when my OS was completely messed up, had Geeks Rescue out and they couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I know what they are for.What I'm not understanding are the several tools I'm afraid to open listed in my "Start"/"All Programs" I have both "Compaq"/"Compaq Presario PC Tools" with "Compaq Application Recovery"/"Compaq Recovery CD-DVD Creator"/"Compaq Recovery Tools CD"/"Compaq Support Information"/"Compaq System Recovery"/"Remote Assistance"/"Safety and Comfort Guide"

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Create Own Recovery Cd?

Jun 28, 2006

I have just installed Win XP and all the drivers needed for the hardware to work plus a few games etc. Now I wonder if there is a way to make a recovery cd of all this information so I can use that CD/DVD instead of my Win xp CD if I need to reinstall the system again.

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Xp Recovery Went Wrong

Sep 16, 2007

A few days ago I had to do a recovery to restore my laptop to the way it was when it left the factory. When I had finished the recovery and everything was working, the computer started to gradually get slower and slower the longer it was being used for. It eventually gets to the point where everything freezes and all windows or programs show "Not Responding" and it takes ages to close them down. When the computer is restarted, it is fine for a while, then gradually the same thing happens. I noticed the the CPU usage was over 50% while the computer was doing nothing except running. Please someone give me some idea of what's wrong,

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Need Recovery Disk

Mar 6, 2008

I want to reformat my hard drive but my computer of 2 years only came with a recovery disc. Do I have to purchase winxp to install the os? i need to purchase recovery disc where n how i proceed?

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Recovery Cd Creator

Sep 16, 2005

I bought a new pc with xp already installed. It's telling me to make a recovery cd and also to copy the recovery tools to cd. How do I get a recovery tools cd or if it's already installed, where is it?

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Need Recovery CD's For HP Pavillion 753 N

Jan 31, 2010

Hard disk wiped clean, HP can't supply anymore - anyone know where I can get a copy of CD set, either created from system or factory set?

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New HDD - Install - OEM Recovery CD

May 19, 2008

PC hdd crashed so I need to install new one. I have the OEM recovery CD but it has XP Home SP1. Also have the SP2 CD. Can I install SP2 from that CD or do I have to install the OEM CD first? Second, the PC had an ATA 100 EIDE hdd and I have a new ATA HDD but bigger. Do I have to do something with BIOS after installing the new HDD? The old hdd was 60g and new one is 160g.

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Hal.dll Fix Without Recovery Disk

Jul 26, 2009

All you need is a laptop or a pc with hal.dll error and another laptop or cpu running any other os....ok here we go all you need is a usb or flash drive 256 mb and sometimes mabee smaller.. now download slax 6.1.1 ( small stripped down version of linux capable of booting fully from usb) just extract it to the usb drive and run the bootinst file ( if using vista u need to go to cmd first then type the usb drive (ex.. d: ) then enter then type boot cd enter then bootinst.bat .....once the file opens continue with instructions and your almost there... Now put the usb into the pc or laptop with hal.dll error ..... when boot menu is up type watever it says (like hit the f key for boot order or boot menue or something) when u hit the f key then change boot order to usb hard drive to the 1 slot and save and onlmost there just start the computer and let slax boot this will take a few minutes and if the letters on the screene stop just wait it out for a couple of minutes.

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Potential Recovery CDs

Aug 6, 2006

A friend has a Sony PCV-RX650 desktop system running Windows XP Home edition. The BIOS has been telling them that the hard drive is failing so we want to replace it. They currently have an 80GB drive and were thinking that as long as they have to replace it they would go with something larger.I called Sony support and they told me that the Recovery CDs were designed to be use with the original OEM hard drive that came installed in the system and that they may not work with a new drive. Does anyone have any experience with this and, if so, did it work for you? I'm thinking that this is more of a policy statement rather than a technical one but thought I'd check with the FORUM community before trying it.

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Password Recovery?

Jan 23, 2006

i just got my desktop back after a year of sitting (no, i cant afford to buy a new one) and now i cant remember the password to log on. the OS is 2000 NT Pro which was installed JUST before the power supply went out-which is why its been sitting. the friend who installed it chagned my pass and also doesnt remember what it was/is. anyway, from my laptop, i made all the suggested boot discs to recover the password/s BUT it wont boot from anywhere but the standard mode. even when i get into safe mode, the log on box still pops up and asks for a pass. i am NOT compuer inclined at all ( i have to call tech support when i check my email, lol) so please make your replies in very simple, non-technical language. i assume this is the admin pass b/c even using "administrator" and "msg2000" (these are what my friend uses when she re-installs OS)doesnt get me in. is there a way to get into my computer w/o wiping it clean and re-installing the OS?

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Help Required For Recovery

Nov 29, 2008

im trying to do a full recovery on a friends computer is a tiny-windows xp,with mine all you need to do is click f7 when you turn it on but with windows xp.

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HP Recovery Freezes At 8%

Oct 19, 2008

I installed a new hard drive in an HP computer and am trying to do the recovery with the recovery disks. It goes through the format, setting up partitions, and then when it gets to copying files, it goes to 8% and locks up. I have tested the motherboard, the memory and the HD finding no errors. I also was on a chat line with HP and they basically told me nothing. If anyone has any ideas what might be stalling me,

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Automatic Recovery

Aug 4, 2007

Its a headache installaing all the applications all over again once the system has crashed or if i need to do a clean install.So, i wish to know if i can get a program or a method to create an automated recovery from an image tat is present in another partion. Can it be added to the Boot menu or start automated recovery with shortcut key? it should not ask for any CD or anything of tat sort during recovery.

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File Recovery

Apr 5, 2010

I would like to ask if I can recover a file that I accidently wrote over? I have been writing my business plan for 2 weeks and yesterday accidently selected an old file, saved it and loss a great deal of my recent information. Needless to say, I am terribly upset with myself as I had not printed, or hand wrote anything. I've had been saving every 15 minutes on my hard drive and thumb drive, I just didn't realize that I have over-written the most recent file.

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Best Software For File Recovery

Oct 8, 2010

which is the best software for file recovery on a crasshed hdd?

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Formatting XP - Dell Recovery Cd

Dec 19, 2004

i'm haveing tonz of probleums with XP and i'm not really sure what to do, i don't have much space left and i would like to just start over i have formatted it twice before, and fixed all the probleums. now if i do it from that will i still need the windows XP cd and such, i also have my dell recovery cd if this helps? Thankz for any help!

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Recovery Vista After Downgrade To XP

Aug 31, 2008

With all the threads providing help for people who want to downgrade their Vista OEM branded systems to XP, I'm wondering how you go back to Vista if desired using the recovery partition. In this particular case the computer in question is a Dell. I successfully installed Windows XP, but the MBR was obviously overwritten, so the F8 and F11 keys do not provide the option to access the recovery partition. I did some searching on the web, but I wasn't able to find a solution to this

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After System Recovery - Pc Is Not Working Well

Aug 18, 2005

Having problems after a System Recovery. HP Pavilion Desktop 980-XA. Used the 7 System Recovery disks provided by HP. All seemed to go well. No errors appeared until I restarted.

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SP3 Slipstreaming Recovery Partition

May 4, 2008

I have an interesting problem regarding SP3. When I install it, my PC won't boot unless into safe mode, however it runs so slow it takes an hour to start up. I was able to uninstall SP3 and my computer went back to normal. Also, I would like to attempt to slipstream an HP recovery partition with SP3. My last attempt wasn't successful, but I haven't tried very hard. I have an extra HDD so I should be able to copy the partition to that and mess with it there while leaving the regular partition intact. Has anyone been successful with something like this in the past?

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Wrong Recovery Disk

Mar 19, 2006

i have 2 computers both is a e-4200 xp home edition and the other is a 819 gm xp media center. i took the recovery disk from the media center and put it on my e-4200 computer thinking it would speed it up. well i was wrong. and now i want to take it off and i don't no how .i have been working on it for 2 days and i am still at the same spot where i was when i started. does any one no what i can do to resolve this probleam. i do not have the recovery disk for the e-4200 computer to restore it back .

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System Recovery Disk

Dec 27, 2004

Purchased a Presario SR1220nx two months ago. It came with a 'System Recovery Disk".(SRD) Is this all I would need incase of a complete software problem to get back in operation again or should I be copying some additional OS files to a CD ? What are the disadvantages of the SRD and the advantages of having the WinXP software ? Seems to me that the SRD is all that I need in case of a failure?

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What Is System Recovery Disk?

Mar 22, 2005

I've just bought a used laptop running XP Home. It comes with a system recovery disk. Can I use that to do a clean install of the OS so as to remove every trace of the previous owner whose name keeps popping up in folders that can't be deleted or re-named.

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New Laptop With Pro No Recovery Disk

Oct 1, 2008

My old laptop died and I now have a brand new, factory sealed Toshiba Satellite Pro, model L300. It came with trial versions of MS Office. I don't want to use the trial version since I have a perfectly good version that I porchased a few years ago. (It's the Teacher and student Edition 2003.) At first I tried installing the 2003 version that I own. It seems to go through the install procedure to the end, but when I try to open OUTLOOK, I get an error that states the MAPI32.DLL" is corrupt.

I spoke with Toshiba but they were not a great help. The told me to go the ADD?Remove and remove the MSOFFICE trial version, which I did. I also removed the 2003 Version
so that I could "start from scratch", so to speak, trying to keep things "graceful".
The same error occurs after installing the 2003 software, and oddly, some of the
2007 software still seems to be there!. Probably residing in the registry somewhere.

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